GenghisSean ago

:( Well, now you know for next time. Use and take screenshots.

dindonufin ago

It's hard to tell. Looks like he fainted. Maybe heat exhaustion or heart problems, but it's an odd coincidence.

Stayvigilant ago

Can we compile a list of everything that's been deleted??? That is pretty solid evidence Of a cover up

sixgorillion ago

After looking at it briefly, I doubt that you found anything of interest in the Google Street View still images. The Moldova connection is interesting as fuck though.

That being said, I'm thinking that the reason it got censored is because someone is doing real-time cleanup-work. They are not going to risk that anyone of us sees anything from Google's images.

We need to remember that we are constantly being watched. Do not share stuff before investigating and archiving everything.

wijg ago

Albania, Georgia, Moldova... all represented by the Podesta group. All trafficking hotspots.

Nyoome ago

2007 - Building/basic scaffolding set up - Levine Builders (,-73.9837402,3a,75y,300.9h,92.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLOwdmUtIArph1bNZ-rwx_g!2e0!7i3328!8i1664))

2009- Building, modern building taking shape

2014- Building standing tall and completed (,-73.9836943,3a,75y,258.29h,96.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVIRDUoqxUSh0UltmZ5H--g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656))

Now, in 2007, Levine Builders started setting up scaffolding. In 2009, construction was well underway, and in both censored and uncensored versions the name of Levine Builders. What irks me is, why not censor the name of the construction company building it, but instead censor the construction work? Why not censor the building on the 2014, built version? What were they building (perhaps some unusual doorways, rooms not supposed to be there, strange piping etc.) that had to be censored?

Assuming the non-censored version was not, in fact, an oversight. Then why only censor one side of the construction instead of the other? This makes me think there was something in that one scene that should not have been built/happening/there in the first place.

One more thing: why censor it now? OP posted it recently right, and they didn't even speak about the construction, just the off coordinates! Of course OPs original link lead to just a satellite map view, which THEN lead to street view of 2009 if you clicked on that. Why go to all the trouble to block out something people haven't found yet? Just a thought...

chickyrogue ago

NY our politicians are such a cesspool of vipers


It's REALLY strange to blur out an embassy - these are places everybody knows about - I mean, they're clearly marked and have a flag flying out the front.

chickyrogue ago

and of course the best properties midtown!

coincidencesmyass ago

Do Marta's and the Consulate share the same building?


And you didn't take a screensnap and save it?

pizzahthrowaway ago

Please people, archive when you're researching the cutting edge

mrjdouble ago

They done fucked up because they left all their information public for all to see. Not smart. When they try to be clever, it seems like it backfires on them.

dindonufin ago

It looks like they're trying to hide the construction. Or atleast something that is revealed by the construction, because it's quite obvious there is construction going on. Dig for the permits.

Here is the permit for the sidewalk shed

willnotbesilent ago

archived the permit

Selnee ago


zlomsocz ago

I found a random article on google talking about the podesta groups very close ties to the moldovan government.

SNIP from article "This article reported that Vladimir Plahotniuc had a controlling stake in three banks that were part of a scheme to defraud the Moldovan central bank of $1 billion. During the reporting of this story, we tried numerous times to contact the government of Moldova, and various associated officials, to confirm these and other facts, but got no response. After our story was published, a representative of Washington DC lobbying and public affairs firm, Podesta Group, contacted Forbes saying he was a representative of the Democratic Party of Moldova. He refuted Plahotniuc’s stake in the three banks, and implication in Moldova’s banking scandal . The article has been updated to reflect this information. The complete corrected article follows"

it also says the podesta group employee was associated with a particular russian gang associated with human trafficking

blind_sypher ago

If only they could censor more leads for us. They make it too easy.

Investigate1999 ago

It's interesting that you say that. Maybe we should make a list, and then make it more visible for Google. When we see the list items on the web disappear, then we might know that we're on to something.

willnotbesilent ago

archive of Forbes article wiki page The Guardian article

We never know what they delete next.

chickyrogue ago

great dot connecting

waxdino ago

Here's the archive of that Forbes article.
Since they're scrubbing things.

AdVict0riam ago

Considering how bad the issue of human trafficking apparently is in Moldova, and the anomalies the OP is reporting here(including the suspicious email), the connection between their government and the Podesta Group is worthy of a thorough look.

Like, I mean, of-fucking-course the Podestas would be connected to a country where insane trafficking stories like this originate...

zlomsocz ago

the forbes article describes the trafficking there as a problem among authority positions like law enforcement etc. :(

blind_sypher ago

Hmm the pulling the tooth thing stands out to me. Wasnt epstein found to have a dental chair and equipment on his pedo island? Seems like a ritualized branding of some sort.

coincidencesmyass ago

Found it. Her name is Biljana Djurdjevic. Just look up Biljana Djurdjevic dentist chair in google images and you'll see them.

coincidencesmyass ago

Google Biljana Djurdjevic Podesta living room, to see her piece hanging in his living room.

coincidencesmyass ago

The painting that Podesta has hanging in his living room. I don't remember her name, but the woman who painted it, also has done paintings of dental chairs. I thought it seemed out of place because the rest involved children in varying states of bondage and red bottoms like they had just been spanked. A half dressed Santa lying on a table was the other out of place one. If I can find the link I'll post.

hunk_quark ago

I have another thread on Marta's Pizza here Looks like the building is owned by a secret shell corporation from a delaware address, that has several other clinton shell corps registered.

zlomsocz ago

are you saying when you originally looked into the streetview, you saw the actual building, and that it was only blurred out more recently, after your first post?

AdVict0riam ago

Okay, cool, so they're telling us to take a closer look into the Republic of Moldova.

Thanks for the tip, Google!

Fishy-business ago

You were fucking on to something.

forkintoaster ago

ok wow that is weird.