Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Where did the emails come from?

PetraDollah1 ago

ebay buyers/sellers: lots of kids stuff

PetraDollah1 ago

a frequent buyer/seller, bargainhuntersapplyhere buys/sells baby's / children's items

mooteensy ago

I'm not familiar with Above Top Secret, but the information in the links leads me to believe it could be from the same reddit user...the details are strikingly similar....


However, under the assumption they are different users, I am reminded of a favorite saying.......

This connection is catching a lot of flak. We may just be right on target!!!!! Or somethin like that ;)

islandofdelight ago

Has anyone yet identified Dave Flintstone / Bif Skipman / Grand Poobah / Cheesebay yet?

I believe the actual name of this person is DAVID PALMER.

Independently verified. DM for more information.

massconception ago

The whole thing with it being off the grid was surprising to me. It's a bit of work to first of all be off the grid, second of all to be generating or redistributing so much power that you need your own high-voltage lines inside your own property.

Now, granted, it does look like a farming operation. Modern farming can be kind of energy-intensive. But what is their energy source?

So this concept, questions about energy, stuck with me for awhile and at some point while I was tracing various initiatives and fundings that Hillary Clinton or related have had their hands on, I came across some information about a bill offering wow-wee $1million to various island locations for them to implement renewable energy.

$300,000 hardly helps an island government became self-sustaining. Buuut, it does actually present a major investment for just one single property somewhere on an island.

I posted about this in more detail back in reddit but it kind of got ignored so I backed off of it.

[edit: sorry, went back to reddit but that post is long gone, nuked with the rest of pizzagate. i'd love to retrace these steps but i'm not sure where i even started. what i'm thinking now is to look around for this kind of 'sustainable' funding that appears in such small amounts, and FOIA where the money went and what properties utilized it.]

LostandFound ago

Not at all, its a legit train of thought went down that rabbit hole myself. Sure look at my original post on that I thought James Alefantis was James Knoll, sometimes its the journey that counts.

LostandFound ago

Its James Knoll see - James Alefantis purchased is % of the business from James Knoll. Checkout the comments this got me at first but I did some digging with the help of the comments.

retired ago

@Millennial_Falcon keeps deleting this (suck it asshole, people have questions), but thought I'd post this here since it reminded me directly of hawaii.

This is from the dr. pong site. we know a bust in oslo (or norway) specifically, and it seems like a rav or djing is a great way to support your extracurricular import/export business.

while the site is abstract (either to seem hip / or deliberately) this image is rather specific for services.

apologies if you think this should be ignored.

Cbradio ago

GrimReader, thank-you. People need to chill if legit. What grim did, and others, do, takes many hours, then ones expect him to spoonfeed or cut him down. Grim might want to stop and get personal needs done, after working so hard. Very disrespectful, bossy, and odd. Simple answers do not just come about. As the fbianon said. ( If he is legit or not), all is set up with corp, gov, individuals in very complicated and networked programs to front. An attorney has written a book that was even sent to Podesta email as an attachment of the investigation the attorney did; of how Obama and Podesta, climate initiative is all a network of fronts. Sorry peeps, they do not care of our environment, it's all a front. Attn Charles Hester , Shearer publishing ( not have it with me now), is the attorney that exposed it that Podesta and his pals do not like. As, all is complicated with so many networks, yes, it's random pieces, but the right ones will know pieces are to a whole puzzle. 1. GoFundMe for Comet: one of first donation commenters writes of, don't worry, there are two million of us. Correct. Any that think there are not at least two million involved, are naive. Besides the bigwigs, there are many deranged in the regular populations. In fact, just on Instagram, you can find so many with even the most illegal stuff posted that if police wanted to bust, gee, it would have been so easy. For ex: You can start from Comet, through friends posting and quickly get to ones selling all types of animal and human bones, organs, entire body in jars, made into lamps ( human skull and spine), skulls to cover entire walls, organs of human and animals, #burnthebodies, and so much more. From S Fl, to my, to la, and slot attend their satanic meetings and sell on Instagram and Etsy. Catacomb, some dig up graves. Yep, if families knew their gravesites illegally dug up; many more would believe what is going on. Yet, killing humans and animals, plus connections to many morticians. Ones selling vampire pancakes, head cheese, that are top blonde models in NYC. It's all over. It's a subculture, they want to mainstream. Normalize it, as Satan stuff already in Alaska, NYC schools. 2014 Smithsonian article, how delectable human meat is, by Blondie biologist; now feigning animal rights. Remember, animal abuse, murder is illegal , also; AND easier to get worldwide support. Go look up Ingredion corp, 2009 African summit, Sudan organ trade, tribal warfare's easy to control blacks. Why wouldn't cannabis want their food in also easy to buy products at stores and what is the profit of such an industry. Child soldiers and organ harvesting are already so common in subsaharan plus, as rest of world ignores, perfect place for factories. Same with Bosnia, plus more.

  1. Those kids and infants, in every pic posted; have NOT had any parents coming forward. That is odd as fudge. No one has posted the many jobs that require mandated reporting of child abuse, as it is a felony of any involved in rings that work at schools, drs, nurses, attorneys, and more to not report even the most minor suspicion of child abuse. It is also illegal for any school, camp, nonprofit that receives any federal grants, takes financial aid FAFSA, or donations for minors to hire any staff that has questionable personal activities. Look up, how many female teachers were fired, for simply having pretty pictures on their Facebook. Compare with the ring. Look up how many times that cps has torn apart families, over the stupidest things. Yet, cps has failed to look for the children and infants called Howard, taped and more as NO parents are coming forward? If that was your kid or niece/ nephew, you would be furious. Of course, cps is compromised. But, calls are important, for, read the cps laws and post them all over. Every case must be investigated!! Every day that cps does not investigate, is a felony. Now, when ones are calling, cps call staff are being rude, playing mind games, saying are transferring call to schedule cops ( if ones calling out of state and country the cops never even take out of jurisdiction calls and it's cps who.must investigate and then they must contact and inform cops of their child investigative findings). Demanding cps finds those kids and adheres to law, might save a child or bust all, or hey, prove its all false, so Comet should want all those children he posted to be found, welfare checked, parents found. He would be proven innocent. Inform recording calls to cps, and getting the call op staff number, and demand anonymous, and demand that concerned citizens have rights NOT to be threatened by media and elite. Even if cps does not investigate, that is major legal evidence if they do not; that Trump, courts, whoever ends up to be legit, can use for cps must investigate every report, asap, and all the related legal laws, I posted above, including it is illegal to harass concerned citizens that have witnessed these bizarre photos of children.

  2. Why were all my vout PM's erased? Why did one poster send me a creepy warehouse picture and demand I say what it was. Why have comments of mine been erased, specific ones warning of safety to ones, in particular? I don't even need the answer, the acts say as much need to know. I'm warning ones legit.

  3. Back to networks, corps and their complicated set ups, that bring in so many bigwigs, corps to even shady citizens. Florida alphabet opened a case on Providence corp in Fl, and their funneling and shell corps to Brazil and an island, right next to Jersey Island. I am amazed that ones have not dug up the substantial data on Jersey, who owns that island, Danville, and so much more. Pm if your smart and legit enough to figure out how Providence connects to public health care. Clearly, state ward , orphans are supply and always will be, unless stopped. Next question, is why are so many more bodies needed, children to all ages. If fbianon legit, did he not repeat and say the truth is so bad, it would cause ww uprising. Think clearly, from the shoes of these prey types and businesses and convenience they would desire.

  4. Lisa used to be epa director. Oh, wow, another very complicated network of corp , gov in this. You think Flint was bad, nothing on this. And not just mass toxins harming populace and ecology; the profiteer scam to dreg up the river, leaked tons more toxins out as the poor people were not evacuated or informed. Cancer rates and types, stillborns, miscarriages, low IQ, aggression and plus are the factors common in Newark, Ironbound. Compare that to the Nitro, WV case. That is, Lisa has never been ethical for people or ecology, and always on donkey show. Who was the mayor and what is he now, and future pres goals? Is he gay??. Is he pedo? Who are his pals? Wow, this gets so big.

  5. I'll reverse the 6 to a 9 for they are code but we are not, really smart peeps..and I hate number 6 and pizza and anything of such. Public trust federal violations causing unec stress, duress, burden, impact, harm, loss, costs and more. The election and all this gate stuff is public trust violation. Class action it. Demand laws are used for you, and the kids with cps laws. The failure of ones in govt not to adhere to law, is evidence. Document it. Don't say, they won't do it. Show it, document, that's solid federal violations evidence!!!

  6. For all sense and purposes, this is all fiction and I'm just practicing my diction for I'm a poet if you did not know it and if bloodbaths are art and all they regurgitate; then why can't I be an artist and act like a snoopdog. But oh wait, snoopdog is a creep, so this ain't a shoutout. But what I do know, if ones care for life, then all life matters that assists. Otherwise, what's the point, and the Franklin survivor wrote a book, blog, and current thoughts on safety. Respect it, he and others surviving through years, have much to say to save your ass and kids. What actor now on Utube, talking the same that spoke for years, as so many ignored? Yep, parents, grandparents to all these years masses ignored. Those voices matter, and many are still unheard. Wrap your brain around that, and scifiction becomes a faction. Sure, I riddles, question is aren't you creating art?
  7. Wow, have you heard that cx kidtronik or seen his Twitter links? Better hurry up for the show must go on and the stage scenes change fast. Time is money is time is labour. If you were a victim, every moment matters and cps by state and fed law, must find any kids reported. Why have they not, how many calls have they received, how many calls do they mind game and refuse to report? How many call staff are mind game bitches on your tax dollars at any govt office or program you call vs adhere to fed law, corp contracts adherence, job role duties that sign the contract? Proving each and every law and contract violated is evidence and state and federal violations of felonies. The lawyer stance is a good role to pan out for the movies of art and scenes. Have you bought your walkie talkies yet, the movie set has list of needs. Why did govt union jobs promote Hilary? Is not a swamp up top, same as bottom or what? Guess who can so calls to programs and offices that regular citizens cannot ? All I know is ones that mass labour are dang relieved to meet another, for their is a mutual respect and knowing on the same page as pieces of the puzzle. It's that simple. In and out.

Commonwombat ago

Holy shit!

Nightowl19632000 ago

The only way I connect it, is that Sasha Lord performed at Comet Pizza and I believe she also drew some art work that was used to advertise the different performances playing there.

AlaskaRaven ago

NOW I get what you're saying!! And you are right, can't do much about that. I live in a town of about 13,000 in AK- & EVERYTHING doesn't have to be their biz, so that's why the diff. names on each site. I actually know ppl that are THAT bored- look into others' life... Also, I figure anyone watching can do their own damned homework as to relations, who might be on this laptop, phones, using what accts. But, yes, I know. Pisses me off.... Thank you for the explanation here. I am ADD af, just watched 45 min of YouTube, Commented & argued on FB, texted my son, Watched Some Like it Hot (Tony Curtis, Jack Lemon, Marilyn)... reset my phone & more..... also was on Twitter & reading articles... so by the time I'm done? No idea what a comment is referring to, unless It links directly back to it (W out others to sort through! Much appreciate the answer!

AlaskaRaven ago

Don't understand what you're saying. When there's a post that has HUNDREDS of comments (& replies) it would take me a couple hours to decipher. the way this is set up? I can go the the original post but cannot go back to the comment I may have made (couple days ago?) that you are answering. so?

thisistotallynotme ago

This is a very good summary, but I hope most voaters understand that this has been fairly common knowledge on 8chan's /pol/ for over a month now. If you need a good benchmark for how long it takes for intel to leave /pol/, this thread is it.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Sye... CTRL sec won't claim you. Please quit your shit...

edit* TheGrimReader is "hacker" sye phan. has been debunked. Was doxxed as another person (evidence led to sye, but vid maker didn't want to ruin his life).. She later pulled the vid after her point was made. He's a photoshopper, not a hacker. THEGRIMREADER is FAKE!!!!

amCassandraAMA ago

the wodka carton in a remote area of Haiti is the same fucking wodka carton in comet pizza. What a coincidence

amCassandraAMA ago

I'm all for staying sceptic but that is reason for suspicion

caliginosity ago

I'm having people ask to me to include this information in a mass summary sticky post and I'm still a little unsure what I'm looking at. Can you make a concise simplified paragraph with the main sources preferrably in a "explain like i'm five" way? Or at least some background as to what it's about? Thanks.

Stukov ago

What about as a "drop" location for pedo files? Where someone can come in with a certain key, download/upload something then move on? With it rotating like that it would be very hard to access without the original key or physically going to whatever server is down there?

Stukov ago

I don't know if this related as I couldn't actually read the article (behind paywall) but when looking at Goat Hill Pizza and those who started it I found that Karen Monley was in an accident in MI in 1977 with a few others (can't see the names beyond what google has this on)

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan · Page 13 Aug 28, 1977 - Two other passengers, Emile Dika, 19, Troy, and Karen Monley, 21, ... to turn from M-29 onto Huron Boulevard when the accident occurred

I do not know the age of this Dave Stone or if this is even the same Karen Monley who does Goat Hill Pizza (whose image looks like a satanic looking black goat with red background) who is linked to Pelosi money laundering, and near the coordinates of that place in San Francisco given on 4chan, but when I was reading "Biff Skipman"''s FB profile and mentions an accident I thought of it immediately.

Poncho567 ago

I think this is the Stone Harbour LLC mentioned in the Podesta email supposedly named after David M. Stone. The email linked the business to Delaware. There are several Stone Harbour businesses (Stone Harbour Capital, Construction, Development, Investment, Management) all with the same address 2711 Centerville Rd Suite 400 Wilmington DE. However, apparently Stone Harbour was started by Jerry Kiley and Gregory P Shaugnessy. Here is the LinkedIn account for Jerry Kiley Here is the website for Stone Harbour Construction

AlaskaRaven ago

One of Alinsky's rules to socialism: Control the media. They'll SAY it's Russian. NO. It's the truth...

get everything we can out here before the net goes down, or ??? he already GAVE ICANN to the UN. Just a matter of time.

Sushilover69 ago

Man y'all are slow.

Banned4Truth ago

I just want to say I signed up just now to let everyone know I was banned from Abovetopsecret tonight for bringing this up. Post removed and I kept putting the post back. They finally just banned me. The PTB are in critical damage control and are desperate as fuck.

Poncho567 ago

Here is the article that links the Chang Holding Company with The Stone Factory The article is also featured on the Chang Holding Company website I'm confused, though, because he seems like an impressive ethical, Christian person by his LinkedIn profile, Facebook, & Instagram accounts.

Poncho567 ago

David Flintstone owns both Island Distillers Inc. and Island Distillers Foundation. Hum, another Foundation. I don't see a website for the foundation, I'm wondering what type of charity work they do? (if any?)

Poncho567 ago

The trade name application by Island Distillers Inc. for KAMEHAMEHA HAWAIIAN SPICED RUM again has a mailing address of 220 PUUHALE RD. #B3 HONOLULU, Hawaii 96819 which is the address of The Stone Factory.

Poncho567 ago

Yes, its clear that David M. Stone is not David Flint Stone/ David Flintstone. You would think this person would pick a name a little less funny to be less obvious! What is the connection between liquor distillery and stone?

djklbd ago

Good lord. Amazing work guys. This gets weirder everyday. The Coloboma discovery is also bone chilling, but theres something to it.

Poncho567 ago

The retired Navy rear admiral and former head of Transportation Security Administration David M. Stone died 11/23/2009. The Podesta email private meeting between Hilary & David Stone occurred 7/7/2009 ... so most likely this was the same David Stone who died.

Poncho567 ago

I'm posting the link to the discussion of David (Flint) Stone maybe is David S. Chang just to keep this Hawaii discussion here, most is the same as below but I added a few more things here ---

Nicefind ago

Solid post.

23eulogy23 ago

Can we get a count of missing children in hawaii?

huntress ago

An oddity with RADM Dave Stone is in Wikileak email, A memorial service for RADM David M. Stone will be held at 10:30 am, Thursday, December 17, at the U. S. Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis, MD. Gathering in celebration of his life to follow at the Naval Academy Club. Donations in lieu of flowers to: Dead link!

But Northwest Herald via **In lieu of flowers, **memorials may be made to the Admiral David M. Stone Scholarship c/o The Dundee Crown Athletic Hall Of Fame, 1500 Kings Road, Carpentersville, IL 60110 - See more at:

Poncho567 ago

Is David S. Chang... David Stone?? David S. Chang is a very successful businessman in Honolulu. Chang Holding Company mentions The Stone Factory, LLC as one of the successes of Mr. Chang.

Poncho567 ago

I looked up David Flint Stone. I'm not sure if this is just a repeat of information or not: His last address is listed as 220 Puuhale Rd. STE B3 Honolulu 96819. I looked up this address, it is The Stone Factory, LLC. The business started Oct 2, 2008; file #64978. There are some weird things about this business. I don't find an email page. A "Zombie" trademark application was abandoned : (and here) The business doesn't have a trademark. And an independent business review company says the owner of The Stone Factory is a David S. Chang but can't verify the identity of the owner

What is all of this stone connection, with The Stone Factory and Stone Harbour LLC? And the distilled spirits are on the Zombie trademark application. How are distilled spirits connected to stone? Here it says The Stone Factory has an annual revenue of $5-10 million and employs 5-9 persons All that heavy stone and they employ 5-9 persons? With millions in profit? It seems from this website that they have received 14 shipments since they opened, from Japan and other places, I'm not sure how to see these records without paying panjiva:

Godwillwin ago

We need to get this back to the front page now that we have new members. How do we get to this to the front. This and the laundering that is already stickied are good leads

TheGrimReader ago

you can look at past reviews on site for hard drives. They are still up but I'm noticing many are turning private.

TheGrimReader ago

saving this to my encrypted back up, i will research.

AwareEyesOpen ago

Good work OP. This has stomach is in knots. That 7 month old reddit post is too hard to get through without a shiver down the spine.

davemcgowanwasright ago

Look at this film. "An open secret" It talks about pedofilia in Hollywood. Go exactly to 49 minutes and 26 seconds into it. They are talking about a hotdog stand in Hawaii on a DVD commentary of a film.

thezodiac ago


ejd4500 ago

which one you have original source?

hunter1488 ago

So this is just speculation, but consider this:

David Brock --- David Bedrock? --- Bedrock is the town from the Flintstones --- Dave Flintstone --- David Stone

Now go to Andrew Breitbart's Twitter. Days before he died, he sent out several tweets attacking David Brock (the boyfriend of James Alefantis)

TheGrimReader ago

whoa. We need to find way to verify but that would be quite the connection.

Scoundrel ago

Mr. Potato head seems to like powerful elites.

Mr Potato Head lovers --> (open in new window to see the image)

Article here ->

PZGate ago

I wonder if anyone examined that potato head JPEG for a hidden embedded file. Seem to recall seeing a way you can hide files within certain image files and only way you'd know is that the file would be unusually large for the size of the face image.

h2d ago

I also am in agreement - I've seen this whole "cheesybay" and "Bif Skipman" thing posted MANY times on here. First of all, how do we know that it's a female posting in the reddit post on "blackops" with the wi=fi thing in Hawaii and really what significance does it hold to this whole story? How do you know that Sasha Lord is Anita Lord? And where are these "hacked emails" coming from?

Millennial_Falcon ago


What are your sources for this and this

If we can't verify these two claims are true, this could be disinformation.

Also, in the first link, I don't see any indication the recipient is Dave Stone.

TheGrimReader ago

The users Titus frost and Ausbitbank reaffirm these links, they also have been the largest source for many other investigations.. There several articles from the MSM about Richard Windsor/ Lisa P. Jackson.

The emails were leaked to 4chan and have been saved by several others. This is the original post:

Codewow ago

Do you know of any archives of those links on 4chan?

Millennial_Falcon ago

All 4 of those threads do not exist. We must have verification of the hacked emails.

TheGrimReader ago

I will contact Titus frost and Ausbtitbank for archives

Millennial_Falcon ago

You got those archives yet?

fckItsReal ago

Theres a highschool across the damn street.. .with allllllll the shades drawn.

Godwillwin ago

But fox isn't so why won't they report on it? Judge Jennine, oreily, Megyn Kelly, tucker, hannity??

Not one of them will mention it. I realize that they can't say So and so is a pedophile, but they could at least say so we've found some strange Connections rooms between these corporations and non profits etc etc etc. just report what we know and let the audience fill in the blanks

SpikyAube ago

Where are the David Stone emails? Did they come from Wikileaks? I can't find them anywhere.

TheGrimReader ago

links in my newest post

We_Waz_Kangz_N_Sh1t ago

Zomfg anon

good hunting

thank you

Reluctant_Ginger ago

IMO we need a smart, safe way to monitor the physical site itself as this investigaion continues. If this is all real they will be monitoring this forum and since this post (if not since the scandal broke online) will be starting contingency plans to cover up if they havn't already.

All the circumstantial evidence so far has been great. This seems a chance at some physical evidence. Need some brave people on the ground in Hawaii.

TheGrimReader ago

That is the implication but should we not be able to substantiate our suspicions via getting our hands on one we still have the actual Hawaii Coneection which still pans out.

Thinchick ago

Jesus Christ! This is so damn incriminating. We are going to be going through one of the most chilling moments in human history soon. When this breaks big, and it will, we will all have to do some soul searching as a human race. How could this be allowed to, not only happen, but flourish in our society. Those poor chuildren.

Godwillwin ago

If it ever breaks! The media won't touch it. :(

comeonpeople ago

Okay, right off the bat, what does an email from Anita Lord to Dave Stone have to do with SASHA Lord? You are acting as though they are the same person without having in any way established that.

CJFish ago

Does anyone know the addresses of Frank Marshall Davis and Obama's childhood residence? They're at least on the same island.

DaintyBrighton ago

Had to take a break from all of this to "cool off" and I remembered the tunnels under McMartin Preschool that Ted Gunderson looked into. I am no expert on any of this but I have seen his name come up in all of this a few times and with respect. Could the high school be connected to all of this?

Thinking about this some more . . . my own high school had an underground tunnel system that connected it to another school. I don't think it was used much for anything besides storage when I went there, but it makes the idea of a tunnel system under this high school more plausible in my view. Mind you, it wasn't in Hawaii and the environment was very different, but still.

Edit: thought about it some more and I know someone else who had vague tunnels under his high school growing up and another person went to college in Minnesota and they had tunnels to go to and from main buildings when it was too cold or there was too much snow. All of these in the Midwest, but the McMartin Preschool was in California so if those were indeed real (there seems to be some disagreement on that), it would be closer to Hawaii's environment than in the Midwest? Could there be tunnels from the high school to bunker(s)?

I'm really curious about that high school now!!!

UnmoderatedCaucus ago

Check out the other replies. It was found.

UnmoderatedCaucus ago

Yes, this is related. I remember the abovetopsecret forum now that you've linked it.

KingKongisCTR ago

Is there anyway to find out if any DHL containers have been shipped there? The DHL guy was implicated and disappeared if I remember correctly.

TheGrimReader ago

On the comet website there is a link to Pandamag in the "friends" tab. According to mythology, pandas are sexually significant especially among the elite. Go to the end of Issue 7 titled CVLT, watch the video at the end and then let me know your thoughts.

Awesome links you included!

Rskr202 ago

The video with all of the people in the woods with eyes on their backs? It's weird but I don't think any of it is incriminating in any way.

standalone ago

I checked all the comments from buyers of account cheezybay. Only three comments have reference to kids, and one other comment is a bit strange. The item in the first comment is a pellet gun for kids. Appart from the price that's indeed bizarrely low, it doesn't seem strange to mention about a "happy 9yo" (I would have been happy at 9 yo if my dad bought me a pellet gun). Other comment are set as private, so we don't know what was sold and for what price. Still the second comment isn't shocking assuming it was again a pellet gun or something kids will enjoy. And the third one although unusual wouldn't be crazy if the item was a set of ping pong rackets or something. Fourth one is more enigmatic, with kids being on "cod", but maybe this is "CoD" (Call of Duty) in which case the item was probably a copy of the game or a playstation.

All in all, I don't see anything particularly suspicious in the comments expect the price that indeed seems very low for the first item, and generally for many other items regardless of whether comments have anything to do with kids.

Perfect. One very happy 9yo. y***y (367), More than a year ago, 700 + printable targets on CD, Kids BB pellet guns (#320764846987), GBP 0.75

Great condition. Item like new. Very happy kids! Fast delivery, i***l (347), More than a year ago, Private, -

Ping, Pong, Chang, Yeeeeehaaaa, Smashin ++++++++++++++++++++++++, a***r (367), More than a year ago, Private, -

very fast well wrapped ,top ebayer,kids on cod now,very happy dad,a++++++++ a***a (1327), More than a year ago, Private, -

Steinmacher ago

anyone find possible link to transsexualism in the Mr Potatohead references?

TheGrimReader ago

I am willing to participate if we can get enough support. Anonymity must be our primary concern as this rabbit hole continues to grow more and more far reaching and potentially dangerous.

TheGrimReader ago

thank you for your message! Firstly, do you have the ebay username? I could do some digging to see what I find. The process of selling to the items for extremely cheap and then flipping them for very high prices seems like it could be some sort of money laundering process(?) but before I make a conclusion I would want to do more research. You say that your friend was threatened, how did the user figure out that your friend was on to him? What really interests me is that seems like a good way of unearthing how individuals go about selling otherwise "unsellable" content through eBay. i would love to here back from you, perhaps if we put our minds together, we can find some answers.

Happy Hunting.

apparatchik1488 ago

No, Still 36 pages. Not sure what you mean.

TokyoJoe ago

There was a photo in the emails or Instagram that looks exactly like that blue building. It was taken in Hawaii. It was to Podesta and that email may make more sense now.

TheGrimReader ago

Do you think you could find a link? This sounds awesome if thats the case.

TokyoJoe ago

I can't find the photo, I've been looking but it was just like that, but it could be a common color in Hawaii I don't know. Sorry I'll keep searching

TokyoJoe ago

I'm still getting used to this site. I'm having a hard time finding it, though. It's real and I'm 100%I've seen it

apparatchik1488 ago

OK, source?

standalone ago

From the Hilary email

As of April 21st Dave Stone's former business partner ( James F. Blom ), and I will establish 'Stone Harbour,LLC' (named for Dave) in Delaware. This will be a nice merger of Dave's and my contacts. Apart from the ongoing vetting of Simon Stringer's multi purpose software, at several levels, I am keen to help in the human trafficking effort. I have been in touch with Sharyn Magarian (keeping Kris B informed) in seeking the status of that effort, as I am quite sure the combo of Dave's former contacts and mine can help. Jim Blom has already spoken to several (Oracle Corp and his friends in Silicon Valley) and they too are motivated. Work is work, but the human trafficking issue seems like the right thing to do.

Isn't that already an explicit admission of human trafficking? I understand that "work on human trafficking" is ambiguous, but this is about a LLC incorporated in the Delaware, not a FBI investigation team. Since when are private companies having the kind of power necessary to investigate and prosecute human trafficking? And if they are not doing that, then what are they doing when they "work on human trafficking"? Trafficking human beings by any chance? And what have Oracle and other Silicon Valley startups got to do with that?

Has this already been investigated? What is that LLC officially claiming to be doing? If they aren't saying a word about human trafficking in their public statements, it seems to me that this would be a huge smoking gun.

equilibrium ago

We have the best autists.

HampdenPItbull ago

Cum pandas I think was the term they used?

dickface8 ago

Ok guys I'm having a little trouble following. What are you implying is going on underground where the wifi signals come from? A trafficking operation of some kind?

TheGrimReader ago

It would seem so, that to some other extremely nefarious little game with direct links to PG, if not the direct link we have been searching for.

apparatchik1488 ago

a worldwide, large scale, Child Porn operation. Alternatively, torture chambers with lots of wifi connected IP camerasa. Alternatively, a secret military base or outpost.

quantokitty ago

Now this is research!

Genius job, my friend.

Hot dog stand in Hawaii, huh ...

LostandFound ago

Have a look at this chain there might be another strand in the Hawaii story. & - Nalu Diner in Germany 800m from Dr. Pongs is co owned by dr.pong owner and James Alefantis, but as far as I can see James Alefantis bought over his stake from a James Kroll, a musician from the band Chokebore who grew up in Hawaii.

So if there is any connection between James Kroll and David Stone then you could link all the above to James Alefantis and Dr. Pong though a new route.

TheGrimReader ago

Wonderful. lets start hunting. Grim

Jem777 ago

I wonder if Obama has any relation to any of this he was mentioned in an email about a hotdog stand in Hawaii. He also has stated in an interview he and Rahm (Emanuel) cant wait to retire to Hawaii. And he just bout some very exspensive home there.

TheGrimReader ago

If we can find the properties records perhaps we can see if BP BISHOP TRUST is the owner?

rp5x5 ago

After reading all of this there are a few things that stick with me. Is it a coincidence that on the same day Hillary meets with Dave Stone per the email schedule, it says she has 7pm telephone meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Nakasone? Nakasone was involved in working on the long made demands for Japan to make reparations to Korea, China and the Phillipines, and elsewhere, over the sex slave "comfort women" during WW2. Nakasone had said he had the mission to restore honor to Japan on this issue. Nakasones own father had been involved in the "comfort women" trafficking.

Yakuza were and are involved in trafficking. Japan, Korea and Hawaii, are still heavy Yakuza organized crime. They have been said to be in direct competition with the Western Elite cabal.

The other thing is wondering who the main internet providers are in that area and has anyone asked where the wifi is from. Low budget rural wifi providers often have to set up wifi transmitters/extenders that sends signals to subscribers that can't get cable or DSL. I know because when I lived too far from a town to get hard wired internet, homeowners in my area at the time were serviced by wireless from a single location set up by the little ISP who beamed it to us. I'm sure wifi analyser app would show lots of signals crowded up that way.

I also thought about Loretta Fuddy, the Hawai Health Department lady who died mysteriously when the plane went down off the shore of Molokai. I remember Trump had said the circumstances were suspicious.

Those are just my nagging thoughts after reading this thread. Maybe unrelated.

TheGrimReader ago

Your knowledge of Nakasone is an amazing clue, Ill will do more research and try to have a follow up post soon.

oldchangling ago

Wow. That is creepy as hell. Here's an archive of the "Create The Future" store front, with prices: From the feedback, they're obviously moving product despite the prices:

openthegates ago

Fantastic find... that 'hotdog stand in Hawaii' email is looking increasingly poignant.

I will add though that the 'cheesybay' eBay account doesn't seem to show anything suspicious in my opinion.

revnRico ago

Maybe a hacker should pay attention to this?

It might be worth looking into.

WakeyWake ago

"Potato" is not the comment for the boy's pic. "A Potato" is the user's name, his comment is several dots "......." look at the user name/comment on a few of other pics., you'll see what I am talking about. Also just a sidenote, the page is run by a man's name with hotdog as his last name.

j2436 ago

Potatohead.. i've seen this before: and

Tickle_Missle ago

Just a theory, but could taking a picture with Mr. Potato head be the blackmail side of cp related activity?

spez_dispenser ago

An abuse survivor in Holland had a story about a ritual.

Long story short, if a participant in a ritual cant get it up, they cut off his dick and let him die.

Mr. Potato Head When a male has no penis, he is called a Mr. Potato Head, becuase he's all smooth down there. "Wow, I wanted to have sex but NOW We can't becuase you lack a penis." "It's not my problem I'm a Mr. Potato Head'

Stab ago

@TheGrimReader I have more screens of the Cheesybay eBay reviews to add including a reference to ping pong.

Ping pong chang: Edit: added/fixed links

seanhurray ago

third image came raped very securely... could be a typo or pun

halo411 ago

post it

Annon365 ago

Well done, Amazing I'm sat here in awe. Painstaking research! The woman who posted them photos needs to be VERY careful, we know what these people are capable of when they feel threatened

Shadybozza ago

Can't someone who lives in Hawaii go and check it out ?

MadMonkey ago

We need a source on that first email.

I can't find it anywhere on Wikileaks. Otherwise, hopefully great work.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yes. If we don't have sources to support, this whole connection could be disinfo.

MadMonkey ago

That's what I am worried about. People need to realize without sources the info could potentially not only be useless but harmful to the current investigation.

Rosenkavalier ago

Same here could not find it


Excellent post

AreWeSure ago

Dave Stone mentions Cheesebay not Cheesybay.

Also how do we know about Cheesybay selling CP? I was surprised to read that an active Ebay seller is connected to CP. If this was known, I figured this would have been reported and the account cancelled at the very least.

The feedback does not seem to show hard drives at inflated prices. If you view feedback as a seller, you can see items and prices on many of the transactions

The Sims 3 GBP* 12.50

  • Hitachi Travelstar® 5K80 40 GB,Internal,5400 RPM, GBP 4.40


  • Samsung M3 Slimline 2TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive - GBP 59.99

  • Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 (40gb) Well Used But Fully Working Condition + Controller GBP 39.99

  • Brand New Tyre Ford Transit Mk6 Mk7 Spare Steel Wheel GBP 70.00


  • Vauxhall Vectra SRI 17" Alloy Wheels GBP 140.00

  • xbox live gold trial code, Fast inst delivery GBP 1.00

These prices seem normal, so why is this a suspicious account?

TheGrimReader ago

When researching Dave Stone/ David Flintstone the account is linked to him and the reddit user specifically cites the ebay belonging to her boss (who by location and prior research we find to be Dave Stone/ Biff Skipman. the user states that she caught her boss in [citatation needed] and suspected him of his involvement in CP. the leaked emails which she was completely unaware support this fact, all in all the bay as not as important as the actual Hawaii connection but should be researched nonetheless.

anonymousj ago

@theGrimReader, those selling prices are in British Pounds.

apparatchik1488 ago

Agreed, I saw nothing suspicious in the feedback (I went through about 70% of it) except one message referencing pingpong.

dindonufin ago

Another name to research is James F. Blom, the former partner of Dave Stone who named Stone Harbour LLC after Stone (Maybe he IS dead? Otherwise why name it after a former business partner...)

Here is the email talking about Podesta's hotdog stand in Hawaii. It's from September 2015, so apparently the hotdog stand already exists, and it's not Podesta who is dreaming of it, but [email protected]. After a little digging, I came up with Todd D. Stern, appointed by HRC toa BRAND NEW position at the state department, something to do with climate change. . There is plenty of digging to be done on this guy as well.

apparatchik1488 ago

There are several of them. If he is the one who runs Joyent, then he has some huge silicon valley connections, Joyent is a big deal.

HomeboyChris ago

How do they know Sasha Lord is Anita Lord?

BebopaLuLa ago

I definitely agree with the posters that suggested you should consider archiving and deleting this thread, with all the critical details and background in it. Maybe make it accessible to only a couple of posters (either the mods, or OP and a couple of you doing the digging that the mods feel they can trust). I just think it's so much good info, and right now it's all open to the world, not to mention the trolls and giving heads up.

DaintyBrighton ago

I don't know what it is, but it seems wrong to delete or restrict this information. I totally understand the reasoning why and I have wanted to do the same several times with other things, but at the same time I hesitate. We're worried about the "bad guys" finding this, but what about the "good guys"? It seems like there's always someone out there with the next piece to the puzzle and if they aren't able to see this one, how do they know who to share it with or even that they have a piece? How do we know that the "bad guys" haven't already taken note and are passing this around as we speak?

Something else is that we can learn more by watching how the "bad guys" react. If things start to go down (accounts deleted or made private, websites not working, etc.), that seems like a pretty good indicator that we're on to something. Maybe it will introduce us to another player, make more concrete connections, etc.

I don't know, it just seems like we have more to gain and are more credible by being as transparent as possible. Even if we make mistakes, just admitting we made mistakes makes us more credible because it shows we're honest. Hey, if these creeps would answer our questions, maybe we wouldn't have made mistakes in the first place!

Sorry, didn't mean for this to be a rambling lecture, hope it doesn't sound that way? I'm new to Voat and am still figuring this out so sorry if I'm breaking any etiquette. We all have our own situations and pros and cons and I wouldn't blame anyone at all for deleting or hiding things. I'm even having trouble writing this and am going to wrestle with the thought of who might read it, so again, I understand. I just would like to encourage everyone to think about it before they do anything. If it was significant enough to post in the first place, maybe it is significant enough to stay.

TheGrimReader ago

How would I go about this? there are definitely already trolls in the comments trying to confuse people.

BebopaLuLa ago

I guess you can tell the couple of posters that also have done the digging with you, and the mods might be able to give you another name or two. You probably don't need that many, right?

BebopaLuLa ago

that's for damn sure!

lawfag123 ago

Regarding that email ( directly to Hillary regarding Stone Harbour, LLC, what the heck does this mean?

"Stringer's multi purpose software, at several levels, I am keen to help in the human trafficking effort. I have been in touch with Sharyn Magarian (keeping Kris B informed) in seeking the status of that effort, as I am quite sure the combo"

Who is Stringer?

What software did Stringer make?

What did the software do?

How could Marty help in the human trafficking effort?

Who is Sharyn Magarian?

Who is Jim Blom and Oracle Corp & friends and why are they motivated to help in the effort too?

The Haiti earthquake happened in January, 2010. On February 4, 2010, Laura Silsby & co were charged with kidnapping. Her trial began on May 17, at which she was later found guilty. Then there was this email exchange on April 15, 2010, apparently related to trafficking. (source:

What were they talking about in that email??

SpikyAube ago

Stone Harbour seems to run out of Stamford, CT, and is a Business Management company, a construction company, an investment management company, a residential and commercial development company, and a property management/property rental company, all of which started in 2010 and operate from the same address.

lawfag123 ago

I also wonder how they would help with the trafficking effort, as mentioned in the email.

lawfag123 ago

Hmm. The corporation lookup page is under construction - trying to look up their filing documents.

I wonder if they got a contract when the CF stepped in to the Haiti relief effort.

This post ( says that they did not contribute the the CF, but they were Teneo's client. No source though.

SpikyAube ago

Jim Blom is a 'Global Venture Partner' in BootstrapLabs, a corporation that says they 'provide Human Capital and Venture Capital...' Ugh, 'Human Capital' is such a horrible phrase in light of what's being discussed here. :-(

Oracle Corp makes database software/management systems - I've used it before in various jobs.

Sharon is an assistant/advisor to HRC.

SpikyAube ago

No the Oxford guy isn't right, this is apparently the right guy:

lawfag123 ago

I think that's him. I also found a link to his employment history, which shows he was an officer of many companies which deal in government contracts (e.g., BAE) He also is/was the CEO of Becatech, a security company, among other things:

But, what was he doing in 2010 at the time the email was sent? Still looking.

SpikyAube ago

There's a Simon Stringer at Oxford, working on computer simulation of the brain?

LA_Trump ago

This article from March 2008 links quid pro quo with Obama, Clinton, BP Estate, and Goldman Sachs...

AlaskaRaven ago

I read every bit of it, reading the comments next. Meanwhile,   * The dude in Hawaii is a He, not she. Reread, check the feet : )   * Wondering if anyone in the comments also noticed (if it has ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING- the TARGETS behind the tires.   In Alaska? We drive out the road, gun range, or towards the mountains- the Quarry. There? The backyard? Just sayin' that us gun owners don't usually stand 5 feet from the house (?) & use those targets...

TheGrimReader ago

Look like a dress to me:/ darn those gender roles but those are some gnarly feet. is what you are saying is that he (property owner) is using the guns/targets someway other than normal target shooting?

Also what do you mean Alaska? the pictures are in HI.

AlaskaRaven ago

Why a Man? The unattractive baggy knee length shorts that men wear- also the feet. also the "helped my boss build..." Also- I have 5 sons- the tone of language was not female, seemed thoughtful, knowledgeable male, 24-31, (seriously- I AM A WOMAN, but how many of us know what a conduit is before 40? [I had to pay for new elec. meter] or know that the heat was electrical, not volcanic, etc. Go check a tech site- 99.9% males there; know router, amps, even amount of output sht & the radius.... but...?? re read to see...? idk. And YES. we all have guns. NO ONE steps out the back door & shoots. Even Ted Nugent (if he does that) wouldn't have paper human targets.... Who would? Traffickers. Human, drug, $$ laundering... someone with something illegit to hide. someone that HAS TO BE SHARP & ACCURATE, ready for attack or to kill at any time. Some one with time to kill. Guarding or waiting. Not 9-5er. just thinking logic. What I meant was I am Alaskan. Funny- Hawaii & us interchange ppl for 4-5 yrs at a time, then go live back home. Same /diff mindset. Excluded from the other 48. Can give you MULTIPLE reasons, but irrelevant to this.

TheGrimReader ago

With a basic understanding of a vpn or HTTP. proxy the seller could change his location to read like that. Look at some very easy and comprehensive ones like Betternent... If he is operating out of that HI compound we know he has the means with the photo the reddit user posted with that breaker box and private power grid. He could do some real fancy things with all that at his disposal.

lawfag123 ago

Possible connection: James Cafferty, a special agent for the Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, pled guilty to shipping hard drives full of cp from London. (source:

"According to court documents and proceedings, Cafferty, who was a special agent for the Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, purchased memberships in several child pornography websites. A subsequent search warrant executed at Cafferty’s home revealed hard drives containing thousands of child pornography files. Cafferty admitted during an interview that he had shipped these hard drives from London to his home in Largo."

YouaremeandIamyou ago

found one review for the cheesybay account, that says he would not give his address when asked.

C1REX ago

Nice one.

webofslime ago

Emails Suggest Hillary Helped Clinton Foundation Donors

Clinton received a note in April from Dave Stone, who had recently accepted a senior position at Cisco that would give him authority over Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

LA_Trump ago

Is this how the Obama's ended up in Hawaii?

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

I wish the people who claim to have a smoking gun, would begin these posts with a short summary that gets straight to the point, so that I can decide whether or not it is worth my time to go through the wall of text. I'm halfway through reading it and it is just not making sense to me. I must have missed out on some essential background info or something.

webofslime ago

Old reddit post shows weird things going on at a property in Hawaii.

Boss may be connected to Hillary. Still waiting on confirmation.

Boss may be cheesybay seller of used hard drives. If true, and Dave Stone is the same man on all of this, then it is a smoking gun. If not, well... a lot of people are named Dave Stone.

28leinad82 ago

Now this, this is the sort of thing we need. Excellent work. I will research further and I hope many others do too. Let's not let this get buried, get boring or just hit a roadblock.. there's something to this and it might actually lead to a formal investigation!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Excellent connection. I have had a feeling about Sasha Lord, since seeing her laugh with Majestic Ape about the disturbing comments he was making. If anyone said anything like that to me, or showed me a photo like on the Instagram photos, I would be straight onto it. I would take immediate issue with this stuff, as most people would. The people that don't, and who find it funny, or even think it is acceptable, are revealing themselves, to be part of an evident insider group. Add to this, so far, no one has come forward and said otherwise. If any of these people are just innocent bystanders, who did not know what is going on, they have waited an awfully long time to say anything. The first thing they would say is:" I had no idea this was going on. Now that I have seen what is happening, I will no longer condone it, I want to condemn it, and ask people to believe I did not know these people, or the extent of what they are into." This has not happened yet. I am still very concerned no parent of any child in the photos, has tried to defend them. Do those children have parents. Are those children alive?

slickleg64 ago

Starting to wonder with this potato head insignia. Does anyone have the original image from david stones email (mrp.jpg) ? Its often for CP users to encrypt image files in such a way its skewered to another image. And I cannot find a source for that particular image so I'm getting he hunch that it may be an original image.

Warnos44 ago

I thought the same thing when I first saw it.

LydianBlue ago

Hey brother, maybe throw up a NSFW tag with that link? Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive but it made me extremely extremely uncomfortable looking at those pictures. Angry too. It did help to remind me what we're doing here.

mosswitch ago

Great digging! Add to the pile of evidence.

sheer-con ago

Best lead I've seen come out of this investigation so far. Amazing work. Follow this down!

SinGunChaser ago

Strap in ladies and gentlemen, shit is about to hit the fan. If this leads where it all honestly, undeniably looks like its leading then we are going to be in literal uncharted waters. How many can it bring down? How high does it go?

AlaskaRaven ago

Been researching- STILL learning. Goes all the way to the WH. Emails: "Obama spent $65,000 of Taxpayer money on a hot dog party at the White House"... + more references. Search YouTube: 'Creepy Biden', or 'Biden feels up girl' or... while posing for pics IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. Meanwhile? O is signing a bill to make "Fake News" (OUR LEGIT SOURCES) illegal. Still researching- goes back a ways, ppl been killed to cover it up. Check my post/page

apparatchik1488 ago

It means we have some real leads that we can actually investigate. It looks pretty damning but it is needs to be confirmed, we need to act fast, get someone out to the location in Hawaii

Blackdragon_expert ago

I couldn't find a hit using Honolulu real property search on the address (didn't check others) to check tax records, but the property cited 577 Pakala St, Honolulu 9682, where proposed bunker-ed server farm exists didn't come up in standard real property search database. Someone might want to cross walk the HRC donor list published months ago and see (looked like an excel format) if any substantial HI donor's tie back to the Property owners cited in the thread.

stillinit ago

Your image is not complete it's cut off.

BebopaLuLa ago

I am not sure if the reddit user's posts you've shown are the same, but I remember back on reddit, in a discussion of the pictures, a few commenters were discussing that Dave Flintstone and trying to link him to organ harvesting. I haven't found the comments yet, so am just mentioning that the subject was discussed, so you might want to keep that in mind while searching.

KnowThyself ago

Wonder what Tulsi Gabbard would have to say about all of this.

billcaseyABC ago


Everybody keep an eye out for WILLIAM HUNTINGTON "BILL" REEVES and DEBBIE BERGER when searching Hawaii stuff.

They're a reclusive wealthy couple that live in Hawaii but dole out loads of cash for the, let's say, COINTELPRO wings of the Black Lives Matter, open borders/dream act, and anti-Islamophobia/pro-refugee movements.

Bill and Debbie also run a charity called (ugh, what else) UNBOUND PHILANTHROPY.

Of course, it's all about "helping" vulnerable undocumented "Dreamers" - by definition, MINORS - get legal status in the US and UK. LOOK AT THE SIGN ON THE FRONT PAGE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


butterfly also = Monarch Program

Free_Radical ago

That Breitbart link is very interesting. Archived.

HampdenPItbull ago

Somebody better archive that butterfly ASAP. They are still sleeping in Hawaii. This chit needs to be done fast.

billcaseyABC ago

i was thinking the exact same thing.

Her parents were both involved in some kind of new age hari krishna cult when she was growing up. They've all distanced themselves from it since. Tulsi's father was a bigwig politician on Oahu, and was well-known (and often attacked) for not supporting gay marriage. I wonder what that was all about.

I vaguely recall some Hawaii anon on 8chan saying something about the Gabbards living nearby the wi-fi/hot dog stand address.

Also, I stumbled on this the other day, from June 2016: Andrew Patyjewicz:

Hold up - there's actually a bunch of FBI Child Porn arrests in Hawaii, over the past few years alone:

Beei Huan Chao, UH Professor (2012) - Mark Robinson Heyt, architect (March 2016) - Derek M. West (2014), charged w/ producing CP -

seanhurray ago

You Should Read about Hare Krishna Founder Srila Prabhupada about the sinister movement and what happened during and after his death (murders, child sex abuse, etc....)

doubleherpes ago

Krishnas sometimes have really pure drug hookups. Maybe they have a government connection?

totesgoats908234 ago

Search for the URL thread string in google and you can see the evidence of this being posted on /pol/ during the time when this whole pizzagate thing broke out. It 404's now, I wish it was recovered because there was some good discussion I remember.

Remember to use quotes when you want exact search matches.

Here is the other voat thread about this similar connection too -

ThePuppetShow ago

Here you go...

totesgoats908234 ago

Thank you!

grlldcheese ago

Ok i get it. Some fags are feeding you newfags the old stuff as bait. Good bait to redpill everyone. Well done.

I'll provide what i know as an oldfag and Hawaii anon.

This shit happened very quickly on pol. Some alleged LEO came in and dropped skipman, a strip club 939, and local rich guy Pflueger. Anons started with the spiderweb going to the stuff op mentions. The problem with Sasha Lord emails is that it's uncomfirmable. Some anon claimed to hack it, posted shots, led to Windsor pseudonym. All this happened quickly. This and 939s owners donating to a charity connected to CF are the only connections to CF. Imho this was a strategic drop&develop by a few insider anons. Or a larp. Or multiple larps. Or some real, some larp. It's fucking worth digging. But it's crazy.

And the Bishop Estate thing. That's complicated. I'd warn not to dig too deeply into them for a couple reasons. They own land everywhere here. They probably own 1/3 of the land on that side of the island. They leased the land to developers back in the day and still technically own tons of shit. Dig into random streets in Hawaii Kai(area of Pakala address) and you'll see them everywhere. It does not connect them to this AT ALL. If you were so inclined to pursue BE, also check OHA.

Also, they're a shady old Trust set up by one of the last Hawaiian royalty after selling everything to the white devils. It's ancient. It's connected and crooked as fuck. If you dig there you might find a dozen rabbit holes unrelated to this that are decades deep. Honestly i was hoping to push anons at this after the Hillary shit wrapped up.

So all of that being said, if BE is wrapped up in this, it might be DEEP and old. However, that's a farther leap than simply digging into local dems. Dan Inouye was 3rd(?) in line for President before he passed.

Beautiful work, goats. Feels like we're moving along again.

apparatchik1488 ago

What about the reddit post? that is what really caught my eye. An elaborate hoax? With specific addresses?

grlldcheese ago

No that parts fucking crazy, dude. I'm not concern trolling.

I believe it went 939 owners to 577 address to reddit post. Which is fucking baffling. I lose sleep over this shit. I just been through it so many times that I've kind of settled on the awful deadends it has. The origin of this stuff was just 100% some kind of op. I'm not sure of the agenda because i don't know where to go from here.

Oh God there's more. So that mountain next to the house is kokohead. That's a hiking area and also a ww2 military spot. All the strategic mountains have bunkers and whatever in them. So the wifi could literally be some crazy military stuff. Or high tech rape bunker. Or whatever the fuck has wifi signals like that.

Cheesybay is fucking shady. That's either cp/snuff or powder drugs in empty cases. And the money doesn't make sense for drugs. Someone asked. The logistics suggested on pol were buy hdd, pm codeword, get hdd full of cp. Anyone getting cute and buying without the codeword got a broken hdd.

Edit: if some of you are too tempted by Bishop Estate and want to nose down those rabbit holes, I'm serious.

Office of Hawaiian Affairs. OHA. They're considered more crooked than BE. On the BE route, local humor points to Hula Halau's as a pedo thing. The stereotype is the super gay(usually not always) male hula instructor who fondles the 'promising' dancers. That's like the local version of Catholicism.

apparatchik1488 ago

I believe it went 939 owners to 577 address to reddit post.

Pardon, I do not understand this sentence. What is 939 owners, and what is the sentence referencing?

Good point about the military bases. Weird that it would be surfacing above ground on (presumably) private land though.

Really? cheesybay seems like a hoax to me, normal prices not high at all, and only one strange review that mentioned ping pong, everything else normal. Did you see different feedback earlier?

grlldcheese ago

I believe the anon told us to look at those 3 things. Then club 939 owners connected to the 577 address. Then that address connected to the crazy reddit post.

In a circular way, these things seem to connect and verify each other. But the connection to CF is thin right now.

Those were specifically broken hard drives. Prices not normal at all.

apparatchik1488 ago

Nah. The prices were low man man, you are wrong. Unless they were changed/removed. Someone made a list of the prices, and I went through 70%+ of the feedback too. Certainly none of the prices were outrageously high.

But let's focus on the reddit thread, that is the interesting part here...

the president, who was wearing a black t-shirt, track pants and a black ball cap,

Also black glasses. Weird.

So anyways. Have you been to the spot? Are you willing to make an anonymous craigslist ad and hire someone to go there if we can get the funds? Even if it is closed off, we could rent a drone.

Also, do you know the exact location?

grlldcheese ago

I saw $70-$100 broken drives. What do you think a broken drive is worth?

I am not going anywhere near that place but i could find it easily. I grew up not far from the Kaimuki address and the pakala one is a few minutes from beaches i know.

Frankly, your attempts to publicly ask people to break into a property are giant red flags.

And you insist on false statements.

Good day.

apparatchik1488 ago

7 years ago a 2tb broken HD was worth $70 if it seemed it could be fixed. Even if it was worthless, are you retarded enough to suggest that the price for the child porn was only $70?

Yeah, my attempts to actually do something except talk on the internet like a scared little faggot are big red flags.

'false statement' OK

Grow some balls you faggot

warrior_of_light ago

Hold up, you say the mountain range in the picture of the "distillery" is the same as the one you posted in the photo? I dont see any picture, man. If you linked THAT pic to another pic from a different user source then god damn. So far I dont see that.

TheGrimReader ago

Hold up ill fix, the hyperlink for island distillers didn't work. Ill make the edit now.

EDIT: all set.

warrior_of_light ago

So at the very least this verifies that anon who was working for the accused "fake" distillery worked for this group at that location. Interesting. The wifi bit is interesting. Did you know there was a 4chan post from the same guy about a week or so ago? He was claiming people were after him and his girlfriend left him. I cant find the link to it because it was on the pizzagate sub.

oldchangling ago

FWIW: Searched FB for "Bif Skipman", and several posts turned up. This, for example, from Nov 7th. It seems to cover much of the same ground:

TheGrimReader ago

Thats my basis for thinking that and others contain encrypted CP. In his email there is the picture of the sleeping partner he's seemingly offering someone but as you can see, the thumbnail is just mr potato head. then theres the pic of BO and HRC which really must make you wonder...

LydianBlue ago

Yeah I immediately had the same thought regarding that picture

Freemasonsrus ago

You have to ask who has the power to get HRC and BHO to willingly take a pic w Mr Potato Head. That to me is insane.

thestormking ago

"You have to ask who has the power to get HRC and BHO to willingly take a pic w Mr Potato Head. That to me is insane."

micha_ ago

I have a few questions:


HER? You know she is female? Can you point to the reddit-text indicating that?

You are writing about "Richard Windsor" and then suddenly jump to "Dave Stone". How is this "Dave Stone" connected to "Richard Windsor" or the Clinton Foundation?

And the mentioning of another "Dave Stone", only because it's a name that can be associated with Goldman Sachs, but admitting that he is dead? What is that good for or do I understand you wrong?

The "raving reviews of used HDs" from cheesybay are well known. But I have read some the user ratings and

a) Cheesybay was selling lots of other hardware, not only HDs

b) I could not find any suspicious reviews of sold HDs. Only very typical ebay buyer feedback.

But can you show us the suspicious feedback that indicates that the HDs were filled with CP?

Edit 1: The name I see is "Bif Skipman", not "Biff Skippman". And he also calls it cheesebay, not cheesybay.

TheGrimReader ago

Allow mw to explain: Sasha/Anita Lord emails Dave Stone about getting a reference for Richard Windsor.

Dave Stone is not directly connected to goldman Sachs.

BP BISHOP TRUST owns 5% of Goldman Sachs as well as the property is question.

Dave Stone is mentioned multiple times in HRC's leaked emails, one is an officer who died. But the fact that she has a private meeting with a "Dave Stone" after the death of the service man implies there is more than one. In fact the emails indicated a third dave stone.

In the emails of HRC he is attached to an LLC dealing with human trafficking but according to research they only own a few pieces of real estate in DC.

Does that help?

micha_ ago

Still open questions:

Could you show me the suspicious raving reviews of the HDs sold on ebay?

Further questions:

How is the connection made to cheesybay seller? (the shop in the FB-screenshot is called cheesebay)

Where is the source for checking the connections between "Big Poobah" - "Bif Skipman" - Dave Stone - Dave Flintstone?

TheGrimReader ago

Im sorry i was responding to pertinent comments, I did not mean to delay on your spoon feeding.

1) go to reviews and filter for hard drives. Further look into the hidden reviews, by following the link you'll find your answer unless you would enjoy a retyped pdf of the reviews.

2) The name are not exact you are correct, but the margin of error you base this points credibility on is one letter. By searching "cheese bay" the only sales relevant result is the ebay page "cheesybay." Keep in mind the Fb page that led us here mentioned "distributor of cheese." Cheese is a code for CP as backed by an inexhaustible number of sources included the suspicion that kickstarted this investigation.

3) Go to the leaked emails published by titan frost for in depth reading of the emails. By searching the whois.registry for the sites belonging to Dave Stone/ David Flintstone you will see the admin. names. dave Stone is the named tied to all the alias used in domain creation. Furthermore the symbolism of Mr. Potatohead is shared by all.

4) else where you insignificantly picked as to the gender of the reddit poster, while applying critical thinking while viewing "their" pictures it appears that the "individual" is wearing a dress.

micha_ ago

1) Pls post a link or screenshot. I can find no suspicious feedback.

2) That's plausible if there is no other shop with a similar name.

3) That's a plausible explanation that David Stone may be behind these names.

All that is crucial to make any connections. Why is that info not included in the article?

But the only connection to a criminal activity is based on HDs sold by cheesybay. If this doesn't exist (and so it seems), there is only an indirect connection from CF to Dave Stone in Hawaii. Correct?

SinGunChaser ago

Fwiw I can't find suspicious feedback either.

micha_ ago

You mean in the Podesta emails? Why isn't that important info mentioned or explained?

Where are the references to these emails so that they can be checked?

Why are pics with a resolution so low used, that the letters can't be read?

No overview, no summary of facts, no conclusions. Just a collection of data and claiming it was relevant somehow, but HOW relevant it is, others may check, please...

pall_mall ago

Yea this shit'll make you dizzy and I'm not convinced it isn't intentionally that way. Always seems like a nugget of something odd and then it floods you with information to hide the fact that the actual connections are really thin. i try and follow it as best i can so i only recognize bits and pieces but im fairly positive that the whole 'hotdog stand?!?' part doesn't connect to the podesta but his brother and refers to a joke that amounts to retiring on the beach that was in some article.

there has been some odd shit but i dont know that anything here is terribly coherent or passes the threshold of just stretching shit to the point that it sorta kinda almost fits?

micha_ ago

Ofcourse that's intentional. If you want others to collaborate on a difficult topic, you have researched, will you give an overview, explanations and conclusions, so that you can receive help ASAP, or will you write unstructured posts, with missing and unreadable data, but purely based on sensationalism?

Pay attention, how my simple, but crucial questions will be answered. ;-)

pall_mall ago

The problem is when the information overload distracts from the purpose. The connections are what are important. You can have two huge puzzles built but if the only piece connecting them looks like it was mashed in there and doesn't fit then the entire exercise is ridiculous.

I see a lot of information about a lot of different things. Some do look shady but shady isn't a connection to anything. There are an infinite amount shady things. I mean from tax evasion, to building codes to fucking pedos. My problem isn't with the information.

My problem is that the connections to the larger picture are fucking shaky at best.

micha_ ago

It can't even be called information overload. It's more like BS-overload. The good and important facts are buried by sensationalist garbage. This thread is one example. Another one is the sticky 240MM money laundering thread. ZERO factual connection to CPP. or the Clinton Foundation. The same in this thread: all important conclusions are made out of thin air.

In the meanwhile I even have doubts, if the majority even can follow these confusing posts logically. They seem to react only because they are triggered by single words or sentences. But if the next sentence has absolutely no causal relationship seems to be already outside the scope of understanding.

SpikyAube ago

The connections are there, it's just I think people post their process in a way, how they got from A to Z via the rest of the alphabet. These people aren't professionals, so give them a break! So what if they haven't laid it all out as clearly as possible with an infographic and a network diagram etc, if you just do your own search on the basis of what's been presented it makes sense, and eventually someone will come along and format everything into some sort of document that presents it all clearly. This post shows a connection between a woman who works at Comet Ping Pong and a board member of the Clinton Foundation, and a connection between said board member and someone called Dave Stone, who has some weird Potato Head websites that show he uses both the name Stone and Flintstone, and a website showing that he has a vodka business in Hawaii.

Dave Stone is also connected with 'Bif Skipman' through his emails. A search of Bif Skipman shows he too lists himself as in Hawaii, and mentions 'Cheese bay.' Given the whole cheese code meaning, a search for cheese bay is performed, which brings up 'cheesy bay' on eBay. A search of reddit for cheesybay brings up a 7 month old thread from someone concerned that something dodgy is going on where they are staying in Hawaii, with strange wifi signals and possible underground facility of some kind. The Redditor mentions that their boss runs cheesybay and thinks it's dodgy, selling faulty hard drives.

In the photos this person posted 7 months ago, way before Pizzagate started, you can see empty boxes of the same vodka that David Stone's business makes. They also mention the address so people can look on Google maps, and searching that address shows that David Stone's distillery business is registered there. The property and others on the same street are owned by the Bishop Trust, the trustees of which are appointed by the Democrats that have been in power in Hawaii for decades, and are known to have been tainted with corruption.

So, this shows a connection between something apparently dodgy going on in Hawaii, possibly relating to child porn being sold as hard drives on eBay, and looking like there is some off the grid, underground, connected facility in Hawaii that is controlled/owned by people that are very connected with senior Democrats. The problem is that there is no solid proof that there is child porn being sold, or that there is definitely something illegal going on underground at that address in Hawaii. But it does look suspicious, and making all these connections means that when the hard, solid evidence of child porn/trafficking turns up, it will be very difficult for many of the senior people involved to wriggle out of it. I think by now it is almost certain that there is a paedophile/trafficking/child porn ring going on. There is just too much, far too many connections, too many incredible 'coincidences' for it to be statistically likely that they are connected only by chance.

I think it is likely law enforcement with all their resources would be necessary to find that kind of solid evidence, as I doubt it can be found simply by looking online!

I hope that explained/cleared up the connections?

DaintyBrighton ago

Thank you so much, SpikyAube! Wish I could give you several upvotes for that instead of just the one, this really helped me understand everything better! A lot of this stuff is hard to grasp right away and it feels like it has to be explained a few different ways, but when you get it, you get it.

micha_ ago

So far nobody has presented evidence that there even were suspicious reviews for "cheesybay". As I understand it, everything is built on that and nobody writing articles about it, is checking that claim for verifiable facts?

Writing such a topic and then showing no interest at all to show the community the "cheesybay"-facts?

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I've looked through the cheesy bay reviews and also can only see one or two that could be weird or suspicious, most of the info on what had been purchased is also gone as it's old. I think the person who posted 7 months ago was already really suspicious about what was going on, due to the wifi signals and the weird off-grid power line and evidence of some underground facility, so when they discovered that their boss, who was involved in all of that, was also selling used hard drives on eBay, it obviously made them think of child porn, because if you're already really suspicious that someone's running some kind of big illegal operation and then you find out they're also selling used hard drives on eBay, and knowing that that's how child porn is often sold, that is the conclusion you would come to. So maybe when they looked through the reviews and saw that they were all very very positive, might have seemed odd to them, especially if they don't use eBay much and so don't know that most positive eBay feedback is a bit over the top with all the AAAAA***** Super amazing FANTASTIC type reviews.

So I don't think the reviews actually matter all that much, what matters is that the same guy who has this vodka business in Hawaii, also owns/lives at this address with strange suspicious goings on involving powering an underground facility, which is owned by a trust managed by Democrat appointees, who has various aliases, has private meetings with H Clinton, and yet also sells used hard drives on eBay, and happened to be discovered during an investigation into child abuse/paedophilia/child trafficking.

micha_ ago

No. It matters for investigation, if there is ZERO evidence of these "raving reviews"!!! (at least I have seen not one)

You are assuming the best case from that cheesybay-story. If you exclude other possibilities, then you are not better than the MSM claiming pizzagate was fake! What if the cheesybay-story was completely made up?

It shows, how important it is, to demand VERIFIABLE FACTS.

pall_mall ago

Yea man I'm with ya, doing my best to keep an open mind but it seems most motherfuckers are just letting theirs fall out

LtSilverFox ago

Here comes Micha the troll

saltminetimes ago

I have an idea: What if someone watches the ebay account and buys a hard drive, but has it sent to a local, trusted D.A. in a rural part of the country, away from corrupting power influence. Send the DA an anonymous letter/note afterward stating that the hard drive is connected to pizzagate. That might be the only way to get this ball actually rolling.

Also, as crazy as this might sound, we might want to consider deleting this thread ASAP. If they figure out that people are on to them they won't use the ebay account again. Alternately, don't delte the whole thread, just delete parts that could tip them off.

dickface8 ago

That's if there's even anything to see on the hard drives. It needs to be clarified that people are saying these are expensive for hard drives but they aren't. So where did that idea come from and why is there still suspicion?

TheGrimReader ago

I think thats an excellent idea. Whoever this is must take maximum caution. If it weren't for being the one to share this and also with reading the concerns of the reddit user, I am hesitant. Someone else in the position you stated, should be more than safe. We must wonder though if there is some sort of code when buying.

For example, imagine an unassuming costumer buying what he believes to be a hard drive but in reality there is something else. there is also the possibility this site is only intended to be known by a certain clientele...

KnowThyself ago

i believe cheeseybay is shut down.

BebopaLuLa ago

I read that they were shut down too. I bet them, and any other ebay sellers with the same kind of HDD, don't dare allow Joe Blow purchase from them; probably have to be in their circle of people to get access/codeword to purchase from them.

slickleg64 ago

Agree the most bizarre feedback seems to be hidden

Should of screen shotted it!

You_Alt-Right_bro ago

Good Work! Only fact check as far as I know is we don't know for sure if Anita Lord is Sasha Lord. I hope there is proof but I haven't seen it.

LtSilverFox ago

This should be the 2nd sticky

KnowThyself ago

unfortunately we can only have one at a time

LydianBlue ago

Hey, been lurking for a while now, made this account to contrubute to your post. Firstly, great job i find this info very compelling. There is one glaring mistake i noticed though, id like you to correct asap to preserve credibility; you name the epa admin and foundation board member as "lisa p brown" - its lisa p jackson you meant.

Keep up the good work friend!

TheGrimReader ago

Fixing it now!! Thank you

LydianBlue ago

Good stuff. Hey I was hopping you could help me suss out some questions I have. You mention emails linking Dave stone to bif skipman: what emails are you referring to? I understand the implication is skipman is an alias of stones, but am not grasping the significance of this fact. Do you have conjecture to this point? Care to share your interpretation of all this information? A tldr, so to speak?

TheGrimReader ago

The fact that Dave Stone/ David Flintstone is "Biff Skipman" links Comet (through sasha lords) to the suspected Pedo base in hawaii to the Clinton Foundation through a reference for Lisa P. Jackson and HRC's private email with Dave Stone.

Further the website, needs more investigation as there is shared pedo symbolism.

Users from steembit Titus Frost and Ausbitbank explore the email link for Dave-> Biff.

LydianBlue ago

Oh cool, I've been watching both of them on YouTube. Eager to see their synopses of these findings

LtSilverFox ago

Hats off to you my good sir. Well done grim

UnmoderatedCaucus ago

I am pretty sure ananon got on 8ch and said that they were the one who took the pictures of the pad. I don't have the link, though. They provided new pictures and gave reason to believe they were being targeted. They said they were on the run from the people involved. Not sure what became of it or if it was legit.

Yates ago

UnmoderatedCaucus ago

Yes, this. Thank you.

warrior_of_light ago

That cheesybay anon supposedly reappeared a couple weeks ago claiming people were after him. He uploaded a different photo of the supposed fake distillery.

TheGrimReader ago

Do you think you have any way of finding it? figuring out who the original person was/is would be invaluable to us. Prayers that she is safe and alive.

UnmoderatedCaucus ago

No, I'm afraid not. I don't have the link, and didn't keep my history. I am no expert with 8ch.. I fumble around that site every time I use it.

totesgoats908234 ago

I read a chan post about this connection a few weeks ago.

Some of the more interesting comments made by this person:

The next peculiar thing, is that these networks SSID's would change every 5 minutes or so. They also covered the entire 2.4g spectrum from channel 1-14 and had total coverage over the entire spectrum.

Also, I used a seek thermal imaging camera to check out the peak signal strength point location on that concrete pad, and the temperature at that point was about 30 degrees F hotter than the surrounding concrete.

I drilled a hole through that part of the pad, and drilled a couple other holes randomly at different spots on that same concrete pad. I poured water down all the holes, and only the one at the peak signal strength location would drain and drain without filling up. the others all filled up after about 1/2 liter of water was poured into them.

There are high voltage power lines that do not correspond to the city grid (meaning that they are totally disconnected from the power lines that feed the meters on all the nearby properties) that run behind the property. One of the neighbors is Perhaps the wealthiest man in the state, and coincidentally has a steel frame building behind his residence that these high voltage power lines go into.

These buildings are about 150-250 feet away. I built them with my boss on concrete pads that were laid by seemingly normal contractors, but the footprint had been prepared and leveled by very shady tongan contractors before I arrived. Supposedly, before i arrived on site they demoed a warehouse where the big building stands and pulled out HUGE liquid tanks that would have left a very large open space in the ground after removal.

Ive also recently connected my old boss to ebay accounts selling "faulty hard drives" and "faulty" electronics for strange prices. The buyer feedback is very bizarrely enthusiastic and there are lots of disturbing mentions of "very happy kids" and "no fakes"

Check out 'cheesybay' seller profile on ebay

retractableclaws ago

Here's a direct link to the feedback. Looks normal to me: //

Guy sells tech for parts, as well as working tech, such as PS3s (generating feedback about happy kids). None of the language is abnormally happy. Just normal 1990s garbage reviews: A+++++++ WOW! Gr8 seller!

standalone ago

The next peculiar thing, is that these networks SSID's would change every 5 minutes or so. They also covered the entire 2.4g spectrum from channel 1-14 and had total coverage over the entire spectrum.

A router that covers the entire spectrum isn't so surprising, there are several makers that make tri-band / multiband routers to increase bandwidth. That allows to multiple devices to have a dedicated band without collisions, or one super device that handles multiband to have several times the normal bandwidth.

The fact SSIDs are changing all the time however is bizarre. Changing SSIDs and keys periodically is know to improve security, but not at such a frequency. It's usually done on longer period from weeks to months. It's also a way to mitigate referencing by Google Maps (Google Maps vehicules are doing wardriving and referencing WiFi networks). But again, not at that frequency.

What this makes me think about is one time passwords. If both the router and some smartphone based client are programmed to switch SSID and key every 5 minutes following a predetermined sequence derived from a seed (like 2FA tokens), they will be able to maintain TCP level communication without timeout, while everyone else trying to evesdrop and crack the keys will have to restart their cracking effort from scratch every 5mn. I couldn't find that being described anywhere though. Could be something used internally to some gov agency who is aware of some backdoor / exploit in WPA2's own key rotation mechanism.

Now, why the WiFi at all? If it is used literally as an OTP, it could be a way to enable / disable / trigger some mechanism when the signal is established / lost / maintained. Remote alarm activation / desactivation for instance, deadman switch etc. Otherwise, the goal is probably to have the highest possible level of security for communication. Either way, indeed it's quite strange for a country-side WiFi hotspot.

Could this thing be a bunker? The entry of a FEMA camp shelter?

Also, I used a seek thermal imaging camera There are high voltage power lines that do not correspond to the city grid (

One thing is strange in this story though: since when are construction workers equipped like secret services agents complete with thermal imaging camera, voltmeters, wardriving equipment and have extended knowledge of local power grid details and WiFi triangulation methods? If anything, this sounds easily as bizarre as the rest of the story.

ThrowawayPanda ago

One thing is strange in this story though: since when are construction workers equipped like secret services agents complete with thermal imaging camera, voltmeters, wardriving equipment and have extended knowledge of local power grid details and WiFi triangulation methods?

Not that bizarre at all. Contractors often may need to use thermal imaging cameras to see if there are potential hazards where digging or drilling may be required. There was a show called Holmes on Homes, he's a professional contractor who sometimes used similar gear on the show to examine things like where the heat was escaping from a certain room, or to check if certain areas were properly insulated. He would also use it to see if the house was regulated according to the regional ordinance.

It's not surprising that a thermal imaging camera would be in their possession if they do high quality contracting work. Same thing with voltmeters for checking the electrical grid or setting up proper lines running to a building. These are essential tools for a lot of contractors.

Also if they're building a certain kind of building, it would make sense that they would have equipment to check for Wi-Fi spots depending on if it was a requirement by the client.

massconception ago

Also, the mobile app the guy mentions is a free app that is widely touted as great for diagnosing problems or just taking an oh-wow look at the world of wifi.

micha_ ago

Yeah, I checked the profile. Couldn't find any suspicious reviews. Can you show me what you mean?

Sushilover69 ago

The Reddit thread comments said the reviews were made private while that post was being discussed. Even more suspicious.

abortionburger ago

IIRC he made them private after some idiots started harassing him. I think it got archived though.

retractableclaws ago

You can't make Ebay feedback private, and certainly not selectively. There's a lot of info out there, are you sure you're not thinking of something else? Here's the feedback.

abortionburger ago

I may be remembering incorrectly. I'll try to find the old thread.

micha_ ago

I am the Emperor of China. And somewhere I have the papers that prove it. And if you don't believe me, you are a shill! That's the level of logic in this thread. Kindergarten.

abortionburger ago

I mean... I saw the reviews before they were taken down. You don't have to believe me obviously but your logic is a little backwards.

micha_ ago

Why is my logic backwards, because I demand verifiable facts? Verifiable facts help the investigation! And additionally, have you ever thought about the possibility, that with lies (and claims without an evidences could easily be lies!), innocent people could get harmed?

So from every perspecitve asking for sources and facts is a win-win for everyone!

abortionburger ago

Of course asking for facts is a win win. I specifically said I was pretty sure it got archived, did you search for it? You were offensive and called the thread "kindergarten". That was my point.

micha_ ago

Ofcourse I also had asked for the "cheesybay" facts. Read the replies... Ofcourse I got offensive, after I had been attacked and ridiculed for asking for verifiable facts.

Why are we here? Do we want to feed rumors and prejudices, or do we want to learn about the facts, the mainstream media sadly are suppressing?!

abortionburger ago

Well I wasn't the one who attacked you, and I had not seen those comments. Not sure why you're still on the defensive now.

totesgoats908234 ago

No, but many years ago I heard about ebay being used for this type of thing by selling obscure items that had other meanings.

koduu ago

top comment on the reddit thread: "[–]allotriophagy 256 points 6 years ago

I used to work for Paypal's top tier resolution team. This is one of the ways child slaves trafficked into Australia are sold on. The eBay accounts used are phished and used only once.

Pencil sharpener : girl

Dark blue colour: Age range 7 to 8.

Dual hole with larger on the left : vagina pre-used, anus unused.

Made in West Germany : comes from Thailand.

On a wooden surface : no longer puts up a fight

The Buy It Now price is only there to prevent the wrong people from buying. The real price is emailed afterwards and then begins the long chain of transfers and payments through various accounts, most of which are also phished.

I've reported this listing but am just really glad it wasn't an orange pencil sharpener. "

ppl thougth he was a troll back then, but in current context........

micha_ ago

No? No. But you BELIEVE that the claims about cheesybay were true? What if that cheesybay-ebay-thing is a lie? I checked the reviews. And found nothing. And guess what: the thread starter with this incredible amount of useless, sensationalist text, is also silent about ALL open questions. What does that tell us? Are we in a church, that we are believers, or are we trying to investigate something? Then we should throw the garbage out of the window and focus on FACTS.

southartful ago

I think this is an attempt to spread investigation thin or maybe just someone with a little too much enthusiasm, the corruption is bad for sure but I dont know this is a smoking gun

micha_ ago

Yes. Therefore I am so persistent. If it's too much enthusiasm and too less experience, then they will recognize what is missing and will hopefully add it. If they are distractors or shills, they will ignore the questions. In this case the thread starter in the meanwhile has honestly tried to answer most of the questions and it seems he is interested to make a good job. Hopefully he will update his article, so everyone gets a better understanding on what facts he has based his conclusions and what is speculation.

totesgoats908234 ago

Calm your tits.

micha_ ago

Sadly your reply is a mirror of the intellectual quality the investigation has turned into and how the good and important facts are becoming buried by garbage and lies.

ThePuppetShow ago

It was 4chan...

TomFord ago

how searching pizza party's led me to this the links are the big gaveaway.!!!

SsupGuys ago

Ignore the shill... claims there have been "links" an hour ago that have been removed after he posted about it here on voat... wayback shows same page as is now:

apparatchik1488 ago

Holy shit dude that reddit thread. OMG. 7 months ago. With pictures. Somebody sticky this.

pmichel ago

Do we know if that guy is ok?

apparatchik1488 ago

As far as I know, no. But he did say he was in a safe place in the post.

TheGrimReader ago

Its currently archived but I'm sure theyll try deleting it once they see the activity of people viewing it after so long on reddit.

AlaskaRaven ago

No matter what I clicked on there, nothing showed...

EndThePizza ago

Somebody needs to copy&paste the text here to have another copy

Stab ago

I did like 7 days ago and it got buried Edit: added link

joey4track ago

Wow, this is pretty chilling and is getting my heart beating. If this isn't the new Rape of Lucretia I don't know how I will carry on. It will be very hard to live out the day to day knowing all this about the people who run this world. Whatever happens we just need to keep pushing. I think we need multiple hashtags because the suppression of the trending tag is devastating. Great work these are indeed some angles to add to this sick web of evil. As awful as all of this is, I am feeling hopeful for the first time in a long while. Thank you.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Company Name: MR STONES INC.

File Number: 93064 D1

Filing State: Hawaii (HI)

Filing Status: Inv. Dissolved

Filing Date: October 13, 1993

Company Age: 23 Years, 2 Months

Mailing Address: 3200 Wailea Alanui Dr Ste 501 Kihei, HI 96753


President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director


Vice-President, Director

View Nationwide Phone Book Listings For Jack Patterson



I haven't seen anyone mention that about David flinstone...

But I'm going to give some facts about the school's directly next door to the Address in Hawaii.

Also, The name of the school and ten other buildings right next door to the 577 Pakala St, Honolulu 96825 location, are named After Henry J Kaiser, who was an American industrialist who became known as the father of modern American shipbuilding. . In fact, Kaiser founded that area of Honolulu or some shit... Wait, realizing this in the moment... DId Obama live in Honolulu? Any ways.

He established the Kaiser Shipyards, which built Liberty ships during World War II, after which he formed Kaiser Aluminum and Kaiser Steel.[1]

He founded the Kaiser Foundation, which happens to be located right next door to the Clinton foundation In d.c. Speaking of Clinton, Steel, and coincidental addresses,

Let's go back to the lackwana fire, in buffalo New york, the day after the election. It was actually at the Site of the old bethlehem steel factory. Bethlehem steel was one time the Second biggest Steel manufacture in the country...

Ok , Long story short,The companie that now owns the building is Great lakes Industrial, and the owner has some facts about him, that correlate with facts about the clinton foundation... Which obviously might not mean anything.

But real quick lets talk about behteheme steel fire the day after the election, and burned for 5 days, forcing a state of emergency for lawckawana Under extremely strange circumstances, Such as initial reports being that a light bulb heated up some cardboard, and started the biggest fire you've ever seen.

They also never bother trying to put out the fire, rather attempt to "contain it". Even though the mayor was required to issue a state of emergency and mandatory evacuation was issued for surrounding houses, even the fire itself was under no threat to travel to the houses, and although shit ton of toxic smoke, it was blowing away.

The mayor spoke to the news the day of the fire, but not until being pulled aside and directed what to say, by the city's building developer

The governern of new york, Came and gave a press conference

The Go between fire deputy also stated they were demolishing immediately after, actually it was still burning In some places.

The also said that it was inspected 2 months ago, and two days later it was they said that it was actually two years ago.

The next day the mayor clarified his statements statements saying that it was being demolished that the mayor came out and specifically said, it was only demolition things that were a result of trying to put the fire out... Originally they said they were demolishing and it rose questions as to why they were demolishing with out investigating the cause of the fire...

Oh and what caused the fire? Well originally they said Light bulb heated up some cardboard. And originally said they were demolishing... Later they said they didn't know the cause and needed to investigate, but first had to say they were only demolishing places in the interest of fighting the fire... The fire they originally said they were going to only contain.

Here is the video where they clarify about demolishing... Three days later, while the fire is still burning

Also, Dr. bob's storage was destroyed, burning luxury cars, boats, and possibly planes.

But we're going to talk about the owner of Great Lakes Industrial, who is David Franjoine... He, It's DF again... I actually am realizing this for the first time... That obviously is just a coincidence, Not being sarcastic.

What's that have to do with the CF? Maybe nothing, Perhaps they don't even know each other... but the owner of the Great lakes Industrial, Is David Franjoine.

Holds the title Of either President, CEO, VP, Tresaury, or a combination. For Mainline Contracting Corp., Curtis Investments, Frontier Industrial, Enviormental Recovery Controls Corp, Environmental Controls Co. Steel Works

FUCK, I know I'm forgetting something important... It'll come to me, But w.e he has offices in a bunch of states.

His companies specialize In Real estate, Mining, Demolishing, Construction, Basically a bunch of industrial Jobs... What was Henery Kasier, The Father O industrialist movement? Or was it shipping containers... Either way, you get where I'm heading...

I'm just saying. Here are some facts, that may be relevant, Or completely worthless.

Here's a list of companies and addresses for David

Here's Cf

The CF also Have offices in a bunch of states. In fact, In California, it's the exact same building.

I guess I got lucky on that one, NEXT!

Holy fuck, *chicago, It's the exact Same building too

Wait, I must have did something wrong, Let me try again with Florida. Fuck you david Blaine.... How do they share an office building in Florida too.Florida, It's the exact Same Building.

Am I Retarded? What am I not realizing that rationalizes this shit... Fuck it, Lets try Texas.

fuck you world, Fuck you. Texas the same fucking building.

Thank god in Arkansas, CF has a few business at 3 different locations, DF has 2 business at an address in arkansas. And that building is at least a half mile from those three cf locations. Oh and Curtis investments was one of DF's companies that was in arkansas a half mile away from cf.

In nevada. They have buildings 2.1 miles from each other.

Fuck, I'm going from memory and I know I'm forgetting some... But any ways I provided the list, so you can see the ones I Forgot to mention.

Here's a lot of stuff, a little bit of stuff...A combination of stuff, and no stuff, Or absolutely nothing. That is all.


h2d ago

I agree - something that I have found to be particularly useful, is the uprooting of existing hashtags that are "trending" on Twitter - particularly ones that we know will be short-lived, restricted to a localized or regional area (especially ones that have recently been listed as trending which we can easily co-opt for our own uses). It's a lot easier to fly under the radar and to get the stuff spread out there, especially when we re-tweet others who are working towards our agenda.

AlaskaRaven ago

Making Hashtags?? might enable them to find us easier- Maybe we should develop a code- like THEY DO, as internet censoring/ monitoring is REAL. Ofckhead is drafting a bill, AS WE SPEAK- "The bill is an attempt to counteract “measures by Russia to exert covert influence” in America...... The newspaper cited PropOrNot, an ANONYMOUS website that posted a hit list of alternative media websites...." WTF? Who decides what's Legit? [I'll be re-posting this everywhere-- you do too, please? People need to know, we will soon be treated like commie citizens. Exec orders are worse; will take YEARS for Trump to Undo, & let's hope he cares enough to- Bush DID THINGS- O kept & ADDED MORE- Snowden exposed all the spying- on US- phone calls, texts, emails... he's considered a Traitor for it]

Swear to God. Like China, Cuba, North Korea- ONLY GOV'T APPROVED MEDIA WILL BE LEGAL

standalone ago

might enable them to find us easier

You mean even easier than the 2s Google search that it currently takes to find us?

AlaskaRaven ago

Exactly. Not doing their homework for them. Like on FB. I list wrong town, no phone #, NEVER had my right name, told all fam members to leave me off, etc. Wrong BD, "Work at NASA". fuck em.

IntheLordweTrust ago

I agree the specter of speech crackdowns in various ways is real.

AlaskaRaven ago

Freedom on the Net 2016

Not in various ways- in MANY, BLATANT WAYS. Scary!! Internet freedom has declined for the sixth consecutive year, with more governments than ever before targeting social media and communication apps. Go check these guys out.

IntheLordweTrust ago

Thank you!

AlaskaRaven ago

I tried to "Like" the thank you-- got this: "The number of votes you can place is tied to your comment contribution points" Please click upvote on all my stuff or anything you agree with (like FB "Likes", as I cannot <3 that to anyone now because I've used mine for the day (1st day here). now? I have to message every single person I like or agree with!! I'm out of Up votes!!! LOL I don't even care about "good marks", just spending SO much time messaging you all. I have only followed 1 so far-- been so deep into that convo. Will go do more, but meanwhile, I'll do you if you do me? hahhaha. sorry. just wanna say YAY to some & can't until tomorrow after midnight! : / thanks!

IntheLordweTrust ago

Yeah the limit caught me of guard as well. Interesting new system (to me).

Thanks again and best! :)

isthisreality ago



CuriousGeorge16 ago

I wouldn't use key words such as cheese, pizza, hot dogs. Pedo...etc

They referred to it as a "hobby". So maybe something with that

HobbyHunt?? Or perhaps HuntingHobby

Littleredcorvette ago

HarvestHobby Harvestgate Childgate. Childrensgate

IntheLordweTrust ago

I like it

TheGrimReader ago

we need as much hope as we can get, use that motivation to fact check then share and make new leads.

Happy Hunting friend.

micha_ ago

No, we need not hope, we need facts, facts, facts. We also need not claims based on NOTHING, we need verifiable facts. Now would you please answer the open questions to your posting? Thanks!

apparatchik1488 ago

OK, anyone could have made the facebook, so I don't buy that as evidence.

But, the ebay account - looking at past transactions it seems the prices were normal if not very cheap.

Where is the evidence they were extremely over priced?

anonymousj ago

Is anyone considering that the hard drives could have stuff on them? Media that could only be unlocked with a key/code? Those of you who have looked, what are some of the comments regarding the hard drives????

Hopevoats ago

Yes. They postulated that the "in" clients got drives loaded with child pornography or snuff films. I think that it was determined that some of the drives were also being bought back.i

WakeyWake ago

I think the hard drives would be sold to the pedophiles, so they would leave a review (most likely for other peds to know it legit, something simple like "works like new" "very satisfied"

Just my opinion. Peds need to be on the down low, not draw attention to themselves.

TheGrimReader ago

Great point, i didn't clarify it but that was exactly how i figured "cheesy bay" was a front for the CP. You can't sell child porn, but you sure as hell can sell hard drives that contain it. from what i gathered, this is where the high prices were. Its ingenious really.

mathemagician33 ago

I think it's important to note that the original thread definitely said cheesybay was selling FAULTY hard drives, not working ones, yet the reviews were glowing. not sure where the evidence for that is, but that is suspicious as fuck in my book.

micha_ ago

You ask for evidence? That complicates things. You must believe! /s

TheGrimReader ago


TheGrimReader ago

Search for Titus Frost and Ausbitbank on Wordpress. they further confirm these facts. For what its worth, their data dump shows the same data page. With all this Ic ant believe there are any coincidences. It would be worth looking into when the page was created because I agree with you that anyone could make it but I, personally, do not believe anyone did. Currently cheese bay has no items for sale, according to the reddit user there were price anomalies.

apparatchik1488 ago

Cheesy's ebay has been followed for a long time by Who sells vintage magazines and films that are at least risque.

just a coincidence perhaps.

micha_ ago

Evidence? The reviews of this seller indicate deco and toys!

apparatchik1488 ago

Keep reading? Its there..

micha_ ago

Show us please.

apparatchik1488 ago

Dude, you have the link, go read them! fucking troll! even if I post an image you will need to verify it yourself.

TheGrimReader ago

These seems like a good thing to look into. perhaps those who buy from or sell to cheesy bay are worth looking into.

apparatchik1488 ago

Not sure if you saw but he sold a car on there. If someone pays $15 they can get a report on it.

apparatchik1488 ago

I didn't see anything unusual in the ebay feedback, some of the items show the price, which frankly is very cheap. Nothing about kids except normal stuff like "my kid liked this PS3" or whatever a few times. One feedback did say "Ping, Pong, Chang, Yeeeeeehaaaa, Smashin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"

Not sure that means anything though.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Urban dictionary for "Chang" has a lot of weird results. But one from Hawaii is "cheap or cheapskate"

"Smashin" short for "smashing" is either British ("excellent", "wonderful") or Urban slang for "to have sex with someone". It has an aggressive, domination if not violent tone to it.

"Ping pong" as we have learned (thanks paedos) is two men simultaneously penetrating a third party, who is on all fours, front and rear - back and forth.

So this weird expression might be gobbledegook but it translates as

"Cheap ping pong threesome - yeehaa hard sex "

I really hope I am stupid and reading too much into it but I've no other explanation for this weird expression.

apparatchik1488 ago

It is definitely strange. I took a screengrab if they try to delete it.

Freemasonsrus ago

Never seen the words ping pong mentioned so much in my life since this case. Considering its a sex act and he's supposedly commenting on receiving a used hard drive, well yeah, his statement is extremely fucking weird.

apparatchik1488 ago

I agree, the weird thing is that it is among many normal reviews though...

SpikyAube ago

There's one that says "it came a bit late but came raped up very securely" but that is probably a genuine spelling mistake - this is why spelling is so important!!

apparatchik1488 ago


apparatchik1488 ago

Holy fuck, if this is verified (I have seen this user post soe inaccurate info before) then wow.

micha_ ago

If you discover any circumstantial evidence for the conclusions in that text, please let me know. ;-)

Poot_McGarvey ago

what inaccurate information was posted before?

apparatchik1488 ago

That some websites were all made by the same person. But this info is a fucking goldmine. That was just a genuine mistake I assume.

Stukov ago

Actually there some reference there to being "in a coal mine" is this another code?

TheGrimReader ago

I heavily urge you to fact check it all and I will make any necessary corrections. My only interest is sharing my findings so we can finally nail these sick fucks and get a real investigation going backed by law enforcement

AlaskaRaven ago

Law enforcement? even that is scary- are they good? Or compromised? Careful, above ALL, Be Careful. NYPD was PISSED, told FBI to deal with it, or they'd turn over to Wikileaks. THE MINUTE Pizzagate broke, Obafckr declared Julian a terrorist, they went to Embassy in London & TOOK HIM AWAY. He's dead? Over a month now.... & the FBI? 3 days before the election- reported for all of 30 seconds on mainstream news TV: An FBI agent ON THE (PIZZAGATE) CASE went home, "shot & killed his wife, killed himself, set the house on fire" (to destroy evidence of HIS murder-suicide?). We need to overwhelm social media, FIND & HOUND any & all news outlets that will listen. even alternative sources in other countries may get it out.... Also? Seek out honest Law enforcement out there, may take a physical revolt.

Godwillwin ago

WHAAAAATTTT?! I missed this. Seriously??

2impendingdoom ago

is this fbi agent murder suicide verified? when/where was this?

AlaskaRaven ago

Don't remember- Sure you can Google it- about 3? 4? days before the election (I think- was watching TV, was on for like 20 seconds, my mouth dropped open; I was thinking about Thanksgiving...) The agent working on The PizzaGate/ discoveries from Anthony Wieners laptop (650K emails- satanic rituals, child sex/ trafficking, higher ups in DC, etc.) NYPD told FBI to GET THIS OUT THERE or We'll turn it over to Wikileaks. The FBI guy went home, "Shot & killed his wife, then himself" & burned his house down to cover the evidence?!?! right.

AlaskaRaven ago

AUUUUGH! Spent 20 min telling details!! accidentally wiped out. [Will do part over again]: Google it. idk : FBI murder suicide. burned house down. around 3-4 days before election... sht. was RIDICULOUS; ex CEO of Clinton Foundation SUDDENLY applied for asylum at Russian Embassy- disappeared before the interview (a week later). NYPD discovers sht on Wieners laptop; threatens FBI- spill or we tell Wikileaks. WL hailed as heroes - court cases won on their evidence. Suddenly Ofukma declares Julian a terrorist & black ops takes him away (on video). 6 weeks- DEAD?? where is he? BECAUSE HE STARTED TO PUT IT OUT THERE--- PizzaGate breaks. & more was promised to us. can also Google why Breitbart was killed / died... So much. all connected...

Vindicator ago

The murder suicide was a fake story in a fake Denver newspaper website. Debunked.

AlaskaRaven ago

Which murder suicide? There has been more than one. no sht. Also- hundred or so replies & comments in this thread- unless it links DIRECTLY back to what I said? I don't remember.

AlaskaRaven ago

WTF are you talking about? references, or Troll......

h2d ago

Um, what about the recent Assange statement from the balcony in relation to the UN ruling that his detainment in the Ecuadorian embassy was unlawful and that both the UK and Sweden despite having consistently appealed it, were now at the end of their ropes for legal recourse and that he was to be freed immediately? This was just a few days ago, right after the news started really picking up on the "Assange is dead" thing, at least online and not in the MSM, but I was under the impression that he was recently speaking out on this? I saw a video on YouTube like 3-4 days ago.

AlaskaRaven ago

I NEVER heard he was "Detained". He had been seeking Asylum / safety there. Was not safe to be running around loose. & there has only been ONE recording of his voice in 6 weeks- his friends say it IS NOT HIM. I believe it. (YouTube- supposedly a radio interview by phone) Also? Embassy Cat is still there. Word is he would not leave the cat behind. Finally? The Kill Switch was activated- as was to happen upon his death/ disappearance. Take it as you want. We all believe what we chose.

AlaskaRaven ago

RECENT? He has not been seen ALIVE FOR 5 WEEKS. & FREED? Obama declared him to be a terrorist. Then? he (the hooded man) was dragged out of there ON VIDEO, by Black Ops, just as Pizzagate broke. There has been NO proof of Life. The vid had a still photo, his friends say it was not his voice.

2impendingdoom ago

what was the FBI murder suicide? do you have a name & date? I missed that story.

AlaskaRaven ago

Don't remember- Sure you can Google it- about 3? 4? days before the election (I think- was watching TV, was on for like 20 seconds, I was thinking about Thanksgiving...) The agent working on The PizzaGate/ discoveries from Anthony Wieners laptop (650K emails- satanic rituals, child sex/ trafficking, higher ups in DC, etc.) NYPD told FBI to GET THIS OUT THERE or We'll turn it over to Wikileaks. The FBI guy went home, "Shot & killed his wife, then himself" & burned his house down to cover the evidence?!?! right.

Vindicator ago

It was a fake story in a fake Denver newspaper online.

apparatchik1488 ago

Great work thank you for this. Shit just got real.

apparatchik1488 ago

Wow that reddit thread. At this point either this is a massive psyop (Why? very unlikely) or this is the best lead so far in pizzagate

AlaskaRaven ago

just wanted you to know- I appreciate/ agree W your comment, but am new here, exceeded my "upvote" thing, so until some ppl do me(?) I can't. but I liked your comment! lol

derram ago :

[Question] Why would there be 30ish wifi networks seemingly emanating from under a concrete pad? : BlackOps

This has been an automated message.

doubleherpes ago

Regarding 577 Pakala St.:

If you're REALLY curious, which I assume you are, there has to be ventilation somewhere for a bunker. I'm picking an arbitrary amount of distance but check 300' outward from the weird wifi area, are there vents? Are there buildings that look like they could hide vents? Is that power meter wizzing around like its powering an underground complex?

The rich owner of the property next door got in trouble for diverting a local water source. They could be using hydroelectric to power the dungeon, then just dissolving the kids and pouring them down the drain when they're done with them.

Unrelated, but Hansjorg Wyss was Podesta's rich former boss who raped women working at his women's charity. Can't make this shit up.