Sentastixc ago

All those 4 chan threads 404'd...

adam_danischewski ago

The three 4chan posts are gone (404 Not Found) - I'm amazed at how quickly 4chan is deleting relevant pizzagate posts. Regarding tunnels, I responded to a 4chan post that had accurate useful data, it still appears to be up:

Check out this paper: Funders and Supporters page 85:

Comet Ping Pong is listed as a supporter for the proposed DuPont Art Tunnels.

My 4chan response: Yea, direct hit! I checked out some of those other "art tunnels" they mentioned, such as Serpentine Gallery (under Kensington Gardens) - that's ground zero for the queen and freemasonry.

Old Vic Tunnels -- Kevin Spacey is piloted by Big Kahuna a major player in this world system, he received an award from here. Theatre Delicatessen performed "A Midsummer Night's Dream" this is very tied in to the world system administrators, their secret language is Shakespeare - and that "play" is actually a depiction of another world system that is very much involved in the HIGH OCCULT beyond this world (Oberon is the MC at deletion of sentient events). Some of the other's the title says it all: Les Enfants Terribles, New York Dolls, Phil Mann, National Youth Theatre of Great Britain, U.S. President Bill Clinton's fundraiser.

And in case the 4chan post gets deleted, there is a link to another paper in Berlin that mentions Alefantis, and other guy is referred to as "Dr. Pong":

The book is entitled "META MONUMENT" <<-- an attempt to drag fiction in to blur the lines and provide an advantageous landscape for deflections later.

"Thanks to: ... Rod Diaz and family for the Paris safe house, Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin, and, James Alefantis for patronage above and beyond..."

SoManyQuestions ago

I've posted this a few times but I haven't heard anyone elses opinion. An old map in Besta would suggest the metro used to continue down Connecticut.,-77.0699627,3a,24.7y,0.4h,89.01t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1soHkJOrsTE8vX4v72Maxg_w!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

r3dtr1x ago

I have no idea if anyone has explored this or not, but there's a photo in jimmycomet's instagram called "L'enfant Cafe & Bar". it is 3.4 miles from Comet Ping Pong. It's located at 2000 18th St NW Washington DC 20009. Would any of these tunnels line up with that cafe? The history behind this place is very interesting. Read about it on their webpage.

SavingGrace ago

Video of the tunnel that is directly under Comet @wesearchr @Night_0f_Fire

KnowThyself ago

Awesome find! The text on the video is a little over dramatic since this doesn't provide any direct evidence, but it is a nice new piece of information for us to look at.

BTW, the person being interviewed, Braulio Agnese, left the project earlier this year and was replaced by Philippa Hughes. It would be really great to find the real reason why he left and who this Philippa Hughes person is and if she has any shady connections.

ejd4500 ago

...Ugh...more triangles and f!ckin ping-pong. I mean a triangle between two guys playing ping-pong. do these degenerates ever stop. And great work BTW.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Amazing work!

BrickInTheVVall ago

Guys please check out these posts. Possibly connected to this investigation....

"The underground tunnel system in D.C." "I am looking at the underground tunnel system in D.C. It doesn't seem like Comet Pizza could connect to the Dupont Circle tunnel that I've heard some people discussing, Dupont Circle is 4.2 miles from Comet Pizza. Maybe James Alefantis took his inspiration from the Dupont Circle tunnel, though, since there was a Pizza Express down there. Dupont Circle tunnel" (

What is a Pizza Express doing down there? Well... Check the next thread out...

"Frank Giustra(Bill Clinton's Partner in the Canadian branch of The Clinton Foundation) owns Gold Wheaton Gold Corp. which between June 2002 and April 2008 was named "222 Pizza Express Corp"" (

KnowThyself ago

Interesting connection to Bill Clinton. Regarding the Pizza Express that was in DuPont Circle, it was part of the failed food court that operated out of the tunnels in 1995. The whole food court was shut down after 1 year. I posted an article that mentions it somewhere else in this thread.

Fynks ago

excellent work with name meanings

KnowThyself ago

As much as I wanted this connection to be true, the Thomas Foundation is not the same as the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. We will have to keep looking.

PolybiusPizza ago

I suspected Dupont Underground suuuuuuuper early on! I am so glad to see more digging into it! They have hosted some very sketch bands with suspect lyrics n stuff there. The art connection is real. Direct line between White House and CPP and Dupont Undeground and Ravenrock Mountain Complex... Very suspicious.

awakenaware ago

Underground tunnels do link many of the major cities in the USA.. this is now well known.. some Wallmarts are used as above ground stations for the network, i feel like that is linked to this. Many country wide have been reporting in recent years sounds underground from tunnel machines.. It allows the elite to get up to all kinds of things out of sight and move from place to place unnoticed.

cosmicmind ago

You mentioned Germany: One of Jimmy Comet's Instagram photos was a pic of Elephantis and a baby in a chair, with a book style writing underneath. Aside from the comments that were disgusting, the writing on the page said he was going to Germany to play pingpong at Dr Pingpong in Germany. Where's that at? Investigation would be nice.

Re the underground, podesta's pictures show children in what appears to be a background looking like a subway. Could this art be inspired by the underground? Who knows?

I saw a picture of the underground that shows a run-down subway train with the name Pizza Express on it.

KnowThyself ago

Dr. Pong is in Berlin and it's owned by Oliver Miller, I've already done some research into it.

Can you find that picture again? The Pizza Express was part of the failed food court that operated in DuPont Underground several years ago, I believe. Edit: was this the Pizza Express you saw?

cosmicmind ago

Yes, that was the pic of the pizza express I saw.

I don't think I'm allowed to link to the pic in question, am I?
There's a new youtube out with some of the photo's and it was there. I had already saw it before, but the association with Berlin didn't clue in until I realized that the instagrams have a few German commentaries.... then the relation to pingpong made me wonder.

KnowThyself ago

I don't know the rules very well, but maybe you could just give us instructions on how to search for it. I hope that's not against the rules. Is it actually CP or just a picture that is questionable? If there is no nudity or overt sexual positions then it should be fine.

cosmicmind ago Go to 1:32 the video says it's the full Instagram pics, but it is actually missing quite a few from what I can tell. Mods, please pull the link if it's off the rules. I don't wanna cause any problems.

Hey, kind of a side note here, but you seem to do excellent investigation and rather than starting a new thread I'll ask you my question, if you don't mind ...
Do you have any info regarding the article describing the podesta underground dungeon, or subterranean art gallery.

at 10:41 the guy mentions it, but this is the first I've heard of it.

I'm sure they've scrubbed everything by now, but I recall seeing construction in a comet Instagram showing what appears to be metal cages adjacent to a wall that appears to be in construction phase, similar to the type of metal cages used in what I view as ugly comet pingpong décor. The author of the video (in the link) thinks, or suggests, that podesta might have been involved in watching snuff movies there, but at this point it would be more believable if they engaged in making them there.

One of comet's photos, very x-rated, showed a man raping a small child and the picture was a wall size hanging on what looks to be a museum type of corridor. I'm wondering if that's the art gallery the article in the above link was referring to.

I cannot understand why his home, or this so-called gallery underground wouldn't be closed off for investigation?

Like I said, i'm not sure if there's a thread on this detail, but it certainly leaves me suspicious.

cosmicmind ago

A quick question to you, if you don't mind... The pic I mentioned in the above link, of the rape (uncensored) is alleged by Hagman report to be a child. I look at it and think it's a child as well, especially considering the comment hashtag sleeping. (sleeping is common code in pedo talk as pedo's often like to sedate their victim rather than having them awake during the rape.)

Originally I wondered if the museum was connected to Podesta's underground museum due to the explicit rape content.

I realize that he top of Jimmy Comets instagram says Whitney Museum of....

Is that pic from Whiteny Museum of.... ?
Where's the museum?
Who's monitoring this in a public museum? Who can check out data from that museum?
You're a good investigator, is anyone able to get info specifics, necessary details?

KnowThyself ago

That is the article he is referring to. As far as the CPP photo you are talking about, I don't recall it. If it is as x-rated as you say then obviously it can't be posted here, but if you can remember where to find it then maybe I can look into it and see if it connects.

cosmicmind ago

In the first link that I provided the picture of child rape is shown at 2:22 although the link ytube hasn't censored the photo. One of the comments is hashtag sleeping (sedation appears to be common in the pedo world.) The photo does indeed look like the child is asleep/unconscious and Hagman report team inspected it claiming that it was in fact a child. I can tell it's a child at firstglance. Poor abused, tormented little soul...

The location of the gallery size picture looks like it's hanging in a gallery, and the article you linked claims that podesta built an underground ''gallery'' which shows art that other galleries don't touch. I wonder if the above mentioned gallery size photo, from jimmy comet's Instagram, was taken in that gallery, which might link the web a little deeper. (note the article of the gallery was published long before this came out, which makes me wonder if the criminal picture of podesta attached to Mcanns abduction was the elite warning podesta that he was being too obvious and needed to go underground ... literally). the sgt report interview with Ole Dammegard wonders about this theory as well.. in view of this article and podesta's open art in his home it makes me think that the elite were framing podesta's in the abduction as a threat. Ole Dimmegard's information may not be correct either for that matter. )

I'm also wondering if this underground location is also a potential location of podesta's wikileak email which states that he's ''still in the torture chamber'.

Somebody did a checkup on the construction building nextdoor to comet pingpong showing that the construction company specializes in underground construction. I'm not saying that construction company is involved, I'm saying that there are too many close links that need specific fed investigation and it's more clear by the day why that investigation isn't happening.

If nothing else, the potential web for investigation that ISN'T happening is alarming and makes it appear more and more that this whole thing is an inside cover-up. Child trafficking is a $$$ maker, along with the ritual aspect. It's heartbreaking that children are being abused, tortured and groomed to accept this abuse as normal. That could easily have been us, or someone we love, or our children. I'm getting a little nauseated now, so I'm gonna step out of the forum for awhile. Thanks for checking these issues as potential connections.... god knows the authorities don't appear to be.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Great work, does anyone know if there is any form of law enforcement guarding the dupont underground entrances or the inside?

roundhouse1776 ago

Pretty much all of the big 501(c) (non profit) organizations are worthy of suspicion at this point. A large number of the institutions in this country can be linked directly back to Tavistock. The web of control the globalists have built is large and invasive.

fogdryer ago

And you all know who owns tavistock

George soros

bibigirl_ ago


quantokitty ago


Just one big incestuous, underground family.

marcrapp ago

remarkable correlations

Trumpsnow81 ago

Definitely something fishy going on here. Anyone in DC able to cross reference these logos geospatially?

KnowThyself ago

That is an interesting idea. The street you are talking about looks like this in real life. I'm not sure what to look for.

Good point on the meaning of comet too. I remember coming across some other business while researching that had comet in its name and thinking "Hmm that's weird" but didn't have anything else to go off of. Somehow the words pizza, ping pong, and comet just keep showing up with CPP having the trifecta. Also check out this pic I found ( why is there ping pong there??

Crypt_mology ago

Syga Thomas is on the board of directors for Dupont Underground, he is also a former US State Department diplomat.

He is also the Chairman of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. "Wendys" foundation

kaelar ago

State Department and Wendy's? Rabbit holes, man.

KnowThyself ago

BOOM! That's what I'm talking about! Now if Wendy's foundation goes down, it's tied to all the rest of this stuff.

edit: Unfortunately the Thomas Foundation is not the same as the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

LuminaryAziraphale ago

That's some damn good work, friend.

grlldcheese ago

Jesus. Wtf. Underground pedo railroad might be real. That's horrifying. Commenting to read later.

Great work.

CJFish ago

Literally an underground railroad, it seems.

TheTrigger ago

Someone suggested that I not embed links into the text as it makes it hard to copy/paste.

Click the link that says "source" at the bottom of the post's text. You can copy+paste the whole thing with the URLs/markdown code intact.

DigitalRefugee ago

Top notch detective work.

kaelar ago

Hello I am familiar with DC's subway system and I am somewhat skeptical of the "hidden subway station" theory (from other posts on other boards) and very skeptical of the "Dupont Underground Tunnel" theory.

First, the Dupont Underground theory: The tunnels are not directly related to the Metro. They are the remnants of DC's streetcar system that went obsolete in 1962. But I don't believe that those tunnels get anywhere near Comet because of geography. The streetcar tunnels are specific to a few blocks around Dupont Circle. They would have been aboveground (being, you know, streetcars) most of the way to and past Comet because there's a geographical feature known as Rock Creek that lies between Dupont and Chevy Chase, which has cut a wide and deep canyon spanned by the Taft Bridge . (For reference, Comet is located well past the north (left) end of the bridge and Dupont Circle is located well past the south (right) end of the bridge. If you look at the pictures, I think you'll agree that the early streetcars did not tunnel all the way under that gorge. (And see the streetcar picture on the Taft's companion bridge for East/West traffic over Rock Creek, the Duke Ellington ).

For these reasons I do not believe that the Dupont Underground streetcar tunnel gets anywhere near Comet.

Now, to the existing Metro tunnels: You can definitely note when the northbound Red Line train makes the bend to move from running under Connecticut Avenue to running under Wisconsin Avenue. It is not impossible that they extended the tunnel to keep going under Connecticut, which would align with Comet's block. But the important thing to note about any potential abandoned Metro tunnel/station in that spot - it would be very, very, very deep. The stations on either side of Comet, Tenley to the north and Van Ness to the south, require extremely long elevator or escalator rides to descend into them. I tried to find the exact depths of the stations and couldn't, but here's a site that deals with some of the history and engineering issues.

Footnote 5 never-built-metros-bridge-rock-creek/ at this link has some interesting info about the Metro engineers' original plan to have the tunnel at Rock Creek be somewhat shallower and come outdoors and actually PIERCE the columns of the Taft bridge. So the subway trains would emerge from the canyon wall, travel along the Taft bridge but underneath the main roadway, and go back into the canyon wall on the other end. This would have allowed the tunnel to stay a bit more shallow.

Sadly, the National Park Service, the federales who run Rock Creek Park, said hell no. So all the stations that serve the West side of the Red Line had to burrow that much deeper to get under the Rock Creek gorge.

DC absolutely is full of tunnels, some better known than others, but I just don't think that Dupont Underground links all the way to Comet.

PieInTheEye ago

It would seem as if the OVERT Dupont underground trolley car system may in fact be on top of the actual tunnel that runs deeper from Camp David to the White House ... the secret deep DUMBS type tunnels that people have suggested, most of which were COVERT, were not publicized apparently. Most people know about the tunnels that go from the damn Pentagon to the White House, and those had to run under the Potomac (!), so the Rock Creek obstacle issue looks to be a moot point.

The fact that they want to develop the limited Dupont Underground into an Arts gallery type installation, is basically just a cover for an even deeper project perhaps that the ghouls want to have going on right under-the-underground grotto ... the grotto beneath the grotto!

bryoneill11 ago

Have you seen the Tall Man?

Trumpsnow81 ago

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this guy is a CTR shill. I tried googling what he's talking about and found literally nothing. Well formated and appearing well researched ... Classic forum sliding / salami technique.

the_cat_whisperer ago

Watched the movie a few years ago. Basic summary is a group of people are kidnapping children from white trash families, smuggling them through tunnels in a cave and having the kids adopted by wealthy families that can give them a better chance at life. Guessing he mentioned it because of the tunnels

KnowThyself ago

This is good information to consider. The DuPont Underground definitely does not reach all the way to CPP, you can see that by looking at an old map of the system. I think the theory is that there is another tunnel system that has been connected and leads to CPP. We've already seen that CPP is involved in digging tunnels. It's good to know that the tunnels would have to go under Rock Creek to get there.

kaelar ago

And I would like to add that OP is absolutely correct - these people and the Dupont Tunnel should absolutely be investigated. The tunnel almost certainly connects to other tunnels in DC. I just think that geography gets in the way of a direct link to CPP.

fogdryer ago

Wouldn't it be great to go down there ourselves with a GoPro or even just to install cameras

MAGABoomer ago

Nice work. NYC also as an underground...and so does Atlanta.

WhoReallyCares ago

And London, and San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

fogdryer ago

There is a underground tunnel from fla ( a restaurant pink slipper) to Haiti. Group home nearby. Some of the boys were being raped by the police hired to protect them

waxdino ago

And Chicago. Probably all the major cities.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL I just got banned from The_Donald for calling Moslimes animals :D fucktards...wanting to free Europe from globalism...without owing the problem.

Hey_Sunshine ago

wrong thread?

MAGABoomer ago


Trumpsnow81 ago

Follow the liberals and I bet you'll find plenty of nasty things underground.

ExiledAnubis ago

Please stop trying to making this a partisan issue. PizzaGate is a human rights issue, regardless of the political leanings of the people who may be involved. Making this a political partisan issue only gives our opponents an angle of attack against us and provides no additional information to the discussion.

MAGABoomer ago

tsktsk..this swamp knows no side...the "conservatives" be swamping too...Franklin Coverup?

playzfahdayz ago

Backup (in case of data purge):

Blacksmith21 ago

Except for the fact that the Taft Bridge is 2.6 miles on a direct shot to CPP via Connecticut Ave NW. It wouldn't be hard to extend a tunnel when doing straight shot road construction even when the road was built in mid-late 1800s or when the extended the tunnel in the 40s.

playzfahdayz ago

I'm confused now, was this in response to my comment or..

bibigirl_ ago

Soros is connected to everything it seems

PizzaByPedos ago

He is literally the kingpin behind it all.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

now you know how much "a billion dollars" really is.

Werwer12 ago

Damn! Incredible work. This research is more significant than it seems. When we find a real smoking gun one day that implicates somebody with irrefutable evidence, everyone goes into denial mode that they knew that person. This is sooooo damn important.

pizzathrowaway ago

Abramovic didn't attend Corcoran.

KnowThyself ago

Edit: Ok so the connection is there, although not as solid as before. Kleinman and Huckenpaahler both worked on a project called 15 for Philip that was displayed at the Curator's Office. Abromovic has also had her art displayed there. So they've all displayed art at the same place, not the greatest connection, but Kleinman and Huckenpahler are definitely closely linked. I've changed the post for accuracy.

kaelar ago

Most artists of any stature in DC would have ties to Corcoran in some way, especially if they came into the favor of the Podesta set. Corcoran was a private museum 'til recently - they failed financially and are in the process of merging their collections with the National Gallery (ie Smithsonian). The physical museum has prime real estate in the monumental core - next to DAR Constitution Hall and Organization of American States, and across the street from the White House and Eisenhower Old Executive Bldg.

oldchangling ago

From wikipedia: Corcoran is an Irish surname. The original Gaelic version being Ó Corcráin meaning "descendant of Corcrán". The name itself is derived from corcair meaning "purple".

As for this particular school, it is apparently named after the founder, William Wilson Corcoran, of an eponymous gallery:

KnowThyself ago

Nice find! That lead me to this:

"Corcoran joined the Potomac Lodge No. 5 of Free and Accepted Masons in Georgetown and was raised as a Master Mason on July 26, 1827"

Naalu ago

Woah nice work

KnowThyself ago

Thanks. Also your name is interesting to me because Oliver Miller owns Nalu Diner in Berlin. What's the inspiration for that name?

Naalu ago

Its just a random name I came up like 5 years ago for some game because my usuall name (Nyloth) was taken. I just tought it sounded cool.

PieInTheEye ago

spooky synchronicity