EatThePizzaEaters ago

Add me to the list, one upvote, one downvote my, and one comment.. We are getting under their skin

Orangutan ago

I'm wondering if they'll actually end up letting us back on. And yeah. A mass banning like this should be cause for concern.

banusaur ago

I was banned too! All I did was downvote that stupid rant about how great Comet Pizza is and upvoted the "do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?" comment.

For reference, I am using the handle "banusaur" on both sites.

logjam ago

you think voat is reddit as well?

standalone ago

Look, it's been weeks that Reddit has gone full totalitarian. Why you would keep using it after they banned the users who reported a pedo ring while letting the pedos continue, after they banned #pizzagate, after /u/spez admitted to manipulating comments, and then they banned #Operation_Berenstain, and now they are doing vote manipulation of propaganda posts and banning people who downvote the propaganda. WHY ON EARTH DID YOU TAKE SO LONG TO LEAVE? Is censorship OK with you? Sorry if I come accross as unfriendly, but we are trying to investigate a pedo ring, and I'm tired to see posts of redditors crying because Reddit did something bad to them every 5 posts.


Got it? Aaron Swartz is dead, and now they put a psychopathic cannibal instead, and he is just fucking up everything. Nevermind, we got Voat, and it's even better. So now tell your Reddit friends to come over Voat so that we may stop hearing how everybody is unhappy on Reddit yet keeps using it anyway.


logjam ago

What did you do?

RedpilledInSuburbia ago

I was on godlike productions for about 5 yrs and banned tonight after replying to a thread about pizza merchandise at Kohls. The bans and censorship are spreading

pizzagate2 ago

How did you get banned / where did you post?

srayzie ago

What do you mean you guys are banned? From a certain sub or banned from all of Reddit?

zeebo ago

Dereferer on Voat when?

anonentity ago

Facebook is checking stuff sent in "Chat" I sent "Banned in Britain" and they tagged it with disinformation...So chat isn't private who would have thought?

gonegoogling1 ago

Proof of my ban for those asking.

anonymous18453 ago

Sorry if the question has been asked/addressed/seems paranoid before but how likely with a voat ban from MSM be? The banning is so pervasive where we need more alternatives in the case it does happen.

Candide ago

If reddit is scanning for voat, you can bet there are other sites doing the same thing. Might make sense to at the very least do voat on an incognito window and don't follow any links without copy paste into another browser instance.

anonymous18453 ago

Thanks Candide, in the event people are using an incognito window are there other alternatives? Honestly the efforts to cover up is so out of hand I am getting paranoid, personally I am using a VPN to help with anonymity.

Candide ago

Depending on your browser, take a look at installing a referer manager. Its none of their business waht site you come from and just good internet hygene.

PizzaGateExpress ago

There were 100's if not 1000's suspended just over voting on PizzaGate-related posts. We need to figure out how we can draw attention to this for the rest of redditors

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

Nine years!?!

I was suspended today as well, but have only been using for two years. This is so fishy...

gerantgerant ago

Yep, active reddit user and common lurker around these parts. Suspended for two days for voting on a /r/self thread. It's total bullshit and just adds to the overall growing weirdness attached to this story.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Also suspended. I was a mod of a few popular subs too.

Kwijibo ago

I delete my account the day I joined Voat. Are they deleting users of /r/pizzagate and /r/the_donald?

reasonedandinformed ago

I wrote a piece on the original Pizzagate about the coming label of "fake news" and censorship on 11/21. They blocked my post, which confused me when people reported, and took down the sub the next day. They are hoping to censor this story out of the public consciousness, but it will not work.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Don't they get the Streisand Effect and basic human psychology? They'd suicide themselves to protect allegations of powerful peoplen into paedophilia and trafficking?

This is beyond fuckd up now. OBVIOUSLY this is real or the MSM and social media wouldn't be going into bizarre contortions right now.

I thought they said it was all about a debunked attack on a poor pizza shop owner? When have they EVER stanped on any story like this???

It's fukcing.real and I am going to dedicate myself to it now. There is no unlearning PizzaGate

RedPowerRanger ago

There's just as little info in that link too.

jangles ago

I got suspended from reddit after making a post on voat today, haven't but looked at reddit for weeks.

throwawaypizzagate ago

Are you saying they banned you from reddit, not because of content/comments you posted there, but because of content you posted here?

CeepsNo ago

So by simply having the same username, they banned you? Get revenge by creating alts here of mods there.

jangles ago

-this was the message i got hours after i was suspended- Your account has been suspended from Reddit. subreddit message via /r/[A] sent 16 hours ago Your account was suspended for participating in a vote brigade from this link: You followed the link to another subreddit and voted on it. This is considered vote manipulation and violates the rules of reddit. The suspension will last 2 day(s). If you believe your account has been suspended in error, you can contact us by replying to this message.

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Yep that's what I got hit with as well. I didn't even process that I had left r/conspiracy, I just saw a funny comment and up voted it. Then BOOM.

jangles ago

-Correlation is not causation- it was this thread I was looking at, and downvoted one comment about the people investigating pizzagate on this archived page on reddit. the reddit admin associated is /r/Ocrasorm see his comment at the end of this archived page

Candide ago

Somebody needs to set up a test account and see if they can get banned from reddit for just going back and forth from voat.

jangles ago

-What should be done is a 'vote brigade' from Voat. This is what got me banned from reddit. So a few 'new account' should be setup and 'built', kinda like the shills do here to get their 100. Then create a post on voat and 'vote brigade' a new reddit thread.

Fifthestateknows ago

Good idea

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

woah... gonna need more information on this.

reasonedandinformed ago

So you literally had done nothing on Reddit and got a ban after posting here? Not that I disbelieve, just trying to clarify.

dontsuicidemebro ago

It sounds like the people who got banned got banned for vote brigading which is against site rules, but realistically happens all the time - I've never seen it enforced like this before, to my knowledge this is unprecedented.

angryindividual ago

This is fucked and scary.

anonentity ago

Nah its good, I'll die for freedom. Who wants to live forever?.

Fifthestateknows ago

Me too

anonentity ago

My main worry is that the rising bullshit that Russia has been at it with regards to this election. They are likely to start a war to stop all these allegations from coming out . It might be their plan B. If Putin can keep his head if he gets provoked, and wait till Trump is inaugurated I think we will see a clean up they are obviously trying to get a defence organised, which wouldn't stand up with a fair and impartial inquiry...but that's the last thing they would want .

hanknut42 ago

spez sucisded swartz pass it on he set him up!

SoManyQuestions ago

Please put some thought in your posts. No one will except you other wise.

hanknut42 ago

  1. lol ok shillary clinton all my posts are just heresayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

SoManyQuestions ago

Exactly. Where did you find the second shill to down vote me?

hanknut42 ago lol and i cant downvote ya noob not enough karmamamammaaaa

SoManyQuestions ago

If you had as much karma as unnecessary letters I'd be fucked.

Havengul ago

Are you drunk again?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Can you please elaborate on your thoughts?

gonegoogling1 ago

My ban is for 2 days. I am thinking they might be trying to ban a large number of redditors to prevent us from spreading big news that might break in the next two days.

SpikyAube ago

Me too, suspended for 2 days. I have a few reddit accounts though so if there is big news I will spread it anyway!

nomorepizza ago

They banned your ip?

gonegoogling1 ago

No. I can still go to reddit and the articles. I cannot submit or up/down vote any content or comment and cannot make any comments.

drodesta18 ago

I was banned as well. All I did was upvote two comments, and downvote another

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

I say some pretty controversial things on reddit but stay very civil, I haven't been banned yet. I only get comments shadowremoved occasionally if I use a phrase like "correct the record". What is everyone being banned for?

IAmJohnBarron ago

I was banned for 2 days for 1 upvote

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Same exact thing happened to me. Suspension for 2 days, not banned though. I up voted a comment and was accused of "vote brigading."

Did you up vote a comment on the post titled, "Fuck everyone who wants to take my pizza place away from me. FUCK YOU. Get out of my fucking neighborhood you sacks of SHIT."?

Someone linked to that from r/conspiracy, I didn't even realize at first that I had left the subreddit. I saw a funny comment and up voted without thinking about it. Had no idea I wasn't supposed to do that. Then I got hit with the suspension.

IAmJohnBarron ago

pretty much same exact thing happened to me, i'm sure we'll be seeing several threads about it tomorrow

User890020 ago

Me too

Candide ago

I got hit as well. Couple innocuous comments and votes on what was apparently the wrong thread. They have gone full blown userbase hostile.

SoManyQuestions ago

Yeah. ONE upvote. Historically I have upvoted some shoddy stuff I'm not proud of and this wasn't one of them.

slumbermachine ago

Same here, banned last night. I guess they are going to just ban themselves out of existence.

BAppreciAting ago

Welcome, they don't deserve your energy, here we can create a giant subconscious wave of energy?!$.

dookiehowzer ago


sheer-con ago

Nothing else to say?

DarkMath ago

More information please....

Ditchwizard ago

I also have been suspended from Reddit due to following a Link on voat to this post

I did up/downvote in the thread and they slapped me with a 2 day suspension for brigading...this has happened to a lot of users and I have sent 4 messages to Reddit and they have yet to respond with anything. this is a post from earlier about the same issue and inside there is my proof of suspension.

SpikyAube ago

Me too, same exact thing.

Candide ago

Exactly the thread I got suspended for. Also followed the voat link.

logjam ago

Just curious - do you have a shared email, or user names between both sites?

l23r ago

If you click on the link directly from Voat, they can see that. You need to copy and paste the link, minus the "np" part.

Also, having an account with the same name as here is a giveaway. If you have a throwaway account you haven't only used for FPH, Gamergate, Coontown, etc. related things, CONTRIBUTE IN OTHER AREAS FIRST and then go to up/downvote in the Pizzagate thread. See if you get blocked... I don't have any account like that, and any newly made ones would be a giveaway, or else I would do it myself.

halfstep ago

There were a few earlier threads about this ban. Apparently reddit tracks your redirect url. One of the earlier posts had instructions on how to stop your browser from giving out that info. Spent 5 mins looking for it, couldn't find it. Maybe someone smarter than me can link...

Ditchwizard ago

No, I have separate user names and Voat does not require email if i remember correctly.

crazimal ago

from yr reddit link:

they had to run out of the fucking restaurant because some crazy fuck came in with a semi automatic rifle and started searching the place >

so you're saying your friends are the Saudi lawyer and his family? Or you're the Saudi? Because they were the only people in there. And you like punk music?





Ditchwizard ago

Is there some meta shit I missed out on cause man I have NO clue what you are talking about.

derpderpderpderp ago

You were banned? Sitewide? Proof?

gonegoogling1 ago

Proof of my ban for those asking.

Ditchwizard ago

this post earlier has proof of a lot of users who have gotten a 2 day suspension with proof (at least some users provided proof)

I mention this before but I sent Reddit 4 messages trying to figure out why I was banned and they have yet to respond, So it seems like they just don't give a fuck unless we get enough proof to out them for being fucking mongoloids

Candide ago

My exact situation, no comment from reddit admins either.

Time for a PSA I think. Don't directly follow any voat links to reddit. They are scanning and banning voat users.

Ditchwizard ago

You are right, they seem to not care about anything but conforming to their own narrative and it is some fucked shit.

jangles ago

I am in a similar position, I was suspended for vote manipulation