SavingGrace ago

Pizza Express is a global pizza chain. Prince Andrew was given a shout out welcome on Twitter by the PizzaExpress IDN (Indonesia) account when he was 'nearby'. Tweet posted 18 Sept 2013 at 5:19am. Wonder if Prince Andrew's security expected PizzaExpress would tweet the world the Prince's business/whereabouts. Prince Andrew hit the news around the world over his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein etc. Turns out that Epstein is also mates with Doug Band whose company Teneo is closely connected to PizzaGate. Such a small world - made even smaller with Twitter.

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Could you elaborate on some of his closest connections there?

BrickInTheVVall ago

Someone just posted this:


"Possible connection with PizzaExpress and the Clintons"

There seem to be connections with Teneo (and their communications team, Blue Rubicon) and PizzaExpress.

On the PizzaExpress investor contacts section of their website it shows information for a Ben Foster, who works for TeneoBlueRubicon: (

A quick google search showed that Teneo is highly connected with the Clintons: (

This is my first time ever looking into something myself, other than the lurking and reading I've done on PizzaGate. I think I might have accidentally found something worth checking into here.


drbrontosaurus ago

Hey, I was over in another thread about McDonald's minimum wage and shit, when I decided to look up the current CEO of McD's. Anyways check this out: "Easterbrook first worked for McDonald’s in 1993 as a manager in London. In 2011 he left to become CEO of PizzaExpress and then CEO of Wagamama, two British casual dining chains, before returning to McDonald’s in 2013."

PizzaExpress? WTF

BrickInTheVVall ago

Reading through another post on Voat today I found this!

"I am looking at the underground tunnel system in D.C. It doesn't seem like Comet Pizza could connect to the Dupont Circle tunnel that I've heard some people discussing, Dupont Circle is 4.2 miles from Comet Pizza. Maybe James Alefantis took his inspiration from the Dupont Circle tunnel, though, since there was a Pizza Express down there. Dupont Circle tunnel" (

Pizza Express in the DC tunnel system found...

Another link: "Remember the DC tunnel post from 4chan? I've connected it to a lot of interesting people, including George Soros." (


BrickInTheVVall ago

BTW, Frank Giustra was involved in the Clinton Foundation Uranium One scandal together with Ian Telfer.

"Blackburn questioned a controversial Hillary Clinton decision permitting Russia to obtain a controlling stake in a U.S. uranium company after an effort led by Ian Teller, a major Clinton Foundation donor, and Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra, a long-time friend of Bill Clinton.

Uranium One “donated $2.35 million to the Foundation through several donations, which the foundation failed to report, as the Russian’s gained control of Uranium One from 2009-2013,” Blackburn said." (

More info:

"Eda Marie Agueci had an urgent piece of advice for several friends and family members: A stock called NU Energy Uranium Corp. was a “MUST BUY” and they’d better buy in before “the action begins next week,” the OSC said in a statement of allegations filed this week."

"This tip on the uranium company allegedly first came from Jacob Gornitzki, an advisor to NU Energy who sometimes worked out of GMP’s offices. The OSC claims he told Ms. Agueci that NU Energy was about to receive a takeover bid from Mega Uranium Ltd."


""It all started more than 3 years ago when I thought I was helping an OSC investigation relating to a well known Toronto securities firm," says Jacob Gornitzki. "However, it turned into a nightmare - both professionally and personally - and tarnished a good name that had been built up over many years. In a system that's supposed to be 'innocent until proven guilty', it seems it's the other way around."


Lot's more to dig up there...

ItsAllTooWeird ago

He also founded Lions Gate Films in 1997. One of their first films? The 1997 remake of Lolita.

BrickInTheVVall ago

More info:

"LIONSGATE and American Zoetrope Enter Into Home Entertainment Distribution Agreement" "Company Obtains North American Distribution Rights To Some Of The Most Important Films In American Cinema From Francis Ford Coppola, One Of The Most Prominent And Acclaimed Filmmakers Of Our Time, Including Academy Award® Best Picture Nominees Apocalypse Now and The Conversation as well as Coppola's newest masterpiece, Tetro"


Francis Ford Coppola is an important name here:

"How’s this for a deal: If you’re a director on a movie, and you’re directing a child as your star, and you molest the child-- you don’t get to direct another movie!

Not the case with Victor Salva, the Hollywood director who molested one of his child stars, yet continues to make movies with kids, thanks in part to his patron, Francis Ford Coppola, according to a sickening article that’s been on the LA Times' website for a couple of days before hitting today’s paper." (

Lions Gate is also closely linked to Polanski:

"Patrick Wachsberger talks franchises, highlights and Polanski" (

Patrick Wachsberger is the co-chairman of Lionsgate's Motion Picture Group.

"Anjelica Huston on catching Roman Polanski with a 13-year-old: 'I thought nothing of it'" (

Everything is connected....

mildseven ago

This guy has some SCARY connections to EVERYTHING. This is a fantastic find! I'm going to spend some time on this one and see what I can put together.

BrickInTheVVall ago

There is a lot of dirt there so I am sure you will find something. Good luck!

KnowThyself ago

This is a BIG connection I think, and you're right, everything is connected. Mark Cuban is a part owner of Lions Gate Films, and remember FBIAnon told us to look into him and his wealth. We are starting to see the connections. Someone else pointed it out already but I want to mention the connection to the Radcliffe Foundation.

BrickInTheVVall ago

This is where things get a little weird guys!!!

Down the rabbit hole we go...

I was a bit intrigued why someone would name their company "222 Pizza Express Corp" especially the why prefix the number 222.

Remember Corey Feldman exposing the Hollywood paedophile ring,,,

"'I was molested and passed around': Corey Feldman describes his ordeal at the hands of Hollywood pedophile ring and says Corey Haim was just eleven years old when he was first raped" (

"Revealed! Superstar Actor Raped Child Star Corey Haim" (

Look what Corey Feldman wrote in a open letter to Corey Haim!!!

"A LETTER FOR THE GRAVE… (an open letter to Corey Haim)"

"Nobody will ever get the inside jokes we told. Nobody will understand the magic of 22/222 . Nobody will ever know how to do the secret Corey handshake. Nobody will ever make me laugh as hard as you did. Nobody will ever make me fight as hard as you did. Nobody will ever challenge me the way you did. Nobody will ever need me the way you did." (

He even got a tattoo with the number 222 to remember Corey Haim. (

Look at this tweet from him... (

He even wrote a song about it: The 2 Coreys Tribute (Remember 222 (

What I found research the meaning of the number 222:

"The most venerated occult numbers are: 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77. A triplication of numbers is also considered sacred (possibly even more sacred) to the occultist: 111, 222, 333, and so fourth. The number 5 is the number of Death; also, an extremely scared number is the double 11, as in 11:11, or 11/11/11." (

Not sure what to make of it but I thought I would throw it out there....

spez_dispenser ago

Pizza Express

222 High Street

Uxbridge UB8 1LD


+44 1895 251222

BrickInTheVVall ago

"Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can't stop them from doing."


  • There are 22 stars in the Paramount Pictures logo.

"Twenty Two" (February 10, 1961) is Season 2–episode 17 (February 10, 1961) of the 1959-64 TV series The Twilight Zone, in which a hospitalized dancer has nightmares about a sinister nurse inviting her to Room 22, the hospital morgue. Traditional Tarot decks have 22 cards with allegorical subjects. These serve as trump cards in the game. The Fool is usually a kind of wild-card among the trumps and unnumbered, so the highest trump is numbered 21. Occult Tarot decks usually have 22 similar cards which are called Major Arcana by fortune-tellers. Occultists have related this number to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the 22 paths in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

"The Fool or The Jester is one of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck; one of the 22 Trump cards that make up the Major Arcana. The Fool is unnumbered; sometimes represented as 0 (the first) or XXII (the last) Major Arcana in decks. It is used in divination as well as in game playing."


Mad coincidences for sure...

juhos ago

In London there is pizza place named Pizza Express and it's located in 222 High street. They have locations like Saudi-Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain.

Under Dupont, DC, there was also place named Pizza Express.

"All the Pizza Expresses" says the boy.

C1REX ago

What a coincidence. Again.

billcaseyABC ago

"The Radcliffe Foundation also has been worked with the Vancouver Foundation and the City of Vancouver on a program called Streetohome. Established in 2008, Streetohome is the first broad community-based initiative which brings together non-profits, civil society groups, business, governments and citizens to effectively address homelessness in Vancouver. Giustra sits on the board of Streetohome Foundation and chairs the capital campaign. To show his dedication, Giustra donated $5 million in 2010.[8]

In Vancouver and surrounding communities in British Columbia, the Radcliffe Foundation maintains a strong philanthropic presence, and supports a diverse base of charities and organizations, among which are: British Columbia Children's Hospital, Canuck Place, a pediatric hospice, Templeton Education Foundation, the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society, as well as various art and theater programs for children."

Same exact cover as Lawrence E. King, Jimmy Savile, and Jerry Sandusky. dig dig dig

"Saving" refugees from war-torn regions:

Fined for violating charity ownership regulations in 2010:

Bonus Points: Frank Giustra founded Lions Gate Entertainment. Pedowood?

billcaseyABC ago

The Radcliffe Foundation was established in 1997 by Giustra, its president. The Vancouver-based foundation supports local and international disaster relief, economic development and homelessness charities, and offers children around the world hope for a better future.[how?] Internationally, the Radcliffe Foundation helps to fund a number of organizations with a common interest in enhancing understanding and empowering people. In June 2007, Giustra launched the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership[4] with U.S. President Bill Clinton, an innovative partnership between William J. Clinton Foundation, the private sector, governments, local communities, and other NGOs to increase the scope, scale, impact, and sustainability of social and economic development efforts in areas where poverty is widespread.[5]

CGSGI aims to alleviate poverty in the developing world in partnership with the global mining community. Along with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, these two prominent philanthropists[who?] have pledged a minimum of $100 million each toward the effort and the money was given to the Clinton Foundation. On June 17, 2010, Giustra teamed up again with Carlos Slim and President Clinton to create a $20 million fund that will finance small businesses in earthquake-ravaged Haiti.[6]

The Radcliffe Foundation has contributed $30M towards the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI), which works with governments and other partners to increase access to high-quality care and treatment for HIV-positive people.

Holy shit, this checks off all the boxes: Haiti, homeless kids, HIV, Carlos Slim...

Freemasonsrus ago

I seriously wanted to puke reading that. The pedo guistra was a billionaire using the exact blueprint for what the CF eventually became. Wow. I remember FBI anon also said to look into Gates. Seems all billionaires are connected to this. I also keep coming back to Muhammud Yunus. He is supposedly a very scary figure in all of this. Anon said to be careful investigating him. Strange.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Thats around the time my west coast classified human trafficking and child exploitation team was disbanded. Leads to government were clear and broad. Very far reaching. Nothing happened per say. Some Canadian cops and a judge got busted but were never brought to court. A few busts here and there and some organized crime syndicates did some house cleaning apparently. I think it was more for the purpose of finding the lower operators so they take over. But, child protection and family services in both Canada and US were dirty. Lots of female teachers involved and feminist activists. Female pedophiles are very, very often overlooked or ignored. I think the Canadian minister of justice was in the loop of investigation but he went insane and started ranting about aliens. He was probably the only good man in government of Canada. I recall also Canadian gov wouldn't make certain laws required for an international anti-human trafficking agreement. A lot of child abductions in BC Canada, "the highway of tears" between Kamloops and Prince George where the cops and judge got busted, their police special task forces took that and did nothing. But I recall lawyers, family service, teachers all through the area were implicated by us. Some were already known like.. I think I can recall the name.. John Craigy I don't know if thats the right spelling but he was transfered around after he was charged each time, from school to school. They protected him pretty good. There were others but I can't recall their names. The Clinton name came up both Canada and US.. Not something one tries to keep remembering.

QuestionEverything ago

Sounds like LARP. Proof please.

billcaseyABC ago

oh wow, what years was your unit active? anything else interesting you saw first-hand?

I stumbled upon some attachments in the Stratfor emails about how Pierre Trudeau changed a ton of foster care/adoption laws in the 70s so that the state could take away children a lot easier. Makes me wonder if Justin Trudeau is a part of all this.

Also, did you ever stumble on connections to the Bronfman family in Montreal?

ThorTheWonderful ago

I'm willing to bet he is, his father was a real scum bag. His mother was a $2 whore. They hung with commies too like Fidel Castro. Explains why there is speculation about Justin's father. For the most part I don't talk about that stuff and it was all supposedly classified.. Lots of good reason for that but something never seemed right about it. 30 years later I'm thinking I know why. But ya, over the years alot of laws around the issues in Canada were adjusted. And more recently Justin participated in a Islamic conversion ceremony at a Wahhibi mosque in Surrey, B.C. I also recall they tried at one time to lower the age of sexual consent to 12.