hacktheplanet ago

check out the last comment on this and who it was addressed to. "werkinonmahnightcheese" and their userpic is a young guy standing behind a stag http://archive.is/HQ6NL

Stukov ago

Archive of these?

redditsuckz ago

#TheInevitableBlack - Deth Killers Bushwick





Photos: Bill & Hillary Clinton Went To Bushwick For Pizza At Roberta's Last Night!



Another Creepy Factory Place - The Standard Baking Company



The Deth Killers might be using human hides for clothing...


LateJoinerStillMad ago

"Community__outreach" on Instagram follows 72 people and more than 15 of them have symbolism on their pages. Can someone else look at these people and help archive their pictures? They all post pictures of "their" kids it's unsettling.

Eastwood350 ago

LINKS DELETED FROM THIS THREAD. DontTreadOnMe posted two links today that I hope he archived because they've been removed from this thread. One was an Instagram video of an Annual Adoption Day Celebration complete with adults dressed in character costumes who were dancing with young children. There was a poster in the back of the room where they were all celebrating which was blue and on it had "ANNUAL ADOPTION DAY CELEBRATION" printed . The other was a still shot of the same celebration on an Instagram post from Jabbaroos account which Jimmycomet, joewills, arthurnoll, cor-core.01, casswindwills,person_from_social_media and goldengirldc all liked

And some of the comments were as follows:

jabbaroos Sorry,princess, but hippos were built to wobble-wobble. you might want to wait for a waltz.

cor_core_01 This is so amazing

thelololol This uncorked all nightmares

These links were deleted today and the Instagram account is no longer available. National Adoption month is every November and most states have their National Adoption Day on the second or third week every November. This Instagram video had a date of November 22, 2014 which would tie right in with the children in the video being adopted. Why were Alafantis and friends liking and commenting on this? Why were the two links removed from this thread? Why was the Instagram account taken down this afternoon? Are children being funneled into these rings through the foster care/adoption market?

Reversible ago

Come on, everybody. Save images and make sure you archive them somewhere before putting them up for view on this board.

Good find anyway. Upvoted.


pizzahthrowaway ago

Please people use archive and link people to the archive instead.

Onalaskeye ago

Every link I go to says its broken.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

He figured out we were watching his Instagram and made it private. There are archived links here in the thread.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Likely someone decided to leave some (helpful) comments. How could he not know he was being scoped out before this?

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

how do you explain this?!?

thestormking ago

This is why you should archive the links and save them in a word document before uploading to the internet. More likely they took the account down themselves. If they haven't all set their accounts to private by now or deleted them they probably will. Way to give them the heads up. Does the element of surprise mean anything to you? Not smart guys.

The_Schattenjager ago

I hope a lot of people archived all of this. That instagram is gone now

DontTreadOnMemes ago

The account isn't gone, just private. If you look in this thread you'll see dozens of archives.

28leinad82 ago

the picture was posted 13 weeks ago, the comment has no date.

DawnofTruth ago

Error message: "Sorry, this page isn't available"
Our lovely government! They are the fucking gift that keeps on giving (insert eye roll)

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

That guy looks like the baby rapist of my fucking nightmares. What the fuck.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Click on it, aaaand it's gone. Only 5 hours later.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

The kid fuckers are on top of their shit or one of us did something to make them aware we found their IG.

pizzahthrowaway ago

They literally have CTR reporting back on EVERYTHING

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

They've been aware of the Voat for some time.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Not only that, but I'm betting that some of them sort of welcome the "stardom".

shootermcgvn ago

The Instagram is down.

Gee, wonder why they would take it down within the 5 hours we started looking at it? Surely they just wanted to avoid all the crazy "fake news" people because we are a bunch of dangerous sinful criminals.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Still up, just private now. This thread has a lot of archives though. The one that needs most research is "Animal Adoption Day". We need to figure out where that was happening. Jimmy Comet himself liked the video.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Really... ? I think you are what they call a "shill". You are an embarrassment here to what is supposed to be a good cause.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Wow I just read the tumblr, that is a very thorough collection of the pizzagate research. They are definitely on top of their shit those sick kid fucking monsters.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

"Let's not start sucking their dicks just yet". Harvey Keitel, Pulp Fiction

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Don't be a dick... Ya, I don't see anything here to grandize. No, I don't think it's weird. It appears that what HE thinks is weird is that a store (likely a second hand store) has bags of Barbie dolls. He seems just an observer of oddities. I take pics of things I think are weird or odd as well. Nothing abnormal about that... Doesn't make me a pedo or monster. Don't be such a freak out. Gain some control. You are on a witch hunt and it only hurts the cause.

CJJacobs ago

Pretty soon this entire subverse will be nothing but shills having conversations with themselves.

SleepingCaterpillar ago

was anyone smart enough to archive these images? All locked up now

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Lots archived in this thread thankfully. More of the accounts who liked the photos need to be investigated and archived as well, especially now that we know we spooked them.

goodguy1367 ago

That one comment on the main picture of this discussion saying all that corrosion can only be caused by a lot of urine. Why was everyone pissing on the kid in the painting but?? Do we know where that painting is?... That post has now been removed

tamaman ago

well they sure as f are following voat closely. fuck you you perverted pieces of shits

thestormking ago

These ones seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle as far as archiving.

References to murder, sex crimes, spirit cooking...




Not sure what this one means but it could be useful.


Clinton graffiti. The word Trump appears to be crossed out.


reasonedandinformed ago

And the people liking and commenting all show the same themes. It is standard communication for them.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Looks like he took his account down, everyone.

Hermesthriceborn ago

I hope you guys archived these before you posted... I can't view shit. all down.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Lots was archived thankfully. You can see lots of archives and screenshots in this thread here.

Hermesthriceborn ago

Great News.

Aderville ago

It just went private. It's full of occult type imagery.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Jabaroos is gone now too.

reasonedandinformed ago

The kids almost always have bags under their eyes.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

These motherfuckers. Wasn't there such a case in the Franklin story? A baseball boy, murdered, found when the snow thawed? Do they fetishist famous pedo killings, like it's their Jane Austen, the sick fucks?

diamonddust ago

Not normal people no. Hipsters - definitely.

Yates ago

They hid who liked the pics. Please, before you post here, archive everything, especially for the likes and comments. They're watching this place, every day, OK?

Souru ago

I don't know if this is a connection, but he might be connected to the construction that was photographed on the jimmycomet Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/p/BGufgehB-UB/)) given the construction hat and the connections to Comet Ping Pong. But then again this could just be unrelated. I don't know.

Edit: Another image https://www.instagram.com/p/BGEkmkSB-cf/

worldofmadness ago

This is also another creepy picture that raises suspicion: https://archive.is/PphyD

mrjdouble ago

That was a painful instagram account to flip through. Some creepy shit for sure, also dude is a horrible photographer.

There were also at least one photo of himself with a child. Didn't show their face or mention who they were.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

In thrift stores, they bag up discarded dollies, two or three, for very cheap. But it's sometimes shocking to see at first.

herbertbakunin ago

back up of all pics some weird stuff in there. probably going to get nuked soon https://dropfile.to/gYPx0KW

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Good work.

Commonwombat ago

I think he's trolling.

Commonwombat ago

I saw that but the guy who commented actually has or follows a pizzagate blog. He could have been trolling? Comment 13 weeks old. I dunno.

herbertbakunin ago

has everything been archived?

Celticgirlonamission ago

The baby looks dark skinned like an islander of sort compared to his white skin...never actually shows the babies face though

cstu7011 ago

I'm feeling sick #werkinonmahnightcheese WTF??!


dustygozangas ago

this guy was exposed a while back, within the first two weeks of pizzagate.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I don't get it.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Nightcheese account is gone.

clearenceclearwater ago

I think it's funny that watermelons pop up and there is a company basically called watermelon who is a huge government agency that has its hands in everything. On their front page: "Energy, Climate, Defense, Infrastructure, Homeland Security, Counterterroism, cybersecurity, nuclear".

lutalica ago

For the last few minutes, I'm trying to post the same! Link to his youtube and link to behance page...

pizzagape ago

Holy Shit - Archived

AllDancingCrap ago

Thank you

YouaremeandIamyou ago

good cause it says page not available now. each time something is taken down obsequiously, with no explanation offered, is a sign of hiding somthing...

InfiltratingAuditing ago

This is important

BlueTesla ago

It says 5 days for me (mobile)

alliecapone ago

Hadn't been archived yet, but a pic from move in day. Wanted that posted, because the gut instinct is telling me something and I'll just edit my post for more. It feels...creepy. Perhaps it was bought recently enough there may be residual pics from before sale. Either way, it places this POI

Shed behind the house

clearenceclearwater ago

The woman who commented on the wounded hand IG pic : https://www.instagram.com/mayors_of_london/

Looking through that account for anything that jumps out (just going through pics and looking at # and @ tagged in the photos. lots of interesting people living interesting lives) -Video of 2 people playing pingpong : https://www.instagram.com/p/BL94ietDMH1/ That video tags : https://www.instagram.com/rockywangpingpong/

Rockywang Pingpong interesting pics:

-Video of a cat hitting a ball rolling across the floor. "#Pizza the coolest one eyed cat : https://www.instagram.com/p/BM0mvc5DA_0/?taken-by=rockywangpingpong

-Lots of kids : https://www.instagram.com/p/BMfF0qJjtl5/?taken-by=rockywangpingpong

-Watermelon : https://www.instagram.com/p/BG94QnzGzuz/?taken-by=rockywangpingpong https://www.instagram.com/p/BG8DBR9mzhD/?taken-by=rockywangpingpong (Sandia Summer. Sandia is spanish for watermelon, also the name of http://www.sandia.gov/about/))

"#smilesandcries" : https://www.instagram.com/p/BCb2sQ3GzqB/?taken-by=rockywangpingpong

Bill and Hillary Clinton pic : https://www.instagram.com/p/BLCS_N8DyYo/?taken-by=rockywangpingpong

"#ponglife" picture of paddle, paint brush and a large knife : https://www.instagram.com/p/BHqh-dZDD0k/?taken-by=rockywangpingpong

Just going to post this, may keep looking. Just interesting if anyone is bored. Not saying its anything, just different parts of this massive web.

onemilligram ago

forgot my password reveals that his email is [email protected], and his phone number ends in ..**50 and his security question for gmail is : What is the name of your childhood best friend" I would REALLY love to see what's in that account. Where are all those Russian super hackers when you need them?

terrordactyl ago

yeah too bad there aren't any super hackers who hang out around here cough

onemilligram ago

The most fucked up thing about all of this is kids are being raped, murdered and only god knows what else; and unless there is something really fucking big the media and these other clowns crying "Fake News" have given them ALL the time in the world to destroy all the evidence and dispose of witnesses; which are most likely children. Fuck these people.

terrordactyl ago

Yup, when everything is cleaned up, they'll open their doors wide open and say 'nothing to see here' Forget it Jake, its Chinatown...

onemilligram ago

Give them a couple more weeks and their do a "ALRIGHT WE'RE SO SICK OF THESE PIZZAGATE BLAH BLAH LET'S GIVE YOU HAND PICKED MSM PERSON A TOUR OF THE SHOP THAT WE'VE HAD MONTHS TO CLEAN" and their run their filthy little MSM cameras through CPP and of course there will be nothing to see since they cleaned it up months ago and they'll make it into a sob story and later that footage will be used to claim a debunk! And sheeple will begin to say! "SEE, I TOLD YOU CONSPIRATARDS THIS HAS BEEN DEBUNKED DIDN'T YOU SEE SUCH AND SUCH SHOW THAT SHOWED THE INSIDE HUMMMM! "

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

And back to the flawed in the iris of the eyes.

juhos ago

Does anybody remember the weird website with only one pic of mr Potato Head in the middle?

Edit: thanks

lutalica ago

Also guys, who is JoeWills? I see that he likes photos on this instagram but I remember that name... I came across that profile numerous times while researching pizzagate and Alefantis related things. Account is private.

YingYangMom ago


Joe Wills here : https://i.sli.mg/yBd0K9.png

Here is a picture of him with John Kreher and John Lewando. Fifteenth picture going down.


PrideOfOshtekk ago

Within the context: https://www.instagram.com/p/2KZ5JRDdJj/?taken-by=medinabot

This is creepy shit. Could of course be mundane too.

Reversible ago

I just saved that and uploaded the picture to another host, in case we lost that link.


itrunshot ago


seems to have pedo's liking his pictures

23eulogy23 ago

There is another photo of a child wearing these pants. He is sniffing the crotch.. you SICK SICK FUCKS!!. After seeing this thread there is NO FUCKIN DOUBT IN MY MIND WHAT IS GOING ON HERE

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Exactly. Suspicious as shit.

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Interesting! Look at the book "Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov":


Now check the review at Amazon by Folantin of the book:

"The story is narrated by middle-aged Humbert Humbert. He's a pedophile--although he's tried denying it, tried disguising it, and tried channeling his baser instincts, but as luck would have it, Humbert finds himself as the lodger at the home of a buxom, lonely widow, Charlotte Haze and 12-year-old daughter, Lolita. Humbert doesn't particularly even like Lolita--he actually finds her rather dull, but she becomes a vessel for the fantasies left by Humbert's unfulfilled first love affair."

Does he have any kids?










Devious1 ago

U need to learn how to archive things, all links are dead and buried Archive.is

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Devious1 ago

Thanks, have seen this since I posted a reply to you.

shootermcgvn ago

Any archives on these? Instagram is private now.

28leinad82 ago

want some more fun trivia? Frank Giustra, Clinton donor, owns Lions Gate film, and the first movie they put out after he took over was Lolita.

justiceforever ago

Good research. How can we see who liked what?

popezandy ago

Lolita is a popular book idiot. I know a lot of people who have read it, though it is regarded as unsettling

VieBleu ago

Go ahead, talk some more about it.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago


1754llp0l171c4l ago

Ohh, yeah, definitely not relevant when investigating a pedophilia ring... Sleep CTR.

VettedChicken ago

Although he phrased it poorly, Lolita is a very popular and well-known book. I would not consider it evidence per se. Hell, I've read the book. It's pretty good, and Nabokov really does interesting things with making you rationalize along with the Narrator.

popezandy ago

My point was definitely more of how have you never heard of Lolita, not that it wasn't relevant. It isn't conclusive evidence but certainly I wouldn't associate myself with that damned book.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

And everyone brags about their fucking first edition books, when it's a classic.

CJJacobs ago

And we're off! ....Down the CTR forum slide pole.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

What's CTR?

VettedChicken ago

I'm honestly starting to be driven away from the investigation by the ultra-paranoid people who believe any dissent must be coming from some faceless propagandist body. I'm sure there are propagandists on this platform, but the absurdity really becomes apparent when you try to comment something to either clarify a misunderstanding or express a perspective and you get called a shill.

CJJacobs ago

You've been here 12 days.

Control the Record (CTR) is David Brock's paid-shill site sent to social media places like this to spread disinformation/misinformation.

But you knew that?

VettedChicken ago

Have you no culture at all? Even most people I know with very little knowledge of the arts are aware of the prominence of the book. I'm not saying it's definitely not evidence, but have a little perspective my man.

CJJacobs ago

Shill Alert.

VettedChicken ago

Listen man I totally believe that there is some insidious, sick activity going on. I've been behind the investigation since the beginning, and have posted on voat (though I deleted my earlier post which was actually pointing out shill twitter accounts lmao). So the irony of you calling me a shill is palpable. I know that any response that you don't like is going to be met with "shill alert," but I have hope that somewhere inside you will actually consider what I'm about to say. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill. I totally agree with the aim of this investigation, I agree that the Podestas are probably linked with clandestine human trafficking, and this probably extends to the Clinton Foundation as well. If this investigation is to arrive at the truth, we need to not simply plug our ears and call everyone who says something we don't like a shill. It simply isn't productive.

CJJacobs ago

Thank you for clarifying.

Any response I don't like will not necessarily be met with 'shill alert'....the problem is that this site has been overrun with shills. Literally our entire hot page is virtually nothing but old news rehashed, news from 'Russia', and posts like this one with random photos and person who have a VERY LIMITED connection to the thrust of what is being investigated.

I have been trying to warn people.

We need to get a new site. This place is full of forum-slides, emotional bagging, concern trolls and others. Virtually nothing of merit is making it to the top anymore. #Jesus

ThighHighSwampBoots ago


1754llp0l171c4l ago

Why to what?

We are at the pizzagate subverse. You don't find it interesting that one of James Alefantis instagram "buddies" takes a picture of a book narrated from a pedophiles perspective?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

No, why to "Does he have any kids?"

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

And thanks for the down votes, Jethro.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Looks like the event in that video is "Animal Adoption Day Celebration".

I'd also be really curious to see what's posted on the Person From Social Media account https://www.instagram.com/person_from_social_media/ which is unfortunately private.

Eastwood350 ago

It actually says Annual Adoption Day Celebration. I have copies of both the still shot and video on my FB page but since they were removed from Instagram they won't share.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Screen capture the still shot.

Eastwood350 ago

I used the snip from my pc and have it saved to my pc but have no idea how to attach it to VOAT. And if I use the URL for the still shot from my FB page it identifies me which I don't care to do in this forum. If I can find someone who is more tech savvy than I am and I'm successful I'll send them back to you since you were the one who found them.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

If you have the video saved to your PC that is great news! Glad there is a record.

thestormking ago

He looks like the guy from Alefantis' instagram with the beads and #chickenlover.

trite ago

Would it be dangerous to request to follow it?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I'd only recommend that to investigators who have authentic looking Instagram accounts they are willing to use. We don't want to run the risk of alerting these people that we're monitoring them and spook them. Our job right now is to investigate and archive in case a new DOJ in 2017 decides to pursue this stuff in court.

trite ago

Right. And unfortunately we can't control how many goats would ask to follow them.

dindonufin ago

Seems to be some sort of carpenter and pitbull owner with an infatuation for bugs, frogs, snakes, and dead things. There are a few pictures of churches and small children and toys.

clearenceclearwater ago

mayors_of_londonIts "like when Mickey became a man. The surgery in between stages. Ya know?" Wonder who Mickey is? And The surgery between stages... Initiations? Thats what that sounds like to me.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

A biscuit joiner is a woodworking tool. I believe the owner of this account works in construction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscuit_joiner

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

It's like your psychic.

clearenceclearwater ago

Google "Biscuit Joiner Injuries"... now google drill injuries or screwdriver injuries... see what I'm getting at?

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Seriously, don't read too much into random pictures. This is turning into a witch hunt. I don't see anything alarming here. He is an animal lover and has a kid and likes to take pictures of random things. Let's not censor art, folks....

terrordactyl ago

not sure if sarcasm.

1754llp0l171c4l ago

itrunshot ago

Another creepy instagram account that commented on one of these photos https://www.instagram.com/medinabot/?max_id=1332039887179792704

One of images shows a logo for a biker group that incorporates masonic symbols http://archive.is/9BuXM Found a facebook page for the DC area chaos ryderz http://archive.is/v6Qk3

DontTreadOnMemes ago

That MedinaBot account doesn't seem very creepy to me. Seems like a single dad.

itrunshot ago

Has the pedo accounts liking some of his pictures. http://archive.is/UebQM

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Hmm wow interesting...

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Oh my god... this may be the saddest and most depressing photo I've seen on this page so far. Dirty little baby's shoes hanging from the ceiling of a dirty/torn up looking room. https://i.sli.mg/DceoJE.png Who would post this? Who would like this? Why???

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Hanging sneakers tends to mean someone was killed in the more hood areas..

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

It can mean "drugs are available here"

diamonddust ago

Kind of thing that art peeps think is cool. I just think it's creepy.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Won't open.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Yup that one was very odd indeed. It would be a shame if people took a look at all the accounts who liked that odd photo.

fartyshorts ago

All the "food" ones are odd.


ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Restaurant gas stove, hotel plate...

Bornforbattle74 ago

I just seen that and was gonna post about it, you beat me to it, wonder what the deal is with Mr Potato Head??

VieBleu ago

I don't know but i never realized how creepy Mr. Potato Head looks before.

dannonyme ago

Notice that David Flinstone like the Mr Potato Head...Isn't David Flinstone from CheesyBay????

CrackerJacks ago

I had this message sent to me yesterday in reply to a question:

" I think it was Stone Harbor LLC

I can't find the link any where. but I have that name written down with my "Hawaii connection" notes.

EDIT: Yes, this was the company that was connect to David Stone (aka "David Flintstone") of CheesyBay fame.

Go look at the Hawaii Connection thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459779 "

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Mahnightcheese or whatever the name was on Jimmycommet Instagram might be woodandsteel

fartyshorts ago

https://i.sli.mg/PiN8kS.png Night cheese right there.

Don't know if this is related (found through another lead): https://i.sli.mg/xcHzLY.png

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Yeah I would love to see inside WoodAndSteel's account. Do we have any investigators who have managed to become friends with any of these private accounts?

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

The night cheese dude I can imagine making torture tools. But, no proof

throwawaa ago

What's the easiest way to archive an entire instagram account?

Here are other creepy accounts that are still public and liked some of these photos:

https://www.instagram.com/pseudocreme/ (pedo? http://archive.is/KY351 http://archive.is/IA00h http://archive.is/8mPdg))



https://www.instagram.com/medinabot/ http://archive.is/YOCQi

Less creepy but still weird art:


fartyshorts ago

Well, you can use a crawler to crawl the account, then archive each of the links you get. Or you can use instaport.me to save all the images, but it doesn't work a lot of the time (especially with big accounts) and you won't get any comments, etc.

Dagnysghost ago

Btw way, nice name.

lutalica ago

What is the last name? https://sli.mg/8sPiQX

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Wtf with fingers?

fartyshorts ago

Fingers/fingernails always messed up.

EDIT: from Lime mortar. https://www.instagram.com/p/0dGdAuh-Zj/

onemilligram ago

Isn't lime used in disposing of bodies?

trite ago

and old timey soap, but ya know ;)

honestly I have no clue what its used for now.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

The Nazis poured it over bodies in open graves.

trite ago

Oh shit you are right..

DontTreadOnMemes ago

What about Baroos? Fits the instagram name too, I am thinking it's Baroos.

Commonwombat ago

I just googled Jabbaroos and Justin Barrows came up with that Instagram account

Hangdempedos ago

I read Burrows.

Bornforbattle74 ago

Or Burrors

Hangdempedos ago

Look aat the waythe "o" is connected to the "i" in restrictions. Same way it's connected to the "r" IMO.

Commonwombat ago

It's Barrows, it's associated with his Instagram.

Dagnysghost ago

Just curious how you know this? Can I confirm this anywhere?

reasonedandinformed ago

Wetworks is the term...image and words conveyed the same to me based on what i have learned.

SpikyAube ago

What the hell is this, and why does it have 14 likes?! Is that a little kid's hand? https://www.instagram.com/p/BNZ4cGDhWNj/?taken-by=jabbaroos

pizzagape ago

It's the girl's pants. He's sniffing the crotch.

See here

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Looks like some fat fuck's hand.

ungpoop ago

maybe a snapshot of a snuff film?

alliecapone ago

Camo? A child's legs, that's what this looked like.

Grabbing archives to post quickly, some haven't been yet, this is one https://archive.is/MQgmD

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Good work. All the links are now dead.

alliecapone ago

I posted a list of archive photos someone grabbed of the account on another post, after searching the Archive after the links died. Hope that it helps. Here's that link https://archive.is/https://www.instagram.com/jabbaroos*

Also if you sound it out jabbaroo, jabiru, it's a bird, like a stork (a stork, what in our fairytales do THEY do? They deliver babies) Jabiru definition I suspect his name is J Barrow or Barrows. Currently, I'm speaking with friends who can help me out more with these people. They have good researching skills. Here's something I found about abandoned homes being fixed up and turned to affordable housing

Archive of above article

Upon searching the last name, I found a Lisa Barrow that works withing the federal reserve in Chicago. that link is here Archive link

Upon searching more on that surname (and after researching genealogy, I find some add an S to the end, some don't, but they're still the same family) I found some pictures of show pigs. Since this whole thing is so deep, I asked for help from some people who are really good at digging things up, I trust them and am giving them the link here. I'll ask their name they use privately so that I can vouch for their being legit. They've said they'd love to help any way possible. I've seen their work on individuals, and they pulled up all sorts of goodies that people thought were scrubbed from the net.

pizzagape ago

It's this kid's pants.

He's sniffing the crotch!

trite ago

TIL I will never be a good sluth

Banned4Truth ago

it's sleuth. :)

trite ago

backing up my statement even more

SpikyAube ago

Sick sick sick. Poor little kid :-(

Freemasonsrus ago

Good catch!

DontTreadOnMemes ago

He has several photos of children hands.

SpikyAube ago

It's gross, in the context, it looks like they're all 'liking' this pic cos the hand is positioned in such a way that it looks like it could be holding something phallic. Seriously this whole thing has messed up my mind but that's what this says to me in the context of these creepy sick weirdos.

reasonedandinformed ago

Truly sick and the MSM continues with the fake news lie.

fartyshorts ago

reasonedandinformed ago

Wow...huge...that is Jeff Smith, another sick account for him.

fartyshorts ago

https://i.sli.mg/qRhbnH.png "those swirls"

Remember True Detective? The first season is all about uncovering a massive pedo ring and one of the main characters keep seeing swirls in the sky.

This guy does too I suppose https://sli.mg/a/VuPii1

Banned4Truth ago

Those swirls...yeah even archangel 5544 points them out on the helmet. That to me is confirmation.

AFriend ago

More coincidences. I'm surprised (I'm not)

Hopevoats ago

Oh, hello Mr. Potato Head.

RecycledUser ago

Please archive if you can.