Newfind ago

Creepy soap = Adipocere

spacemanspliph ago

The more I learn about this the more painfully obvious it all is. Im really starting to worry this is all a psy op. Meant to indoctinate us into their ways becayuse they have become so untouchable. Thats at least what anonymous has been suggesting

AmiablyGivenSo ago

I had a similar idea, but it seems more likely that this type of evil just isn't carried out in as brilliant and careful a manner as fiction might imply. They probably get off on making inside jokes that seem innocuous to normal people. Clearly they didn't anticipate the internet.

Newfind ago

The picture of hands covered in gunk that say s'mores. Another video in the sub defined "adipocere" (soap made from the fat of women's and babies corpses) as a gray waxy substance which coincidentally what that looks like on his hands. Now I'm going to vomit.

massconception ago

Could the entire personality of Majestic Ape (and the 'artist' behind that personality as well) just be make-up and drag for James Alefantis?

Majestic has the letters to make the name "james" in there. Same first initial for last names.

Are there any pictures of Amanda Kleinman outside of "her" "Majestic Ape" outfit?

PieInTheEye ago

Great summary.

I've snapshotted the Jabbaroos YouTube uploads page showing the single upload: ( )

Just for reference, the YouTube video page is snapshotted here: ( )

atheist4thecause ago

Lots of urban dictionary definitions basically state that watermelon represents semen and the seeds represent kids. I don't know if that helps or not.

TheGodHead ago

The image of the dolls in bags is exactly like the art of Amanda Klineman in this video

TheGodHead ago

Agreed. Do any of them own rendering plants? I know some of the cult do in the UK.

AreWeSure ago


zoltan907 ago

Member of The Apes.

That was a different Jeff, Jeff Schmid.

Anonymous987654321 ago

Op did some homework. Thank you kind person. We are now one step closer to exposing these evil beings.

Vic138 ago

And then there's the giant butt plug:

LadyMinx ago

"Creative incubator". Strange choice of words.

DarkMath ago

I'm fairly sure that "AreWeSure" is a shill or an idiot. He pulled the same thing about Tony Podesta's decapitated golden boy hanging from his ceiling. AreWeSure said it's just the "arch of hysteria" and nothing to do with Jeffrey Dahlmer posing a victim in the same position. To which I said a figure WITH a head is the "arch of hysteria". One withOUT a head is a tribute to Jeffrey Dahlmer.

AreWeSure ago

It's not a tribute to Jeffrey Dahmer and is not the same pose as the murdered victim. Note the arms. Note the Legs.

Guess what? Lots of statues are made without heads that have nothing to do with murder or decapitation. And I'm not referencing something generic when I said Arch of Hysteria. Louise Bourgeois titles her piece The Arch of Hysteria, in capital letters. It's literally the name of the artwork. It's a big freaking clue as to her intentions.

In fact, she's made multiple artworks called the Arch of Hysteria. The "arch of hysteria" as a concept goes back to the 1800's and she was familiar with this concept decades before Dahmer. She was in psychoanalysis and identified as an hysteric herself. And was very familiar with Jean-Martin Charcot, the neurologist who first named this pose. She once while on a break from the art world produced some pyschoanalytic writing herself.

One of the later arch of hysteria pieces is a female form with a head and bold colored stripes, but not arms. Also no relation to Jeffrey Dahmer.

Looking at google searchs for Louise Bourgeoss and Jeffrey Dahmer comes up empty before this year.

Now try Louise Bourgeois and Charcot and you'll find a lot of art history pieces like this one.

DarkMath ago

Let me rephrase what I said then. To any other person Louise Bourgeois's work is simply an arch of hysteria. But to a sadistic Pedophile who enjoys Spirit Cooking and birthday cakes shaped like a baby's semi-erect penis Bourgeois's work takes on a distinctly Dahlmeresque connotation. Is that easier for you to understand? ;-)

cosmicmind ago

You made a statement that you'd vote for her.

Now, you've decided to explain your statement AFTER making a very leading and baiting comment.
You're statement is trolling and baiting. The fact that you don't realize that's what you've done, makes me consider that my original position stands.

Next time you might try explaining your full position about one of the most fucked up families on the planet, BEFORE expecting me to be psychic, and BEFORE criticizing me for not being psychic, and forego telling me to grow out of the inability to not know what the fuck your talking about her being elected BEFORE you explain yourself.

Otherwise, you're just baiting and trolling with misleading comments.

cosmicmind ago

The only way you'd think that's a good shill is if you're a moron with an I.Q. and E.Q. of 1 correction: I.Q. of - 1

I'm guessing Chelsea's foundation will be investigated, along with her perverted parents CF. If Cheslea was groomed to accept bad behavior as okay, and is found to be complicit and cooperative to criminal activity, then the only thing she'll be getting is prison in 2020.

Maybe she has a moral compass and backbone and will come out as a whistleblower. That's the only way she could ever run for presidency as a hero - otherwise there's better chances of her running as a cafeteria ho in orange.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Video summarizing alefantis - smith - pajama factory connections

wokethefkup ago

Spirals everywhere in that fireman drawing not just in the obvious spot like the hat but everywhere so much so someone points it out in the comments of the pic.

wokethefkup ago

Usually at flea markets they sell bags of barbie dolls for a dollar or two most of them are undressed cus what kid doesn't take the clothes off their barbie the second they get it, shit I know I did and I don't even know why, thus the dolls donated to the thrift store are often naked if not new.

Dressage2 ago

The question is why a grown man would feel it is so important to put this pic on his Instagram acct and even worse than that, someone wants to know if he still has the original pic!

wokethefkup ago

the questioning for the original pic puts it in a much darker context. Truthfully I saw the pic awhile ago didn't think too much of it but you're right it's not quite the normal pic to be having on your instagram for a grown ass man.

postfascion ago


postfascion ago

Would be interesting to know the professors credentials and the details of his analysis.

Singleservename ago

I agree he's like a deus ex machina here. Then again they aren't wearing masks for nothing, the resemblance is striking (baggy eyes, same smile, facial hair, nose and glasses) and the hungary reference along with the coal (schwartz) closes it for me.

Orange_Circle ago

The minions at CTR are not policy wonks, just sort of grunts who archive and create reports of what they see. Very low level staff, maybe even interns.

But they also have big snooper companies working for them, who send them daily reports. So they have live eyes and electronic eyes on everything.

hanknut42 ago

anyone know who the old guys are in the black and white photo when i click it says page not found?

Singleservename ago

Even with his Soros bags, the middle guy is way too young to be Podesta.

Also, Podesta is always clean shaven, his nose has less breadth and his glasses are higher up the bridge.

I do believe this guy being Soros jr. is an even more important lead.

Bluebirdsolitude ago


Phobos_Mothership ago

The drawing of the 'fireman' is VERY suspect especially because someone mentioned the 'swirls on the helmets'

the fact he used the plural 'swirls' and 'helmets' means he is aware (or believes) that the artist drew the 'triangular spiral' known pedophile symbol, even though that is not clear to me. Looks like it could just be a triangle or a triangle within a triangle. But the commenter specifically said 'swirls on helmets'.

Singleservename ago

From left to right in the masked picture: James A. Alefantis, Alexander G. Soros, Jeffrey B. Smith.

postfascion ago

Good points. Which photo of alefantis/pedestal are you referring to above?

just_clueless ago

Pretty sure Pajama Jeff has his own "kill room" pic that was somewhat less circulated and famous than James bare gray walk in cooler looking #killroom the the patch in the floor against the wall same size and shape as that single hole instagram pic with the two dudes staring at it....So, I still totally think gray walk in cooler #killroom is under Bucks, meanwhile I believe Pajama Jeff literally wrote Killroom on a door or section of that shop in PA...Pretty sure we have 2 "killrooms"....Jeff and Coffin/Portland guy are both talented craftsmen no doubt, pretty sure Portland Coffin guy was with Squareform who did the design of Comet and built the "hidden" bathroom doors.

cosmicmind ago

I'd have to see the pic again, but didnt that coffin coffee table have a cord connected at the base? I'm on my phone and it's too hard for me to find it. If my memory is rigbt, and there's a chord attached what's the purpose of a cord in a coffee table. Any ideas?

alliecapone ago

Upvoat! This guy's bothered me a LOT

wokethefkup ago

Normally I'd say he's a loser but these days I'm starting to see a pattern with these fkn pedos.

alliecapone ago

Yeah..I can't even enjoy any social network, I'm done with Instagram except for lurking certain ones. Knowing they're fairly blatant makes me look around at my own area. There's about 10 within a mile of me that I KNOW of. Then there's ones you don't know yet :(

cosmicmind ago

I think there's little to nothing (conscience or values) to kill inside. The troll posting as chelsea_2020 has a set response....saying it's fake or using childish responses, makes me think their highschool students.

Dressage2 ago

My husband used to build 3400 houses a year. He built a lot with stucco. He said not uncommon for hands to look like that using stucco. Also, the lime mix is common for stucco.

dickface8 ago

Seaman will have a field day with this

DontTreadOnMemes ago

My theory on the social media posts... at some point getting away with the most dastardly thing you can do must get boring... like, the rush would stop being so intense... so the next logical step to bring that rush back is to start flaunting it in public to make it dangerous again.

militant ago

Well observed. Pretty much what I read yesterday in an article by Michael Maccoby:

It’s possible they have gotten away with their seductions for years and have come to believe that they are invulnerable, that the rules don’t apply to them. Also, these are people who have chosen a very risky career path. The same personality type may also be attracted to affairs where the sexual thrill is enhanced by the danger of getting caught.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Great first post. I think that there is no stopping a civilian investigation when the lurkers even come out with quality posts like this. You can't hide the truth forever. Kudos to the postet

Orange_Circle ago

Wow, fantastic work!

Pinging @otprophet for interest.

I wonder if he adopted the child?

AlSwearinjun ago

Never mind you seem to already know that I just had to answer because douche up there wouldn't just say the name of the show.

AlSwearinjun ago

It's from 30 rock with Tina fey. They work for NBC in the show which had a scandal with specializing their young boy pages, but it's most likely just a joke. It's a funny scene. Tina's character where's a snuggie and eats cheese at night, singing that to the tune of night moves.

Fsumom ago

The help wall is actually a door- hinges and there is a child in the pic!

cubes ago

Not only Justin Barrows but also Alefantis friend Matt Hollamby overtime referenced in the construction photo tweet first thought to be basement at comet pizza but more likely PEGASUS project building at the back alley of 3518 REAR 11th Street NW in DC Matt's instagram and other social media accts were suddenly changed to private

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The hospital release thing could be just what it appears: "no restrictions" -- cleared to work again after fingers got damaged and then mended.

Tons of creepy stuff here otherwise, though.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

What a nice day it was when your account's namesake died. Now if David Rockefeller and George Soros would stop lollygagging...

Brinecat ago

i'll be looking through this later, Good Find~!

dickface8 ago

Yea I instantly got an Alefantis vibe as soon as I saw him, though just can't be certain. edit - on 2nd thought i'm pretty sure its him.

Throeaweigh ago

The guy on the left is JimmyComet! (James Alefantis) -

Look at his mouth!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Nice, he just happens to be wearing the majestic ape mask

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Agreed. But is the middle guy Podesta?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I don't think so, although they a similar kind of look, I don't think it is tho.

Joanc57 ago

Incredible. Thank you for this post. It's heartening to see such intrepid reporting on this site from real investigators.

AreWeSure ago

Now that wouldn't be any fun would it?

JoJoVoat ago

Great job lurker! :) Upvoat and keep lurking!

JoJoVoat ago

omg Im the same way! I can see a person once and 20 yrs later still recognize them with a glance. Very weird. freaks ppl out

RexAxisMundi ago

Great work.

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Thanks. I'm still about 85% convinced that's Podesta in the middle.

Dressage2 ago

I agree and the other Alefantis

dickface8 ago

It's a very logical conclusion.

willofthewarrior ago

Great research OP.

postfascion ago

Let me start off by saying, no I ain't a shill (but that obviously proves nothing). But yeah, sometimes I get the feeling these guys are distractions because they make their activities so obvious. I wouldn't be surprised if others are going underground further, while the Podestas etc. are gonna take the fall. Not dismissing the OP's research, just trying to be as objective as possible. Their psyops were already sophisticated, but the more savvy we get to the system's habits, the more sophisticated their control of the situation has to become.

Orange_Circle ago

They made their activities so obvious because they could. You had 8 years of Obama cramming everything gay down our throats. A world was created where the perverts were considered normal and normal was considered wrong.

postfascion ago

Unfortunately there could be something to that, I won't deny it. Still I'm erring on the side of caution, but definitely support the investigation. I have believed in the abuse for years after watching/reading about the Franklin scandal. I obviously want justice and a cessation of their activities, but I want it permanent, so am cautious of smokescreens, if the podestas are guilty they need to fry, but they ALL need to fry.

Orange_Circle ago

I don't think it's ever going very far away because the world has devolved into such a cesspool. Sadly.

postfascion ago

I think we will get through this. Evolution is evolution. Can't think of how long it will take though, do know it may require a lot of blood, but hopefully just that of those who support this system.

Orange_Circle ago

The thing is that the world is devolving.

postfascion ago

I respectfully didsagree. If we were fooled by the system and are becoming wise to it, that's evolution my friend. People are altering their diets and lifestyle, the internet has its negatives, but a shit ton of positives. That's just thre examples. The 20'the century's death rattle is a long one, but I see positives.

Orange_Circle ago

I respect your opinion friend!

To rephrase myself, I think we are devolving morally.

postfascion ago

Oh yes, that is undeniable, you're right. But once all this shit really gets out there, which it will (with trumps help or not). The only way is up brother.

Orange_Circle ago

Amen. Listen for the trumpet.

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Are we looking at the same material?

bulldog65 ago

I think is pretty to clear to anyone with a brain now that western democracies have a problem with organized and networked pedophilia, and have had this problem for quite a while. Those involved are wealthy or influential. The exposure began with the lawsuits against the Catholic Church, a worldwide organization of immense wealth and influence.They have paid 4 Billion dollars in hush money, so it obviously isn't "fake news". One would have to be incredibly naive, and willfully ignorant to believe that influential pedophiles (they have influence, none has ever been jailed) within the Catholic Church would not use their connections to network and aid pedophiles in government. Compared to the population at large there is a disproportionate number of members of Congress arrested for child molestation, and pornography.

The only real question to me is whether or not we are "a government of the people", and free. We will find out who is in charge after Jan. 20.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Etched in stone above Thomas McCullough's property on 2830 Chesterfield Pl NW. Think this has something to do with Padre Augustin Pro----

All thanks to JimAroo-----


AmiablyGivenSo ago

If you can make a succinct connection to his JimAroo account I'll update the post.

chickyrogue ago

dont lurk this was great keep digging!


Yes, they think they're untouchable and they are.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I am the person who originally posted Jabaroo's Instagram. Thank you for making this great and detailed post. That guy always seemed extremely suspicious to me, really interesting that's he is Jimmy Comet's contractor. Really good work, keep it up everyone.

dickface8 ago

The similarities are pretty striking. The nose is a good tell.

Piscina ago

That's great work!
And these are the dudes who call women who don't want them in their bathrooms 'transphobic'. He is sick.

Commonwombat ago

The Instagram post of the adults and child corroded by urine has the comment "Soon" by plus_ultra which is very suggestive. What will happen soon? Plus_ultra has a Tumblr account called Night:Of:Pan which is related to Thelema and occult, taught by Alistair Crowley.

anolegion ago

The Hungarian coal miner terrorist on the picture with the face covers looks a lot like Alex Soros

Both 'Hungarian' and 'terrorist' would make sense.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That is a really good guess, I think. Definite resemblance including the facial hair.

dickface8 ago

"Those swirls on the helmet tho" holy shit

dickface8 ago

Find of the day for sure!

thestormking ago

Another person of interest. Sean Robinson was specifically mentioned by Amanda Kleinman as 2011's most valuable player of the year.

His image is also prominently featured on stacks of hundred dollar bills.

Facebook account of Sean holding a "hail Lucifer" sign.

References to "cheese vault".

So much incriminating evidence it's probably best not to post all of it right now. Lotta pedos lurking in the shadows. It's good to leave something to the imagination.

cantsleepawink ago

Yet another character with an IMDb page. Here's the Youtube channel with 11 videos from that show


Definitely some really creepy stuff here, especially the "water works" door.

Crispypoohs (who describes "Colorful cartoonish drawing of a firefighter without a face" as 'super fucking awesome') has the following image on his Instagram. What on earth is it?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Gross. Does not appear pedo-related, though.

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Looks like carpal tunnel surgery.

MolochHunter ago

first edition copy of Lolita - dead giveaway

even if you are a non-pedo who appreciates lolita as literature doesnt identify with the book enough to take glee over a 1st edition. Come the fuck on.

zoltan907 ago

A first edition of "Lolita" can set a collector back thousands. The copy in the photo looks similar to this one, which is currently priced at £3,850 (US $4,838.68).

Rigg5 ago

Pizzagate owns he whole block and all of DC apparently. What's there to worry about?

wecanhelp ago

Reference-quality submission, thank you very much. I've flaired this as Potential Lead as it provides several links that can be further investigated.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Or in "Eyes Wide Shut"

fartyshorts ago

The swirl on the helmet is not Jabbaroos. It's from an artist called Zach Storm.

I was the one or one of the ones digging at his instagram, "_zachstorm". In fact, it's still online:

Here's the helmet one: /

I can't remember if I found him through Roberta's Pizza or Jabbaroos. I'll dig through my notes. I'd also like to point out that many of these accounts were deleted/made private just a few hours after that thread.

Here's my original post: "those swirls"

Remember True Detective? The first season is all about uncovering a massive pedo ring and one of the main characters keep seeing swirls in the sky.

This guy does too I suppose

The swirls are all over his artwork: /

He might just be a goofball artist, though.

EDIT: I found him through Nilay Lawson! (she is connected to jimmycomet). Example: /

They (the artists) all go here:

Truthseeker77 ago

Zach Storm did an art installation at Transformers DC with an artist named Cheyenne Seeley. The installation was titled "Dark Organics" couldn't find much in the way of what it was about. I found it strange that she was an inspiring artist yet couldn't find out much about her. She did do an artist in residence at the university of Wisconsin. She doesn't seem to have any family associated with her name and I thought her description of her "Butterfinger" at was peculiar.

Truthseeker77 ago

Here is her Instagram Many of her drawings are liked by Zach Storm and niyala

Godwillwin ago

Good job OP!

That is some weird stuff. It's almost like he a child handler - he feeds them and gets them toys??

I don't think anyone that commented on alefantis' instagraj photos didn't have weird photos and posts too. Some even more weird than alefantis'

antiracist ago

No one has yet mentioned from this link:

Ok R Kelly still doing some pedafile lyrics.

Ksolver ago

Good point about the song (it's by Eurythmics), I think anyone who knows that song would immediately connect the phrase "sweet dreams are made of these" with "some of them want to abuse you".

Verite1 ago

I did instantly

1754llp0l171c4l ago

I wrote this about the Lolita book in another Topic:

Now check the review at Amazon by Folantin of the book:

"The story is narrated by middle-aged Humbert Humbert. He's a pedophile--although he's tried denying it, tried disguising it, and tried channeling his baser instincts, but as luck would have it, Humbert finds himself as the lodger at the home of a buxom, lonely widow, Charlotte Haze and 12-year-old daughter, Lolita. Humbert doesn't particularly even like Lolita--he actually finds her rather dull, but she becomes a vessel for the fantasies left by Humbert's unfulfilled first love affair."

Does he have any kids?

amCassandraAMA ago

at 4:25 you can see the Performer of Heavy Breathing without mask.

same dress, same manierisms concerning getting the hair out of her face, same body. That woman is not seen in the video in her position before that point. Definitely her

Also they are identified in the comments:

HAHA!! Just saw this. Nice to see Phil. Miss Apes and Modey Lemon.... thanks for posting! 

Ronnilynn31 ago

He's already made his Instagram private - and changed his name...

mrjdouble ago

If he's going to go to the trouble to rebrand his IG account, maybe he should have picked something completely different? What a fucking moron.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Good catch on the name change. He made his IG private around 4 hours after I first posted it here in this sub. There are people in here who tipped him off and I have stopped making submissions like that one here because we can't tip any more of these fuckers off that we're investigating them until there is a new justice department in 2017.

Ronnilynn31 ago

You know, I've been wondering the exact same thing. How do you research and keep any kind of cover? I don't think there is a way. Also, when I see a name or company in a submission, I'll often Google to find out more about it. The Voat threads show up right at the top of the search results because they're recent. Everything we do here is public, as I'm sure most already know. Makes it difficult to get a leg up on any of these people.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

You just have to do it privately and then share results after archives have already been made. That was my mistake when I first shared the Jabarooos instagram account. I should have archived everything on it first. I'll always regret having failed to do that, however we managed to archive just about everything before he went private and clearly his instagram is a hot lead and this guy is involved. Personally my own theory is that Alefantis is part of an underground adoption ring helping gay couples and single people adopt who would otherwise be rejected for adoption by way of a black-market adoption business. Certain users who post the most frequently all appear to be somewhat normal single parents. More than likely not everyone connected to Alefantis is a pedophile, some perfectly normal people may have used his services to adopt illegally with no intention of harming or molesting the children. Others I am convinced used Alefantis to help them to access children for more nefarious reasons. Best thing to do right now is to continue researching (particularly through social media) all of Alefantis friends, their friends friends, etc and archive every single page, comment, post, everything until we have a new Justice Department in place. Then we can start moving forward with exposure. The group objectives need to be 1: Research. 2: Archive for use in future court battles. 3: Exposure. We are still on steps 1 and 2, it would be foolish to do anything towards exposing the criminals at this time because law enforcement is still fucked. We have a better shot on 2017, but we're almost there!

Keep up the research, archive, then post.

KnewAmericanCentury ago

Regarding the adult hands touching a bowl. I will keep an eye out for that ring. I am sure I have seen it before.

Nice work.

Has this guy begone deleting his account yet?

atheist4thecause ago

Lots of this stuff is good, but the "pizza shaped watermelon" is stretching it. That's a normal shape of a watermelon slice after cut.

Vindicator ago

Wow. Really terrific post and archiving! Well done!

Selnee ago

How the heck do all these wacko photos get so many likes??? The image of the kid with the pants over his face is just a blob of nothing and got several likes. I have a decent well ok pretty small following on instagram and even my cute as fuck pics of my dog hardly gets as many likes. Why so many likes on the metal box? It's a metal box! It's just so obvious there's an inside joke (child lovers?? Satanism???) to all of this.

Ksolver ago

That is a very good point I don't think anyone made before. If I posted a picture of a box, I would not expect to get many likes, I would expect people to think that it was boring at best and creepy at worst. Let's face it, it is a bit creepy.

The likes to me suggest there's a an unmentioned "inside joke".

pmichel ago

I would expect someone to comment.....or ask why I posted a pic of a box

Selnee ago

Has his instagram already been deleted or made private? He's not coming up when I search for him on there.

Selnee ago

Wow best first post ever!

basil999 ago

Nice work. With time, more and more connections will be made. A couple of those tweets went to Breck Omar Brunson who used to sing for the Apes (same lineup as Heavy Breathing). One of the Apes songs may refer to a murder, possibly at a biker do wah diddy festival, I'll look into that Organized chaos ryderz gang. I'm hoping to randomly come across a name with initials J M C or perhaps Jane C.

EllaMinnow ago

In the photo of the anatomy puzzle is a set of drums. The drummer for heavy breathing has clear drums and these are black but maybe they'll show up somewhere else while you're looking. The kick drum has an emblem of a monster and the word toronado on it, probably the brand name.

waxdino ago

Great work.
Can you explain the Hungarian coal miner terrorist thing? I couldn't find what that meant in that email (I admittedly didn't trudge through the whole thing, just skimmed and term-searched).

waxdino ago

You know what, though? They are untouchable. It's just now stating to seem that might change.

waxdino ago

Isn't "bizarre" porn pedo porn? Just guessing based on ads in some old (adult, duh) porno mags I have (I collect magazines, shut up!). It's always like, "forbidden porn, bizarre porn, can't mention ages." It seems to mean pedo or bestiality.

Andy-Chryst ago

Well if trump didnt win then something tells me they were going to be fine, in fact maybe even hit the big leagues in their fucked world

MadMonkey ago

Good job OP. The coincidences just keep piling up.

Infopractical ago

Nicely done. This is a good collection on another Alefantis satellite.

Theupsidedown ago

Really great cataloging job here, well done.

A couple further observations I'm not sure you noticed or not:

  1. The baby shoes tied to the ceiling: tying shoes together and throwing them over a telephone wire is common signal that some shit goes down here, like drug deals or hookers. It could be that kind of a reference.
  2. The fireman with no face also appears to have an arm holding him by the shoulder, forcing him along - an arm with no body.
  3. In the completed anatomy picture clearly meant for children, there are a couple of photographs, like actual developed pictures, of a group of black kids, looking about 6-10 yrs old, sitting on stairs outside. I can't make out the photo next to it but it gives me the creeps for some reason.

A couple observations of items that should be removed, in the interest of maintaining sure focus on what is suspect:

-the "metal box with concrete on it" is in fact a job box. His comment is saying"thanks for dumping concrete on my job box, concrete workers." Sarcasm. His fingers being all jacked from lime in mortar add up to one pretty obvious thing: dude is most likely a stonemason or concrete worker. That kind of injury happens when someone doesn't use gloves and works with that material - it's an occupational hazard for those trades.

I would remove those posts from your analysis before we start seeing "jimmy comet's friends bury babies in concrete" type headlines on here. Unless you see some additional things to corroborate the idea that he is doing something nefarious with concrete. Fucked up people post totally normal shit right alongside their sick shit, and I think the job box and the fingers are the normal stuff.

Z11Mama ago

You made a valid point that the job box and concrete MIGHT be nothing. Because those are things I am around on a daily basis, I'm surprised I didn't question it myself. All I could see was a couple more recent really big cases where that was exactly how they disposed of the bodies.

Theupsidedown ago

Well, as you said, he's a carpenter of some sort, and they all use that type of job box on larger jobs, and it's in broad daylight in what appears to be a regular old job site, so I would say it's extremely unlikely that it's anything other than a regular pic of day-to-day activities.

Probably he tried to clean that concrete off his job box with his bare hands and it fucked up his skin with chemical burns.

Z11Mama ago

I followed a situation where the reason the guy wasn't caught for years is that the evidence was all buried in plain sight and no one suspected that. Someone close to me has been in concrete for several decades and talks about instances they are positive they saw evidence buried on the job. Sicko's really get off on committing their acts in plain sight or hearing of others.

dbstfbh ago

Great post, thanks for sharing what you've got.

on_fleek ago

Good work, OP. This is a real life social network of adult homosexual men with a completely inappropriate interest in pictures of children. Random children.

Atlantean120 ago

not just homosexuals-pedophiles.

zoltan907 ago

He replies to community_outreach and theboundlesslife (with regards to the bloody piece of scalp): "Sounds horrible... too bad no pics!"

Pizzalurker15 ago

He replies to @theboundlesslife because they say "forgot about that! ewww! wowwww!. ..... & poor birdie ;("

First part is about the scalp and the hat

EuroSkeptic ago

Going on a wild guess here, and I can't source anything (newbie here, been a lurker for some time), but isn't that blue ski mask awfully similar to the red one used in one of those weird nighttime CPP bands? Like from a video clip, or something? I'm not sure if they're all just generally similar, I have little experience with it. Other than that I'll leave this one out for police and those with weaker gag reflexes. I'm on the verge of literally puking at this stuff.

Verite1 ago

That's what I thought!

dickface8 ago

Great pick up on that one! After a little deliberation I would happily wager $100 that I don't have that that was Alefantis.

EuroSkeptic ago

Hey thanks, I suppose it might be rigorously nothing, but it's worth keeping an eye out for similar masks. That Alefantis guy just seems connected to pretty much everyone in D.C.... It's scary.

wgvdl ago

I can't help but I find his name to be a bit odd. Just in barrows.

throwitawayn0w ago

Definition of barrow

1: mountain, mound —used only in the names of hills in England 2: a large mound of earth or stones over the remains of the dead

pizzaequalspedo ago

Excellent work here

zzvoat ago

Dear Lurker-no-more, GREAT JOB on this and PHENOMENAL organization/explanations!

I don't think Podesta is one of the 3 men in winter headcoverings, although at first glance the guy does look similar. Just seems too different than Podesta plus, I think this guy has a mustache. Also, very dated glasses. John seems hipper than that.

Throeaweigh ago

The guy on the left is Alefantis!

Look at his mouth!

Verite1 ago

I agree. After reading the comments I went back and looked at the photo and I had an instant positive reaction that it is James and I think it looks like Podesta too. The nose. I mean, We know that they are friends correct?

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Nose, eyes, eyebrows, cheek creases, all appear to match. It's also too low-def to tell the age.

EllaMinnow ago

The glasses look like safety goggles to me. Without them, it might be him, but it's the mustache that's throwing me off.

fartyshorts ago

They certainly look like safety goggles and the mustache might just be a bit of scruff (not a full 'stache).

AugustaJulia ago

I think that the second guy might be Alefantis. Look at the mouth. It's very similar to the mouth of the person in the Majestic Ape mask, who is claimed to be Alefantis.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

The guy on the far left...I thought the exact same thing

DooDooDoodle ago

One other note, Sugarbaby is a very popular variety of heirloom watermelon.

AreWeSure ago

And the lamb shot is not coagulated blood. It's a lamb roast with a glaze. You can see the cooking string under the glaze.

JoJoVoat ago

Im so blonde. I thought for a minute it was a heart and veins eeeekkk!

DarkMath ago

JimmyComet has some interesting friends. He knows a chickenlover. One is into making child coffins. Another is into lime. If we find a friend into duct tape that's pretty much a wrap no? ......I'm going to go vomit now.........

KingKongisCTR ago

Wasn't one making "eco-friendly" caskets too?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Video summarizing the connections between alefantis, smith, pajama factory, and a few other interesting leads

Rigg5 ago

What about the business connection that makes Squareform coffins?

lawfag123 ago

Don't forget my "favorite pedo" from werkinonmahnightcheese's brother (?)

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

New video from the guy who found the "my favorite pedo" comment


working class he is and on the night shift.

MolochHunter ago

The Bob Seger song 'working on the night moves' seems to be the 'parody' behind nightcheeses name - the lyrics of that song reference a teenage sexual (not love) affair, but there's nothing otherwise telling or sinister in those lyrics. Seemed a dead end to me but maybe others can make other connections

AreWeSure ago

It's not a Bob Seger reference. It's from a sitcom

DarkMath ago

AreWeSure you're either a shill or an idiot. Which is it? "Working on my night cheese" takes on a whole new meaning for someone referenced as "My favorite pedo" who should consider getting a job with the PennState football team. Sorry. I don't make the rules. ;-)

AreWeSure ago

WTF, are you talking about? Actually skip that, just forget it.

Yes, it's from 30 Rock. And just checked youtube, I'll be darned she does sing it and the commenters are saying it's a parody of Bob Seger.

DarkMath ago

What am I talking about? Are you serious? I have to explain to you how Pedophiles use coded language to communicate with each other? Do I have to point out how innocuous food items like "cheese pizza" or in this case "night cheese" can have more than one meaning? Really? Are you that dumb? Do you really think one brother honestly thinks the other brother should apply for a coaching job with Penn State football because he's really into coaching football? Oi-vey........

Z11Mama ago

DarkMath, I am new here and don't know a thing about replying or getting a reply back. Or about researching on here. Can you tell me more about the one who makes child coffins or where to find more? If it is who I am thinking, that family out in OR, I need more info than I have been able to find yet.

Yuke ago

The Oregon connection is Robert Scott Cummings (Scott Cummings), he made caskets as Portland Natural Casket Company. The one that made child-sized coffin-shaped coffee tables is Jeff Smith (werkinhonmahnightcheese), he's the Pajama Factory/Pennsylvania guy.

Z11Mama ago

Robert Scott Cummings. I have strong reason to believe he is connected to a situation I am working on. Your quick reply is appreciated.

fartyshorts ago

His place is at "Pajama Factory" in Williamsport, PA.

DustyRadio ago

"Mark and 'Susie' Suzanne" Winkelman own the Pajama Factory. A "Marc and Suzanne" Winkelman from Texas are listed on open as Hillary Clinton Bundlers and have given over $1.1 million in contributions since 1990.

It is theoretically possible these aren't the same people, but I doubt it.

BerksResident ago

I think he is in Pennsylvannia in a large space with lots of rental units and some suggested it may be the location for the kill room, hopefully the OP who did the digging will comment or you could try searching for posts regarding kill room.

just_clueless ago

From the pictures it looks like the instagram #killroom is the Bucks Fishing and Camping basement...Realtor records show that Comet is a no basement building but Bucks has a basement...If you check out the now well known instgram photo of two guys digging a hole (long hair guy and white gloves/dust mask guy) in a basement with a folded up ping pong table in far background against the wall...Now find the #killroom shot, check out the concrete floor, about halfway back on right wall is a patch that is the same shape as the hole they were digging....By the way, there's also a documentary about pedo's trying to legitimize their sickness called Chickenhawks, in this they refer to men picking up on kids as "Bucks" and talk about how much they love taking kids camping and fishing...So, in short if you're looking for a pedo symbol at Buck's, it the name itself and if you are looking for the famous basement or #killroom my money is on the basement of Bucks.

BerksResident ago

Workingonmanightcheese makes the coffins, there is definately more details about him on here as Person of Interest

Godwillwin ago

He has the creepy brother...Jeff I think is his name The brother has an etsy page and his followers on etsy are weird with skull drawings and brain sketches and illuminati triangle stuff

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Something that stuck out to me was the pic of the dead bird with a band around its leg. Apparently breeders put bands around birds' legs for sale in pet stores. Was this bird bought, and then killed or "sacrificed", all in the name of (satanic) art? I guess he could have came upon a bird that had gotten loose and died or something, but what are the chances of that?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Birds like pigeons and crows are tagged with antennae, all over Seattle. I've been afraid to mention it. I've seen them hurt, dying on the ground, but I can't get close enough to grab one.

8toborrm ago

Pure speculation here but what are the odds that secret groups, pedo rings, etc. May use pigeons to communicate? I realize that these people are retarded and not that concerned with their OpSec but in this day and age I wouldn't rely on digital as far as secure comms go. I've read somewhere that secure comm in DC is often done through courriers.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Omg. That's it. Seattle is sick with it.

Vindicator ago

I believe homing pigeons are extinct...except in Harry Potter and Game of Thrones.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

No. They live.

Azagthoth ago


unfuckitup ago

couriers, like pizza delivery guys

NakatomiBaby ago

Did yall see the pics of the dark skinned boys next to anatomy puzzle in that pic? There's another one on top of a black dude and it looks like a smaller person is facing him...? It's hard to tell but the little black (?)kids are clear as day.

Hooliganscat ago

I noticed the boys, but the other photo looks like a doctor treating a patient.

DarkMath ago

He must be the "Haitian Special with extra cheese".

mrjdouble ago

My first thought was Haitian as well

cosmicmind ago

I remember going through his pics and found a neatly dugout / excavated square hole into the side of a hill. It wasn't completed, but absolutely square. I wanted to dig to see if it was an insulated killroom, as these freaks do like their killrooms, what with their animal hunting and all. I also saw a partial pic of a very heavy door, something you'd find, um, nowhere, ever.

his youtube channel has of course a young boy as an avatar. Maybe it's his own childhood pic, but could the police actually do a fucking investigation on these shitheads because anyone who's into heavy breathing/majestic ape concerts should be investigated right out of the chute on grounds that the band puts out pedo images.

billybigrigger ago

How does hunting have anything to do with killroom? The animal is already dead when you bring it back home.

Rigg5 ago

James knows a guy who makes little coffins from a company called Squareform out of Seattle? I think

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Here's an archive of all his pictures:!Nt1CQAaD!8hKFBsQAeX187glI9NFB9oWsFzGOwyOJ5es-EJcvcxU

But the comments weren't saved.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

He made his Instagram private something like 4 hours after I posted it here in Voat. I'm not sure what tipped him off but I've been very cautious of what I post here ever since because it's pretty clear someone close to the Comet crew lurks here and feeds info back to them. No other explanation for Jabbaroo making his IG private just hours after I posted it here.

Orange_Circle ago

Correct the Record is making double overtime watching VOAT!

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Well, someone here may have also harassed him via instagram as soon as they followed your link. But, judging by some of the commenters here who still claim to be in denial, it would seem that there is an army of active shills just like everyone has been saying.

throwitawayn0w ago

I feel like people care enough about what's going on here to NOT tip him off by harrassing.

My moral compass tells me there are shills afoot. Also "I remember going through his pics and found a neatly dugout / excavated square hole into the side of a hill. It wasn't completed, but absolutely square."

sounds like you're describing a "borrow."