rrdesc ago

Happened to me too. 2 days for downvoting the same thread.

trite ago

exact same thing happened to me


Does anyone know of a way to view comments that I have upvoted and downvoted? Why aren't they linking me to the comments that supposedly "proved" that I was vote manipulating purely by downvoting people I did not agree with.

MrG13 ago

as shitty as it is...if you followed a link and voted than yeah that is considered vote manipulation.

Not saying it's right, but before you would just end up shadow banned and not even realize it for a while.

xericlisten ago

You're definitely not the only one who got banned. Here is a post from a Redditor of nine years! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1474789

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Yep same thing here. All I did was up vote one comment that I thought was funny. Didn't down vote anything or comment anywhere.


blue-flight ago

Dude, imgur took down your pic. Don't use that nasty site, geez.

ohnoitsaninja ago

Most of voat is bad and all the communities I would like to use it for are not even remotely developed. I can't stand to continue using reddit after being banned on my main and only account for merely DOWNVOTING, TWO TIMES.

Feels like some big power came and squashed all the organizational stucture behind any free thought and dissenting opinion, feels bad man. As bad as it was, shit like reddit that allowed smart people to work together helped keep our shit together a little bit longer in this age of dead journalism, WE'RE GOING FULL 1984/Fahrenheit 451 FROM HERE and everyone I know IRL still thinks Russia is behind wikileaks and I feel so god damn alienated.

ohnoitsaninja ago

I have a 6 year account on reddit and was suspended last night. I've never had any issues with admins/mods on reddit and have threatened to wipe my account if it isn't promptly lifted. Identical message to you OP.


I've been very low profile regarding conspiracy theories and my reddit account. The only way they could be doing this is by just mass banning anyone they have detected coming from voat. I don't have multiple accounts and the only dissenting sub I've subd to is whereisassange, this is an account with a 6 year long history with thousands of hours.

EyeWideOpen ago

Me too. I was stunned... They must be really scared. I upvoted maybe 3 comments that I happened to agree with and got suspended for 2 days. WTF?

Bratton912 ago

Same 2-day ban. The days of Reddit being one of the top dogs is over, they just don't know it yet.

Madwack ago

I was banned for 3 days for posting about fake news being the real news.....FU REDDIT!!! my ban just ran out a few hours ago.

weezwag ago

Add me to the list. From np.reddit.com. I don't remember being on the np. Version, RES would have told me. I'm going to check my history

Warnos44 ago

http://imgur.com/a/TCxUj Also banned for 2 days, 2 notifications. Funny thing is, I only downvoted things that were said nastily or were incorrect.

knight222 ago

You must be aware to remove the "np" in the url before voting.

ohnoitsaninja ago

If voting on a np. prefixed link is a bannable offence then why is it even allowed to be clicked!!?

If this isn't entirely a tactic to sweep dissenting opinion under the rug, then everyone who ever votes on a .np link should just insta-ban themselves when the click an arrow!

Ditchwizard ago

Please use http://sli.mg/ to upload next time but thanks for more proof! They really are fucking dumb if they think they could get away with this without some backlash.


vote manipulation??? oh the irony

Hazilla ago

Yeh same for me, 2 day suspension for down voting lol what a joke


This is how you know you are right! The struggle has only begun.

hendaiburtu ago

Happened to me too

User890020 ago

Me too...

Despite CTR's REAL shills illegaly downvoting truth and promoting fakeness all over the place for months...

MAN that's sickening. Fuck reddit.

pmichel ago

me too

zinn88 ago

mod here is a shill!!! deleted my post 2 times because of this video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vzJ0yKwI1M

PizzaGateExpress ago

Wow, it seems this has happened to a lot of people, please add screenshots of your ban for vote manipulation so I can inform redditors and the mods (this censorship is significant proof for your average redditor and could convince a lot of people). I suspect that this happened to 100's if not 1000's of people, and is a new way method Spez is using to remove downvotes votes on material that they want promote.

farmerdude ago

Yes, I got banned too for upvoating and trying to comment in a reasonable manner without jumping to conclusions

fetuspizza ago

I think if you took a link from a certain subreddit, IE The_Donald, you were handed a suspension. There was a redditor who didn't even downvote the link who was suspended.

I was also given two suspensions. One I'm assuming for the link, another for the downvote.

Ditchwizard ago


Only voted didn't comment, Hardly even downvoted anyone I supported people who were rational in the thread by upvoting them..

Edit: I cant read gud here is the link to my message about the suspension http://sli.mg/pwEQJS

sofakingtodd ago

Did the same to me from VOat > reddit and got banned for making 2-3 upvotes, no comments. They are tracking where their posts are getting traffic from offsite refs and banning saying due to "brigading from one subreddit to another". I got 2 bans at the same time. https://i.sli.mg/4VSQLn.png

PizzaGateExpress ago

Interesting, it was sent at the same time as mine, which indicates that we weren't banned based on some automated algorithm that removes "vote brigades," but rather a targeted attempt to suspend people based on HOW they vote.

sofakingtodd ago

I clicked a link on Voat that goes to a single post on reddit, I upvote 2-3 comments and leave no comments of my own. I never came from another subreddit. As far as Reddit should know a user came out of the cloud and made 2-3 votes. Then I get banned saying I came from one subreddit to another subreddit and I am brigading. I think Reddit is overreaching and tracking users on a deeper level. https://i.sli.mg/zLBH3i.png

pizzahthrowaway ago

Had been wondering about that based on several peoples claims of "vote brigading" when they went there from voat, not a subreddit.

standalone ago

Is it me or Imgur image is down?

PizzaGateExpress ago

mybad, I posted a bad link. Here it is https://imgur.com/a/wKeYY

blue-flight ago

no, you didn't post a bad link they took it down. Stop using that shit.

dindonufin ago

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

standalone ago

Ok, next objective after Pizzagate is to organize a boycott campain against Reddit. Reddit is going full totalitarian now. It has passed its usefulness. It's a duty to make sure it goes out of business before it grows into yet another big corporate social media juggernaut.

PizzaGateExpress ago

I disagree, I believe it's Spez and his influence over the company that is the issue.

We need a way to inform redditors about PizzaGate that's more subtle and nuanced. I think calling Reddit out for these suspensions would certainly help (remember the publicity the_Donald got when posts were edited?).

EDIT: If you want to boycott Reddit, just boycott their ads (use and adblocker), that way your traffic costs them money rather than the other way around.

l23r ago

If it's not him, it's just some other tool. Remember that person from like a year ago? I don't recall her actual name, and searching for "Asian bitch Reddit" just gives me a bunch of porn.

Bigglesworth45 ago

In 4 a 2 day ban.

AliensInParis ago

Same here

C1REX ago

WTF? Banning people for "wrong" voting IS VOTE MANIPULATION.

You_Alt-Right_bro ago

Happened to me too

RexAxisMundi ago

Same thread. Happened to me.

it_was_foretold ago

SaME exact thing happened to me. Same thread . This is real

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Happened to me too for exact same thing in the exact same thread.

Edit: I have rolled through politics in the past and downvoted exceedingly dumb shit but never had a problem until the pizza thread.

PizzaGateExpress ago

great, can you make sure to get screenshots. If there are a few of us hopefully I can message the mods, and make a post (on reddit) exposing this.

derram ago

https://archive.is/Q4WWx :

Fuck everyone who wants to take my pizza place away from me. FUCK YOU. Get out of my fucking neighborhood you sacks of SHIT. : self

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