SavingGrace ago

Big deal. Wikipedia is rubbish anyway...

Unreasonable ago

That's what a shill would say.

hopeforall ago

Protected from "Vandalism" surprise surprise. If he's really not that notable why does the page require protection from vandalism? They deleted the page of a known journalist who has written several articles for the HuffPo. If it was any other current HuffPo journalist going with the narrative of "Fake news" or "Russian hacking" they wouldn't be removed from Wikipedia.

rustinsbeercan ago

yo I need downvoat privies too...throw me bones

belphegorsprime ago

Wikipedia? More like wikipedo.

reasonedandinformed ago


  • Use #AskAlefantis and #SaveTheKids (Really, anything that includes #SaveTheKids. How can they censor that?)

  • Point to this new link I created outside of pizzagate:

  • Anyone arriving who clicks on my link will be redirected to Pizzagate without us using the term that they are using to censor us.

We need to be creative in doing this in many ways to funnel people here. We may have to funnel to other, non-censored places first in order to make the first jump (once the start censoring VOAT as a platform)

WindowsInJudgement ago

Thanks for your confidence. It's reassuring

WindowsInJudgement ago

I wouldn't give Wikipedia a fucking brown cent. Big 'respectable' sites are dying by the sword daily.

Reddit, Wikipedia etc.

I was on Engadget yesterday (a popular tech blog for those who dont) and they had an article about Russians hacking. I mean who gets their politics news from a fucking gadget blog. How stupid do they think we are. I sense the establishment may be afraid of the governed for the first time in a long time


The honest truth is that if they didn't do stuff like this, delete subreddits, delete links to articles (and the articles themselves), the investigation as a whole would have a lot less fuel in the fire. This is exactly the kind of thing that keeps people going, and they have to know that nothing on the internet is truly ever deleted (or maybe they don't). That being said, I hope they keep trying so hard to cover up something that cannot be covered up because it only helps us get to the bottom of it.

Le_Squish ago

Look at this guy, actually made a proper introduction. This is my kinda, faggot.

UglyTruth ago

You could also link to his page on infogalactic.

DawnofTruth ago

I like David but his praise towards Trump (who hasn't even been sworn in yet) makes him extremely partisan, bias and a bit worship delusional.

I mean.....sure Trump was a far better choice than Clinton (shit, Manson would've been a step in the right direction) but anyone praising someone who hasn't earned it ... is as dangerous as those 'worshipping' Clinton for reasons unknown.

David seems totally star-struck (because he apparently interviewed Trump earlier on) and is obviously very slanted. This is how 'religion' started. Worshipping someone/something who was thought would save the minion.

There is no saving America. Trump might be able to stop the bleeding momentarily but the wound is still present and will forever be festering until there's a radical change. And that will only come in the form of an asteroid or planetary war. Sorry but true.

quantokitty ago

You should get it back. You were giving it to keep information open, not to censor it.

Luxxy ago

me too

Luxxy ago

what cunts dv me?? go to hell you shills

OrwellKnew ago

Yes. David's work has been instrumental in me spreading the message to several non-redpilled individuals. From his work alone, this has opened their eyes that something is definitely wrong here

sunshine702 ago

Yes, suddenly he moved from journalist at Huffington Post and other outlets ( tough to label him alt-right) to minor You Tube blogger. Except his videos are the best out there. The real questions! I have a question for you voaters not that I can't look it up. David has alluded that the article that go him gone at Huff Po was about Hillary's heath. Is this true? Did it ever run? Is it archived anywhere? I really want to read it now!

1person10voats ago

he moved from journalist at Huffington Post and other outlets ( tough to label him alt-right)

This reminds me of Dave Rubin moving on from The Armenian Genocide Deniers. On one hand, it's one less voice of reason in those echo chambers, on the other hand, good on them, praise Kek.

victuruslibertas ago

obviously this video is still up. fuck it.. i really don't care.

l23r ago


Cantilever ago

They added thought-terminating cliches to all sources that contradict the official story.

l23r ago

Unfortunately, Wikipedia is not going anywhere, despite how they keep on begging for donations. Even if regular users stop donating, they will get donations from political groups and "non-government" orgs and "non-profit" CEOs

Onalaskeye ago

Does anybody else find it ironic that David Seaman the English soccer player is now auto-redirect? In light of recent news…

l23r ago

When I go to Google, this is the top result.

Check out the difference on Duckduckgo

It's intersting that when you search for the name, before you actually click on the search icon or hit enter, the results are similar: Google and Duckduckgo Some people might say this shows there is no censorship, since Google does show the Huffpost Seaman; but most people are just going to quickly type in his name and search. Also, do mobile searches even have the dropdown box thing? Also, that might be an indicator of what people want to find when they are searching for his name based on the sites they end up clicking on after searching his name. So why show some actor or athlete and not the David Seaman we are all talking about here?

Stellarjay ago

I wonder when that will be the only source of info. Looks like it's coming. I just won't support them anymore, ever.

Investigate1999 ago

I hate the way that Wikipedia asks for donations, and yet has so much power. Those donation requests are essentially spammy ads.

diamonddust ago

I donated a couple of times in the past. When I came to understand what they actually spent the money on, I stopped. If Wikipedia allowed to donate to a separate fund that was guaranteed to ONLY cover the hosting/bandwidth costs, I would donate again.

Investigate1999 ago

That's the right attitude.

UglyTruth ago

Wikipedia is a cognitive infiltration operation.

mixelplfft ago

i've given them money in the past. never again.

BlackSwordsman ago

Same here. i feel so dirty now for contributing to this garbage. Luckily I only gave them 5$.

l23r ago

I have never given them any money and am glad I didn't. Even the article (for a TV show) I submitted was declined for inclusion, but that allowed me to find Wikia, which I was pretty active with in the past, so it turned out well in the end :)

1person10voats ago

allowed me to find Wikia

"Launched in 2006 by founder Jimmy Wales, Wikia, Inc. is the home of Fandom - the largest entertainment fan site in the world."

l23r ago

Oh shit.

Thanks for the info.

Chance903 ago

I can only hope this does not have a deeper,darker meaning. I pray David will be alright.

micha_ ago

Don't downplay it. 90% of the people do not recognize what is going on! This is serious!

NoBS ago

I would not be surprised if Legacy Media is also behind the scrub. David is exposing just how corrupt legacy media really is. Another issue is YouTube was constantly unsubscribing me from David Seaman's channel. Damned ThierTube backhanded censors! It has stopped the last few days, but...

Is Vid.Me an option as a backup for Mr Seaman? I'm technology retarded, apologies in advance. I've tried to teach the Grand kids the abacus, ! think I traumatized the oldest, some think it's funny though so I keep trying. They did help make my Smart phone dumb, so they come in handy.

Merry Christmas.

Cantilever ago

You know, I stopped donating to them years ago over their fucking nazi editor authority. They are not indespensible, especially when they take down content and shut down discussion on matters that are unpopular. What they did to the 9/11 truthers is fucking bullshit.

LostandFound ago

Time to sharpen the pitchforks this is getting ridiculous.

LawofTruth ago

I think they're just clearing their archives of all bodily fluids.

quantokitty ago


I so agree.

quantokitty ago

Holy shit! So they're petty on top of everything else!

Is there anything we can do to let Wikipedia know we don't approve of censorship?

Hobgobbin ago

Good, more reason to go to Infogalactic.

imkhan ago

it doesn't matter, his youtube following is gaining too much momentum. Eventually a wikipedia article will have to be written. for now , just keep telling close friends about this, you have to spread the word verbally.

imagine, you are the X-wing trying to fire a proton torpedo up the Death Star's shaft.

dookiehowzer ago

i hope that daily show set goes well, i think he has had plenty of time to prep for it now.

smokratez ago

We all told him not to go, because they'll edit everything and make him either look insane or a dumbass.

NoBS ago

If I understand Mr Seaman's current situation, he has security. I hope he has heavy security, including a video documentary specialist AND sound tech. I know he has access to audio recorder(s) for liability reasons. After all, he is a "real" journalist and I can give him my trust. He has more than earned it.

The reason he is going into the lion's den is that he has more balls than our entire legacy media combined. Personally, he alone has given me a voice to America's shame on child protection and the evil of Human Trafficking. Issues that devalues, if not destroy National legitimacy.

Posted from

129fkrdoe00 ago

he'll get eaten alive. the host of that show is smug and rude. I only saw the show once, maybe I just saw him on an off night. it was so bad I refuse to watch it again.

stillinit ago

I turn the channel every time it comes on.

looking4truth ago

Pizzagate is so fake that it had the elites panicking and doing OBVIOUSE damage control. You know guys , it's just fake news. But somehow they are trying really really hard to tell us it's fake and not worry about it . :)

Echo_of_Savages ago

Remember this, the media ignores stuff. Thats what they do. The ignore real, newsworthy events and are extremely selective of what they broadcast.... So then why are they spending so much airtime talking about a "fake news story?" If it was actually fake, they would completely ignore it.

This is the equivalent of the media broadcasting specials on how Bigfoot is fake news. It just doesn't make sense from their perspective.

Investigate1999 ago

That's absolutely right. They are being courageous and altruistic; more so the CIA, and than the Clintons. I mean, they overthrew democratically elected governments in other countries, who only looked out for the local citizen's interests... :-D

angry_mob ago

Honduras 2009! Hillary green lit that little takeover. Zelaya was loved by the people, particularly the agriculture people. Now the country is ruled by spooks with machine guns.

justforthissubverse ago

CIA and FBI have their hands tied by corrupt DOJ right now. Soon they will be unleashed on the lawbreaking peds.

OrwellKnew ago

the CIA is filled with treasonous psychopaths...they're up to their eyeballs in drug trafficking, extortion, murder, coverups, toppling governments, issuing fake news and human / childtrafficking...we won't be getting any help from them

In fact they are the enemy

justforthissubverse ago

CIA yeah there are a lot of fucks in there. But the FBI is mostly patriot who hate fucking lawbreakers. I know a lot of agents.

standalone ago

Are we going to read about that story five times a day every day for the the next month or so? I'm sorry what arrived to this blogger, but it's hardly worth the mindshare it's currently being given.

SleepingCaterpillar ago

hardly worth sharing? the fucking most accredited internet site for "facts" is nothing but a censored piece of shit. How does that not bug you?

quantokitty ago

If you're not interested, read something else. The world doesn't revolve around what you think important or don't view as important. First Wikipedia removes his credentials and now they remove his page entirely? In retaliation for the videos he's making? He's entitled to investigate what he likes.


the coverup is a conspiracy in itself

search4truth ago

Yes. The coverup sticks out the most.

sh3rog ago

The strongest evidence for pizzagate is how the elite are circling wagons, and this is just another example of this. It isn't easy to get a puff piece in the NYT, it isn't easy to get a completely uncritical wiki page of the event, it isn't easy to remove an existing journalist's wikipedia page.

They are afraid of him because they can't call an ex-huffington post writer an alt right nutjob

victuruslibertas ago

Seaman is not getting censored. Many others on youtube are but from what I see, he is not. Believe me, his videos wouldn't be making it to the trending feeds if they didn't want them to . I am not sure how to interpret that info yet.. I am just telling you how it is. This whole thing could be a mind F Psyop but I am not sure what the motive would be if it is. With that said - Absolutely there is an extensively HUGE worldwide Ped ring going on.

quantokitty ago

That's not true. Seaman's videos were/are censored. He had an entire video devoted to him having a video pulled and a warning issued. Three strikes and you're out on YouTube and he just got one.

victuruslibertas ago

I just gave you my opinion as a person that has many Pizzagate videos up and not one has been taken down and I have no strikes. Not to mention, why would the leave ANY PG videos on his channel of which some have 6 figure views.. ??? That is the anomaly I am trying to understand. Something is not adding up and I am not claiming to have the answer...

Le_Squish ago

Can you post links to your videos?

victuruslibertas ago

I have a lot of videos.. If you youtube search Victurus Libertas - you will find my channel. I have almost 500 videos about various subjects including PG

quantokitty ago

I only have your word for you having many videos up. And if you don't see that Twitter, Wikiipedia, and news outlets/media are conspiring to censor the news, I'm not wasting my breath.

victuruslibertas ago

youtube victurus libertas and what fucking dick keeps down voting me for my fucking opinion... asshole

quantokitty ago

twasn't me ...

victuruslibertas ago

Didn't mean to assert it was you. Thanks

129fkrdoe00 ago

thats something I thought about before also. some of the censorship is obvious (i.e. reddit. thats why we're here). Google search, results, deleted tweets etc. But there are still dozens of YT videos out there about PG. Those could be swept off the face of the earth with a single mouse click. Yet, they remain. Good for the mission, no doubt. But why some stuff is wiped away and other stuff allowed to remain?

sh3rog ago

They are attempting to discredit him (quite literally) by removing his bonafides from wikipedia.

Not direct censorship, but they are censoring information about him, which would make him believable to the average person

The whole thing could not possibly be a psyop, but they are trying to make it one

Baluga ago

We should find a place to repost his last-valid wikipedia page.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I like David Seaman, he is credible. I couldn't stomach reading HRCs Wikipedia just yet, if I'm ever up to it.

thestormking ago

I thought this was her Wikipedia.

justforthissubverse ago


mysecretidentity ago

I think he's a spook