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Millennial_Falcon ago

  • Exhibit C: Alefantis' Connections to the Podestas and Clintons

James Alefantis himself was deemed one of the 50 most powerful people of Washington D.C by GQ magazine.
He was the romantic partnerof David Brock. David Brock is the Chief of Media Matters, a major instrument of the Democratic Party. Brock is also the founder of Correct the Record, a Super PAC that supported the Clinton campaign.

James Alefantis is seen with Tony Podesta here andhere. An email from Alefantis to Tony Podesta, which Tony Podesta forwarded to John Podesta had an attached file which was an image of Hillary’s Logo with a pizza slice in it, above a Comet logo. Alefantis also made desserts for a Clinton campaign event. (Notice another photo with Alefantis and Tony Podesta together, and that Alefantis visited the White House on at least five occasions.) Clinton personally thanked Alefantis for cooking for one of her fundraisers. Comet received payments of over $20k from American Bridge 21st Century PAC, a primary funder of which is billionaire Clinton-backer George Soros. Payments can be seen here, here, and here.

  • Exhibit D: Additional Evidence Implicating the Clintons Specifically

NOTE: All previously cited evidence implicates the Clintons, as John Podesta has been their right-hand man, and as James Alefantis is closely associated with the Clinton Campaign and major Democratic Party leaders.

Bill Clinton is known to have flown multiple times on the "Lolita Express" of disgraced billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein to visit Epstein's private "pedophile island," Little St. James. Hillary Clinton also joined him on occasion. Bill Clinton even ditched the Secret Service to make these trips Interestingly, Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be a co-founder of the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton was sent email updates on the prosecution of Laura Silsby, who was caught trafficking children in Haiti. Laura Silsby was got off the hook by Jorge Puello, who was later convicted of sex trafficking, and was wanted on charges of sex trafficking in four countries. Additional source. Izette Folger, a close friend of James Alefantis, gave a statement in support of Silsby. Folger is the daughter of Michael Maccoby, who coaches leaders of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, or NPH, a large organization that runs orphanages all over the world. His son, Max Maccoby, is on the Boards of Directors of an NPH orphanage called Friends of the Orphans, which is one of 760 orphanages operating in Haiti, and happens to be the orphanage from which Silsby was caught trafficking children. Max Maccoby gave an emphatic and lengthy statement of support for Comet during a contentious neighborhood commission meeting. The relevant portion of the audio file starts at 31:40.

Frank Giustra owner of the Radcliffe Foundation is on the board of directors for the Clinton Foundation, and is a major Clinton Foundation donor. The logo of Elpida Home, a refugee center founded by the Radcliffe Foundation, happens to be almost identical to the pedophile boylover symbol.

Now we must reveal a spark, before Podesta's strange emails, that fueled this investigation.

A purported FBI leaker posted claims on 4chan's "/pol/," an anonymous political forum. Admittedly, the forum he chose is not exactly reputable. However, this fits with his claim that he wanted to surround himself with noise in order to prevent his FBI superiors from detecting him, and it fits because he knew many in that anti-Clinton audience would take him seriously and investigate, employing what the forum's users call "weaponized autism." The alleged leaker's central claim was that the NYPD and FBI had discovered immensely scandalous information about Hillary Clinton through Anthony Weiner's laptop, but the FBI is not yet acting on the information for reasons we will not discuss here. For our purposes, the relevant allegation is this: The purported leaker alleged that the Clinton Foundation is a front for human trafficking, including child sex trafficking. He told us, "Dig deep and you will find it. It's sickening." Well, we've been digging, and we seem to be finding it. Summaries of the leaker's claims can be found here: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3.

  • Exhibit E: Media Coverup Efforts

The same establishment elites who try to control politics also control the mainstream media (this includes Fox News). They do not want corruption of this magnitude to be exposed. As soon as word of Pizzagate went viral, the mainstream media began a coverup campaign. They began denouncing the allegations as "false," "hoax," and "fake news," without directly addressing the evidence.

Prima facie, the media have no basis for labeling an ongoing investigation, which is entirely rooted in real evidence, as "fake news." In fact, Pizzagate is not an allegation of a specific, individual crime (e.g. the abuse of a specific child on a specific day and time). Rather, it is an investigation into the possibility of certain individuals being involved in certain kinds of criminal activity. Therefore, labeling Pizzagate "false/hoax/fake" is patently absurd and dishonest, especially considering the media's refusal to address the evidence directly.

The Washington D.C. Metro Police Department claimed it investigated Pizzagate and concluded the allegations are false. However, a response to an FOIA request demonstrated that no investigation was conducted. Therefore, the position of the DC Metro Police must be based on (1) the dishonest media coverage of Pizzagate, (2) willful complicity in the coverup, or (3) some combination of both.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman banned the Pizzagate research community from Reddit on bogus grounds, accusing us of engaging in a "witch hunt," even though we only used publicly-available information, and never called for vigilantism or harrassment of any kind. While we understand Reddit may have had legitimate concerns of legal action, there is plenty of reason and evidence to believe the decision was politically motivated.

Bot accounts denying Pizzagate have been discovered on Twitter. Twitter has also been suspending accounts of users who discuss Pizzagate, and censoring #Pizzagate from its list of most tweeted hashtags. Facebook has plans to censor what it deems "fake news."

  • Exhibit F: Further Supporting Evidence and Historical Precedents

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement sting operation called "Project Flicker" caught 5,200 people purchasing child pornography. Of these, at least 264 were Pentagon employees or Pentagon contractors. Some of them had security clearances at the top-secret level or higher.

There was a 1994 Discovery Channel Documentary that covered pedophilia rampant in our government, but it was banned and never aired.

Washington Post reported that sex slavery is a big problem in D.C.

The largest pedophile ring ever discovered was exposed by the FBI coincidentally after Anthony Weiner's laptop was taken.

Another pedophile ring exposed in Norway.

Some historical precedents include Margaret Thatcher's coverup of VIP pedophilia in the UK, the Dutroux Affair of Belgium and the Savile scandal in the UK.

atheist4thecause ago

You didn't reference this pedophile ring that was busted of 70,000+ Internet members, did you? (

Hermesthriceborn ago

If you reference this, might as well include Operation Cross Country X:

I believe each Team deployed are referred to as CARD, Hence the FBI anon claiming Follow the CARDS

jmbatl ago

CARDS - "Child Abductions Rapid Deployments" - The FBI established a rabid response force for human trafficking and child abduction cases. The outcomes after the teams are deployed and their actions will likely be of interest.

It appears that the deployment itself will help in connecting other dots.

Hermesthriceborn ago

Thank you for clarifying this for myself and others!!

jmbatl ago

No problem. I've been following all of this pretty closely and validating theories / findings. If you have questions, message me. I think a bit too much is deliberated openly, leading to really off the mark angles being public before being flushed out. I suppose 'thinking out loud' has some merit when working as a group / collective. But can be hard to follow.

atheist4thecause ago

Agreed. This is an FBI-run investigation around the time of the Weiner Scandal, so it's worth mentioning. It's really the FBI's involvement that is of interest. Don't you think it's a little strange that suddenly pedophiles are being busted all over the world and a lot of it comes back to US-tips, especially by the FBI?