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PieInTheEye ago

I posted below a further debunk ... it's not Saudi interests, it is a Jewish Cohen family (former owners of Politics and Prose) connected up with the Americans for Democratic Action group (ADA) and George Soros interests through J Street Zionist lobby, of which David Cohen (husband of Carla Furstenberg Cohen) was an advisory member.

J Street is Soros' anti-Netanyahu outfit that wants to hand Jerusalem and Bethlehem over to United Nations International city status and carve the rest into separate Jewish and Palestinian states ... there are two very different breeds of Zionist, and Soros and the Cohen's were clearly of the ultra-left-wing 'liberal' type. The sale of the Little Red Fox to Barry R. Cohen in 2007 for $0 is the key evidence proving the ownership of CONNEB II LLC, which is simply a real-estate holding company which otherwise hides its owners behind their Realtors (H. A. Gill & Son ... simply the agents). Read more below, or read HERE: ( )

The only evidence the author of this sub had to any 'Saudi' connection, was a simply Google boolean search to a LinkedIn page for Abdul Ammer Adel (a guy with no history in the US at all, and only Dubai construction, which isn't even in Saudi Arabia ... it is United Arab Emirates), and is probably worth about as much as a claim for a Nazi base in Antarctica based on a 'trust me ... it's there ... everyone knows it's true' . A rash Google boolean search is not evidence of anything, and can easily be debunked by more detailed analysis such as the Cohen family linkages explained herein.