tjarco ago

included on timeline of censorship in this thread

PieInTheEye ago

... as the cruel liberals would never forget it.

Don't expect them to give anyone quarter. They blame Bush for 2008 even though it was Bill Clinton, Greenspan, and Larry Summers who setup the crash in the first place.

The biggest double-standard will be the 'anti-war' 'liberals' ... they all disappeared after Bush because a Democrat was in office. Where were they when NATO was setting up Yugoslavia to become a bloodbath so that they could extend their cold war mandate into a fit-gap situation? They are hypocrites. They care not about ending war, they only care that a Republican is not in office doing it, or dealing with a pre-existing situation.

I have no doubt that Janet Yellin will hike the interest rates now after her and BerBanky artificially held them down creating a stock market and financialization bubble. Trump couldn't possibly 'wreck' the economy any more than Obama was, but the Federal Reserve can wreck it on a schedule, and could pick the month that a crash can occur. The Federal Reserve members are all of the big Wall Street firms who were 90%+ behind Shillary, so there will be fireworks for sure ... and it's about time there was some damn fireworks, to drive the snakes from the Temple ... the Federal Reserve has to be put under Treasury, and the TBTF have to be broken up into smaller pieces, then bankruptcy of these zombie entities has to be allowed to take place rather than bailouts.

PieInTheEye ago

OK, I stand corrected. Maybe he was shunted because he was a Republican in Silicon Valley then? ... stands to reason.

Godwillwin ago

True. Good point. I suppose you're right. It's hard not to get bogged down and pouty on occasion while waiting for something to be done about our nation being run by sickos. I snapped out of pout mode this morning ;)

GodHand666 ago

By searching the paypal database for his first and last name, as well as the country for United States. I found 40+ accounts using that information; only 3 of them have limitations. Not exactly sure if any of them are actually David Seaman's. I need more specific information to actually figure this out.


David's video showed how much was in his account when it was frozen. That should help.

GodHand666 ago

Im at work right now so I cant access youtube. I was just trying to get a little help so I could figure it out right now. But I guess I can find out when I get home, and do it tomorrow.

rutkdn ago

If you really do work for PayPal then what you are doing is even more fucked up than PayPal blocking Seaman in the first place.

GodHand666 ago

What is so fucked up ? I wasn't going to post any personal information or anything like that, I was simply looking for the reason why it was frozen in the first place. What's so wrong about that? I figure it would clear some things up if we can get an actual reason as to why it was frozen.

Spindle ago

You provide no argument -- just a pejorative. If you are human, offer a sourced counterpoint instead of your subjective opinion ("pizzagate is fake news"). Sourced counterpoints are valued as a place to kickoff discussion. You are not facilitating anything by repeatedly asserting your opinion with no sources to the point of spamming, except providing a perfect example of shill behavior.

speckledcat ago

because he is already a journalist. If he had leads etc he would already have a backer for the story or could get one. this smells like a scam. He is also a zionist so I highly doubt he needs the $ (already on AIPIC payroll). This is just further tactics to gather authority and support and lose/divert the focus.

Besides what has done? other than repeat what others have done? He hasnt given a credible lead or anything else. Why cant he score an interview with Alefantis or another person or other media? He could do so much but he doesnt. He has media credentials - or at least that what he says he has. Why hasnt he done anything other than say it is real? it smells bad like a set up. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is mossad/cia op.

Azagthoth ago

The only way to live forever is to have children. As the gay dude he is, are we really surprised that he would be so selfish that he would wish to live forever?

NerdyNoodle ago

He says this morning that the funds were released. But he is still planning to call PayPal to make sure it never happens again.

Azagthoth ago

The cacksucker called it the noble lie

eggmunkee ago

You guys are flat wrong on the constitution and what it means, especially the bill of rights which is specifically a limit on government not on citizens.

The gun of government is not the solution to censorship stemming from government corruption. I mean really. Just think about how corrupt government would implement and enforce such a power, which they do not have and shouldn't ever have. Why aren't you over on reddit telling everyone to call their congressman and make reddit do what you want?

You wish to throw "private property" out the window because a business isn't acting as you wish. When customers don't like what a business does, the tools are withdrawing support, telling others, etc., not getting government to ban something and sending in the storm troopers to run their business "right". I hope I'm not alone here.

RecycledUser ago

Update: David put out an update, he did get his acct unlocked, couldn't get to talk to a real person tho, OR their reason for freezing it. He is still going to push for that. I hope he does follow through with taking this to Congress, after Trump is in office. Like someone posted, it is fraud, and it might be multiple felonies.

samhara ago

I feel talking to Congress is a dead end. Those people are all bought, with a carrot and a stick.

RecycledUser ago

I do think Jason chaffetz and Trey gowdy are the real deal.

Azagthoth ago

If you want my money, put out some original research. Be a reporter and not a repeater. Until you meet this criteria, you can fuck off. Making this all about himself as if he is the face of some resistance. I have to admit, I was so happy we had a credible journalist pushing for an official investigation at first, but what is he doing now? He says pedosta is a sadistic this and that, AND THATS IT. Stop saying pizzagate is real to yourself, David. You are destroying your credibility with the people who have dove head first into the underbelly of human trafficking.

You want my money to tell me pizzagate is real every other day?

Straight up, I think paypal bitch slapped you and they are in the right. Fucking provide research or go work for a newspaper somewhere. Sitting on facebook at whichever friends house you are couch surfing on, and recording shitty rants isnt helping anything.

This is starting to piss me off. I betcha in a year hes going to be in a soup kitchen live streaming that this is all youtubes fault.

If im being a total asshole here, I apologize, but I truly think im correct. This is looking like begging, and its getting more and more pathetic by the day.

I thought these children were the victims? Why is this suddenly all about David?


why are you here then? if you dont agree move on... you are a shillbot to us


social media should absolutely be held accountable and uphold first amendment rights.

something to the effect:

"If your website allows social communication through use of comments, you cannot under any circumstance remove, edit or ban the user as they are protected by the freedom of speech."

they are essentaily creating safe spaces online


they can give all they want - the fact is he is asking for money to do full time research - of which he does 0 - have not heard an original thought or link come from him

Spindle ago

chicken_pizza_lover is sad robot shill.

Spindle ago

Friend mods, delete this robot. chicken_pizza_lover is fake human.

stop_the_pizza ago

Paypal has now unblocked david seaman due to a lot of people e-mailing them. Good job, lads.

TheGodHead ago

I don't trust him.

yabbadoody ago

"metabunk" gov paid shills have infiltrated the "mods" at voat -and I'm not surprised.

now I don't know exactly WHO, but after nearly 20 years battling online trolls and disinfo agents, I damn well recognize online STRATEGY.... and I've SEEN THIS BEFORE... at the (clandestinely US gov sponsored) site MetaBunk

yabbadoody ago

PayPal already HAS the money from Patreon - they waited until he made a transfer, than locked his account.

Felony theft. Wire fraud. Wire theft. Felony.

yabbadoody ago

paypal founding memner and former CEO Peter Thiel believes that the blood of young children is the key to long life. Now mod "kevdude" deletes any post I have about this, but Ima post it here in this thread... nuff said, eh?

rutkdn ago

That's why Yahoo is still a thing.

yabbadoody ago

kevdude may to be the culprit - I originally was going to keep names out of this, but kevdude mod appears HYPERACTIVELY sensitive to certain topics, and has banned several posts of mine - apparently, "because".

I don't know how long kevdude's been on voat, don't care, but if he's removing "sensitive" material for specious reasons, he should be UN-modded. Period. Phucks that, bish.

GodHand666 ago

I work for Paypal Credit, and have access to PayPal accounts, I could figure out why exactly, or what limitations are placed on his account if I can find it. I need an email, that would be the best way to locate his file.

NerdyNoodle ago

His PayPal email is available to the public. Find the YouTube (or was it Twitter?) post where he asks for personal donations to his account. It will take you to his

GodHand666 ago

I am at work right now, and YouTube is blocked, lol. So if someone could provide that, I would be happy to check it out

NerdyNoodle ago

Go to and make a donation. Then you'll have his email address.

noreturn4me ago

Is David Seaman the only youtuber having these kind of issues? There are a lot of people reporting on this. He can't be the only one, and if he is something is fishy!!

rutkdn ago

RealityCalls was banned yesterday too.

dutch-justice ago

Can someone tell me what it is that DS is adding to the investigation? He is more like a newsreader doing a daily recap of things discovered here. I appreciate his courage and all, but recently he is losing it a bit and not acting very responsible. But who am i, mostly just a lurker and adding nothing at all.

Freemasonsrus ago

Daniel Schulman is the CEO of PayPal, not sure Peter Thiel would be involved in this. Schulman was an outspoken critic of the North Carolina bathroom law and stopped the hiring of 400 people in NC for PayPal bc of it.

notintopizza ago

Paypal CEO is Danial Schulman. He is also the chairman of Symantec. Symantec formed a partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative in 2014 to "bridge the workforce gap within cybersecurity."

quantokitty ago

WOW! They really have something against him. Is it because he has legitimate credentials? Or that he didn't learn his lesson from being fired from HuffPo for writing about The Shrew's health? Hope he sues the pants off them and wins.

moimoi ago

Yep, don't know why anyone would want to send him money anyway. Like others have said, his videos are the same old every time. "All of this from the Wikileaks, search cheese and pizza, JP is a pedophile. I'm a highly respected journalist." etc. I feel like he's jumping on the PizzaGate bandwagon as a way to push his pro-gold and weed agenda while not really adding anything to the PizzaGate investigation. I'm glad people have caught on, I was wondering when people were going to call him out on this. At least Reality Calls was providing original content.

Yuke ago

The ones in support of David Seaman seriously need to start asking more pressing questions about things. People are actually sending him money, paying him, to tell them what they already know and to rant about being warned/banned. He is being warned/banned because he keeps breaking the rules, i.e; using terms like "John Podesta is a sadistic pedophile". We all know JP is involved in this, we don't yet know to what extent, but coming out with lines like that, slander, is why he is being banned. Just to press this home; I'll pick someone at random... @Phobos_Mothership for example, lets say that this is his real name. I cannot go on YouTube and say "Phobos Mothership is a sadistic pedophile" without the possibility of him requesting the video to be removed and YouTube would then no doubt give me a warning. That's basic logic. When David Seaman starts releasing videos that tell me something I don't already know (because after all, he is claiming this is his full-time job now and he really should be delivering news of what he's researched) I'll start listening, but as things stand he's making the case for his defense worse with each passing day.

quantokitty ago

I've never heard him use slanderous terms. So what has David really done? Why don't you just come out with why you're so pissed with him? I really think it's because he's the only "legitimate" journalist that has had the balls to break ranks and look into things. And that's all he's doing. He was the one that the Daily Show contacted to represent #pizzagate. Yes, there are other really good videos out there, but he's the one with the pedigree. It just kills you when someone stands up to the bullies. It might be easy to intimate a kindergartner, but Seaman isn't that. It's funny how The Shrew HRC never stops and is lauded for it, but someone like Seaman? It seems that your little group gets rattled by someone with the temerity not to repeat the narrative.

Yuke ago

If you'd taken two minutes to look at my previous posts you'd see I'm not part of "a little group". The reason why I'm anti-David Seaman at this point is five-fold;

1.) I've said a few times that a public figurehead for this movement can and will be easily beaten down by MMFA/CTR.

2.) Like it or not, what he's putting out isn't new information, there's really no information at all other than him being banned, so he's not being very helpful in that regard either.

3.) The ranting and repetition, as a self-appointed spokesperson, reflects badly on the rest of us, and makes us all look like "crazies".

4.) The information that is being discovered every day, here on Voat (and other places), which should be receiving the most attention, is being clogged up by the latest "David Seaman can't do this anymore" posts. They tell me nothing useful whatsoever.

5.) He's accusing people of things directly (call it slander or don't, it's really the same thing) and then crying wolf about being banned because of it. They're your words David, all you have to do is use "allegedly" or some other such word instead of "John Podesta is a sadistic pedophile". Not hard to figure out that one.

And I would like to point out that if he got his shit together and actually did something useful, even as a public face to this, which as I said, I'm against, I'd listen to what he had to say.

quantokitty ago

But he's not directly accusing people of things. At least he's not in the videos I've seen. And demonetizing his videos falls under what? If it's slander, they'd ban the video, so what's that supposed to be? As far as being the spokesperson, don't know where you're getting that idea. He's a journalist who got fired for questioning the state of HRC's health. Naturally, he'd be interested in something to do with HRC & Co. I'm not a subscriber of his so I don't have a dog in this fight, but if people want to watch his videos -- videos, that again, are not slanderous because if they were they'd be banned -- why shouldn't they be allowed to? And if he wants to charge for them, why shouldn't he be able to? PayPal has no business tying up his money.

eggmunkee ago

Mostly all the videos I see of his are focused solely on himself, or just making accusations without pointing to evidence (not discounting evidence, he just states concrete conclusions as obvious that overstep). Also, this video just shows that his paypal account had an issue, so he is now saying he's being blocked for his message. Maybe, but he didn't show that. I wish him luck, but I don't get much value out of any video I've seen thus far, and more than his share of self-promotion and victim framing.

Vic138 ago

He does add a bit of credibility to the investigation though, because of his resume. He seems like a liberal and has a real journalism career behind him. He's good to keep on the case.

Yuke ago

He doesn't do himself any favors when he's 'breaking' news that is 3 - 4 weeks old. He may be a legit journalist but his 'work' so far on Pizzagate has been late, sloppy, angry and self-serving. He needs to up his game big time, that is, unless he's controlled opposition, in which case he's doing perfectly well judging by how many people seem to be following along blindly, not asking questions.

TheGodHead ago

You're no Dork, you're Yuke, a duke of logic.

David SEAMAN is full of it. Demon infested to the hilt. He is what the military call a limited hangout.

stop_the_pizza ago

Sorry but it's not slander until it's proven in court that it is slander. David seaman has already expressed that he would like a court case and that the podesta's would not, because the discovery and fact finding of court would expose that it isn't slander.

samhara ago

That could be true, but the Court System is rigged / faked, in any case. Personally I feel Seaman should be able to say that without being censored.

Yuke ago

Ha, well then by that definition it would have to go the other way as well wouldn't it?

stop_the_pizza ago

Sure, but the fact that he's willing to go to court speaks to his conviction of the facts being in his favor. Let's face it, they're just using safe ways to censor him, like they did with milo on twitter. When all the soft blocks, losing subscribers and such isn't working at stopping growth, they work through social media blocks. If one side is willing to go to court and the other isn't, that tells you something. Particularly if the side that doesn't want to go to court is far wealthier and more powerful.


agreed - I was shocked to hear he was asking for money so he could "continue his research full time"

I have only seen him regurgitate what the real investigators have found, not once has he found anything on his own.

PieInTheEye ago

I tend to share your assessment of Seaman. Too often people on the more 'right' side of political discussion are turning into info parrots with nothing original to add in either data or analysis. This is exactly what leftists habitually do, and it is rather frustrating. If he had come out a few times in order to use his subscriber base to share info, I wouldn't have any qualms as he'd be doing the topic service, but he has been blanket repeating himself for almost 8 weeks now, as if he's simply responding to analytical traffic potential, rather than actually piercing into new fields of inquiry as a proper journalist is supposed to do.

concernedaboutitall ago

Wasn't the Paypal CEO on Trump's side? I thought he was the gay speaker at the Republican nations convention, but can't think of his name

rutkdn ago

He is not PayPal CEO. Come on, basic googling will tell you that. He was a co founder many many years ago.

concernedaboutitall ago

It is pre-coffee and I am old, lol. My memory isn't great. My bad.

PieInTheEye ago

You mean Peter Thiel. YEs, he was, but there are plenty of pedo's in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Washington D.C., who are Republicans. Thiel calls himself a Christian, but he plays ball with, well, leftist balls ... keeping business networks on an even keel as they say. Did Thiel merely switch to supporting Trump because his access to analytics were showing him the truth of trump support in swing states? Could have just been a smart business calculation on his part.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Is it possible that this is not necessarily paypal originated? Is it possible that someone complained that David is funding terrorists or defrauding people or something and that causes an investigation and in the mean time his account is frozen?'

GodHand666 ago

I can find out what the limitations on his account are for, I work for PayPal Credit, and have access to PayPal accounts; Risky business though on my end.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I would like to know. I think it is possible that people are using paypal to stop the reporting, but that is not going to work.

GodHand666 ago

Its gonna take some huge censorship to actually stop the reporting, that's for sure.

RecycledUser ago

I know you are trying to help, but the fact that you can look up anyone's account is somewhat unnerving to me. Sorry.

GodHand666 ago

I could see how that would be unnerving, PayPal is a huge company and works with millions of people's information. Im not asking for your information, I was looking for David Seaman's so we could look more into why his account is actually being limited or locked.

RecycledUser ago

I understand.

rutkdn ago

The classic case where the DEA wants to raid a house but doesn't have enough for a warrant - they call an "anonymous" tip and off they go raiding it.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Or it could be more like SWATting. I don't know and I don't want to jump to conclusions.

hunter4 ago

somethings wrong when you cant get a hold of a human being

B3nder ago

I would not want to make money on anything related to this pizzagate stuff... just my opinion

SecondAmendment ago

I wouldn't either. If anyone deserves money it's the warriors here who compiled the Wiki page, made the huge finds, post all the technical stuff, etc. They are clearly educated people who are doing the digging and connecting the dots, and -- heroically -- not one of them has been begging for money through PayPay or "monetized" bullshit videos on YouTube. I am a harsh critic of David Seaman, who was a lefty HuffPost "contributor" before he was banned. I'll continue to be a harsh critic of this guy because he seems like an opportunist, and there is nothing worse than making money off of a situation as depraved and horrifying as this one.

B3nder ago

yes, and what does he need so much money for? Badly produced videos from home with much noise in it ? I don't get it. He is so focused on money.

badastrid ago

Agreed! And who knows what research Seaman does on his own? He's out on the front lines here, delivering the basic message that we need to get out. The only power we have right now is information and our wallets.

PieInTheEye ago

When you're over the target ... you're gonna take flak ... it just proves that this truth bombing raid is becoming effective.

yabbadoody ago

why? because PayPal CEO Peter Thiel believes CHILDREN'S BLOOD can keep him young indefinitely? But of course.

SecondAmendment ago

I've been here a lot longer than 3 days, sport. But I did notice that you haven't answered any of my rational and relevant questions.

Flat_Truth ago

They did the same to Wolfgang Halbig regarding questions about the Sandy Hook school shooting seen on TV. Its not necessarily paypal, but other interests who make a fuss to them, demanding the service not be allowed for their foes.

PieInTheEye ago

Its mob style standover tactics ... and the left are professionals at it. It always seems to come from the left, and it doesn't get anymore hard-left than the Podesta's and David Brock. The Podesta's are probably left of Lenin ... even further left than the Clinton's are personally, as far as the best political analysts are concerned. Just one look at the stare that John Podesta gave James O'Keefe when he confronted him a few months ago on the street, will demonstrate that these guys are 100% Chicago mob

PieInTheEye ago

Maybe since Peter Thiel is a homosexual, he decided to protect some of his #PedoPal friends?

e-traiu ago

Paypal, u suck!

SecondAmendment ago

I'm just an observer here, albeit a hard-working, educated one. I have to ask: DOES DAVID SEAMAN DO "STELLAR" WORK? If so, please tell us what "work" he does. Does he have an education? I've never heard or read about it anywhere. All I know is that I never heard of this whiny little millennial until I started following the Wikileaks story, which morphed into the Pizzagate story. And I saw everyone online talking about this supposedly cutting-edge journalist named David Seaman, so I watched his videos. But all he does is whine, repeat the same points over and over, and make accusations (which have not yet been proven in a court of law) against the big names linked to this scandal. If I were one of the targets of Seaman's rants, I'd surely sue for defamation (slander and libel). Of course, the lack of lawsuits against Seaman raises its own set of questions. Bottom line, though, whether what this kid says is true or false, he is off-putting to a great many people because (1) he's a whiner; (2) he doesn't do "work" on this; (3) he's constantly asking for donations from others; (4) he undermines his own credibility by outwardly admitting that he's a stoner (living in a state in which pot is not "legal" -- not that it's truly legal anywhere, given that the federal laws have not been repealed). Bottom line of the bottom line is that this guy seems to be quite unstable, a legend in his own mind, and not very credible. Yep, I said it. If this stuff of Pizzagate is real, I would suggest a far more stable and credible spokesman than this kid.

stop_the_pizza ago

He got this video to streissand and trend, so that's worth it. If you have a more stable and credible spokesman, fine, share it!

At this point he's the best I've seen. He's not only one who I've not heard make a single unsourcable claim. He also shares on the evidence for things that people want to check.

PieInTheEye ago

I get your point, he is rather repetitive, but free speech is free speech.

If he's made specific allegations to an individual, it is their right to sue him ... but they don't work that way do they? If it went to court, and he counter sued based on a public interest defense, then dirty little secrets and facts might get investigated or subpoenas start flying around ... TPTB never do it this way, especially in regards to elite pedophile investigations ... they go to their elite friends in Alphabet, PayPal, etc, and attempt to apply pressure from a different angle, other than using the law, which would expose them to direct scrutiny. Just look at the Dutroux case, or the Franklin case ... the whistleblowers were leaned on from every possible direction, except in the actual court room.

In my opinion, this just highlights the high level connections that the Podesta's and David Brock have in D.C., and their ability to create their own extrajudicial mob-style campaign of silencing their critics. THEY are the ones who got political in their careers, and THEY are the ones who should be scrutinized publicly for their actions and affiliations. How did Alefantis make it into GQ's 50 most 'influential' people in Washington again? And why is the Washington Post, whose two ex-editors/journalist owners of Politics & Prose, leading the charge against Pizzagate investigators? THEY are the ones who have to answer for their actions, and Seaman has just been pointing that out--albeit a little bit whiney :)

Screwing with someones right to transfer money between peers, is a little bit more serious that someone having a personal gripe with the guy based on an actual slander. If Podesta and Brock have a problem, and are innocent, let them use the LAW, not dirty tricks to lean on this guys god given right to:

1) Speak his mind freely (free speech).

2) Have equal commercial service (ie, if a pizza shop now sells pizzas, but won't cater a gay wedding, they will lose their business license for refusing to allow service to certain customers. Why is this any different for PayPal as long as Seaman is not money laundering? ... or they haven't actually given him a legitimate reason based on illegal activities involving monetary transactions?) Cancelling small peer-to-peer transactions by his patrons is in my mind, a baseless refusal of service, based on his political positions, and is discrimination.

These are the people who want ALL monetary transactions to be electronic for goodness sakes. Imagine if I dropped you in a desert without any water and you died of dehydration: Did I violate your human rights? Are monetary transactions as important as water in today's world? PayPal needs to be lawfully regulated to ensure equal treatment of its consumers, just as everyone else is. They have no right to interfere in a personal gripe that some cabal has over this guys opinion. Seaman should be able to sue them for violating his human rights.

SecondAmendment ago

Excellent post; great points. I agree with everything you said. Yup, yup. The Pizza People will probably never sue him, because they would not want to subject themselves to the scrutiny that a lawsuit would involve. And yup, I agree that Seaman should file a lawsuit against Paypal if it froze his money. I hate Paypal -- always have -- so I never read its Terms of Service. I guess anyone whose funds have been frozen should read the TOS to see if they agreed to this kind of thing. I'd love to see lawsuits filed -- the truth always has a way of coming out in lawsuits. So I guess we'll see. In any case, thank you for this post, @PieInTheEye. Happy New Year.

PieInTheEye ago

Happy New Year to you too. Though I have a feeling it will be another year of leftist nutjobs destroying western civilization whilst proclaiming to be the victims. If the EU collapses though, it'll definitely be a happy year!

Azzipdoe ago

honestly couldn't agree more... maybe for a slightly diff reason, as im a firm believer in pizzagate and goverment involved pedophilia... considering they get caught all the time.

but this seaman guy makes pathetic videos, everything he talks about is recycled old info, he never talks about new very suspect leads, and that seems to almost do more damage then if he said nothing at all. he whines about donations being cut from youtube.. if he cared he'd be doing these vids merely to spread the word, not clickbait and make a few bucks. not to mention, MANY people lost ad revenue from youtube changing how it works, even hillary supporting but non political youtubers.

and for what its worth, i sell a lot of clothing online and ive donated to game developers on patreon using paypal, and ive been in similar situations with paypal.. its usually not a big deal, everything just needs to get verified. sometimes if you have a certain amount of money going in/out theyll lock your account for reasons of security.. just like a bank.

itll all get cleared and he'll receive his money, along with the extra little bit that he baited from making this a bigger deal then it is.


It's very important that people are aware that Paypal is not like a bank - they can lock your account or withhold money from you at any time they choose and you can't do a thing about it. That's why it's important, if you have money in your PP account to spend it or transfer it to your bank account ASAP. Don't let it sit there for 5 minutes. NB: If anyone knows of a PP equivalent that promises never to do this sort of thing, please let me know.

foxxywoxxy ago

Dont understand all of these but..The time is now! We must shift to decentralized uncensorable platforms

stop_the_pizza ago

Look, we know the value of this, or we wouldn't be on voat in the first place. But voat does not have nowhere near the critical mass or population of the censor ridden reddit. It's still worth it to try and get the news we discover here out to these other platforms too. There are so many people we can reach.

PieInTheEye ago

bingo ... it is the only way! Capitalism doesn't exist without competition, and capital comes in many different forms, including the human intelligence capital we invest in online forums. Humint is a form of capital that needs to diversify, it is simply a form of charity, sharing free info and opinions, otherwise it will die and the truth will be the only true victim.

PayPal, Amazon, and Apple, MUST be made to heel. Silicon Valley must be broken up by changes in consumer patronage, because it has become a CARTEL !!! A San Francisco lefty cartel full of control freak despots.

AlSwearinjun ago

I don't see many good deals on Amazon anymore like I used to. They have raised prices and there's been press about people getting fake products. I really don't have much confidence when I order from them so I hardly ever do.

PieInTheEye ago

When I buy books I always go to AbeBooks, and I always search for alternatives to the monolithic market leaders.

Competition is always worth sanction, because monopolies and cartels are the tools of the dark lords.

Shortgiraffe ago

Google made it big because of their involvement with Soros et al. They're part of the "Elite Globalists" and they don't want too much talk about pizzagate. I suppose they want him to get discouraged and quit.

He should arrange for email transfers. At least this would go directly to his bank account. He likely would get more money too. Not everyone has credit cards to pay stuff online. I'd be the first to make a email bank transfer.

lawfag123 ago

Not acceptable.

The_Kuru ago

Are people trying to send him money for some reason?

AugustaJulia ago

They were very smart and far-sighted when they secured their stronghold on media, social media, and major electronic commodities from the beginning. They were thinking strategically.

Peter Thiel who invented Paypal is one of the good guys, actually. But perhaps he has nothing to do with Paypal anymore? From googling, it sounds like he has sold his shares.

ModsOrPedos ago

Thiel OWNS voat, he owns PALANTIR ( crown jewels of NSA ), Thiel is a VAMPIRE;

Yep, one of the good guys; NOT

It's still called the PAY-PAL MAFIA, and Thiel & MUSK are still the heads of the MAFIA.

andrevandelft ago

Peter wrote one of the world's first books against political correctness. Wikipedia:

Thiel is the co-author, with David O. Sacks, and with a foreword by the late Emory University historian Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, of the 1995 book The Diversity Myth: 'Multiculturalism' and the Politics of Intolerance at Stanford, published by The Independent Institute. The book is critical of "political correctness" in higher education and the consequent dilution of academic rigor.

packetsniffer ago

you guys know what he did to Gawker right?

using money, power and influence to shut down any voices he doesn't like. Sound familiar?

SecondAmendment ago

Let's face it. Gawker sucks. Screw Gawker. Go Hulk Hogan! I was thrilled that Peter Thiel funded Hogan's lawsuit against those scumbags at Gawker. So there's that. . . .

AugustaJulia ago

I don't know what to do with this information. It causes cognitive dissonance in my head. I know that Peter Thiel is a follower and one of the major promoters (in the sense of giving money) of Rene Girard's teachings. You could look up Rene Girard. He is a Christian philosopher who has the best (in my opinion) insight into the evil-leaning human condition and a solution on how to combat evil, which is becoming aware of the evil instinct he calls mimetic desire. Becoming aware is often enough because you throw light on it and thus delay your automatic reaction, giving yourself enough time to react with your higher reason. I met Rene Girard on a couple of occasions and listened to him. He is a good person, and you immediately get this sense when you start reading one of his books. There should be one Peter Thiel - Rene Girard interview on Youtube from several year ago, maybe even ten or so.

This is why it's hard for me to accept that a thoroughly evil person would be spreading ideas of Rene Girard. It would be like shooting yourself in the foot. Perhaps Peter Thiel is not a perfect person and doesn't always do what preaches? I would be willing to accept this and put this issue on the back burner of my mind for now.

Trump also invited Thiel to be on his transition team. So maybe he knows that Thiel is basically good.

vacvape ago

I keep hearing how he's such a good guy, yet he's consistently trailing shit. Why do you suppose that is? Why is he exempt from his stink?

153sdsd ago

Phobos_Mothership ago

I made a short response video to this video expressing my concerns with using the word 'satanic' too much, as these forms of cults can worship anything from Satan to Moloch to a made-up-brand-new cult diety. We don't want to be overly specific, best keep the focus around chid trafficking rings and child sexual abuse rings

Sentastixc ago

Right, PedoFiles or Pedocracy are better terms to run with

Phobos_Mothership ago

#PedoFiles #Pedocracy #Pedogate #PedoElite

RecycledUser ago

I've been using #PedoFiles. The others are good too. Maybe sometime we could pick one and do another trending push for a day.

PieInTheEye ago

'Thelemic' is actually a better terminology.

It covers every possible deification or pseudo-deification of 'Scientific Illuminism' (as Crowley called it), right down to the belief that every man/women themselves, is the only 'god' of consequence.

The Spirit Cooking and sexual sacrementalization using 'handkerchiefs', is specifically derived from Thelemic transgressionalism. The best quote that there is about Thelema is the following:

Regarding Crowley's antidemocratic, racist and misanthropic writings, followers point out: "The reason [...] aspects of Thelema are omitted [in public discussion] indicates the actual problem with presenting Thelema as a religion and attempting to get Thelema sanctioned by the government or approved by the public: Thelema is ultimately in contrast to and transgressive of normative society. Thelema rejects the morals and values of normative society and acts to transgress and violate these norms. From the inclusion of intoxicants in ritual, to the positive view of sexuality, which frequently is seen as promoting promiscuity, to the pro–authoritarian and Nietzschian aspects of Thelema, normative society has much to reject in Thelema and conversely, Thelema encourages its adherents to reject most aspects of normative society." (O.T.O.'s "Journal of Thelemic Studies", 1;2, 2008,–2.pdf, pg 40)

As a Christian my bias would be to call it Satanic, because all of this self-deification is the Biblical definition of Satanic ideology, though you are probably correct that certain occult and elite communities would use pedantic specificity as an argument against generality towards comunal, even ritual, organized transgressive behavior. Abramovic and the Podesta's obviously revel in their association with transgressive 'art', and try to use this as a cover for their true inner beliefs (though Abramovic's Twitter handle included the number 666; revealing at least a Thelemic foundation).

They use the term 'Satan' or 'Satanism' as a canard in little word games to mock their detractors.

As such, we should use specificity against them, and just call their belief systems Thelemic. Nuance can work both ways, and would interest third parties more in the topics being discussed, because the word 'satan' just invokes the usual glazed eye syndrome where people instantly turn off from the discussion, like someone blew a dog whistle in their ear.

CosmicChrist ago

I would ask you to do a little more research on these topics because you seem to not really understand Thelema or Crowely. You admit to your Christian bias, so please read this shot essay by US general Micheal Aquino.

Aquino is high priest of the Setian Church. The temple of Set is the evolution of LaVey's church of Satan, and has replaced the old Satanist model. They consider themselves"puritan Satanists", if you will.

You will see in that essay that Satanism and Thelema are certainly not the same thing, they say it outright.

PieInTheEye ago

First of all, I'll be the judge on what I do or don't know about Crowley; you only read a short post of mine on a forum, so you're neither an expert on what I know, or on my ability to lay aside my bias to achieve a stated agenda -- the agenda being to avoid the glazing-over-of-the-eyes of a person being engaged about Pizzagate.

Second, Thelema can be WHATEVER it wants to be to any particular practitioner, but it provides a greater catch-all category for deliberate TRANSGRESSIVE behaviour.

Thirdly, why the hell would the words of Satanists/Thelemites themselves be considered valid? These people also openly declare that the greatest of all transgressive behaviors, that they revel in, is DECEPTION.

These are the kind of people, like Hillary Clinton, who tell lies simply for the sport of doing so; they get-off on it.

The Biblical definition of Satan, is the love of oneself and belief in only the WILL of the individual. This was Crowley's own definition of Thelema: "Do as thou wilt, will be the whole of the law" (or, 93 93/93 ... etc...). Whether you identify this ideology with a horned demon is irrelevant, because the Bible also never describes Satan as a horned demon; to hell with Hollywood stereotypes when I'm talking simply about the effective use of words.

I'm only suggesting people use the term THELEMA rather than SATANISM, for the reason that the former will be more psychologically effective, because the latter has become a cultural dog whistle. Come up with all the nuanced interpretations or apologetics by satanists/thelemites that you want, this was not the point I was making, and you have no idea what I know ... and I won't assume either what you do or don't know about the occult. because I couldn't possibly know you.

Go ahead, downvoat me for telling the truth, I dare you.

CosmicChrist ago

I didn't downvote you nor do I intend to, you seem fairly reasonable. I just feel like by taking one thing and calling it something completely different to get a desired effect out of people who don't know any better you are perpetuating exactly the kind of "deception" you're so worried about. See what I mean? The only thing that can save us all now is pure, untainted truth.

And for the record, what you claim about crowely's idea of Will is one of the things that is different from Satanism. Satanists believe in the will of the individual and that's all. Crowely was about finding the true will that the universe/god has in store for the individual. Crowely is about Unity, Satanism is about individuality.

PieInTheEye ago

Ok, I see you are reasonable too, but, if I could clarify, the task of defining what an occult group does or does not truly believe, is a fools errand (in my opinion). Degree structures shield initiates from possible dogmatic revelations. We all have bias, it is part of being unitary and conscious, sentient beings; we are all limited in our knowledge, thus we all have much more to learn than we could ever know. I have read many biographies of Crowley--all tainted by the bias of the particular author--and have read his diary, also his catalogues of pseudo-literary gibberish posing as ritual and enlightenment, but I am quite sure that only one categorization is definitely true of Thelema:

Transgressive behavior maintained by institutionalized and deliberate hyper subjective dogma, manifesting as willful cognitive dissonance; either self reinforced by the group into some form of egregore, or purely within the individual mind.

All that can be said about Thelema is that it deliberately constructs an us-and-them between the cult grouping and the outside world, and then attempts to deliberately reject and transgress the norms of the outside world (the functional similarity with a pedophile ring is striking). Theologically, however, Crowley deliberately contradicted himself from one work to another. From the man who literally wrote a book of trash called the "Book of Lies", to define Crowley other than his love of transgressive behavior, is to partake in a great folly; and it took me a long time to work this out. His most honest statement was probably when he said "There is no god but man", which is simply pure Satanism in its modern pseudo-academic format (its public face).

It's just pure Atheism outwardly (other than a childish fascination with mortuary fashions and Gothic dress-up), but with a redefinition of deity as being the self ... thus, internally a pseudo-religion, but from a Book of Genesis perspective, a clear cut textbook definition of Satanism; the words of the snake; rebellion against the idea of an omnipotent benevolent creator offering free will, at a price. Buddhism is actually no different; it is anti-Theistic at its core, but of course different schools of Buddhism confuse the initiate as much as Crowley did regarding the nature of the 'enlightened void'.

Crowley sums up Thelema and Satanism best in his own autobiographical work;

“It is very important to mention that the mind of the child [Crowley] was almost abnormally normal. He showed no tendency to see visions, as even commonplace children often do. The Bible was his only book at this period; but neither the narrative nor the poetry made any deep impression on him. He was fascinated by the mysteriously prophetic passages, especially those in Revelation. The Christianity in his home was entirely pleasant to him, and yet his sympathies were with the opponents of heaven. He suspects obscurely that this was partly an instinctive love of terrors. The Elders and the harps seemed tame. He preferred the Dragon, the False Prophet, the Beast and the Scarlet Woman, as being more exciting. He revelled in the descriptions of torment. One may suspect, moreover, a strain of congenital masochism. He liked to imagine himself in agony; in particular, he liked to identify himself with the Beast whose number is the number of a man, six hundred and three score six [666]. One can only conjecture that it was the mystery of the number which determined this childish choice.”

– Crowley, Aleister. “The Confessions Of Aleister Crowley”, (Autobiography~1928)

Modern academic Satanists, in my opinion, are worse than Crowley, because at least Crowley had the honesty (which is itself ironic) to own up to being a sadomasochist and psychopath at heart. I don't believe people like Aquino when they remonstrate about a modern academic definition of Satanism. I only see a true religion. One where deception is given a high throne as a replacement for a natural moral code.

The Temple was established in the United States in 1975 by Michael Aquino, an American political scientist, military officer, and a high-ranking member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. Dissatisfied with the direction in which LaVey was taking the Church, Aquino resigned and – according to his own claim – embarked on a ritual to invoke Satan, who revealed to him a sacred text called The Book of Coming Forth by Night. -- Wikipedia article on Temple of Set

So, Aquino only believes in his own deification, but wanted to invoke Satan? ... write a new 'scripture' revealed to him by a cognizant non existent deity ... and have his own occult fiefdom where he confused the crap out of the people who joined his franachise, by writing mountains of contradictory trash? Maybe he was simply imitating Crowley because he had a lack of originality? Same goes for LaVey. Personally, the best thing for western civilization that I can say about all forms of Satanism/Thelema, is that they schism so much, being led by hyper-arrogant sectarians not content to be 2IC's beneath other great 'leaders'. The same goes for Theosophy and other transient New Age belief systems.

I'm only interested in the elite super-cults that maintain their membership through fear of reprisal, such as the original Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, or a possible modern continuation/clone; also their ability to tap legacy wealth networks to maintain the power of their structures ... the rest of these schismatic cults are but minor bouts of herpes compared to a HIV/AIDS infestation.

To me, Thelema is at least honest about what Satanism is ... a love for transgressive behavior; thus BDSM and moral relativism towards pedophilia (etc), are technically just forms of Satanism manifesting with different degrees of outward group-organization and/or formal ritual. Such people see no requirement for a moral code, because they see no greater authority that they will ever be answerable to for their depravity other than themselves (an analogical match for a full blown Satanic self-deification). Pedophile rings are just formalized manifestations of Satan dwelling in the hearts of men without the moral code of God, but it would take a Christian to see the truth in this respect, and, as such, my bias is admitted.

Genesis 3:4-5] And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. [The only textbook definition that ever mattered]

Ironically, if the whole world were to become Stanaists, a Thelemite would probably dress up like a Quaker and take off into the forest with a small cadre, to recreate a utopian church commune :) Meanwhile, someone like Aquino would be looking to commercialize a point-of-difference so that he could sell a new book for all the people then looking for an alternative version of the dysfunctional hell on earth they were getting bored with rather quickly. Either way, Christianity sets a moral code for itself, whereas Thelema/Satnism decides what it finds enthralling by opposing the norms of the former, to recruit as many satyrs as possible to dress up like freaks and plot against their moral opposite.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Well written, anon. Have teh upvote.

amCassandraAMA ago

you, Sir, have a very sharp mind.

I will follow your suggestion and call them thelemic in future.

PieInTheEye ago

Abramovic is definitely a Thelemite. Take it to the bank :) and this is exactly why Gaga is so enthralled with her. Gaga is 100% a Thelemite. I could go on for hours pointing out the specific O.T.O., and A:.A:. rituals that Gaga has performed on stage, which are straight out of Crowley's writings; I know because I have studied Crowley's mountains of occult gibberish (it was painful reading). As they say: "Know thy enemy!"

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I don't know why you were downvoted, but this is in line with my reasoning.

Unfortunately this type of information is often set aside as it requires more than a minimum of effort to engage in

PieInTheEye ago

Some people will down vote people simply because it makes them feel 'up voted' in relative terms.

I guess it is an issue of psychological dependence on confirmation bias and self reaffirmation

SayWhatNOWAY ago

No matter what anyone calls it, it is freaking Evil Sick Disgusting Satanism!

PieInTheEye ago

Agreed, but calling it Thelemic will just get their panties in a knot ... and that is just more satisfying :) They want us to use the word 'satanic' because it helps them build strawman arguments. Maybe call it 'evil Thelemite ideology' if you want to emphasize the evil.

nowiknow ago

also bc if you mention satan, normies will dismiss it w/o listening. they arent ready for that aspect in the beginning.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Paypal is shady AF. They shut my brand new account down within 2 days about a decade ago and I hadn't made any transactions. They didn't give me a reason why. I don't like how it is the only option to get paid by some sites. People need to move away from it.

OrangeAndWhite ago


DustyRadio ago

I can't get behind Bitcoin with Brock Pierce running it. He is actually a charged pedo, not just a suspected one.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Nobody runs Bitcoin.

SecondAmendment ago

Yup, yup. That's why it's so messed up that failed "Congressional candidate" David Seaman is pushing Bitcoin on everyone. Does he have no principles? He seems all over the board on this, and the ultimate effect is that he's lost all credibility.

Godwillwin ago

PayPal, amazon, Facebook, google all in bed with the paedophiles.

I depend on amazon and PayPal because we have 6 children-- I do 80 percent of my shopping online so I don't have to drag the babies out. But I'm starting to reconsider my frequent use of Amazon prime. But then again, little me boycotting amazon won't really make a difference

AlSwearinjun ago

If you shop for six kids and a spouse that's 8 consumers you're giving Amazon. Get a costco card and buy diapers and formula at least through their website. They ship for free and it's always to me in less than three days. Costco is probably evil but at least I don't know that for certain. I do with Amazon.

Godwillwin ago

We have a Costco membership. I'll start buying online from them. I just found all this out about Amazon. I was never really into politics. I always voted prolife/conservative (not truly always hand in hand) but you know what I mean. I wasn't happy with obama, but I didn't really start paying attention until the republicans started turncoating on Trump. It made no sense, so I looked into it deeper and learned about "the establishment". Then pizzagate happened and I've learned some awful truths. :( In the midst of pizzagate research, I've learned about so many corporations and nonprofits and "help" the children type of organizations - some ugly truths about sooooo many of them. It's shocking and I will never be the same again. We REALLY are living in a critical time. 2017 is crucial. If the trump administration and we, the people, can't kill the rot over the next 4 years, America most likely will rot to death. We need some serious antibiotics and we need it now. The wounds are deep and they're infected.

Theupsidedown ago

If I were you, I would consider posting less personal information on here.

Godwillwin ago

Nah. If the one world order is "watching" us, they're watching us. My revealing my having 6 kids won't change the situation.

There's almost 10,000 of us on here. They can't "suicide" us all. And if they come after all of us, so be it. I do worry about the journalists and investigative reporters that are staying true though. May God watch over us and all of the others seeking the truth to be told. May He watch over and guide Mr. Trump as well.

Theupsidedown ago

Well said.

FrackThisVerse ago

I don't know how much it is being in bed with them versus just being willfully ignorant. Unfortunately, a lot of companies are complying with orders from govt agencies and the like out of fear for bad PR.

Theupsidedown ago

Have you ever looked at a picture of the guy? He looks like a fucking creep.

FrackThisVerse ago

I definitely agree with that. I was just saying from the companies I've worked with, fear is the KEY driver of most decisions - personally I think zucks is too much of an idiot to do any real damage, but he surrounds himself with much more dangerous individuals

ModsOrPedos ago

Seaman is a HOMO, Peter Thiel ( Paypal Father ) is a HOMO can't some of these players find some cock-sucking or butt-fucking time to work out the differences?

I have a bad feeling about this bullshit, we have heard for a month how "SEMEN" is being taken down by "SEAMAN", yet when I go to, every fucking day SEAMAN is trending #1 on my screen.

Now this story, about PAYPAL, is it? Has it, or is it like YT just fucking bullshit.

Lastly, Paypal was OK back in pre 1999, buut after that they went to shit, and after 2008 they became full ON nazi, anybody that uses paypal or youtube should not be bitching, cuz these are all owned by NSA.

PAYPAL - PALANTIR -> Peter Thiel 100 % NSA

"Oh poor Seaman, NSA will not play with him, if SEAMAN were a real patriot, he would wear this rejection with honor"

Instead, SEMEN is like James Alefantis, just another faggot to feel sorry for, victimized by PIZZAGATE

Godwillwin ago

I'm confused. I haven't watched/read the Seaman story. I honestly don't really know who this seaman guy is. I know everyone is saying YouTube is sensoring him. Are u saying YouTube is not?

I think many aren't aware that YouTube and PayPal are NSA. I didn't until yesterday. I didn't know about google until 3 months ago. Most people just go about their lives using the top search engine, the top online distributor, and the top online monetary transaction company.

PayPal was really shady with the whole PayPal credit thing though. I noticed that 2 years ago. That was ridiculous

NerdyNoodle ago

I am soooo pissed! I gave money to his directly and also through Patreon. Give him his &$#*)(% money, PayPal!

GodHand666 ago

I work for Paypal Credit, if you could provide me with the email that you sent your paypal payment too, I could provide some research, and figure out what exact limitations are on his account, I don't know if I will be provided with a reason why though. But its a start

doubletake ago

why? WHY? because whatever you are doing is working.

Also, Porn/pedophilia via paypal is an interesting search:

" ... employees of the Defense Department — including some with the highest available security clearance — who used credit cards or PayPal to purchase images of children in sexual situations. "

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Get Bitcoin, faggots.

And tell David Seaman to get Bitcoin too.

Shit like this is why permissionless money has value.

Guy_with_the_face ago

It was actually because of David that I started buying bitcoins, he has some great material on Bitcoin and Gold. Its worth a gander through his videos. Cheers

ginx2666 ago

Get Bitcoin, faggots.

Well, it's certainly easier and more anonymous method of paying for cp, but I don't see your point.

MolochHunter ago

maybe we should start a #PedoPal meme

Edit: add YouthTube, Disgracebook and Paeddit

Platypus43 ago

This is something every single one of you need to put under a HUGE microscope

PieInTheEye ago

What ... Elon Musks' pecker? :) Someone line up the Hubble Space Telescope, we need the big guns.