CaroleLandis ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really really need to get an updated version of my James Alefantis family tree uploaded and the link posted here. I thank you not just for the reminder, but also because you've confirmed something for me. During my initial research I couldn't figure out who his mother's parents were. Since then I gave it another go and I now believed I found them. The fact he used Strand as a middle name is the confirmation I needed, his maternal grandparents were John Reid Shoemaker and Margaret Strand. Thank you for that. I will get the updated family tree uploaded tomorrow for sure!

Edit - Here's my original thread with the original family tree (and news articles) I posted:

LostandFound ago

I shit you not he is actually too lazy check out the wiki page for the band chokebore James knoll is the basist.

Nalu means wave in hawaiian so perhaps they didn't want to lose the link.

hanknut42 ago

we dont know who his parents are for sure? and if they moved from Buffalo to Wash im sure they had some money and or worked for the gov't

CaroleLandis ago

No, we can be pretty sure now. And now that @hunk_quark has indirectly helped confirm the identity of Alefantis' maternal grandparents, even though I don't see any indication of exceptional wealth, I do see some possible influence. His granduncle William Grattan Shoemaker Jr. was important enough of an attorney in Buffalo to have an obituary outside of the obituary section in the Buffalo paper (which I will be sure to include when I do my post with the updated family tree).

CandyPanda ago

I had noticed this in an article about Media Matters and David Brock

"When Brock was beginning to write a business plan for Media Matters in 2003, Alefantis suggested he seek advice from the liberal legal doyenne Judith ­Lichtman, whose daughter had grown up with Alefantis. “After James called Judy, I literally went upstairs to the library and got The Real Anita Hill and looked up Lichtman in the index,” Brock recalls. “There were fifteen references. And we were like, ‘Oh, shit.’ ” When they later met, the first thing he did was apologize."

LostandFound ago

Hawaii was a misunderstanding the quote was from James knoll, James Alefantis took over his portion of the business. Pitty the quote was only signed James. James knoll is in a band chokebore

quantokitty ago

Excellent catches. Thanks so much for posting.

BerksResident ago

A you tuber called Run2Christ has found a link to Order of Ahepa promoting hellenic values in a masonic type secret society linked to Finders

JSchoolDropout ago

He went to Georgetown Day School and graduated in 1993.