speckledcat ago

I am sure there is a new private one now

gopluckyourself ago

MOOOOOOODDDDS /u/kingkongwaswrong [O] /u/Melitica [J] /u/Crensch [O] /u/numbchuck [J] /u/KnowThyself [M] /u/heygeorge [D] /u/VictorSteinerDavion [O] /u/Phobos_Mothership [M] /u/Millennial_Falcon [M] /u/RedGreenAlliance [J] 2. Posts not about PIZZAGATE specifically will be removed. 3. EVERY new discussion post needs to cite at least one source and provide an explanation as to why you believe it is relevant or furthers the investigation. 7. Where the title is not sufficient to explain the connections/content of a link, the body must explain the connection.

Drunkenmoba ago

Better thought: Where did they move to?

whitehand ago

Bill was there chief moderator.

whitehand ago

Now we just need to file a lawsuit against reddit for allowing it in the first place.

snr2snt2000 ago

Thank the Lord.

Bouchart ago

Hmm. I applaud the decision, but there's also a benefit to having a bunch of pedophiles in one place, where they can be conveniently and easily monitored...

Bilderberg_Jerk ago

Thank the maker! Rape is NOT an orientation. Swallow a bullet pedos. Only therapy that works.

evilhillary ago

Honestly I think this is just the first step so they can ban other subs and not ridiculed for keeping shit like pedofriends

Alois_sticklgruber ago

I ran a campaign for weeks trying to get that shit banned. Ended up getting banned from a bunch of subs because, " i wasnt understanding enough".

I stand by my statements that they all need to die, slowly.

Fuck pedophiles

PresentDay ago

pedofriends was just as against child molestation & abuse as pizzagate.

The more time I'm spending here the more I realize the majority doesn't actually care about truth, you just want to witchhunt.

organic1 ago

Looks like a complete mirror of Reddit.

gauss_markov ago

I mean aren't we all from Reddit, at some point?

NoBS ago

Deep state whacked Mayor Rudy the Pizzazz I'm not a Gate Giuliani.

VieBleu ago

lol good point.

IlluminatiKing ago

Spez probably had bad pizza and lashed out by banning the sub all together.

pornhub_katie ago

So, you're celebrating censorship?

whitehand ago

Sorry but distributing cp isn't protected under the first amendment.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I'll celebrate censorship of pedophilia.

Laserchalk ago

If they are going to ban subs then this should have been one of the first to go.

postfascion ago

You may be right, that's a brave thing to say, and their agenda may be to associate freedom of speech with the filth at the bottom of the barrel. However, I'm pretty sure the public deserves more credit in distinguishing between legitimate dissent and tolerating the activities of some who get off from abusing the helpless. Rosa Parks paedophiles aint.

Julian55 ago

You know why they shut it down? Probably had evidence they had to cover up.

l23r ago

Winner winner, chicken and cheese pizza dinner.

Poot_McGarvey ago


You'd think the reasons to ban them would have been the same weeks and months ago as they were now. Why didn't they ban them before... yaknow?

HashTagFU ago

They are losing massive traffic. Fuck Reddit. I hope it goes down in flames and takes loser Hufboy with it.

Trabidius ago

What happened on December 19th?

williczek ago

I don't think it is related. I only posted this because big amount of people here were mad about the fact that pizzagate got purged and pedofriends were still up. And rightly so.

JvbJvb ago

How was PizzaGate banned before these fucks

SIash ago

Because /r/Pizzagate became a threat to one of Reddit's backers or shareholders. This was exactly the same thing that happened to /r/European. I'm actually surprised /r/The_Donald wasn't shut down early because obviously their tactic of sliding and shilling from inside has backfired on them. Now it's too late and the backlash would be huge, much bigger than /r/Pizzagate which was terminated just as it took off big. Also actual harassment and brigading subs like /r/ShitRedditSays get a free pass because they just target meaningless individuals that the staff doesn't care about. Just like bureaucrats and their laws, the rules on reddit aren't created to help or protect the average user. They are made to give administrators justification to swing their dick around and to protect their financial interests, which is probably a sensible thing for them to do but they should at least be honest and upfront about it.

faissaloo ago

I'm out of the loop: What was /r/pedofriends exactly?

go1dfish ago

One of the last examples of a token free speech sub on Reddit.

Reddit has been much more controlling of content and espescially the homepage over the last few years but they have attempted to maintain the appearance of being a bastion of free speech by keeping around some smaller objectionable subs while the meat of the site is more heavily curated than a news broadcast.

Once one of these token bad subs gets too much attention in the mainstream press Reddit shuts it down and looks like the "good guys" making a tough decision that goes against their "edgy" reputation for free speech which is really only a memory at this point.

Jailbait, TheFappening, FatPeopleHate, CoonTown, PizzaGate etc... all the same pattern.

Since spez took over they tried to publicly distance themselves from the free speech cause so I expect this to happen with ever increasing frequency.

whitehand ago

In the meantime you can still facilitate drug deals on reddit but the moment you investigate a pedophile ring you get the ban hammer.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Free speech is all well and good... but if they were truly supporting pedophilia or advocating anything less than mental health treatment and staying away from children... then they were supporting criminals and increasing criminal capacities to do harm.

I didn't go to the sub though. I guess if it was a community like alcoholics anonymous or something where people just supported each other to stay away from kids and have some empathy thats alright.

AnarchyChad ago

True, but I think it's important to say why people protested that sub so much. Because the reasoning to ban FPH for instance, could be applied to easily ban pedofriends 1000 fold. It made no sense why hating fat people acceptance culture was worse than wanting to rape children. Because it doesn't. It shows obvious bias. Yes your correct it had more to do with external pressure, but that just clearly shows Reddit's lack of principle - which all of us can plainly see.

Iroc ago

It cracks me up the fph was banned. But its okay to hate on fat people in alot of subs just cant have a sub dedicated to it.

postfascion ago

Excellent analysis +1

Havengul ago

Support group for pedophiles. The main argument against it was that pizzagate was banned but pedofriends wasn't.

WindowsInJudgement ago

That's pretty condemning of reddit.

Yuke ago

I've not been back to reddit since because of what they did in denying Pizzagate but allowing pedofriends.

williczek ago

Subreddit where pedos gathered and discussed their perversions freely. It was active for long time.

HarveyKlinger ago

I'm sure Spez gave them some place to hang out. He takes care of his peeps.

Catsfive ago

Then eats them.

0xFFF ago

yeah, along with his cannibal friends.

mouserr ago

they will move underground, reddit has probably already provided them with safe names to use they just have to pass along to all the old pedos the new urls

HashTagFU ago

What's Jack Dorsey's new handle?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

There are quite a few underground sub reddits.

Trabidius ago

It finally got banned? Did they actually say why or just banned it so they could look good?

Catsfive ago

Stuff... You know, "site-wide rules"

williczek ago

nope just the "multiple violations" bs

organic1 ago

I hope they don't come here now...

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I see you have not tried the random nsfw subverse button.

there are some creepy sub verses here that appear to be dead, like no new content after one and a half years. I forget what they are called because i blocked them during my last game of "porn roulette" with the nsfw button.

organic1 ago

No, I haven't and I think I'll stay away from that.

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

during the ban of /r/fatpeoplehate, there were lots of triggered obese social constructivists who came to voat to make pedophile-friendly subs in order to "send a message" to voat. disgusting creatures

senpaithatignoresyou ago

That is kinda interesting. Who would be comfortable making these subs? Who would know where all this stuff is?


I had a theroy a while back at v/conspiracy that srs was harboring pedos. the more i learn about reddit, the more i am convinced that they are.

MetalAegis ago

v/pizzagate will not like that one bit.