TheSpeaker2 ago

At the beginning of the video it's claimed the "art" is from the "Quart Bag" put on by the Civilian Art Center. Googling this event reveals that it indeed took place in Washington DC back in 2008.

So I say the chances are quite good that this was THE Amanda Kleinman.

The_Kuru ago

Looks like Toby Podesta's Christmas stocking.

Fateswebb ago

I could see it valuable as a shocker in an anti abortion campaign. But sickly I don't think that's the purpose here.

Fateswebb ago

The lady talking is awesome!! Gonna have to watch more!!

yabbadoody ago

prolly, though there is no objective, fully verifiable way to tell. like all things pizzagate / pedogate.

TheGodHead ago

Is your name a reference to petrified poo?

Acidfox ago
