EyeSeeYou ago

I guess hiding it in plain sight isn't working out too well for these people lol I wonder how many other pizza joints in big cities are tied into this. Time to do some more investigating.

Ganker907 ago

This video is kinda weird as well -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRzS33EvPrk

CarriedbyGrace ago

Billionaire family "Tisch" involved with Roberta's


WHAMMO63 ago

Satanists are also sun worshippers.

pg47_ ago

It might be nothing but:

This is one of the channels they're subscribed too. The video titled "Lena" is kind of odd. In the descriptions of the videos they link to a Tumblr page and an email account.

First thing I noticed on the tumblr page was the "please don't tell your parents". It's a really bizarre page, sex, nudity, hotdogs, references to teens/kids. I'm about 34 pages in and have found the first pizza reference. I don't know what to make of this, I know tumblr posts can be backdated.

It could be fake, I've seen a few posts reblogged from the "clinton loves pizza" account that has been mentioned on here before . The dates seem off as well. e.g. Here, the 2nd from bottom post was reblogged 6 years ago from "clinton loves pizza".

Also found this website

Theophany ago

This is significant! We need people investigating who owns this, who their friends are, relation to CF and the rest of PG.

One of the posters simply says Pop Up. It is a phrase that was used by commenters in Comet's instagram, and is a sexual game based on seeing who can get men aroused the fastest.

Riva ago

This one did it for me too. Bottom right, pizza face painting. Right. I don't know what that could possibly allude to

nosilence1 ago

Great find! Big pizza enthusiasts this Clinton couple.

stradus ago

i am never good look at mom and pop's pizza shops the same ..

shortymcbossypants ago

First page is the Greek god Bacchus, Bushwick is a hipster haven, I see a pizza with the Illuminatti all seeing eye, aaand what the crap is a cheap whole in the wall pizzeria in Brooklyn/Bushwick doing with 135 dollar wines? Oy vey on a stick man, half their pizzas looked partially burned. I mean get the whole wood fire thing, but still, the entire bottom of the crust doesn't need to be charred black.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

You're not wrong. But is is possible there might be a different way to say this?

me_buttare_via ago

What kind of "food delivery" service needs 24hrs notice? PLUS adds a 15% service fee?

UnrealMindGames ago

0:44 that pedo swirling sign. Man it just cant be just coincidence that the sign is popping out in so many pizza restaurants.

EyeWideOpen ago

Yes and then he says "Super Special Secret Magic Pizza"... What could he be alluding to? He also mentions wizardry and pizza sorcery. Sorcery is the misuse of magic for ones own gain often at the expense of others.

google_is_useful ago

i think pizzagate is real and i didn't see a single creepy image... this is typical art that young hip people are into. same with the video.

have a cup of tea and relax for a bit man. seeing every single thing as satanic and creepy is just going to make us look crazy.

sentryseven ago

Really? You didn't think there was anything overtly occultic or satanic in the summer solstice picture? May I remind you that common witness testimony and investigative reports states that satanists behead small children, particularly babies? These are the dead illustrated here walking around a satanic pentagram with fire everywhere. It is in your face.

Riva ago


EyeWideOpen ago

I really hope you're right. If so it goes to show how satanic symbolism has been so deeply perpetuated into modern culture very effectively.

Maybe these people don't know the true meaning behind the symbols they use. I do think that happens a lot.


For me, this was the one that stood out:


Why would you associate pizza with a pentagram unless there was a satanic agenda involved?

EyeWideOpen ago

It's weird if you google search "pizza pentagram" so many images come up.

Best case scenario for this is that it is a satanic pizza meme that has gotten into the hipster culture and they're just perpetuating unconsciously or with a limited understanding of that the symbols mean.

It certainly is possible and symbols are used to hide things in plain sight even in ways where people involved on some level don't have to know the full meaning.

Interesting to note about this picture and pizza pentagrams in general is that they point downwards. The pentagram isn't satanic by itself but when satanists turn it on it's head what they mean is to thrust the spirit, the top point, into the ground.

The 4 lower points in the pentagram represent the 4 elements water, fire, air and earth. The fifth is the spirit. Putting matter over the spirit is what they mean when they reverse the pentagram.

looking4truth ago

Great find

EyeWideOpen ago

I really hope you're right. And you're right the midsummer is celebrated in pleasant peaceful ways all over the place.

LostandFound ago

Dude don't put direct links to downloads with no warning

EyeWideOpen ago

I apologize, which link do you mean? The wine menu? I will change it to the full URL instead. Thanks.

LostandFound ago


justiceforever ago

I downloaded the pdf wine list. Any security issues I should be worried about?

LostandFound ago

Think it's ok just not ideal

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Good find

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Wtf is with that easter bunny with crying children? Weird rituals with child skeletons too.

You got some Tarot cards. See the Law of One for the significance of Tarot in Esoteric terms. There are adults only events here it seems. It isn't quite like Ping Pong. There are sketchy aspects but more digging is needed.

Godwillwin ago

Here's an answer from a Q and A with one of the owners

Based on name, which of your pizza’s would win in a physical altercation?

"I mean I’m gonna say Beastmaster. But the Millennium Falco has laser beams. But yeah, Beast vs Millenium, I’d watch that fight, the winner must be determined..."


And mushka means cuddly little teddy bear Google it It's a reoccurring theme in these pizza places Many of them have a cute little bear on their menus and the bear appears in freaky art sometimes with a patch eye Like the one eye illuminati thing

I googled one of the other owners and he owns a bar/hot dog joint called please don't tell

Check it out - very weird You get in through calling from a phone booth in front of the restaurant

It that doesn't make it pedo However, on the Facebook page I noticed they use the same strange burger symbol with the triangle in it that another suspicious type burger joint in DC uses

I think the triangle is supposed to be the cheese slice on the burger

MAGABoomer ago

The only thing those photos did was make me hungry! The Jerk Off event was iffy, as the summer solstice...if it were day of the dead I can see that, but summer solstice? They must celebrate that a different way....

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Ring a Ring o' Roses" or "Ring Around the Rosie" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_a_Ring_o'_Roses

In 1898, A Dictionary of British Folklore contained the belief that an explanation of the game was of pagan origin, based on the Sheffield Glossary comparison of Jacob Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie. The theory states that it is in reference to Pagan myths and cited a passage which states, "Gifted children of fortune have the power to laugh roses, as Treyja wept gold." Believing the first instance to be indicative of Pagan beings of light.

lectorleoni ago

http://archive.is/dQZBD - who pays $700 for a mesh tank top? Maybe they throw something or someone in to sweeten the deal.

investigatorman ago

I don't know about this one. Surfed through the pictures and didn't see anything overwhelmingly Alefantis level. What is bullshit is that I was just mentioning Pizzagate and its evidence on r/politics (which shills are still clearly present). I got hit with 60+ downvotes in like 10 hours. The dumbest thing is I told them the connection between Alefantis and the attorney that deals with molestation cases in his jurisdiction, and they never refuted it or anything, just simply told me i needed to go get help. They honestly sounded really creepy, and it makes me think a greater part of Reddit is out to silence Pizzagate. They won't though, just yesterday I saw a guy standing near my local mall on the busiest intersection holding a sign that simply said "pizzagate". It was brilliant and I bet a lot of people gained awareness because of that guy.

sentryseven ago

Well the summer solstice one says it all. You can't get anymore explicit than that.

EyeWideOpen ago

Yes this is a give away that something strange is up! That it was all taken down says a lot too.

Spooncooker ago

Chicken lovers is a sex thing. Alefantis insta had the comment "chicken lover" on a photo with him wrapping yellow beads around a infant

jenidaninja ago

All I see is corny hipster bad art. and now I'm also hungry.

EyeWideOpen ago

I really hope that is all this is. I don't see why they would remove all of it if there was nothing to hide tho.

Who knows...

jenidaninja ago

Honestly, i believe pedophilia is more rampant in government and that pizzagate is real. I fear it will be ridiculed if we start seeing pedophilia signs everywhere. I don't want to join any hysterical movements that can easily come from this. If I had a pizzeria with signs I put up with to attract hipster types inn my neighborhood and got word of #pizzagate I'd probably take them down too

countmaxwell ago

I would be more receptive to your reluctance on this one if they didn't have that huge poster with the child skeletons dancing around a pentagram with goats' heads everywhere eating pizza.

jenidaninja ago

That's actually a "dia de los muertos" reference. Not satanic or evil. It's a cultural celebration of death. The pentagram however is an odd placement which is why I wonder if these hipsters had any idea of what they were doing. Maybe they did but maybe they got caught being foolish? Hipsters in NYC, particularly Brooklyn are clueless, entitled, fools in my opinion.


countmaxwell ago

CTRL + F Goat. Nope, not Dia De Los Muertos. Satanism. I'm not saying PizzaGate confirmed, but tongue-in-cheek Satanism reference confirmed at the very least.

EyeWideOpen ago

I really understand your reluctancy to reach conclusions and I don't know if this pizzaria is involved in shady business. I really hope they aren't.

There will always be ridicule around exposing occult symbols, there always has been. The fact that hipsters are now constantly using symbols like the pyramid and the eye goes to show how deeply the symbols have sunk into the minds of people.

So you're right, just because there is "Illuminati" symbols doesn't mean they're involved in any of it. They could just perpetuating the memes unconsciously.

And I agree just because we see an instagram account even with blatant occult or satanic symbolism we shouldn't automatically assume they're bad people or even know what the symbols mean.

jenidaninja ago

With all that has been exposed this election cycle I honestly don't know what or who to believe anymore.... #pizzagate being the exception. I know that an underground pedo and human trafficking world exist. I would love to expose and eliminate the secrecy behind this. I would love to see those guilty get what they deserve. I have no empathy for these vile useless creatures.

EyeWideOpen ago

It's very good to stay objective and not conclude things to early.. The wild thing is that people like David Icke have been talking about this for over 15 years. It makes you wonder want else is true of what he says.

The secret underground world goes back thousands of years which is something David Icke has also mapped out. But he is not alone, many have tried to expose the elite and their weird secret rituals.

It's important to know that they really do believe that their rituals give them magical powers and in some sense they do. Look how they have been able to control our media and the world for so long. They will fall tho it's only a matter of time. We are in the time of the great revealing or the 'apocalypse' which means revealing.

There is much much more to be revealed about our reality and how it works and it's going to be a great time of true spiritual evolution for Earth once we get through this cleaning period! Even tho these seem like dark times they're really not. This is the time when the light shines brightest! :)

hanknut42 ago

same colors on their sign as Bestas Pizza Red and Yellow

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

That Summer Solstice poster is really suspicious. Goats heads, a pentagram, a kids face being painted with a pizza slice. And who the fuck do you know who celebrates the Solstice?

EyeWideOpen ago

Yes that one struck me too, very creepy indeed! Link: https://archive.is/rQDbH/762032b41cdae00763e1a8986f5f80c0011943f5.jpg

Almost all religions and cultures celebrate the solstices and equinoxes. It's believed these days hold a special significance because of the way the sun moves relative to us. If you can understand the movement of the sun, you can understand how things work here on earth. Sowing seeds and harvesting grain all requires you have knowledge of the cycle of the year.

Today all the holy days have been perverted and commercialized. Christmas, easter, halloween and many other day like that are connected to the cycle of the sun. Those have been celebrated tor thousands of years and is even mapped out in Stonehenge, the pyramids and many other ancient places.

I think these satanists know there is power in these days and exploit it to draw in more energy to their rituals...

John_The_Watchman ago

good find. this deserves attention

EyeWideOpen ago

Thank you! I hope this gets out there. Their posters for their events are seriously creepy. Featuring pentagrams, skeletons and they're promoting things like their 'Second annual JERK OFF' whatever that is supposed to mean...!?

Spooncooker ago

"Everyones coming" is repeated

EyeWideOpen ago

Yeah, they're really blunt about it. There's a gif on there that says "NYE SUCKS PARTY" which features a man getting champaign foamed in his face...

waxdino ago

They get removed because there is an unusual spike in visitors. That doesn't mean they're guilty of anything, just that they see a shitstorm coming. I'd rather link to an archive or screen cap in the first place. Thanks for this.

Thrash57 ago

Great find!

jammymcjamster ago

And they are also friends with Jimmycomet - comet pizza on instagram.

ShockDoctrine101 ago

Hijacking top post because i remember seeing Roberta's mentioned in Clinton emails

Clinton's itinerary for September 21. 2012


6:10 pm DEPART LaGuardia, En route Roberta's Pizza

6:30 pm ARRIVE Roberta's Pizza

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05795389


Time Tbd Roberta's Pizza, 261 Moore Street, Brooklyn, NY **

CLOSED PRESS Note: Business casual attire. Approximately 35 guests attending. 7:00pm, cocktails; 8:00pm, dinner; 10:00pm, music by Lia Ices.

Time Tbd DEPART Roberta's Pizza En route Private Residence **

Time Tbd ARRIVE Private Residence ####

HRC RON Chappaqua, NY

WJC RON Chappaqua, NY

afterbernerthrowaway ago

And if you look up Susie Tompkins Buell, you'll find in her Wikipedia article that she's not just a top donor to the Democratic Party, but one of Hillary Clinton's closest friends.

EndThePizza ago

That's really the only thing I see suspicious here

Millennial_Falcon ago

You haven't looked much, then. Roberta's was one of the first connections we found. There were tons of things on their instagram that screamed they are involved in the same stuff going on at Comet. Art of children's skeleton's dancing on a pentagram, spirals on pizza (spiral is FBI-listed pedo symbol), art with Illuminati eye on pizza slices...

MeatballPizza ago

Pizza pentagram. Saw that earlier today. The one eye deal. Their main pizza is called "Christ Cheesus" - mocking Jesus in the food selection.

There should be a master thread combining all the info on this place.

MeatballPizza ago

Creepy. A billionaire (!) bought the place. Apparently there's a lot of money in a local pizza shop...

chickyrogue ago

big cash business the kind you can launder money thru

Gumbatron ago

Yep, cash businesses are commonly used for laundering money, maybe you could launder a couple of hundred thousand per year, but not in the Billions range. If you wanted to launder billions, you'd just use HSBC.

chickyrogue ago

well thats the whole point where do all these pizza joints bank

and many built in safes too i am certain of it

lectorleoni ago

The mob loves to use pizzerias as fronts for this very reason. The owners of this one are clearly satanists, though.

Also there's this http://archive.is/dQZBD

shortymcbossypants ago

What in the whiskey hell?

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

What in the actual fuck is that?!

lectorleoni ago

I'll tell you what it's not: it's not a $700 leather mesh tank top.

chickyrogue ago

all sorts of things you can do with cash businesses it is just so sad that this touches so many participants....WFT?

soon they will change their laws to make this aok