tjarco ago

included on timeline of censorship here

MolochHunter ago

controlled opp is one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is that the illuminati is not without its factions - and some of those are less evil than others. There are a lot of establishment people who havent (have avoided) being compromised by the paedostocracy faction, and they are finding it increasingly difficult to get anything done without bumping up against the paedomafia. The illuminati must respond to evolution, too. Perhaps the decision 30 years ago to give internet to the plebs was not predicted well enough for them to appreciate it would uncover their nefarious activities, and the illuminati now has a decision to excise itself from the factions that participate in paedophilia.

sunajAeon ago

I supported Seaman until I found out he was a Obama supporter-sorry, you can't report on PIZZAGATE and get past this, not to mention being from HP, might as well be CIA

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Calling him controlled opposition won't turn away real investigators, it will turn away more controlled opposition. God, the false logic that is used to prop up these Alex Jones wannabes. Interestingly, Sibel Edmonds isn't very often called controlled opposition (maybe she is, who knows?) Why not? Maybe because she doesn't spout idiotic bullshit. I've never seen her claim to be having heart palpitations because she shook hands with a stranger in the street.

kthanxie ago

Are you actually dumb enough to not see through the usual fake shill on YouTube? Or are you just another shill yourself?

Azzipdoe ago

How do you fuckwads even know he was going to be on the daily show in the first place?

Every single thing Seaman says is BS.. He's a complete fraud and hasn't done even a single bit of good research or reporting on pizzagate. He might was well be CTR as far as I'm concerned.

MolochHunter ago

being naive to Trumps true loyalties -wherever they happen to lie - does not make him a shill. And the primary role of a shill is to prevent an inconvenient news story getting bigger. David Seaman has quite obviously done the very opposite of that you may have concerns with the man, but shill is a tired, overused and lazy way to describe those concerns

thebabyseagull ago

Thanks I will take this into consideration.

I just assumed he was one of the few people on our side.

Who do you think is credible YouTuber that is making content on this?

EyeWideOpen ago

This dude needs to get back on the Joe Rogan Experience. Joe has a WAY bigger audience than The Daily Show. David has been on many times - but not since december of 2014.

I'd rather see David Seaman talk for 3 hours with Rogan than 3 edited minutes in a fake setting.

looking4truth ago

I'm actually glad it got canceled. Daily show would have mocked the hell out of pizzagate with their corny edits and jokes

badkangaroo ago

I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd assume something more likely.

A smart TV producer would book several big stars and a bunch of minor "could be interesting" types. If one of the celebs backed out for whatever schedule reason, because celebs have things they need to do (drugs, pizza, pasta etc.) the "interesting characters" could still be ready.

If the rare case that all of the big stars show up, then they just cancel the folks they don't need.

Birdzeyeview ago

They are having me on, instead. Tomorrow. :) Be sure to tune in, defectives.

tehthu ago

Knowledge of "pizza related activities" combined with Silence will yield harsh Judgement in the future.

If someone knows, but says nothing, they too have been compromised by this Cabal and their own fear facilitates further Evil.

I would NOT want to be on the wrong side of what is coming.

dickface8 ago

That's all win in my eyes. They only would have done a mock piece on it anyway. For them to back out entirely only proves they are scared of how they could pull it off and not have it backfire, like the Megyn Kelly interview. They can say it's because their plate is full or whatever but nobody is buying that shit. They were desperate to get David on a few weeks ago.

doolord ago

This thread is becoming filled with shills. 4 hour old accounts making no attempt to hide themselves.

Notashill4sure ago

I just posted this on pizzagate whatever. Should I remove it?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Was this even real? Pizzagate is old news as far as the news cycle goes.

sunshine702 ago

"When the elite quit listening to the public, the public quits listening to the elites" Jullian Assange interview today. Fitting,

Sharipie ago

There's something quite profound in that. If you watch the cable news, say Fox News, and you can't relate to any of it, and it all sounds like lies, you soon quit wasting your time watching. The news that is reported at this point is basically 100% propaganda. And even if Average Joe doesn't know that word, he knows none of it resonates, it all sounds like BS. He starts looking for better sources of news. When the MSM got greedy and decided every single story had to have propaganda value, they lost their audience. Alternative medias gain.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Of course it was fucking cancelled. The daily show cant sit there and make fun of it because they know its not fake. As far as David Seaman goes, I'm glad he's covering the issue, but he's a shitty lazy researcher and reporter and hasn't really done shit. He hasn't taken advantage of his platform really well to continually report leads in the pizzagate story. Most of his youtube vids are BS.

Womb_Raider ago

I like the guy, but I feel you. He sits there saying "Pizza gate is real! They're trying to silence me!" more than he does real reporting sometimes. Other times he does a bang up job. Glad to hear about this video.

throwaway345678 ago

Me too. Serious respect right now.

smudgepotforever ago

Good. I'm relieved. Nothing good happens to people on the Daily Show, ever! They've been at this for years...don't walk into the trap..few win. And it is something too serious to be make a joke of in that forum.

dickface8 ago

This is the best possible outcome as far as the daily show goes. Only gives it credence.

just_clueless ago

Totally sucks they did David like this...Wish I was surprised, but I take it as one more affirmation we are right...Thanks David (and everyone throwing in on this effort to find justice) ...Keep on keepin' on....We can't stop now!!!

Birdzeyeview ago

Good! if they put that con man on TDS i would never watch it again

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Remember when the CIA were smart? Yeah, me neither come to think of it.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Kiss-o-Gram on the MKay Interger

RebelSkum ago

Da fuq? Let me guess, they'll cancel the Julian Assange AMA too

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Now there's a clone if ever I saw one.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Me too, Theo is the best!

think_whatif ago

Regretting not posting my prediction. Saw this was going to happen from a mile away.

KansasJakeBG ago

John Stewart still runs that show as producer. My theory is that he exited when they stuck the CFR on his ass. He didn't want to be a shill or go through yet another election cycle of stupid fuckery. That is how we lost Colbert and Stewart. It would be really bad for The Daily Show to do a hit job on Pizzagate after looking into it (I know Colbert did, but that is before we had easy to digest info).

I am doing a survey of my extended family (hey happy new year!) and half have never heard of it. The other half had been convinced not to look into it. People from both groups (who ask follow-up question, and they are few) lose their jaw if I explain it to them. The initial reaction to pizzagate is utter terror (and I practiced explaining it carefully and without being gross). So if major news networks mention pizzagate at this point their are actually pointing people to It is unlikely that people will ever be able to laugh at such a topic, especially during Human Trafficking month!

EndIsComing ago

Wow, I'm stunned that him appearing on the Daily Show was ever under discussion.

BlueBloodNate ago

Thank you from our clan. Your clan has had it's time. Depart gracefully.

BlueBloodNate ago

starts chanting

quantokitty ago

Again?!!! Man, they're jerking him around. Hope he's putting a cancellation fee in his contract.

KingKongisCTR ago

Again... Like they are ever going to let this get on the air.

MolochHunter ago

well maybe we should en masse email the daily show to remind them that JON STEWART did a segment backing Breitbart, critiquing the podesta led 'investigation' into the ACORN scandal (or what emerged from it) and how it became an attack on the credibility of the investigators rather than an enquiry into state-sponsored pedophilia

RexAxisMundi ago

Any chance of a link to that piece?

MolochHunter ago

i cant find the actual jon stewart interview (my country is blocked from Daily Show vids) but here's the context from a WaPo article

MagnificentTheodore ago

Tick Tock

MagnificentTheodore ago

Go fuck yourself James.

knight222 ago


TheEasterBunny ago

I think Magnificent Theodore has been sent from God and is suggesting HopingToHelp is James Alefantis, a CIA agent with limited cerebral capabilities. Magnificent Theodore on the other hand, appears either to be a legit hacker or some kind of telepathy mind hacker. Both options are intriguing and bring with each their own questions.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Oh my God, he expected you.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Do you really think God would make someone with that name the leader of this movement? Cause I don't.

MolochHunter ago

lol. Trump, on the other hand, has an auspicious resonance for the job

MagnificentTheodore ago

Don't try any of your shit with me pal.

MolochHunter ago

All you guys dissing on David Seaman, fuck me. Save your ammunition for the real enemy. Stick the fuck together until we destroy the pedo mafia, haven't you useless cunts heard of divide and conquer?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Haven't you useless cunt ever heard of Controlled Opposition? An investigator is only as good as the truth he speaks. Alex Jones is not our leader and anything that he says that is bullshit needs to be called out. Same for any Alex Jones wannabe.

MolochHunter ago

hehe my defence of Seaman stuck in your craw, eh?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

More like the rampant shilling taking over.

the_one_tony_stark ago

it is a divide and conquer to try and get people to hate david seaman/not trust him/not follow him.

You know what? David Seaman was a journalist long before, got fired from huffington post for publishing about hillary's health and then continued talking about her health on youtube which got a lot of hits pre-election. That's how you know that he can't possibly be a pro-podesta pawn.

You can never know for sure he isn't somebody else's pawn, but it's clear he's not a podesta's pawn. Whether it's from wikileaks, russia, mozambique, brazil, antarctica doesn't matter if the information itself presented is true and so far david seaman has not presented false information.

I trust david seaman and until he does something that makes it reasonable to lose it, you should trust david seaman too. Trust and continue to verify the information.

madmanpg ago

You're talking to a lot of people that reply to any criticism of claimed "bombshells" and "smoking guns" with "SHILL SHILL SHILL YOU'RE GOING DOWN JA".

Sadly, because of successful conditioning to make society view conspiracy theorists with disdain, we get a lot of crazies in here. Those crazies love drama and will turn on anyone on a dime. Hell, I remember Milo being one of the first public figures to bring up pizzagate, and ever since, there's been people here claiming he's a CIA operative sent to shut down pizzagate. It's disgusting, but acknowledging it is what they want you to do. Ignore them and they will eventually lose steam.

witch_doctor1 ago

I am a CIS male raging heterosexual and I F'n love Milo. Of course he is self-interested and theatrical...he's the dangerous faggot. You can't expect him to be all serious like Ben Shapiro while wearing pink and carrying a purse?

I agree with madman about people turning on friendlies in circular firing doesn't make sense...STOP IT! There will be time for that once the real enemy is in jail. As an OG birther, I can't tell you how disgusted I was with Hannity for a long time. He timidly started down the birther road and then stopped when the going got rough...that should have been the ONLY topic being discussed at the time by anyone with an audience. We still have no idea who Obama actually is...or where he was actually born. The only thing we know for certain since 2012 is that the birth certificate and selective service card are poor forgeries.

But the point is, I like Hannity again because he really came out swinging for Trump...and IMO, it was actually more "Never Hillary" than Pro-Trump...

eulogyjones ago

On the subject of Milo I wouldn't say he's an operative but my main criticism of him is he comes off as insincere and always seems to be acting. I wouldn't fault him for it necessarily but it seems like he's really just very in tune with political winds and is profiting from dialing into the rising anti-sjw tide.

I see him as a very clever, but self interested person. Not that I find any true fault in that just that I'm wary of his motives.

MolochHunter ago

he's a narccisistic show pony, but this world is in such short supply of critical thinkers at the moment I'll readily forgive him

eulogyjones ago

Don't get me wrong, I find him very valuable as an anti-sjw asset. I just don't think he really cares about the issues as much as his audience does.

party1981 ago

Your username is brilliant and hilarious.

Guy_Fawkes1984 ago

anyone that can't see that David is a shill is fucking dumb

MolochHunter ago

well given that he's probably raised more awareness for pizzagate than any other singular person aside from Julian Assange, he has to be the worst shill in history at his job

seriously, some of you folks are so adverse to blue pills you'll swallow any colour but blue and call it bright red

MagnificentTheodore ago

Guess what CIA, it's over.

Htaed ago

LOL this will not touch the cia. They're responsible for the deaths of millions and they're still alive and kicking.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Guess you would have to be some kind of supreme master of the universe to try that shit. You know, fucking them over completely.

MagnificentTheodore ago

You think you are so fucking smart don't you? You can't kid The Goat.

B3nder ago

"Support- (still works PERFECTLY!)" - from under the video - lulz

Throeaweigh ago

I'm so sick of David Semen.

throwaway345678 ago

Have been on the fence about him, but this is a really good video.

The information about the Google wife & the Texas-Alefantis police report were especially interesting.

commontruthseeker ago

David Seaman is a HERO. If 1% of the population had his courage, Pizzagate would be resolved by now. If ANYTHING happens to him we will not only know absolutely his allegations are real, but we will unleash holy-hell upon TPTB.

Guy_Fawkes1984 ago


juhos ago

You mean David? Explain, please.

thebabyseagull ago

Why do we think this ?

I think David seaman has done some great work in raising awarness of the subject

superlinda ago

I tend to believe he's a shill. He keeps bragging about being a real journalist and that's already a thing not be very proud of. But let's say that he's a journalist, then I'd say that some of the amazing researchers here are Pulitzer Prizes!

thebabyseagull ago

Well I always seen him as a microphone to get the message out rather than a serious researcher.I think everyone knows that the real work is done.

Anyone you think is making better YouTube vids?

28leinad82 ago

it's becoming a nice marketing headline. "The story so big, The Daily Show were scared to talk about it"

ravensedgesom ago

Then again if Daily Show is a main outlet for someone's interpretation of news and current events then it was already a lost cause

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Well relatively speaking, They are the most informed viewers among Network News viewers, Like fox, cnn, etc. Actually, I should say were...

I dunno how they are now... I haven't watched trevor noah for more than 10 minutes in my entire life. It's an accumulation of a bunch of different shows... But I can never take more than 12-17 seconds. Even if it's just a 30 second clip.

horrible. At least when Stewart was on... This shit wasn't going on, So I didn't really care who they made fun of, or rather who they didn't make fun of... Or at least I was unaware that it was going on. And stewart is just so much better in every way possible.

To be honest, I'm shocked Colbert ended up as bad as he did as well..

sunajAeon ago

Colbert will never get past covering up PIZZAGATE the Fucking sub-human MF

ravensedgesom ago

Well in any case I could care less about David Seaman he hasn't contributed to the investigation and could care less if he does. Just because we don't have a daily vlog doesn't entail to be any less valuable in the research. Its a means for self promotion and the Daily show can edit and manipulate into a desired narrative.

MolochHunter ago

dude. He's a reporter. He's got a platform. He may not do the investigations work of folks on this site (though he does more than 95% of today's journo's), but that's not his role. He's fulfilling his role well and he has a bead on his forehead for it. You're like a US soldier complaining about the US air-force in the effort to defeat hitler

tehthu ago

Fun fact: what is now the Air Force (its own branch of the US Military) was under authority of the US Army named "US Army Air Corps" during WWII. :)

Sharipie ago

Shake it off, David. Keep doing what you're doing.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Be a good clone David.

dickface8 ago

You are adorable!

IlluminatiKing ago

They chickened out for the second time.