zoltan907 ago

This AP article from 1982 is still on the site: http://www.nytimes.com/1982/07/27/nyregion/boy-sex-rings-said-to-peddle-client-data-to-foreign-agents.html.

Were licensing agreements different in 1982?

DeckoGecko ago

If you look at the Independent article and scroll down to the comments you'll see a pretty well explain reason that the independent still has the story up and the others don't in response to my comment [made me look a right dick but oh well].. doesn't explain the google censorship though cuz i couldn't find the independent article on Google and had to use duckduckgo...


actually,,, rereading the comments it looks like some people have chipped in some insightful stuff.. feeling a little less like a dick now. But not gonna post in the comments again lol!!!

militant ago

"you are a bot or part of the 'russian' disinformation armada"

Haha, and he called you a conspiracy theorist just before that, that's lovely. He has a point about the non-deletion of that article by The Independent, though.

DeckoGecko ago


yeah,, he had a point i guess ,,, wrapped in a bunch of condescending self righteousness.

right,,off to recharge me batteries,,, Moscow issued energizer's are a bit shite ;)

tjarco ago

I have no idea, what to make of this...

  • What is an AP wire story? - Does this mean that newspapers just copy eachothers content without people redacting or verifying?
  • Is Mr. Hicks source really someone from the NY?
  • @militant - I don't understand your argument that it doesn't look automated, could you elaborate?

asked because of relevance to https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030

militant ago

About the source, yes I think so.

I meant that it's likely not a software program or whatever which automatically delete these articles after X days online because a certain percentage of them (more than what I thought) are still there, even years later.

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

I can answer the first question...

The AP is the Associated Press. They provide articles to a ton of news organizations (paper, tv, radio, etc.)

So yes, news organizations are sharing the same articles/reports. Because it's the AP, authenticity or truthfulness aren't questioned.

Go check your local paper and look at the writers for each article, it'll say if it's AP.

SpikyAube ago

In the UK only one mainstream news site covered that story. The BBC mentions it in the last sentence of an article about a single Norwegian man who was found guilty of sending money to a family in the Philippines in return for them filming the abuse of their children for him.

Strange how the story about that one guy was deemed more important than the story about the huge paedophile ring involving Norwegian politicians etc.

That article from May is from May 2015, by the way. There are loads of aponline articles from ages ago. Also, it seems as though the Norway story was deleted after only 1 or 2 days? When other stories seem to stay up for 2 weeks?

But maybe they weren't actually censoring it and the articles did just automatically delete. Which is a good thing, because it means it's not as bad as feared, hopefully. I still think it's weird they wouldn't cover that story anyway, seeing as it's quite a big story and involves people in the US? The main problem though is not that they have ignored Norway, but that they have lied about the citizen investigation into pedophiles in all levels of US government and have made out that it's some crazy made up story when they should be investigating it like proper journalists who have integrity and honesty at the heart of their work.

militant ago

Good points.

I think they manually delete the articles though, or else their program is really bad at doing so.

In France, no media at all reported the story (Norwegian ring - "Operation Darkroom"). On the other hand several media from all around the globe published articles about the "Operation Daylight" a few weeks before that, and no UK/US media reported the story apparently. Not sure why.


Cantilever ago

Why is the article still up on sites other than AP?

LostandFound ago

Nice work! geez these guys just don't want their day at the gallows apparently

derram ago

https://archive.is/Q1Bu7 :

Deleted Article About a Norwegian Pedophile Ring Ignites Conspiracy Theories | Heat Street

https://archive.is/5GfBM :

site:http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/ - Google Search

https://archive.is/6ewl9 :

The Ancient Greek Philosopher’s Guide to the Galaxy - The New York Times

https://archive.is/TUfpN :

4 More Bodies Found After Texas Flooding - The New York Times

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