Infopractical ago

Here's another weird media bit i just found today as I was learning more about the Braverman situation. This Snopes article was written right when Braverman disappeared: Snopes Date of Publication: 10/25/16 "Embassy You Later"

It's sloppy and looks like it was published unfinished? At the very least, there isn't actually a rebuttal of the Russian asylum story beyond the "never trust non-MSM media" tactic. But, as we know, the story on Braverman quickly changed. I still don't know if I understand the story because I'm still new to it, but I've read two claims that the FBI whisked Braverman away into protective custody and that the asylum story was to give cover to the operation. But here sits the Snope article, dumbly devoid of information.

Meanwhile, the MSM seems to be avoiding the Braverman story. I hadn't heard of it before I saw the Webb YouTube page posted at voat and I doubt many people know that the story is out there. This worries me for several reasons. Of course, the MSM might have kept us in the dark before the election. Fine, I get that. But now? Well, there is a real movement to push electors to elect Kasich. If the MSM is holding the story until after that, it seems like an indication of a real belief in the possibility of the faithless elector rejection of Trump.

I didn't even vote for Trump, but I worry replacing him this way when it certainly appears there is an intelligence war taking place.

Infopractical ago

You mentioned I should bring this here:

I noted that when I first heard about pizzagate in late November, Wikipedia didn't have an entry for it. More recently an entry was created that forcefully called pizzagate a "conspiracy theory" instead of an investigation. Due to the "debunked" stories, the links there fit the Wikipedia rules for major news sources.

That feels like a clever way to censor: game the Wikipedia rule system for "major sources".

Infopractical ago

I want to add that several of the most notorious D.C. pedophiles do not have Wikipedia entries, and that strikes me as very odd. These include Ryan Loskarn and also Daniel Rosen, the latter of whom was Director of Counterterrorism in the State Department. Early in my own documenting of pizzagate, I had another name or two to add to this list, but I was just getting started in my research at the time and focused on big picture details.