PetraDollah1 ago

Following. I'm going to Berlin soon.

PieInTheEye ago

One of their shared birthday cakes was also shaped like the head of a penis ... ie, 'eat dick'.

These people are all part of a crowd that revels in overturning morals wherever they can and rubbing it in everyone's faces. It's total Aleister Crowley M.O.

MAGABoomer ago

Do you even math? 1lb=16oz=458 grams x20$ each=9,100,00. But that's not the amount for sale in the email. It was more. Anyway, Beanie Babies=something for sale at 20 each and it's not fucking Beanie Babies. And where do you live that top shelf isn't at least 20 a gram?

CandyPanda ago

Oliver Miller linked in: went to Princeton U for Architecture from 98-2000.

CandyPanda ago

Cut out is the top result when I searched Dr. Pong Nalu. Couldn't find this on the FB page - could have been cleansed. Saw Obama stuff, but curious if this was some Clinton debate or election coverage event?

CandyPanda ago

Dude. What the f*ck? I saw another one I just posted go poof too.

CandyPanda ago

So when I click Top on pizzagate, this doesn't show in the list. Is it just me, or...?

ki-yoshi ago

I've looked into art exhibitions held by tony and heather podesta. One exhibition featured a photo series on a underground city in Australia. I believe this was the subject.

PetraDollah1 ago

The name "Coober Pedy" comes from the local Aboriginal term kupa-piti, which means "boys’ waterhole".[2]


stickittotheman ago

Liar - Pedo -Inbred - Freak

CandyPanda ago

Found two articles featuring Dr. Pong which talk about a 666 Anti Pub Crawl that they actually solicit tourists to go on.

PieInTheEye ago

That's really weird that out of 5 bars in the 666 Anti Pub Crawl, that Dr. Pong is included ... especially since it makes clear that the place is just a dive with no real substance in its business model ... fully bohemian as if it is trying NOT to be a bar. A front operation with a very low capex concealing a mysterious black-market service?

save_thechildren ago

Maybe Kroll is his real name....there has been thought that A les enfantis was an alias.

28leinad82 ago

It is well known there are underground tunnels in Berlin. Some say Hitler escaped and fled Germany via them.

save_thechildren ago

Dr. Pong has "sanitized" his website....


Kroll or Knoll?

DoughMallet ago

Weird reference to Tripp.


I suspect so. I think the babies are being sourced from Germany and eastern Europe. The Dr. Pong / Comet relationship seems to facilitate this somehow.


Knoll probably not a different person, but another name for Alefantis.

ladylucy ago

I live in Indiana, I wish we knew which county..maybe I could be of some assistance...

Shadybozza ago Abused child of Hampstead Heath scandal talks about pizza express !

CandyPanda ago

Yeah, this is probably the best lead yet to connecting the dots. All over it.

CandyPanda ago

I know some are asking what this all means. To me, what it means is that this "simple restaurant owner" narrative that the media has pushed in no way is representative of a guy who owns multiple restaurants in Washington, was voted by GQ as one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington, was the live-in partner of David Brock who runs Media Matters, has been connected to the Podestas with photographs, has visited the White House on more than one occasion, and now clearly is an ownership partner of a restaurant in Berlin. What is important about all of this is that it empowers us more and more to call bullsh*t on the media's recent false portrayal and question even further why they are downplaying this dude as a regular citizen who is being unfairly harassed by conspiracy theorists.

Sotrich ago

Found something more

But the post has been removed or whatever...can´t find it on his site. Just that little preview...

CandyPanda ago

Article that mentions Nalu and says that Oliver Miller is a chef and partner. Even the journalist remarked "who knew?" about the finding that Alefantis owned a diner called Nalu in Germany.

"The 45-seat expansion is where he plans to stage a “sausagefest” in June with the help of his business partner, chef Oliver Miller in Berlin — as in Germany, where the two men co-own (who knew?) Nalu, an American diner with Hawaiian accents."

PieInTheEye ago

Great find!

KnowThyself ago

@KnowThyself here, this is big!!

When I did the research I was convinced that Alefantis was not the co-owner of Nalu mentioned on their website. The reason is that if you go to Oliver Miller's facebook page and search for friends named James, you will find James Kroll who's work history says "worked at Nalu Diner." The article you linked seems pretty clear that it is Alefantis, these connections are all so crazy, I don't know what to think anymore.

Also, I want to mention something I realized after my original post. In the "Secret plans..." photo, that is Oliver Miller and James Huckenpahler, so the connection there is confirmed.

PieInTheEye ago

Alefantis' Instagram with the Baby and Euro's in its mouth starts to make more sense if the Ping Pong dives in London and Berlin are found to definitely be connected with this milieu. It would seem that the "Secret plans" photo has been taken at the construction/fit-out of Dr Pong, and that this second location serves some subsidiary purpose within the CPP/BUCK'S--NALU trans-atlantic connection. Perhaps these are merely cut-out businesses providing networking covers for some type of Gladio/Le Cercle pedo network? James Alefantis' mother Susan lives and works in McLean just 3km away from CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia. Are we looking here at some covert network that shadows the 'stay behind' networks that have been talked about for so long in relation to NATO-Gladio-P2-Europarl etc... ?

KnowThyself ago

The photo was taken at Nalu Diner, not Dr. Pong. This was pointed out by a voat user and I confirmed it with google maps.

PieInTheEye ago

Ok, thanks for the clarification. It seems as if James Alefantis however is definitely one of the brains behind both Nalu and Dr. Pong ... and the "666 anti-pub" crawl in Berlin, which includes Dr. Pong in #3 of its 5 pub locations, looks to represent perhaps the organization by a particular circle of pub personalities in Berlin. The fact that they include the number 666 in the official name of this tourist crawl which targets foreign tourists in Germany, might be an indication that it is a fishing operation to screen entry into an "after the crawl" type activity? ... ie, gain entry into an occult sub-culture with perverse sexual appetites after we check out your personality suitability or your introduction by trusted members who have already used the service??? ... all sounds very plausible given the creepy company that Alefantis circulates in, including the strange disjointed array of his trans-atlantic business interests.

Sotrich ago

Maybe there went something wrong with "Knoll"

His name is James Frank P Kroll

Nalu restaurant in Berlin along with two partners...

Kroll himself is from Hawaii


Georgetown auction brings to mind that "beanie baby auction" sale - look it up

MAGABoomer ago

If you do the math...the Beanie Baby auction was a guy with a pound of pot to sell. 20$ a gram is what people in the local know say the really good stuff was going for.


that picture on JC IG of 2 guys outside a restuarant under renovation - is that at this location? I can't find pic

CandyPanda ago

There's an Instagram photo too on the TransformerDC thing that talks about a seminar they held there to discuss a reading of Vanishing Point: How to disappear in America without leaving a trace which was some online posting that I found:

That is some suspicious shit if I've ever seen it.

PieInTheEye ago

See my comment below on Transformer. In their official newsletter they state that Alefantis is Brock's HUSBAND! ... and that James Alefantis was placed on the Board in 2003, and became President of the Board in Dec 2006.

How to vanish indeed ... perhaps another of his roles is to make money vanish and appear wherever it needs to get using 'artwork' as a mechanism ... even better if the 'modern' artwork has a low intrinsic value.


that picture on JC IG of 2 guys outside a restuarant under renovation - is that at this location? I can find it

B3nd3r ago

The German Connection

Berlin is - like many German states currently co-governed by the leftist Green Party, today the main force behind the of Islam and the "Welcome Refugees" crowd but also lobbying for early sex education oftentimes very "pornographic" in the eighties through nineties they openly lobbied for the legalization of pedophile sex , many of the former pedolobbyists were sentenced criminals that build networks to lure and abuse children. Inner City Berlin is still dominated by leftist upper middle class people who were involved.

Some important German Politicians names that pop up time and time again in connection with this part of the story: Juergen Trittin, Daniel Cohn Bendit, Joschka Fisher (the last guy is now in the US, former party leader, German exterior Minister and before that in the seventies Taxi driver and black block street fighter, hardcore communist and, rumor has it, involved in killing a police officer with a molotov cocktail, but that was never solved. As a foreign Minister he coaxed his pacifist hippy party to support the first military engagement of German soldiers after WW2, the Nato engagement in former Yugoslavia - which later became a hotbed for human trafficking, but that's another story. Quite a feat, he also became best friends with Madeleine Albright and today has a cushy seat at some private University if I recall correctly.

Here some translated articles. I'm certain you'll find many connecions to your US 'progressive' scene.

(1) original:















micha_ ago

Cohn Bendit, the pedophile from the Green party?!

B3nd3r ago

Yes. Founding member of the Green Party Germany, Green faction chief in the Europarliament, friend of Joschka Fisher and proud practicing phantasizing pedophile.

This one:

CandyPanda ago

I always assumed it was Buffalo where his parents were. I couldn't help but think a couple days back just how similar James Alefantis was to the Podesta's upbringing and lifestyle too. The Podestas had a mother who was known to cook and be a socialite. The Podestas have an usual love for art (you can find mention of that dating back to the Clinton administration), dark art to be specific. James Alefantis had a mother who was a caterer. Alefantis is into art (see, of the darker nature as well. All of this seems to have connected them to the world of the elite wealthy and powerful in Washington DC and made them more powerful than the ordinary citizen that was into art and liked to cook.

PieInTheEye ago

Artwork does seem to be a cover for money laundering through the speculative values which can be placed on them:

- Chevy Chase Art Gallery & Custom Framers (2 doors down from CPP linked to CONNEB II LLC and subsidiary officed of Politics and Prose located on Nebraska Ave NW)

- Comet Ping Pong & Pizza (described as an 'art centered restaurant' in Transformer newsletter below)

- Buck's Fishing & Camping (described as an 'art centered restaurant' in Transformer newsletter below)

- Terasol (described on website as an 'Artisan Cafe' where you can buy Artisan Pottery etc.. while having bite to eat)

- Transformer (niche Art Gallery and Art Dealing Intermediary in D.C., championed by David Brock and James Alefantis, who was on the Board of Directors in 2003, nearly 2 years before he opened CPP and Bucks).


James Alefantis is an entrepreneur as well as a creative and passionate supporter of artists. James is the owner of two of Washington's finest, art-centered restaurants, Buck's Fishing & Camping and Comet Ping Pong. These businesses support a diverse array of Washington's most talented emerging artists and venerable institutions - including the Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, the Washington Ballet, Transformer, and more. Additionally, James, with his husband, David Brock, politico and Founder of Media Matters for America, support the improvement of the national political and media environment. Their art collection focuses on emerging artists working with social identity as well as work by artist friends and Transformer artists. James joined the board of Transformer in December 2003. He was elected President of the Board of Transformer in December 2006. Archive:

So it literally calls Alefantis the HUSBAND of David Brock, and says that he became President of the Board in Dec 2006 !!!

Alefantis was into ART (money laundering/black-market payments vector) before he branched into the restaurant front business. I startes a new sub about the Art connections here: ( )

Which leaves one big question: Is there an art connection in Berlin relating to the Nalu and/or Dr. Pong? ... or in London? ... or even in Hawaii? ... and can they be connected to Alefantis? If so, it would serve a good purpose to identify perhaps sales records relating to the 'artists' who could simply be fronts for black market funds transfers using their artwork as legitimate vectors to make the financial statements of Politicians-Bureaucrats-Lobbyists in Washington or wherever, look legit.

zlomsocz ago

im looking for more info on james knoll, if anyone has any photographs please share so i begin archiving , i believe i may have a potential hit and have archived his facebook etc, wanted to see if anyone can coroborate with a photo of the man James Knoll with ties to berlin in the early 2000's?

Ratata ago

This is supposedly James Knoll, according to the page I got this picture from ( and if you go back further on the website, you'll see more pictures of him.

Yuke ago

We all need to spend more time reading each others posts, we are repeating ourselves over and over.

zlomsocz ago

do we have a photograph for james knoll?

HomeboyChris ago

Oliver Miller (Dr Pong) is actually his business partner and co owner of Nalu with him.

PieInTheEye ago

Yes, it seems so. Oliver Miller can be seen in this YouTube promotional for Dr. Pong.

Apparently concrete Ping Pong Tables are a mainstay of Berlin in public spaces (there are 700+ of them and Berliners are obsessed).

( )

Chipcer ago

Duponts are a weird bunch, they are like Soros, Rothschild, Rockerfeller or the old English royalty of Europe. Multimillionaire du Pont family heir was spared jail for raping his three-year-old daughter because judge decided he would 'not fare well' behind bars dailymail link

stickittotheman ago

More inbred billionaire pedos!

cosmicmind ago

That rape is an important piece of evidence. He's already been processed, but the judge spared him of jail? did I get that right? Who was the judge? Does this have any connection to the subway under Dupont Circle named Pizza Express? or the location of the artwork in podesta's home that looks like it might reference to subway background?

grlldcheese ago

Yeah and i live here.

Can't wait for this to blow up.

spez_dispenser ago

The hawaii connection is interesting because it strengthened the link between Comet Ping Pong and the Cheesebay leg of the investigation, and possibly to the Podesta Hot Dog Stand in Molokai.

SecureYourSeats ago

Most sociopath's (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) are compulsive liars. They will lie when there is no reason to.

Gorillion ago

"My pizza restaurant has no basement"

"I store canned tomatoes in my pizza restaurant's basement"

YingYangMom ago

Anyone else noticed how many of the people involved in this ring work, run, teach or once studied or graduated from Georgetown education centres (university, college, day school, school)? I noticed lots of Podesta emails either sent or received from @ georgetown . edu email addresses... I think it might be something to look into.

party1981 ago

You know who else?

Bill Clinton

HampdenPItbull ago

I quote about Gtwon Day School: The school is known as one of the city's most academically rigorous and selective institutions, and it has educated the children of several high-ranking government officials, including former United States Attorney General Eric Holder, Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, and Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu.[3][5] List of famous grad's

cosmicmind ago

Does that georgeetown day school link have a list of students with pictures? Is he on it? If not, how does that relate to his other story claiming to be a student or born elsewhere?

HampdenPItbull ago

I just pulled it from a search result. One thing I noticed is that DC appears to be the new "Laurel Canyon" of sorts. Laurel Canyon emerged as a big music industry spot from out of nowhere in the 60's. At the time it was really just Nashville and NYC. LA was movies and the Wrecking Crew pretty much did all the music (great musicians). From out of "nowhere" the LC enters the scene. Notice the number of "stars" from Gtown Day?? Also, there are too many musicians and performers who have risen to great heights fast from DC.

magol ago

how are we going to stop them? if only a few know about this and even a fewer actually care about this? it seems to mr this is going to sink in as a crazy conspiracy theory, i just can't resist and think kids are getting tortured every day.

cosmicmind ago

@ magol, I'd link this page info to Nina Hagen, because she's a major activist in Berlin, but I'm not on facebook. That woman can network communication like none other; meaning that after a few weeks more than 'only a few' Germans would know about this.

Melitica ago

Good job. Hadn't seen anything or found anything about Alefantis bio-wise. It has been harder to research since pizzagate started and the first umpteen search pages are pizza related.

Tomioka ago

The Miller-Alefantis connection was discovered a few weeks ago through an old Tumblr account. Several pics from around 2012 which are not marked, but it was kind of evident the pictures were not from the Comet area; architecture rather matched an older European city.

In one picture someone held a "Bier" (surprise, Berlin)... Someone had mentioned Dr. Pong earlier, and the pictures matched the street opposite of Dr. Pong on Google Maps.

It's too bad things like this got lost in the great Eddit.

Tumblr address:

Gonna make a thread later, I'm rather curious who the bald guy is. The black-haired one is Miller, obviously.

The summer garden might also be worth a look. Does it match the "pig farm" I've seen mentioned somewhere? Is it behind Comet?

srayzie ago

Omg his first page on tumblr screams pedo! What a weirdo

anonymousj ago

Is this the pedo soccer guy with Oliver Woods?

quantokitty ago

100 points for you.

The other question is where is he getting this money? One of the "debunkers" made the claim Alefantis was teetering on bankruptcy for years and yet he's opening restaurant after restaurant. What is the financial source if he doesn't have the capital?

micha_ ago

Playing ping pong in dark places without windows and fresh air, with ping pong tables occupying precious and expensive place in bars and restuarants, is just a huuuge and brilliant business. We are probably just too dumb to recognize that!

quantokitty ago

It may well be.

dindonufin ago

This actually looks like a breakthrough!

Obligatory archive links:

GermanynamreG ago

Article says James Knoll is American btw. Is Alefantis from Hawaii?

CrackerJacks ago

Obama is from Hawaii/Kenya maybe him and Alefantis are brothers.

GermanynamreG ago


klondike1412 ago

Not sure if James Knoll is an alias or not - here is some discussion about a psychologist named James Knoll being involved in abuse: original

As prominent forensic psychiatrist James Knoll – psychiatry professor at SUNY-Syracuse and director of a forensic fellowship program – writes in the Psychiatric Times:

However he appears to be speaking against it so it may be a different Knoll? I also see a James Knoll involved in military cybertechnology in Hawaii. It's a common name.

GermanynamreG ago

Interesting. I follow the mind control/satanic/child abuse thing for years, and most of it is speculation, but when it comes to facts, its about mind control and there are psychology and psychatric doctors highly involved, so he could be involved in the CIA mind control program.

spez_dispenser ago

Is James Knoll from Hawaii, and which one is he?

carygato ago

Not the first time we've heard the state Hawaii. It's home to Podesta's hotdog stand. Not saying Alefantis growing up there is connected but not ruling it out either.

oresd ago

Interesting work, folks. Nice job. See how far we can get when we leave the aliens and satan out of it?

RedGreenAlliance ago

We can't leave Satan and aliens out of it. Doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is where the evidence takes us and what THEY believe.

Aliens imagery. Alien murals n CPP. Inverted pentagram in the CPP logo. Satan and Moloch references. Spirit cooking. Goat and changeling imagery. Numerous satanic references within related vids, music vids, promotional posters, instagram comments. KNOW ritual satanic abuse cases all around the world linked to child rape and sacrifice rings, implicating the rich and powerful - not conspiracy theories.

We can't leave out such things.

To do so would be to allow cognitive dissonance, emotional discomfort or denial - cloud our judgement.

Let people talk freely here, and let the individual readers filter out what they want.

cosmicmind ago

I agree with RedGreenAlliance. Much of their symbols is linked to traditional beliefs, and whether you believe in it or not is irrelevant. If you're not aware of the symbols, codes and names that they use you might easily miss the markers that they place to identify each other.
If you miss a marker you may miss an important lead or a person associated. Oresd, please Leave your own dislike for beliefs out of this because that is only hindering a thorough investigation.
For example, a French interview with a ritual victim shows drawings of a man and a triangle spiral logo. That child was drawing a pedo logo. It's important to know this for identification and accuracy. How could the child have drawn that logo? Did the child know the logo was a pedo logo? If not, then it's important identification for authenticity. Get it?

dindonufin ago

Dave Flintstone and cheesebay

jigisup ago

Another german here.... will try to look into this tomorrow!

Thrash57 ago

Do you know anything about the possibility of abandoned tunnels in that area near Dr Pong?

auggie313 ago

A precious upvote for you jigisup!

cosmicmind ago

I gave a precioius upvote to jigisup as well; I'm a Global neighborhood watcher here in Canada. # Save the children of the world.

bidentime ago

Oliver is the owner of Dr. Pong??!?

KnowThyself ago

Yep read my post here. It covers all of it.

Why? Do you know something about Oliver Miller?

cosmicmind ago

There is a pong in London and Germay. Get screen shots of everything on all their media accounts, and every persons media screen shots who liked the pedo logo photos. Know your logos. The eggs and the baby chicks are also pedo codes. You'll find those logo photos in some of the pong media pages.

bidentime ago

Exactly. My first thought as I was reading was Mr. Potatohead and Obama.

GermanynamreG ago

I will look for WW2 bunkers and tunnels in the area later

stickittotheman ago

upvoted you friend

GermanynamreG ago

I remember watching a documentary some years ago about WW2 bunkers in Berlin, the scientists went in there and somewhere in there was a new metal door and they wondered why its there and whats behind. Could be random ofc.

burnerfortheday ago

There is a show called hunting hitler and yes they discuss this in detail lots of hidden passages. They even found one into an airport that the Germans didnt know about.

GermanynamreG ago German article says co owner is not James Alefantis, but James Knoll, James grew up in Hawaiii.

Yuke ago

And as zlomsocz has just pointed out also, this one as well

Yuke ago

I have another article that says Alefantis told the people reporting (in this case, wine enthusiasts) that he has a restaurant in Berlin. it doesn't mention the name though.

burnerfortheday ago

Hijacked your comments for clarity and reposted as seems significant.



pizzahthrowaway ago

You got a downvote quick too, shills must not like this find, good work.

joe_hill ago

DR Pong is obviously linked to alefantis Remember Dr Pong Menu : Goat, child and... Hotdog Dr Pong don't sell hotdogs


On the Nalu Diner website 'Oliver' writes that he and James Alefantis 'moved to eastern Berlin in the early 2000’s.' So it looks to me like Alefantis moved back to the U.S. to open Comet. Anyway, Oliver is Oliver Miller - owner of Dr. Pong!

'Oliver Miller the man behind the legendary Dr Pong on Eberswalder Str.'

Photo of Oliver Miller:

Another photo of Miller:

pizzahthrowaway ago

This is good! Solid link, we can essentially say now that Alefantis co-owned a restaurant with the guy running Dr.Pong which was FULL of weirdness, and they share a love of "ping pong"...ok


Exactly. But a question now is the nature of the relationship between Alefantis and Miller - were they partners when they went to Berlin together in the early 2000s? What can we find out about Miller's background?

Royce_of_Veason ago

And again so close to the seat of power in a globalized nation...

MeatballPizza ago

Pizzagate goes global!