Phobos_Mothership ago

Time to, once again, separate the goats from... whatever the fuck Snoo is.

go1dfish ago

Chiming in on /r/conspiracy

I used to mod there, never saw any mod malfeasance and still know most of the mods there and it's probably still one of the best modded subs on reddit and very transparent.

They have /u/publicmodlogs on the modlist and that allows you to view fully 100% comprehensive moderation logs of their subreddit here:

Though it looks like cloudflare has started blocking the ajax proxies I use to make that frontend work.

Mylon ago

If they were, how would they hide it? /r/undelete would catch conspiracy posts being deleted and THAT would be immediately suspicious.

I'm still curious about how ceddit works because I swear I've seen posts that disappear and they don't show up on ceddit. Because /r/undelete needs to be watched most of all. /u/go1dfish, just how does ceddit work anyhow and why might it miss stuff?

go1dfish ago

Ceddit does a bunch of stuff. The frontpage of actually uses /r/undelete for the red highlighted posts.

/r/undelete and /r/longtail are also used for showing removed posts on sub reddit hot pages.

For /new pages and comments I use which crawls and archives all of reddit in pretty much near time (about the only thing it misses are automod removals)

The /new pages on ceddit are 100% comprehensive (well except in some EXTREME cases like because they get a ridiculous amount of spam sometimes it won't have removals for the full visible timeline)

Comment restoration on a thread when looking at the top level should be 100% comprehensive as well. Things will be missed though if pushshift is having problems (happens sometimes) or if reddit itself has issues that trip up pushshift or the app.

For the newer anti-filtering of /r/all see this comment for more info:

All the source is open, but it's not what I would call particularly well organized at this point.

Reading again looks like you want to monitor /r/undelete for malfeasance.

Since the /new removal restoration stuff is separate from the undelete bot, you can monitor for removals.

Mylon ago

What about self posts? ceddit will spot removed self posts, but the contents are lost.

go1dfish ago

In those cases the self post was detected by /r/undelete or direct linked but pushshift didn't get the contents of the post for whatever reason.

This shouldn't happen too often.

Or if a post was deleted by the author, in that case my app deliberately does not restore those.

Mylon ago

While I can understand wanting to respect the author's wish to delete, some posts are made maliciously and then deleted either to hide their tracks or erase the slate so they can try it again. If it were easy to determine which people want to be forgotten and which were gaming the system I would say sure, go ahead and respect those wishing to be forgotten.

go1dfish ago

My app is also fully within the terms of service of Reddit with regards to API use.

If I had it restore user edited content it no longer would be and I expect it would be more likely for reddit to shut it down as they have done with unreddit and others in the past.

thisistotallynotme ago

I can't prove you wrong, but even if you're right, you'll never see /r/conspiracy posts show up on /r/all, nevermind the front page.

The word "conspiracy" makes people turn their brains off and stop listening. That's some successful COINTELPRO.

Good luck getting /r/politics or /r/news to visit the subreddit.

u-spez ago seems to archive everthing.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Wow. Fuck spez.

dontkillmehillary ago

Ok, so it's not just me, lol

dontkillmehillary ago

Any chance you have anything from the past day or two? Something drew attention to get it shut down...

dontkillmehillary ago

Nicely done!

dontkillmehillary ago

By the way... Is there a way to see a cache of the /new/ for that sub?

dontkillmehillary ago

I archived that link. There might be something of note that got the reddit ban

thisistotallynotme ago

nobody believes /r/Conspiracy outside of the subreddit. It's considered a safe place to pidgeonhole all the information, so it'll be ignored by the majority of redditors.

dontkillmehillary ago

I disagree. r/conspiracy is being shilled HARD every day. It definitely has the attention of CTR and whoever else is pulling the strings. I'll be surprised if it lasts until January.

thisistotallynotme ago

yes, it has the attention of CTR. I won't disagree with that. But can you honestly say that even half of redditors would dare venture into /r/conspiracy except on a lark?

dontkillmehillary ago

I think so more now than perhaps 6 months ago. It's possibly the reason for the huge uptick of CTR. I created an alt account in October just for monitoring r/conspiracy, mostly because I was actually finding more accurate news there than other subs. Now that it has CTR's full attention that sub is about as useless for reliable information as the rest of Reddit. I still go there because it's the best resource for cat videos and bullshit on the internet, but no longer is it useful for anything grown up.

thisistotallynotme ago

Upvoted for contrary perspective.

This is why I tend to get my news from 8chan's /pol/. 4chan is largely compromised, but the smaller chans are still pretty untainted. /x/ has a lot of people on-board with pizzagate as well.

dontkillmehillary ago

4chan pol is a total train-wreck now.

thisistotallynotme ago

If you know how to swim through the ocean of piss, you can find lots of vital info.

The problem is swimming through the ocean of piss. The powers that be have led a non-stop assault on 4chan's /pol/ for the better part of 4 months now, because they were not anticipating the power they were up against. 4chan is being left by Anon as a honeypot for their efforts now, while the real investigations have moved to 8/End/Nextchan. There's another *chan I'm not mentioning, because you guys do not need to know it exists yet. Dig and you'll find it.

For Instance, has anyone known that this image came from decrypting the steganography of pizza.jpg in the podesta emails? Anyone with an education in Thelema and Greek/Egyptian mythos can tell you exactly what it means, but you'll never see it outside of /pol/. You'll also never see mentions of the accounts they found in the same picture that were filled with passworded .zip files.

dontkillmehillary ago

That image came out of 4chan and I haven't seen anyone repeat the process the original anon did, but that isn't to say it hasn't been done. If you have more leads on the image I'd be interested to see them because i have my own thoughts on it and I'm curious to see if it jives.

thisistotallynotme ago

Not to nitpick, but that version of the image came from 8chan. This is the original version found on the 4chan thread. the cleaned-up version was deciphered on 8chan along with the mega links.

Either way, I bet 99.9% of the voaters here haven't seen it.

As for leads, I'll see if I can't dig through 4plebs for the thread.

dontkillmehillary ago

Sorry, not nitpicking either, but it was 4chan, Here is the original thread. I actually followed the thread as it went down. I'm assuming 8chn cleaned it up and added the color?

I try to avoid 4plebs because I find it a little unreadable, lol.

Edit- the link was posted on r/pizzagate before it went down :(

thisistotallynotme ago

I stand corrected. thank you for the link. upvoted.

EDIT here's the entire thread

dontkillmehillary ago

Hey, not a problem and I hope I didn't come off as douchey with the link. It's way more helpful with everything if we share as much of the data as we can :)

Thanks for the link!

Orange_Circle ago

I think conspiracy is going to get banned sooner than later.

Tbear05 ago

I was one of those subscribers, i left that place a long time ago. Death to Reddit.

Paranoiaattack ago

Same here, fuck that shithole

thicktail1730947 ago

Thanks for the warning.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what was it?

mandela effect?