LaDonnaRae ago

I was just looking at that gallery this morning online. Thank you for that tidbit of information.

PieInTheEye ago

( @CaroleLandis ) ... thanks for this info. Great work.

I was doing some research into the property Title stuff regarding CONNEB II LLC (finally realizing that CON + NEB = CONNEB ... CONnecticut Ave NW and NEBraska Ave NW ... simply an anagram convenient for the Realtors), and it seems that there are two families in particular connected to this property holding company and its activities.

I have detailed this info on this new sub ( and as a correction/debunk in this sub ) , which I believe has an interesting take on the 'art' connections between CPP, Buck's, Terasol, and Transformer; people have been greatly overlooking the importance of the potential use of Art and Artisan pottery (etc) for money laundering and black market money transfer possibilities. Alefantis was involved with Transformer and David Brock by 2003, nearly 2 years before he decided to get into the restaurant business affiliated with the CONNEB properties (Buck's is still Title owned by CONNEB II LLC, and Alefantis only owns the Lease and the operating company BIG BUCKS LLC).

Politics & Prose founders/previous owners Carla Furstenberg and David Cohen, were the movers behind this entire real-estate block using the CONNEB incorporations, and I have recently seen that people have connected the Little Red Fox property, which used to be Marvelous Market bakers ( ), with Mark Furstenberg ( ), Carla Cohen's younger brother. Mark only became a master baker after the age of 50, and before that was a political operative for the Democratic Party, though there are links between the ADA group and the Solcialist Party of America, which basically had an internal love affair with the Democratic Party through liberal Jewish families such as the Cohen's and Furstenberg's (some real academic movers and political operatives in these families).

Now, this U.S., Furstenberg family are from Sweden -- emigrated in 1907 before the Bolshevik Rev. in Russia -- and what pricked my attention, as such, was that Vladimir Lenin's #1 banker who passed the Wall Street funds through Sweden (according to Antony Sutton's "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution") was a Jewish banker named Jacob Furstenberg (alias, Yakov Ganetsky ) , part of a Jewish banking coalition between the Warburg's and Furstenberg's (there was a Carl Furstenberg in Berlin who was Warburg's fellow traveller in banking also).

Now, there were not many Furstenberg Jewish families -- of means -- operating out of Goteborg, Sweden, in the first two decades of the 20th century, and the U.S., family branch, upon emigrating to America, were quickly associated with the Socialist Party of America and later Americans for Democratic Action (they claimed to be anti-Communist, but this only really happened when Stalin broke from the course plotted by Lenin, which upset a lot of the Jewish 'socialists' because Stalin was technically an ethnic Russian who resented Jewish partisan politics ... in private company only of course, because Stalin said one thing openly, and did the opposite privately, like any good Communist).

Carole, the reason I am bringing this up to you is:

1) You are obviously very proficient at genealogical research and I'd like to get your help/take on the Cohen-Furstenberg family connections, because they are as important, if not more important, than Alefantis' family tree.

2) You may in fact have come across the names Cohen or Furstenberg in researching Alefantis, which would be a bombshell revelation if they could be connected positively, because that would make this CONNEB block a veritable spook-house project for a political and technocratic clique within Washington D.C., Liberal Establishment ... and it would add family names and faces to an otherwise Clinton heavy operation.

CaroleLandis ago

Ok, I can start a separate database for Furstenberg & Cohen and work on their trees to see where they may fit in, and if I can get them back to their "old countries." I may need people to look at the reports I upload with different eyes than mine because someone may catch a possible connection I won't that needs further investigation. It's one thing for me to notice the Snow surname in Alefantis' tree and realize I need to investigate the possible LDS connection, but this may be a little more challenging. I'll get started soon!

PieInTheEye ago

You're a gem. I will keep you in the loop on any info I also manage to locate, as I have been hammering away at the Furstenberg Sweden connection ... which I have definitely confirmed. Finding online info from Swedish sources regarding the Furstenberg (Ganetsky) banking family of Lenin infamy, has, however, been frustrating. Even connecting Carl Furstenberg banker connected with Warburg in Berlin to the Swedish Furstenberg (Ganetsky) has been frustrating. It would help if I understood Swedish or German or had access to resources in those countries, so perhaps a ((((( kindly Swede or German will read this and decide to help us out. )))))

For starters: Carla Furstenberg Cohen of Politics & Prose and her brother Mark Furstenberg's mother was:


SOURCE: (Carla's hard-core liberal academic psych. & sociologist bro.)

SOURCE: ... contains following quote:

Edith Furstenberg

“Independence was very important in my life. The ideals of my parents were taught to us—honesty and responsibility for your fellow man, all extremely Jewish concepts. As I look back on it, I know that there were very many Jewish values in our home without any ceremony.” – Edith Furstenberg

A social worker and homemaker, Edith Furstenberg dedicated her life to family and the pursuit of social justice. Born in Baltimore in 1910, she was a member of the large Hollander family. Encouraged by her father's liberal views on education, Edith attended Goucher College, traveled alone in Europe as a young woman, and graduated from New York School of Social Work in 1933. Edith worked in the field of child welfare in New York City until her marriage to Dr. Frank Furstenberg in 1934. The couple moved to Baltimore, where they raised a family of six children, Carla, Mark, Frank Jr., Michael, Ellen and Anne. On several occasions, Edith assumed responsibility for moving their large family when her husband was assigned to medical positions in the Public Health Service during World War II. After a seventeen-year hiatus, she returned to social work, specializing in providing services to children with special needs and their families. An independent and energetic woman, Edith continued to travel and enjoy her large circle of family and friends until her death on February 2, 2015.

- Edith Hollander Furstenberg (maiden name Hollander).

  • Born in Baltimore May 20th 1910; died February 2nd 2015.

  • Prolific 'liberal' Children's Guild Social Worker. Connected to Sinai Hospital in Baltimore.

... on March 8th 1934 married the following:

- Dr. Frank Folke Furstenberg (OBITUARY: )

  • Born in Sweden c.1905; died August 8th 1997 at 92 years of age.

  • Swedish Physician who emigrated as a doctor to work for Sinai Hospital, Baltimore. Part of an established and political Jewish family. Was a longtime advocate for National Health Care. Was a director of the Sinai Hospital Medical Care Clinic in Baltimore and served on the Executive Committee for the Nation's Health, which lobbied for the Wagner-Murray-Dinger national health care bill, introduced in 1943.

... that's a good starting point for any sleuthers to go on.

ich1baN ago

Sort of sick to think about... but I had an ancestor on the Mayflower that saw the face of the ancestor that would commit all sorts of abominations. Generations later I must help put an end to this.

CaroleLandis ago

Don't beat yourself up over it, but perhaps be glad that you were meant to help stop these bastards.