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grlldcheese ago

Ok i get it. Some fags are feeding you newfags the old stuff as bait. Good bait to redpill everyone. Well done.

I'll provide what i know as an oldfag and Hawaii anon.

This shit happened very quickly on pol. Some alleged LEO came in and dropped skipman, a strip club 939, and local rich guy Pflueger. Anons started with the spiderweb going to the stuff op mentions. The problem with Sasha Lord emails is that it's uncomfirmable. Some anon claimed to hack it, posted shots, led to Windsor pseudonym. All this happened quickly. This and 939s owners donating to a charity connected to CF are the only connections to CF. Imho this was a strategic drop&develop by a few insider anons. Or a larp. Or multiple larps. Or some real, some larp. It's fucking worth digging. But it's crazy.

And the Bishop Estate thing. That's complicated. I'd warn not to dig too deeply into them for a couple reasons. They own land everywhere here. They probably own 1/3 of the land on that side of the island. They leased the land to developers back in the day and still technically own tons of shit. Dig into random streets in Hawaii Kai(area of Pakala address) and you'll see them everywhere. It does not connect them to this AT ALL. If you were so inclined to pursue BE, also check OHA.

Also, they're a shady old Trust set up by one of the last Hawaiian royalty after selling everything to the white devils. It's ancient. It's connected and crooked as fuck. If you dig there you might find a dozen rabbit holes unrelated to this that are decades deep. Honestly i was hoping to push anons at this after the Hillary shit wrapped up.

So all of that being said, if BE is wrapped up in this, it might be DEEP and old. However, that's a farther leap than simply digging into local dems. Dan Inouye was 3rd(?) in line for President before he passed.

Beautiful work, goats. Feels like we're moving along again.

apparatchik1488 ago

What about the reddit post? that is what really caught my eye. An elaborate hoax? With specific addresses?

grlldcheese ago

No that parts fucking crazy, dude. I'm not concern trolling.

I believe it went 939 owners to 577 address to reddit post. Which is fucking baffling. I lose sleep over this shit. I just been through it so many times that I've kind of settled on the awful deadends it has. The origin of this stuff was just 100% some kind of op. I'm not sure of the agenda because i don't know where to go from here.

Oh God there's more. So that mountain next to the house is kokohead. That's a hiking area and also a ww2 military spot. All the strategic mountains have bunkers and whatever in them. So the wifi could literally be some crazy military stuff. Or high tech rape bunker. Or whatever the fuck has wifi signals like that.

Cheesybay is fucking shady. That's either cp/snuff or powder drugs in empty cases. And the money doesn't make sense for drugs. Someone asked. The logistics suggested on pol were buy hdd, pm codeword, get hdd full of cp. Anyone getting cute and buying without the codeword got a broken hdd.

Edit: if some of you are too tempted by Bishop Estate and want to nose down those rabbit holes, I'm serious.

Office of Hawaiian Affairs. OHA. They're considered more crooked than BE. On the BE route, local humor points to Hula Halau's as a pedo thing. The stereotype is the super gay(usually not always) male hula instructor who fondles the 'promising' dancers. That's like the local version of Catholicism.

apparatchik1488 ago

I believe it went 939 owners to 577 address to reddit post.

Pardon, I do not understand this sentence. What is 939 owners, and what is the sentence referencing?

Good point about the military bases. Weird that it would be surfacing above ground on (presumably) private land though.

Really? cheesybay seems like a hoax to me, normal prices not high at all, and only one strange review that mentioned ping pong, everything else normal. Did you see different feedback earlier?

grlldcheese ago

I believe the anon told us to look at those 3 things. Then club 939 owners connected to the 577 address. Then that address connected to the crazy reddit post.

In a circular way, these things seem to connect and verify each other. But the connection to CF is thin right now.

Those were specifically broken hard drives. Prices not normal at all.

apparatchik1488 ago

Nah. The prices were low man man, you are wrong. Unless they were changed/removed. Someone made a list of the prices, and I went through 70%+ of the feedback too. Certainly none of the prices were outrageously high.

But let's focus on the reddit thread, that is the interesting part here...

the president, who was wearing a black t-shirt, track pants and a black ball cap,

Also black glasses. Weird.

So anyways. Have you been to the spot? Are you willing to make an anonymous craigslist ad and hire someone to go there if we can get the funds? Even if it is closed off, we could rent a drone.

Also, do you know the exact location?

grlldcheese ago

I saw $70-$100 broken drives. What do you think a broken drive is worth?

I am not going anywhere near that place but i could find it easily. I grew up not far from the Kaimuki address and the pakala one is a few minutes from beaches i know.

Frankly, your attempts to publicly ask people to break into a property are giant red flags.

And you insist on false statements.

Good day.

apparatchik1488 ago

7 years ago a 2tb broken HD was worth $70 if it seemed it could be fixed. Even if it was worthless, are you retarded enough to suggest that the price for the child porn was only $70?

Yeah, my attempts to actually do something except talk on the internet like a scared little faggot are big red flags.

'false statement' OK

Grow some balls you faggot