pizzathrowaway ago

There is no basement at comet, but you are correct that the Dupont Underground does not reach very far north.

gumshoe_mob ago

Here is an image of DC tunnels which originally had street cars running through them

which I found here although it is a history channel image:

The underground basement of Comet pizza (if that is indeed what that image was) has similar dimensions to the tunnel. It would be odd if Connecticut Ave had not had a streetcar when there were many other routes.

digging in basement image which you can find here:

Poncho567 ago

Also, Tony Podesta talks says "Still in torture chamber" in an email 2014-01-31

Poncho567 ago

On the facebook page for pizzagate, they say there is an underground abandoned subway system under Comet Pizza. Has anyone found objective information about this?

pizzathrowaway ago

They're talking about the Dupont Underground, the thing that is 4 miles away. It's not a subway system, it was a streetcar thing.

Poncho567 ago

Maybe the underground tunnels they built are just under the buildings there since the owners all know each other.

Poncho567 ago

The reason I brought this up is because of the photos captured on James Alefantis' Instigram account of digging/construction underground and also a freezer-like room. The photos are at the end of this article Digging

comeonpeople ago

The digging appeared to be possibly for pipes or something in the party room. Maybe pipes burst or they needed larger mains or something.

The freezer is supposedly in Buck's two doors down.

KnowThyself ago

The problem with this theory is that neither CPP nor Buck's have every filed for a permit to do the kind of work shown in the photo. Even if they were just installing pipes, it would literally be illegal for them to do so without a permit.

Poncho567 ago

Oh, I haven't heard that explanation of Buck's for the freezer. Thanks. But why do they call it the "kill room" on the instagram?

comeonpeople ago

They're joking.

derram ago :

The Secret Underground World Of Washington D.C.

This has been an automated message.

comeonpeople ago

Not to mention Comet does not have a basement or any trapdoors in their concrete floor.

heygeorge ago

Without evidence, this will not die.

comeonpeople ago

This is the problem with you, you are demanding evidence that something does not exist. That's not how evidence works. It should be pretty easy for you to use Google and figure out if there is actually an old underground tunnel system in that area (hint: There is not).

heygeorge ago

You don't know me, much less are you able to diagnose 'what my problem is'. I'm not even talking about myself.

What I'm telling you is that you won't be able to convince the 'investigators' by just saying nuh-uhn.

pizzathrowaway ago

I mean, you can go look at it? There's nothing there.

heygeorge ago

Not for me, but for the 'movement'. It's not reasonable to just expect everyone to go there and look.