Silverlining ago

@newworldahead One hellova dump!

YingYangMom ago


This is all so interesting and it makes a whole lot of sense!

I was researching old threads in connection to Besta Pizza and their owners to gather material for thread #2 of a "Consolidation Threads" project , that 3 others and I are working on, when I stumbled upon your post. I would love to put an emphasis on your theory by posting your thread, using it as a reference piece and highlighting quotes from it, but we would need more sources to back it up. Could you provide sources for your research? I mean, your theory is so much better in terms of quality and "simple logic" than the Saudi/DOJ Andrew Kline Connection ever was, however, the only downside to it, is that it lacks sourcing and that is very much needed for our project :I

We'd at least need the Conneb LLC documentation that shows what was purchased when and by whom. And some on the Cohen Family to completely discredit the other theories and focus solely on yours. Our project will ultimately (when finished) be used as an-easy-to-go-over, connecting-the-dots-through-potential-leads-that-got-lost-on-the-way, consolidated-material research tool for Voaters as well as investigative journalists and law enforcement personnel.

PieInTheEye ago

Sorry this reply took so long ... I've been offline for a while.

Basically, you need to get the details from proprietary online property records/real-estate companies ... I used PropertyShark (

It cost money to get the records, and the records themselves were covered by a Terms Of Use that restricted my ability to share the records in document form.

Basically, I don't want to post the ones I retrieved for personal reasons, though anyone can access the same records and post them up.

CONNEB II LLC is easily searched in a corporation database, and the Cohen's of Politics and Prose show up as the owners. Carla Cohen's brother Mark also owned the bakers on the other side of the road where Little Red Fox is now situated.

Lots of links exist in my comments on the following threads:

... it takes a hell of a lot of work to piece together the facts of the story I weaved in the op, but I made sure they were all verified before posting them.

As for 'documentation', it is the preponderance of the evidence that made this research possible, so because LLC's hide behind a lot of legal privacy, I had to discern thsi info from contextual information available about the Cohen-Furstenberg family that is quite famous for being Democratic Party hacks with a Socialist Party of America history, and maybe a deeper history in the Bolshevik Revolution! (

YingYangMom ago

Thank you again, I will note everything that I may have missed and include them in my thread on Besta Pizza. It is all very much appreciated.

Silverlining ago - sort of debunked - Connecticut/Nebraska = conneb

YingYangMom ago

Tell me more? I'm looking for threads with concrete evidence to post on the Besta Pizza info block. What's the best theory here?

PieInTheEye ago

For what it is worth, I searched for almost a week, heavily, on Besta Pizza connections to the Cohen-Furstenberg family and the Brock/Alefantis mini universe, and I could find no links at all between the owner of Besta and the rest of them, other than the fact that the 'owner' of Besta seems to only own a lease, with the Title still being owned by CONNEB II LLC, which seems to be owned/part-owned by the new owners of Politics and Prose (the Washington Post husband and wife duo).

This is why the Washington Post always led the pack against the PizzaGaters, because they are super connected to Brock-Alefantis-Clinton, and perhaps still the Cohen heirs, if in fact they part own CONNEB II LLC with the heirs (but they could be sole owners after Carla and David Cohen died). The problem with an LLC is that it hides behind legal corp secrecy laws, and the only way to find out the owners would be if a lawsuit is filed against the owners for any reason and the details made public, or if a federal agency investigates the LLC, taking it into court and getting a conviction ... then all the gory details of the corporation are splashed all over the press, but no such luck in the case of CONNEB II LLC, because it is simply a real-estate holding company, so I wouldn't expect it to be involved in the legal churn that many operating businesses get caught up in by default.

Hope this helps a little, and sorry that I couldn't find Besta links ... I searched for so long I decided to let other, more autistic people, search for those links.

YingYangMom ago

Excellent, thank you very much for your response. I believe you're absolutely right. When I sort through and resume the facts and evidence related to Besta Pizza, I have to be able to consolidate and present every investigated lead and every theory previously presented on Voat. I really hope that people will understand, like I do, that your theory is the right theory.

PieInTheEye ago

In the case of Hampstead: Probably a Moloch fetish?

I know the ancient Semitic cultures other than the Mosaic Hebrews would build up piles of ash on sacred ground where their sacrifices, animal and human, would be immolated. Later on, in rituals of Aleister Crowley's Thelema, the ash produced from burning of certain bodily fluids (usually semen and menstrual blood as an analogue of binary procreation; substitute a real baby and you get my drift!) is recombined in the next batch of 'sacramental' hosts: known as 'cakes of light' ( ) to be used in blasphemous inversions of the Christian Eucharist. The reason they use some of the ash of the old ritual cycle in the next life-death ritual cycle, is because of the symbolic Phoenix mythology; where the newly re-born bird is birthed from a pile of its own ashes -- Ordo ab Chao.

In this ritual the 'Phoenix' is thus an Egregore of the group-Will of initiates, feeding off of the life-death energy of the groups actual procreative power/potential; which they believe to be 'magickal'. In lower level Satanism/Thelema they use semen and menstrual blood, sometimes obtained from actual sex magick rituals as a ritual analogue (thus the prominent use of handkerchiefs) ... but who knows what happens in the top echelons of initiation: Do they believe that actual Moloch rituals of the combined male and female components into an embryo, or baby, or child, is more 'potent' as a magickal operation to invoke their desired evil spirit/s?

Personally, I tend to believe, that if I can conceive of an evil operation as possible and logically beneficial for a group of highly networked despots, then it must already be happening somewhere. Call me cynical, but I know the human race is fallen, and that there is something highly evil that dwells among us all in the dark hearts of men and women who are drunk on the spirit of evil. People like Jeffrey Dahmer, Albert Fish, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao, wouldn't exist if this were not totally true. Though these men might or might not themselves have conceived an occult presence to be behind their actions, there definitely was an evil spirit driving their Will to Power.

PieInTheEye ago

Interesting about Hinckley Pottery ... I'll look into that. I'm certain that the 'art' connection and it being a front for black-market services in D.C., is the common link between all these shops except Politics & Prose and Besta. Terasol doesn't fit in otherwise.

VictorSteinerDavos ago

Looks like the Mossad has brought out the big ammo as the CTR shills run under @kingkongwaswrong have totally failed. I suspect we'll see many posts such as this one in the future. Special note also this account is 3 days old when the last block of new registration began, I suspect this one ( @PieInTheEye ) came in after the ban, meaning that this account is working with the new 'owners' of voat.

CON.N.E.B. Ii LLC is Arab Emigrate, Owned by Saudi, the transfer in 2003 was H. Gill & Son, who is JDC the people who relocate retirees in NYC to Israel ( Palestinian Beaches )

PieInTheEye ago

Ummm ... not too sure why a 3 day old account is significant ... if you read my 2nd half below, you will see that I discriminate between 2 types of Zionist (research J Street), and I have no dog in the Israel-Palestine fight cos I'm Anglo-Irish and don't really care to comment on a situation which is screwed no matter what happens in the desert land.

CONNEB is simply an anagram of CONnecticut and NEBraska, and is a real-estate holding company once owned by the Cohen family of Politics & Prose. I've looked through all the property records (at my own co$t).

Silverlining ago

@PieinTheEye May have asked before. Do you know how to get the financial accounts, in particular Big Cheese LLC and could you show me how to do it for the other associated companies?

If you paid for the company information, could you archive it and dump it here on voat? Please ping it to @YingYangMom @privatepizza @newworldahead or at the Great Dump at Thanks in advance.

PieInTheEye ago

------- CONTINUED FROM ABOVE -------

Back on topic: In December 2005, after just over two years as a businessman in Washington D.C., Alefantis becomes the President of the Board of a trendy centerpiece of D.C., arts culture -- Transformer -- which only commenced operations in 2002:

Founded by arts and development professionals Jayme McLellan and Victoria Reis in summer 2002 to profile experimental work by up and coming artists of all ages and backgrounds, “Transformer has steadily made its mark on the D.C. arts scene...the emphasis is on change and freedom, diverse voices and new artistic mediums for expression.” (*The Washington Post)

Now, if you were a Congressman, Bureaucrat, or Lobbyist working in the Swamp, what would be the best way to pay for the 'services' available at a severely overpriced 'hotdog party', or perhaps for the home delivery of some niche 'pastas and cheeses'? You wouldn't want such a thing showing up in your financial statements -- which could be brought into evidence during an investigation -- and you sure as hell wouldn't want to get caught handling large amounts of cash in the political capital, lest it become a big issue to some nosy journalist or a bank teller working as an informant to some inconvenient government or blackmail operation (this is D.C., after all ... plenty of alligators in this swamp). No, you would WANT your payment to show up on your legal statements ... masked as something else.

... drum roll please ... the following is by no means an exhaustive speculation on potential activities:

QUESTION: What is the most speculative of all material purchases an important person in D.C., would be likely to make?

QUESTION: What is the most speculative item that you could plausibly pay a mint for, even though its intrinsic value could literally be closer to the cost of an empty pizza box?

QUESTION: What is the most easily transferable purchase that you can move across national jurisdictions, easily clearing customs, in order to sell said item in a micro-state that has very low capital gains tax?

QUESTION: What is the most easily purchased investment that one can buy real high, then sell real low on purpose to an organized buyer for a very low price, realizing a tax credit?

QUESTION: What is the best thing to buy if you want to group it together in a bundle with other such items, then deliberately arrange to have them stolen/burnt/destroyed, in order to use an insurance payment to reimburse yourself fully for services you have consumed covertly elsewhere? (even if your chosen insurer is also a part of the covering operation, with the other side of the ledger being settled post-event on an offshore ledger)

QUESTION: What is the best thing to buy if you don't really want the article, don't want to store or display it that long, and can palm it off as a 'donation' to a tax-payer funded 'art' gallery so that you can then claim a tax credit, including, the added ability to claim 'charitable donation' PR points, especially in earshot of your business clients, generating bourgeois bragging rights? (possibly explaining why so many public 'art' galleries and government buildings are stacked with pieces of total crapola posing as something 'provocative', polluting and downgrading the actual art culture available to the tax-paying public. Even better if it is Satanic and the public ends up with it in their face when they take their children to survey the cultural crypt.)

ANSWER: Shitty, or semi-shitty 'art' ... the creative transactional fictions are endless.

Wouldn't it make sense for a person to BUY A PIECE OF OVERPRICED 'ART' from some agent which is able to make your payment show up somewhere else for a moderate fee? Using a 'local artist' and an 'art consultant' (the client-to-artist matcher) as some kind of a third party service to allow payments to pass to the provider of some other service (the real reason the purchase is being initiated). Would this not supply an actual artist an entrepôt to sell what is otherwise a rather cheaply produced prop -- plausibly re-sellable as 'art' -- in what is otherwise a very competitive profession, allowing their name to become known in the right circles? Would it not also allow the intermediary (Transformer?), to transform a plausible purchase into a shielded payment vector, which in itself would be perhaps a much desired service in this particular city, of all cities?

Let's say you wanted to restock your D.C., underground pleasure grotto with a moderate quantity of cocaine for an upcoming party and/or personal use. No problem, go down to your local 'artisan' restaurant/cafe, buy (wink ... wink ...) an artisanal pottery collection (doesn't have to be delivered or produced, just on paper and invoiced), or shitty wall canvas with paint drips for $5k, give the intermediary some transactional instructions, then the intermediary takes his/her fee and ensures that your payment reaches your actual supplier - the 'artist' gets paid a fee as well, to keep quiet. Your financial statements will be squeaky clean and, no need to riskily lurk around back alleys avoiding the cops with an envelope full of hard cash, dealing with unsavory drug dealers or pimps - especially if you are a 'white shoe boy', otherwise you could get your white shoes all dirty!

Is this why the Podesta's, Alefantis, Brock, Clinton's, Obama's, et. al., seem to have such a predilection for mixing political fund raising with the art-centered restaurants and the 'art' crowd? This would also help for making donations to political recipients outside or above normal reporting laws and/or limits. Tony Podesta with his large lobbying industry and corporate connections would be the financial fixer, John Podesta would be political realm liaison officer and fixer (Podesta brothers being the ultimate private-public power duo), Jimmy Comet would be the man-on-the-ground, Brock would be the backup with media power to threaten anyone who stepped out of line once they were a known customer, and the Obama's and the Clinton's would be the Kings and Queens on the chessboard, providing the Executive mechanics and legislative hammers to keep the entire Congress in check. Washington D.C., could bee their eternal Vice Wonderland ... or Hillaryland that might have been [holding in laughter].

Thus, as a second to the thesis related above, I present the following important context for the existence, perhaps, of the Terasol restaurant/cafe across the road from CPP, which was sporting the very strange double-love-heart device on its website (before removing it). Without this device having been placed on its website, this niche business would have never been considered as being linked to the operations of CPP/Buck's across Connecticut Ave. The website is a bit of a giveaway in the context of my hypothesis, because this restaurant website is ... ARTISANS ... and the website blurb states:

Interested in a quick visit to Paris? Reminiscent of many little bistros you will find in many neighborhoods and "quartiers" of Paris, Terasol celebrates local artisans while offering a true European experience. Whether you are interested in new artistic creations, in simply sipping a nice café au lait or enjoying a gratinee, a hearty quiche or boeuf bourguignon while being serenaded by local musicians or Edith Piaf, Terasol is sure to tease all your senses.

Terasol is a dream come true, a return to textures, bringing local artisans and their crafts to our community. It is a place where the arts marry, whether of the table (arts de la table) or unique handcrafted creations and live music.
So pack your suitcase and join us!

A tres bientôt!

See you soon!

If you look on this page -- -- you can see the assortment of local artists officially offering and exhibiting their wares in this cafe. Now, I'm not saying that these people aren't (some/all) actual artists -- mostly in the upmarket pottery field -- in fact, like the real pizza's sold at CPP, it is essential that these products be of a legitimate quality, and I'm sure this is in fact these people's primary profession. What I am proposing, however, is that on top of these businesses, a very convenient on-the-side business opportunity is undertaken as payment and service arrangement intermediaries for illegal black-markets (including child trafficking/porn/ritual initiation), in order to service the vices in D.C.

It might also be possible for a prostitute, or a pimp of women, men, girls, boys, to advertise through these outlets as an 'artisan', using the restaurant as a front for whatever services they really promote, including the supply of drugs or whatever vice you require in this politically sensitive city.

As such, I would advise further research into, specifically, the people behind the Transformer other than Brock and Alefantis (Jayme McLellan and Victoria Reis were the founders in 2002, are they connected in other ways with Podestas-Brock-Alefantis-Hillaryland?), and the Artisans listed at Terasol, not to mention artists that CPP/Bucks has promoted in the past. This might provide further circumstantial evidence of the tropes contained in this Satanic sub-culture, or might even provide solid leads to somewhere more unsavory (which is where we are all attempting to get I believe, if, indeed, this destination exists).