Silverlining ago

Monkeys on a typewriter? We'll write Shakespeare - have no doubt!

Silverlining ago

@HateGate Any chance you could find the Big Cheese LLC, Big LLC accounts [and show me how to do it] You seem to have the gift for this sort of thing.

I'm trying to follow the money on "Follow the money Consolidation Dump"

Thanks in advance. I

PieInTheEye ago

It's not a 'gift', and there is no 'Saudi' connection.

The 2003 incorporated real estate holding company CONNEB II LLC was created by the same Jewish Cohen family that already owned the Lot's at the corner of CONnecticut Ave NW and NEBraska Ave NW (CON + NEB = CONNEB), and the reason for a $0 purchase price of the Lots is precisely BECAUSE of the IRS filing, because no purchase had occurred, thus no Capital ownership transaction had occurred, just the transfer of Titles into a corporate shell ... the owners were the incorporators !!!

Occam's razor ... sometimes the simplest answer is the correct answer (more often than not).

Look into the Cohen family, as I have posted elsewhere exhaustively on this sub, so that the 'Saudi' canard is retired ... because it is not at all helpful. The Cohen's connect up with George Soros through the anti-Netanyahu J Street Zionist lobby, of which David Cohen was and advisory member, though he died in 2015 and the Title of Little Red Fox was 'sold' to Barry R. Cohen (probable relative) in 2007 for $0, because he was obviously an heir to part of the Cohen estate which they were palming off early.

PieInTheEye ago

I posted below a further debunk ... it's not Saudi interests, it is a Jewish Cohen family (former owners of Politics and Prose) connected up with the Americans for Democratic Action group (ADA) and George Soros interests through J Street Zionist lobby, of which David Cohen (husband of Carla Furstenberg Cohen) was an advisory member.

J Street is Soros' anti-Netanyahu outfit that wants to hand Jerusalem and Bethlehem over to United Nations International city status and carve the rest into separate Jewish and Palestinian states ... there are two very different breeds of Zionist, and Soros and the Cohen's were clearly of the ultra-left-wing 'liberal' type. The sale of the Little Red Fox to Barry R. Cohen in 2007 for $0 is the key evidence proving the ownership of CONNEB II LLC, which is simply a real-estate holding company which otherwise hides its owners behind their Realtors (H. A. Gill & Son ... simply the agents). Read more below, or read HERE: ( )

The only evidence the author of this sub had to any 'Saudi' connection, was a simply Google boolean search to a LinkedIn page for Abdul Ammer Adel (a guy with no history in the US at all, and only Dubai construction, which isn't even in Saudi Arabia ... it is United Arab Emirates), and is probably worth about as much as a claim for a Nazi base in Antarctica based on a 'trust me ... it's there ... everyone knows it's true' . A rash Google boolean search is not evidence of anything, and can easily be debunked by more detailed analysis such as the Cohen family linkages explained herein.

PieInTheEye ago

I agree with you. The only evidence that CONNEB is Saudi Arabian owned is because this 'researcher' simply plugged "CONNEB" into a Google boolean search, and it spat out the LinkedIn page of one Abdul Ammer Adel, finding "CON.N.E.B" on his employment history. ( ) Superficial sleuthing ...

... other than this, there is no connection between Saudi Arabia and CONNEB at all. In fact, the truth is that CONNEB is clearly just an anagram of CONnecticut and NEBraska (ie, CON + NEB = CONNEB ), because this block of property is at the corner of Connecticut Ave NW and Nebraska Ave NW, so it has nothing to do with this 'Saudi connected' boolean sleuthing - for God's sakes people!

In fact, two real-estate holding companies were created on January 15th 2003: CONNEB I LLC, and CONNEB II LLC, in order to consolidate but partition the properties owned by the previous lot owners, no doubt for ease of Tax filing, P&L assessment, and LLC protection (most people who own multiple lots in one place will eventually consolidate their holdings into a single corporate body).

In fact, the dead giveaway was the $0 purchase price, which proves that the original Lot Title owners were the ones who incorporated the CONNEB II LLC, because they DIDN'T have to sell Lot's they already owned to themselves ... obviously.

It would seem that many of the posters on Voat that talk about the property purchases don't have the faintest idea of how real estate entities and corporate shells are created and managed ... which is highly frustrating.

The original owners are actually the Jewish Cohen family (Carla and David) who were long-time founder owner operators of the Politics & Prose bookstore, which has always been a Democrat stronghold, and it seems that the ex-Washington Post journalist/editor couple of Bradley Graham and Lissa Muscatine must have purchased or at least become majority owners of CONNEB II LLC, because they are now referred to since 2013 as the 'owners' of Politics & Prose, though the property records indicate that it is still owned by CONNEB II LLC. This means that the WashPo duo since 2013 actually probably own the Title of Besta Pizza and Buck's Fishing & Camping through CONNEB, and that Hammad and Alefantis are only owners of a Lease (CPP however is owned Freehold by Alefantis through BIG CHEESE LLC, bought for $1.8 million in 2005 ... and Alefantis must have bought the lease for Bucks later on in 2005, but NOT the Title).

NOTE: The dead giveaway that the heirs of the Cohen estate were/are the owners/now part-owners of CONNEB II LLC, is that the Title of Little Red Fox was sold July 13th 2007 (before Carla and David Cohen died; 2010 & 2015 respectively), to one Barry R. Cohen, for $0 -- THIS IS KEY, because Barry R. Cohen is the only purchaser on record who received a property TITLE from Carla & David Cohen (CONNEB II LLC) for $0, whereas everyone else like Alefantis paid for their Freehold. Obviously Barry R. Cohen (who isn't the owner of the Lease, only the Title) of Little Red Fox, is obviously a side relation of the P&P Cohen's, because they only have one son Aaron and daughter Eve ... though I suppose he could be a grandson through Aaron Cohen.

I wrote much more about the Cohen family and CONNEB on a recent dedicated subverse:

( )-SUB INFO ABOUT THE ART CONNECTION (Bucks, CPP, Terasol, Transformer gallery)

... where I explain the connection between this Cohen (and Furstenberg) Jewish family/s, and Americans for Democratic Action, which was a Socialist Party of America creation, NOT a Democratic Party creation, though it merged into (or may have taken over) the Democratic Party post-WWII. These families were multi-generational ADA big-wigs, and David Cohen was heavily connected to George Soros and his J Street 'Zionist' lobby (though conventional Zionists like Netanyahu despise J Street, because the latter want a three-state-solution, where Jerusalem and Bethlehem become an International Zone under the United Nations.)

CONNEB II LLC thus has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia, and is actually more connected to Soros aligned Jewish interests attached to the ADA and J Street ... unless of course Graham and Muscatine are now the full owners through their purchase of Politics & Prose, but they are still both heavily connected to Hillary Clinton and the 'liberal' Establishment ... explaining why WashPo is attacking Pizzagate researchers so heavily (they seem to be the lead attack dog).

Birdonyashoulda ago

Have you seen this from 2011?

crystalclearme ago

Thank you so very much. I have wanted to explain this but never took the time and you did a marvelous job. Spot on. Also adding a shameless request for upvoats as I need 100 to be able to downvoat CTR and other shills :-)

Nightowl19632000 ago

I still don't see where you connect the Saudia Arabian owned C.ON.N.E.B, to buy up all those properties for $0?

RexAxisMundi ago

I'm thinking the types we are talking about here would be subscribers to the D.E.N.N.I.S system.

redditsuckz ago

(((Mark Furstenberg))) owner of "Marvelous Market" which is now "Little Red Fox" beside Comet Ping Pong and his SISTER (((Carla Cohen))) was owner of "Politics and Prose" across the street.

Marvelous Market had the "spiral" on it before "The Little Red Fox" owners bought it and changed it;

Master breadmaker (((Mark Furstenberg))) now content to change his tiny slice of the world

In Memory of (((Carla Cohen))) - Comments by (((Mark Furstenberg)))

(((Cohen))) name;

(((They))) have been at this longer than the Saudis have.

PieInTheEye ago

Finally, a post which deserves an upvote. +1 for you. Take a look at the info I have posted above about the Cohen's and also checkout my dedicated sub ( ). I'd love to hear your thoughts on the 'art' connection, and the possible money laundering and black market payments possibilities.

The Furstenberg and Cohen families were both Americans for Democratic Action (ADA; formed by the Socialist Party of America) big-wigs, and it was through this organization that Carla Furstenberg and David Cohen met each other and then married ... both of their parents were flaming 'liberals' from the ultra-liberal Jewish crowd within these Socialist/Communist circles.

Thanks for posting sensible content!

Schade ago

This place has become a verifiable circle jerk. Probably just what they want...

DystopianDaze ago

How did you determine it was Saudi owned?

It was not given to Kline, he is the registered agent for the company.

DCmommaBear ago the Saudi Arabia financing lead connecting the businesses on the block officially debunked?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

If you think Saudis are the only ones going around fucking children, you are sorely mistaken.

r3dtr1x ago

Well, Trump seems to be really anti-Saudi Arabia. Interesting. Maybe there is hope that this will all be ended soon.

Niggertown ago

But we already know the Saudis are all pedophiles.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Art by Dale Lewis Eurovision depicts Saudi Women, PIZZA painted on a red wall, a chicken and chicken leg, a grate on the right that a shadow person and other people wearing marijuana shirts seem to be focused on, Nike symbols (consistent in several of his pieces), a blond woman with knife, other gore (GRAPHIC )

Title of art Olympians

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Now link it to the saudia arabians fbi anon was replying about mentioned from chan users.

LightlyToasted ago

Apologies for being slow -- where is the evidence Saudi Arabia owns the street?

CHRISTOPHER ACHILLES LLC pays the property taxes on 5037

Phobos_Mothership ago

You really think that the DC ring is just for the Saudi Arabians? Your confirmation bias is showing.

YingYangMom ago

Great job! Getting closer by the day, I can feel it. Time to double down and archive?

janedoe77 ago

Have we figured out if this is DOJ Andrew Kline or another Andrew Kline?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I have no evidence but the Huma Abedin story always was fishy to me......she seems to have worked with Hillary since she was 18. It feels like the Muslim Brotherhood GAVE her to Hillary. Much like the two tribes cement their loyalties. By swapping each others children to be married. Makes you wonder what children of ours have been given to Saudia to cement our side. I think they married her off to Anthony only after they knew what kind of pervert he was good he was a pervert because he would always do what they said....I think they were planning to make him very very powerful.....first Mayor of NYC then maybe Senator and then President? What a PR bullshit machine they would of used! The Jew marrying a Muslim......look how great we are....and they would of continued to have a powerful person after Clintonś 8 years in the white house......or that was the plan.

Headstart ago

Yes, The Abedin-Weiner marriage was an arranged marriage by the Clinton mob.

They needed someone to watch Weiner, and visa versa. Huma is 100% a spy for foreign Arab states. She is always looking over Hillary's shoulder.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea Huma working for Hillary so young, being that its a middle east connection, always thought there was something deviant going on there.

savekids99 ago

I thought it maybe Islamic related when I saw crescent moon and star on comet ping pong logo. So Saudi connection is definitely possible.

Gorillion ago

5021 can do corpse-disposal with caustics and drainage

Ugh, I nearly puked at that. Fully logical though.

Anybody ever read "Devil in the White City" about serial killer H. H. Holmes' murder hotel? This entire street seems to have taken inspiration from it. Holmes built a full block hotel that included stores and other services, along with the main hotel to take advantage of the World's Fair influx of people. It's construction was like that Hawaiian property with different crews being brought in for different stages, and nobody being given the complete plan. There were trap doors and huge walk in safes where he could torture and murder without a sound escaping. Huge furnace in the basement. Maze like areas with dead end traps. He too would cut up bodies and sell parts to medical schools and sell off full skeletons.

At least he had the somewhat good grace to only target adults.

Found a really good illustration of it, like a fucked up "Where's Waldo?".

Once this shit is all done and dusted, should see if the same artist would take on an illustration of the gruesome secrets of Comet-Pizza and connected lots.

Carolleej2 ago

Oh I am going to be sick.

standalone ago


rutkdn ago

FYI Monica Petersen's professtor/boss Claude d'Estree used to work for DynCorp. Monica was murderd in Haiti 3 weeks ago and was there to investigate the Clinton Foundation.

quantokitty ago

I don't understand how this can be accurate and where you're getting your info. The only thing I saw was a jpg that said the sales amount was blocked and showing $0 because the person hadn't joined the site.

I conducted a search previous to this. For Comet Pizza at 5037 Connecticut Ave NW, this is the transaction history that's listed:

Sale History Date June 23, 2005 Amount $1,800,000 Last sold for $1,800,000 on June 23, 2005

Can someone please provide a link that disputes this info?


Nana66 ago

Scrolling the info in your link shows Big Cheese LLC and Comet Ping Pong both at that address with 16 employees combined and it also shows the building has 2 floors and heated with hot water which indicates a boiler in a basement that is isn't there according to Alifantis video.

DystopianDaze ago

Big Cheese, LLC is the business organization or parent company, Comet Ping Pong is the DBA (doing business as) or trade name of the restaurant.

standalone ago

Why would a boiler necessarily need to be in the basement?

quantokitty ago

That's right! Didn't even think of that. Excellent catch!

Nana66 ago

BTW archiving won't catch the business part

HomeboyChris ago

I dont think the original information said Comet was transferred for $0. But Bucks and Besta i think were some of the ones who were

quantokitty ago

Comet is listed in the OP's group. And I would like a link so I can see it and cross-check it.

DystopianDaze ago

Comet's building is owned by CHRISTOPHER ACHILLES LLC.

quantokitty ago

But this was known a long time ago.

DystopianDaze ago

Yes, as were other things that continue to be ignored by those who find the verified information doesn't fit their narrative.

quantokitty ago

Well, the interesting thing is Comet Pizza was sold for taxes. JA had an option to pay the taxes if he was outbid, but what did happen at that auction?

DystopianDaze ago

Do you mean the building? Do you have a link on that, I haven't run across that before?

quantokitty ago

Here's the pdf. It's listed under Christopher Achilles LLC and is lot number 1986 0825 which corresponds to the address of Comet if you care to cross-reference it.

It happened in 2009.

DystopianDaze ago

That's easy enough to figure out. The list was made after taxes were in arrears as of October of 2008, but the sale wasn't held until September of 2009. The property owner can still bring the taxes up to date in that year so they don't lose their property, though interest and penalty is usually applied.

quantokitty ago

OMG!!! You could have just sad you were a shill. Nobody asked for your damned opinion and I know how delinquent tax sales work.

I'm putting your name on my list of idiots to stay away from. Can't believe you're attempting to debunk a freakin' delinquent tax property sale! Like you were there and know what happened. To educate you, the auction goes through anyway. The original owner has first option to pay the delinquent amount so if you want to debunk something, you show me where JA paid that money. If not, STFU!

DystopianDaze ago

The original owner, as listed on the tax sale notice, is also the current owner. It is pretty obvious the LLC made good on the arrearage.

quantokitty ago

You really are an idiot!!!! This document was PRE-AUCTION, Einstein!!! That's why they're telling everyone to register by August!!!

I'm not going to reply to your idiotic comments anymore.


DystopianDaze ago

You are the fucking idiot. Owner before auction = owner after auction = said owner paid the fucking taxes up.

DystopianDaze ago

Thank you kindly.

quantokitty ago

Yes, I mean the building. Comet Pizza. I did have it. I keep running across this stuff and then don't save it and can never find it again.

Let me look.

Headstart ago

You are correct. Source: Title report.

jhenry922 ago

Ummmm, wouldn't the simplest thing to do just to bring in and BREED child sex slave in SA rather than fly all over the world, hoping no one figured this out and concoct a sting operation?

jmbatl ago

The primary method used to avoid prosecution by diplomats is diplomatic immunity deals that no one dares to challenge. There are numerous cases of the State Dept leveraging this in connection with charges around trafficking or similar cases. And in the USA they know that many of the officials are involved in it, and the odds of prosecution (even if not diplomats) are highly unlikely

zlomsocz ago

pedo resort and spa.... fucking sick

DoughMallet ago

I would like to suggest thatbsome people look into Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. I haven't found anything damning yet, but there are a couple things that concern me.

Gorillion ago


Snopes has a debunking page. But these days that's practically a guarantee that it's true because it involves left-wing darling political figures.

Jem777 ago

Look into his fathers history that is where you will find what you need

Freemasonsrus ago

He's an absolute red herring. Very easy to discern somethings weird w him. He reminds me of a Manchurian candidate.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea something not right there, he's a retarded pawn.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Patented Method for creating fat free animal feed powder using perchloroethylene (drycleaning fluid) The method according to the invention consists essentially of a combination of several process steps, which, of course, may be subject to certain variations. In the first step the fat-containing substance of animal origin, i. e., fish, animal carcasses and the like, is heated and treated in a suitable reaction vessel in known manner by means of steam under pressure; thereby, the bones are softened, the flesh falls apart, etc., so that a substantially homogeneous and compact mass is obtaine having a temperature of, for example, 119 C. Thereupon, liquid perchloroethylene is added to the mass, for two different purposes, and the mixture is subjected to distillation. 0n the one hand, the mass thereby becomes dehydrated as the water is distilled off with the perchloroethylene. On the other hand, the perchloroethylene penetrates into the gradually dehydrated and thus now-coherent mass, causing an efficient extraction of the fat. After a period of time, the extraction and dehydration processes are concluded, so that the liquid extract may be drawn 0E. Thereupon, the residual solid material is washed with perchloroethylene in order to remove the last remnants of fat. The next step, which is essential to the process according to the invention is now performed, namely the infusion of perchloroethylene vapors into the extracted mass. This is continued until ice the vapors escaping into the cooler have a temperature of about 119 C. The perchloroethylene is then blown off by means of steam having a temperature of about C. Surprisingly, this does not cause the mass to agglomerate or to form lumps. After the blowing-off of the perchloroethylene, a practically fatfree, dry, odorless mass is obtained having a powdery and crumbly consistency, which is readily consumed by animals as a feeding stuff."

Could be mixed into other foods like dog food yeasted doughs animal pellets etc.

This stuff is being found everywhere in our environment including the water supply at Camp Lejeune where many stationed men had reported reported breast cancer. The chemical is a known cause endocrine disruption etc.

Nana66 ago

I work in a dry cleaning plant and we no longer use Perc, just petroleum. It would be interesting to know who supplies them and if they choose to still use it or can't afford to switch to the safer chemical or something.

Sandy008 ago

Tony Podesta receives $140K/month from Saudia Arabia for "lobbying".

vector3rector ago

Got a link where it references his lobbying earnings?

vector3rector ago


DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Dry cleaning fluid perchloroethylene which could be available at Regal cleaners is used to dissolve cadavers and carcasses. It breaks down fat and proteins better than acidic base.

lawfag123 ago

Show us know you know all that. Links, screenshots, news articles...

SavingGrace ago

wikileaks published the doco's supporting this so have a look at wikileaks for your required verification.

Vorontsov ago

Not good enough of an answer..

Quasimodo1965 ago

Was Vince Foster theorized**** (stress: THEORIZED; no proof yet) to have visited the Saudi embassy just before he "committed suicide"? Ft. Marcy Park is near to the embassy (but it is likely also close to many other embassys).

Possibly relevant; maybe a false lead. File for possible future reference.


yes his body was found near the SA embassy, they even interviewed the guards there, who claimed they heard no gunshots

anonymousj ago

I love this community! Great!

NotAnIdiot ago

I'm sure we all know that's where a large percentage of the Clinton money comes from too.

NumbCuck ago

Did you see this ..?

The SAUDI connection is really coming together this guy goes back to CLINTONS first term, could be that Clinton Foundation has been running CHILD FUCK STREET for the Saudi's since 1990's.

But I really don't like to blame CLINTONS for this shit BUSH was always into boys coming to him via these tunnels, and TRUMP got rich by turning 12 year old girls into whores for the Jewish MOB ( Sheldon Adelson ) & EPSTEIN

I've searched the DC Data base, and here are my findings:

Best Pizza is the Doing Business As Name for Uptown Pizza LLC - owner is Abdel Rahman Hammad - who has been the owner for 22 years. The registered agent is Anthony Kline of the law firm Veritas I've linked below - the address matches his address at 1925 19th St NW.

therefore, this is not Kline that works for the USDOJ. I'm researching Mr Hammad to see if anything unusual comes up.

Scoundrel ago

You're wrong and there is a thread entirely devoted to it - regarding Kline. The other stuff lol you idiot.

Warnos44 ago

I also would like to see these links please.

standalone ago

At this point, it's not anymore the Clintons alone. The Saudi connection is cross-sectional to the entire US government. The Saudi have been helping the US gov pull the Gulf war, setup Al Qaeda and perpetrate 9/11 under Bush government, and setup ISIS under Clinton / Obama. The Bin Laden are friends and investors of the Bush family, and the Saudi government is one of the largest funders of the Clinton Foundation etc. Basically Saudi Arabia is lobbying democrats or republicans regardless so it has become a staple of US foreign policy in the middle east, and a partner in dirty personal businesses of both sides. That means we can't count on either side to step in and use what we dig up about the other side to further their political agenda as they are in the same boat and would be shooting themselves in the foot by bringing the Saudi connection to the public attention.

SavingGrace ago

Numbskull you seem to be wasting everyones time! Go play somewhere else.

rail606 ago

Source on the trump getting rich off of twelve year olds please.

thezodiac ago

Source is: his ass

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Retarded, his father had millions.

Headstart ago

I can confirm Sheldon Adelson's org was involved in child pornography / prostitution.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Completely plausible. What does that have to do with Trump?

rutkdn ago

Can you provide some more info on this? In private is fine if you prefer.

I went to school with a guy whose sister is good friends with the daughter of a very wealthy guy who is very close to Sheldon. I can use my proximity to investigate this angle if you give me something to go with.

Headstart ago

Not sure if your friend will ever be able to get info like that about Sheldon, but it is definitely good to try.

In the area he lives, Las Vegas, he is a very influential figure, had a school named after him (owned by him? Not sure), and medical clinics in his name.

The info I can give is much of his money was/is generated through prostitution ring. Victims that speak out are known to be made examples of in very traumatic / extreme ways. He has hosted pedophiles at his popular hotels The Venetian / The Palazzo. Staff at those properties are sometimes utilized as enforcers.

rutkdn ago

Anything more detailed other the background info on the alleged prostitution ring link? If I had more to go with I can certainly dig deeper on this one.

Headstart ago

Not without revealing too much, sorry.

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Do you have any links to substantiate your claims?

NumbCuck ago

Well I found your stuff over at even though I'm a regular here, I have been asking this question for a month, where is the DBA info and property records for the block, looks like you found it, and upon study it appear Gill is the Realtor on behalf of NEBCON Ii LLC, after on hour all over the net I finally started getting good tracks with NEB-CON LLC, that led to

Adel Ameen Amer | LinkedIn الإمارات العربية المتحدة - ‎Engineer at CONTRACTING L.L.C - ‎modern executive contracting Value: 183,000,000 Dhs ... Value: 400,000,000 Dhs ... projects like Tower, Commercial Building, G+14, 500 villas, etc with value 750,000,000 Dhs.CON.N.E.B ...


Once I headed over to Saudi Arabia you can find a lot of stuff on CON. N.E.B. Ii LLC, it appears that SAUDI BOUGHT the BLOCK a long time ago, and handed it over for Zero Dollars to Andrew Kline, ... it would be interesting if CLINTON FOUNDATION had built a recreational SEX center early on 2003, well before OBAMA election, perhaps CLINTONS were were actually running sex entertainment with SAUDIS going back even pre 911 (2001); This could be reason big bucks from Norway, and SAUDI and everywhere else.


IMHO this is not just about CLINTONS, but its what FBIanon said all along that SAUDI was deeply involved the child sex slavery at all levels of GOV in WASH-DC.

Lastly, what was brilliant about your post Is I never could find a VET who could incinerate corpses, but once I saw you had found a WET-CLEANER then everything fell together as a wet-cleaner has caustics and tubs that can turn a corpse to liquid and flush down the drain with no evidence VERY EASY. GOOD FIND.

Nana66 ago

I think it goes back to Bush Sr. and they got Clinton's involved and allowed him to be a puppet as president. I believe they have never lost power by using this. Cozy Bush Sr and Bill Clinton

ababcb ago

This, 100%. Remember, Bush sr. was the director of the CIA during the Iran-Contra affair. Bill Clinton has long been accused of raising drug money out of the Mena, Arkansas airport to fund those covert operations.

I personally believe it was around the time of Iran-Contra when this spiderweb of illicit activity began to take shape.

billcaseyABC ago

not quite.

My pseudo-namesake, Bill Casey, was CIA director from 1981-87. He was deeply involved with Operation CYCLONE (training mujahideen in Afghanistan) and Iran-Contra, CIA drug trafficking, etc. He was also a Knight of Malta, and suddenly died of a stroke right before he was slated to testify to Congress about Iran-Contra.

HOWEVER, ex-CIA director George Bush was Vice President throughout that same exact period. HE was the one running the show.

Look up Russ Baker's book "Family of Secrets" - he's dug up convincing evidence that George Bush has actually been an undercover CIA operative his entire adult life. GHW Bush even has a mysterious connection to Dallas and the JFK assassination.

It's most likely that George Bush has been the Godfather of the Bipartisan Neo-Liberal Mafia since 1981. He and his cronies ran some of the most heinous Iran-Contra and cocaine shit behind Reagan's back. By his second term he was already slipping into Alzeimer's, so Bush was the one who managed the scandal fallout and then got himself elected President in '88 (sort of similar to Hillary, he had to outrun all his crimes, but unlike her he succeeded).

George Bush then oversaw the final 2 years of the USSR's existence, and possibly committed massive financial crimes to destroy the ruble and ensure that "Socialism" died a decisive death. All the hard evidence of, say, fraudulent US Treasury notes, or FBI/ONI/Treasury Dept investigations into securities fraud, was kept in World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7. Those records no longer exist. (for that rabbit hole, look up "Collateral Damage" by e.p. heidner, and Operation Hammer)

For various reasons, Bush's re-election prospects in 1992 were looking dim - thus, his Mena drug-trafficking pal Bill Clinton was elevated and took his place, dutifully covering up ALL the crimes of Bush's Iran-Contra Enterprise.

Guy_with_the_face ago

I wonder if anyone can find any records of these chemicals you suggest are being used to dispose of the bodies. Any transaction records, way bills, hazmat deliveries or drop-offs?

spez_dispenser ago

I think you guys are way off on a tangent because dhs is an acronym for Dirhams, the Moroccon national currency.

Do a CTRL+F when you go to Adel Ameen's linkedin:

He is listing projects by their value: XXX,000,0000 DHS where DHS is for Dirhams of currency.

standalone ago

And how do you explain the "CON.N.EB" ?

spez_dispenser ago

Easy. The whole complex sits on the intersection of Connecticut Ave NW and Nebraska Ave NW in DC.

Connecticut Nebraska

CONecticut NEBraska



Company Number EXTUID_2870280 Native Company Number L13415 Status Active Incorporation Date 17 December 2002 (almost 14 years ago) Company Type Limited Liability Company Jurisdiction District of Columbia (US) Branch Branch of CONNEB II, LLC (Virginia (US)) Registered Address 1722 WISCONSIN AVE N.W, WASHINGTON 20007 District of Columbia United States Agent Name JOHN W. GILL, SR Agent Address 1722 WISC. AVE., N.W., Washington, District of Columbia, 20007 Directors / Officers JOHN W. GILL, SR, agent


The guy is a real estate broker for They buy up properties for lease or for sale.

spez_dispenser ago

Possibly related

Community College of the District of Columbia

Van Ness Campus - Mortuary Science Program

4200 Connecticut Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20008

thatguyiam ago

IMHO this is not just about CLINTONS, but its what FBIanon said all along that SAUDI was deeply involved the child sex slavery at all levels of GOV in WASH-DC.

while all clues given by anyone, to try to help uncover whatever organizations that exploit children and those who can't defend themselves are wholeheartedly appreciated, THANK YOU!

..but i can't help but think theres a possibility fbianon is implicated and know the end is nigh; so they try to subvert the inevitable make it look like they help so they end up looking as the good guy.

where was fbianon while 80 some people were murdered for the sake of the clintons?

Even YOU can be forgiven!

But not by the catholic church, nor by the orthodox church, but by the FEW true, reformed churches that the two and the jews have been trying to silence since the dawn of New England!

Millennial_Falcon ago

My understanding is that Andrew Kline is just the attorney who handled this. Uptown Pizza, INC is the owner of Besta Pizza. "INC" means it's a corporation. That means there are multiple shareholders. We need to try to find out who the shareholders are.