AwakeandRelieved ago

They aren't shills.

They are Clinton Foundation backers who are terrified.

Let the Pussies post. Changes nothing.

Their time is coming, they will rot. The number that will rot is entirely up to you all.

pizza_gator ago

I think some of them are shills though. From CTR or JIDF. There's been an increase in people with those Clinton backers views joining voat in higher ratio than normal.

Pwner1775 ago

good idea... the shills look like theyre trying to turn this into some nutjob conspiracy!

Pwner1775 ago

I think the upvoat parties are stupid... I had 8 comment contrubition points yesterday, and it halved to 4 today

RexAxisMundi ago

There is no reliable forum to voice all this information. Is better then this? The shills are too much atm

pizza_gator ago

Yeah they are stupid. I didn't even make an account on voat until after the quality started going down. I still don't know what I can do about it though.