memphistre ago

No mention of the bullet being fired at CPP hitting the hard drive of a computer?

memphistre ago

This is deep shit! Keep up the good work

memphistre ago

What are you using to browse deepweb - and what are you alluding to here?

wearefree ago

Pizza is the code word for human meat. The symbols are advertising. Comet owners supply to Whitehouse

Carolleej2 ago

I came across this link and man named L'Enfants while searching for the "great architect of Washington DC.". IT STUNNED ME! .Thought you researchers may want to look into it.'Enfant

FionaBarnett ago

Folks, Watergate was Pizzagate. President Richard Nixon (who raped me) organised the break-in into the Democrat headquarters to steal a little black book containing the names of all the VIP pedophiles including Nixon and his best buddy Billy Graham. Listen to detective Jim Rothstein who headed USA's 1st VIP pedo investigation unit.

My website:

NoGrayArea ago

Hello all. Anyone investigating pizzagate should take a look at a 56 second video some, hmm I wanted to say guy, but that would imply him being human, will just call it it posted on utube. I do not want to give its name, but all you have to do is type in GOT CHEESE PIZZA?. Now anyone that has been investigating pizzagate knows what a cheese pizza is. Not sure if it is trying to be funny, if so why would it want to poke fun about something so serious. You will know what I am talking about because it says it loves playing ping pong, hmm. WHO is this subhuman? Very very disturbing video, if IT is being serious. I look forward to reading the comments about this one.

Orange_Circle ago

One thing I found curious. Terasol claimed their pedo logo was a Saint Jude's fundraising logo.

I looked all over and could not find a Saint Judes fund raising logo that looks like that. Yet the Washington Post claimed it was.

gaskills ago

A zip file was also found embedded in pizza.jpg from podesta emails

Crensch ago

THAT is a downvote. Not clicking some random youtube link that is not described and is probably a shitpost.

AboutPerception ago

Watch the video explains Pizzagate in 15 min

Infopractical ago

Thanks for clarifying.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

the fact that they're hidden cam vid shots. Disturbing 101.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

Anyone have an authentic genuine link to prove those paedo codes, i.e. Pizza, Pasta, etc. and where I can find the actual source on the FBI site?

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

Wow, what a document. I commend you.

sunajAeon ago

Jesus Christ every time I read this introduction I see something I missed-the depth of this rabbit hole is stunning to say the least

Nobody27 ago

Wow.... you guys took down my thread of this weird site involving trump? Wtf... Catch them all not the ones given...

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

I believe all of this chronicled evidence to be credible and valid, however, I believe Wikileaks has and is always being allowed to play an agenda where the gate keepers have willingly permitted Wikileaks docs fluidly. Have we been played for Soros' agenda of eliminating free speech and controlling the tool of free speech, the web????? What are the chances a massive scaled false flag occurs at Comet Pizza where like Sandy Hook it's filled with flaws akin to pieces in a puzzle that will never fit like a jigsaw????? Are those leaked docs of Jimmy Comet with strange instagram pics purposely placed along with the weirdo band and symbols done to completely fool as to take the bait and hello! Goodbye Pork Pie to our rights and free speech like Mr China????

Yuke ago

No doubt many of us have questioned this, you have to when addressing any subject, but to put it simply, the amount of people that would have to be involved would be too many. In the film "The Prestige" the idea of assuming a role so religiously is proffered. For this, what you are suggesting, to be like that would require dozens and dozens of people to have lived that way for a long time otherwise they wouldn't be able to stop internet searches from revealing the truth (which it is, slowly). I'm sure that Soros' direct involvement with regards to the "Fake news" angle is only a product of the fall-out of Hillary not getting the presidency, as he had hoped. The 'fake news' thing is a band-aid on that, and I think the motive is looking ahead to 2020 - elections are fought for over many years, this is the first attempt at paving the way. Remember one thing, Hillary once said "Never waste a good crisis". To me this is the Democratic party (that name is such a misnomer) not wasting a good crisis.

Crensch ago

Don't go to this guy's link. It's some nigger-tier shit about their baby.

Celtic_Warriors ago

We have been with you all since reddit, and want to post a few thoughts that continue info you have us...I cannot figure out how to submit. I am upvoti9ng 10 now ..maybe that helps, please help, and do not ignore newbies...maybe why join until we want to write something read you all every day, thanks.

rooting4redpillers ago

I've been reading, and looking at links here for about a month. Here are my most important points. POINT #1: I've wanted to comment here, mostly just in support of the work. BUT, I thought I had to create some anon email account to create an account here on voat. Then, I just clicked "register" and found out there's no need to provide an email address. Maybe my admission of my own "duh" will reach other people, and bump up subscriptions. So here I am, not just a watcher but a participant. Here's my POINT #2: I'm a slightly-over-the-hill person, in a small town. I will not approach this topic with my elderly and underage friends. But I am talking about it with others. So, multiply ME by some number. I have no reason to believe that isn't a large number, because I'm not special. You people, who are doing the work, have more support and attention than you or I can begin to know right now. Thank you.

Toogi23 ago

I'm over the hill too. I've had to Google some of the terms used as they are new to me. The struggle I have is that despite persons already knowing of this problem in terms of public cases like Saville and others etc (I'm in the UK) they just don't want to believe that it is a current problem. They make comments like 'well that was the past, things are different now, we know more, we know better'. This causes them to just shutter off and turn away. Its heartbreaking. Real children are suffering, right now. I struggle with what I have read. I don't understand why anyone would commit such cruelty and inhuman treatment to anyone, let alone children.
Thank you to all who have/are working so hard. Like the gentleman/lady above wrote, you have more support and attention than you realise.

Infopractical ago

Wait, is this inside Comet Ping Pong? Picture 10 looks like the murals, or am I wrong?

Supposed I'm right, that's a lot of cameras. Do we know where they all point. Those stairs...basement? Just a thought while my conspiracy brain is tuned in...

GermanynamreG ago

When writing about mind control, it is common to write that victims will may be triggered to run suicide programs.

GermanynamreG ago

So a warning would be helpful maybe

21yearsofdigging ago

I can't seem to post on this but it makes my skin boil, lame B.S. article

Infopractical ago

Forgive me if I missed this somewhere in your summary, but I just found about a claim that David Brock's use of "million dollar trolls" via Correct the Record to shut down Bernie Sanders forums (Facebook, if I understand the story correctly) using...child pornography. If this information is correct, and I've seen multiple articles with pieces of this story, that places child porn in the hands of employees of James Alefantis's boyfriend doing work on behalf of the Clintons. Perhaps somebody here can come up with good sources on this, or debunk it if it isn't true.

ghost_marauder ago

Love the tag already Discovered. HA! That was a smart move by you guys.

Antonius ago

Pizzagate is so fucking important...I can't believe so many people won't open their minds to it.

in4theLongRun ago

This is brilliant... copy paste and truthbomb the web everywhere! ;D

TheWhiteKnight ago

I found this searching voor BigCheese: There is also a BIG BUCKS LLC, Castellum Achilles LLC(James Achillis Alefantis), HERECOMESYOURMAN LLC, LITTLE JIMMY INDUSTRY INC. This needs more research. I'm back to work. (

George_Carlin ago

results? Antartica was mentioned in an anonymous video with John Kerry being involved with "experiments" there... Evidence would be damning!

duerheltdum ago

Crossed ping pong paddles are a common logo for ping pong. Do a google image search. There are hundreds and hundreds of them. They may look vaguely like some symbol, but they are ping pong paddles.

George_Carlin ago


militant ago

I have no idea what she means, I don't know what to think about it. The whole thing might be creepy, indeed, or just a bad joke that I don't even undestand.

dmthirdeye ago

I found something else I had to make an account so I can post this.. kind of creeped out to be perfectly honest. Following your investigative line there I went thru Dr Pong's website and was following his linked links and found a passworded site. This is the website Now I pizzagate and found 3 other threads from other websites mentioning this and saying "hey has anyone heard about this" and they have all been deleted. So, Tanz in sicht translated from German means "Dance in sight" or worse yet, Tanz can also mean play, or fuss... Honestly sounds like an open nod towards doing this shit in plain sight so messed up. I feel like this could be something huge... Thoughts?

Flat_Truth ago

Wasn't there a post showing the building records report the comet building as being a "two story" building? Isn't that proof there's a basement there?

drbarke ago

What an excellent compilation. Thank you for this, well done.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Operation Flicker

Pentagon pedophile case halted after 8 months, down the memory hole...

Pathfinder_ILF ago


militant ago

Email from Tam Luzzatto saying how children of 11, 9, and 7 will be in the pool for further entertainment.. Her blog allows people to pay money to watch children on camera.

That's because she wrote that in her blog, right?

Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you.

Might be a language issue, but how is that an indication that you can pay to watch the children?

ansipizza ago

Came here to ask this. The summary is great, and I'm plodding through it. But I see no evidence on the screen shot from the blog that money is solicited.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Hey, I love how you've put all the links in 1 message, but I think it would work better if you made a shorter message with a few key links in it. People seem to be getting overwhelmed by all the information. I've had a few people tell me they stop reading the message after the 2nd or 3rd link. You can add a link to this bigger message in the shorter one for people who want to see more research.

duerheltdum ago

Calling crossed ping pong paddles a symbol for pedophilia makes you look really stupid.

memphistre ago

I see where you are going with this, but given the context; I think it lines up a bit.

Eph513 ago

Great summary! This Decentralized Citizens Investigation is inspiring to watch!!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I'd recommend a hook in the first few sentences. The Heavy Breathing performance with references to sex with children, and the IG pics and use of pedo slang in said pics and emails should be at the very top as a hook. If I was the typical lazy fucking mainstream media watching moron, I might stop reading once I see the intro, we need a visceral, disgraceful hook, thats the pics and video.

SpikyAube ago

This stuff listed here has been covered by MSM though, the historical stuff has mostly been covered when these scandals broke, even if they were only covered in some instances, decades after the fact. I'm thinking of newcomers who are very skeptical but checking it out for the first time - they'll be far more likely to see what's going on if there are MSM sources that they relate to as they re still in that bubble, than sources that they could dismiss as the 'fake news' sites they've been hearing all about.

Crensch ago

sorry for not providing these from the jump.

No problem.

One thing I need you to do for me now: Archive those links instead of sending us there.

That, too, might be a honeypot, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that at least "theapes" one is. Since you're new.

Crensch ago

Probably because you provided no fucking links to support your words. It's not our job to find and vet everything. Hand that shit to us on a silver platter or fuck off back to lazytown.


I started a new post with this but it got deleted IMMEDIATELY.

It's extremely disturbing.

Crensch ago

Probably because it looks like a fucking hoax from a suspicious blog. Fuck off with that weak shit.

It does NOT look directly linked to pizzagate, and absolutely fucking violates rule 3.

janedoe77 ago

There is another thread here you might add: the Nancy Schaefer angle, which shows that in her case Georgia state Child Protective Services were taking kids from predominantly poor families and basically this was another market for kids that seems to be being used systemically.

See: Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer was an outspoken opponent of Child Protective Services (CPS). Schaefer authored an investigation in which, among other findings, revealed the following:

“…the separation of families is growing as a business because local governments have grown accustomed to having taxpayer dollars to balance their ever-expanding budgets.

The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child. Employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing.

The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times as many children died in foster care than in the general public and that once removed to official “safety”, these children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation than in the general population.

That according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not belong there and should not have been removed from their homes.

…poor parents often times are targeted to lose their children because they do not have the where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the system. Being poor does not mean you are not a good parent or that you do not love your child, or that your child should be removed and placed with strangers.”

In this document, Schaefer makes it clear that organizations, such as The Second Mile, procure their underage victims by making children wards of the State. CPS has unchecked legal authority to remove children, with or without cause. Subsequently, CPS and their partners, the corrupt juvenile court judges can place these children wherever they see fit (e.g. The Franklin House, Boys Town, Elm House, The Second Mile Foundation) where unimaginable horrors take place.


The man who wrote that story on Schaefer then died 12/15, researcher Dave McGowan. Here is his six-part epic pedo series:

See CPS Investigation Ends In Death of Sen. Nancy Schaefer --

Schaefer allegedly wrote a book naming Georgia names and was killed along with her husband before publication (I think in DC).

Maybe there should be a state CPS thread, where stories on this are mined.

Also: Reports of similar state child theft in the UK have been ongoing. Numerous stories in UK media over last few years as well.

Other leads: Also Prince Chuck and Camilla ran a company/”charity” called Kids’ Company. Check out:

More leads, including a backgrounder by investigate journalist (INDEPENDENT) Wayne Madsen (check out his website):

Related: Aaron Swartz death link to MIT/global/Asian pedophilia rings (again serving Western elite):

Wayne Madsen Asian pedo backgrounder:

SpikyAube ago

Do a main post too!

SpikyAube ago

Too many bad sources here, if I was visiting for the first time that would put me off! Please can you use mainstream media sources for the events such as Norway paedophile ring and biggest child pornography bust, and previous cases? And then for the rest just link to the evidence. No linking to news sites for the raw evidence, we need to make sure people see that this isn't about people just reading fake news sites and believing them etc!

Crensch ago

Please can you use mainstream media sources

All. My. Wat.


SpikyAube ago

I mean use MSM for the old news about the Dutroux stuff and the historical stuff. The reason is because people coming here for the first time to learn about it, if they see these things were reported about in the media that they still at this point trust, it will be more real for them, than if they see stuff on a website they can dismiss as being 'fake news.' I thought the point of this was an introduction to new investigators, but also as a way to show skeptics that it is all real.

d3r ago

The Norway link is Do you want all wikipedia?

SpikyAube ago

Sorry I mean the Dutroux stuff. The post that is linked to is a great post, including info on lots of different CA scandals, but the original post was full of links to evidence and sources. The one shared here doesn't seem to have any of those links in it, it's just the text of the post, so to someone skeptical it'll look like it's just someone making up stories, unless they search for themselves, but it seems not many people bother doing that!

d3r ago

I appreciate you trying to teach the non-professionals how to be better journalists.

SpikyAube ago

I'm not a journalist, I did train as one a long time ago and then realised it was an awful profession full of awful people. Half the time I think all the disinfo and bias is just out of sheer laziness - so many journalists just make stuff up or just leave writing their article to the last minute, so they'll just call up a friend for a quote and see what other people are saying and cobble something together. I expect most of them haven't even bothered to look at any of the stuff pizza gate has found out, and just assume it's all nonsense because they're worried their friends would laugh at them if they took it seriously. Just a lot of very vain, shallow people who want social cachet without any effort.

mergen ago


The philippine page no longer has references to USAID anti trafficking operations. The page was last edited in Dec6 and Nov28

I cannot archive / upload anything . <No Access>

I can only spread the word!

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

what are they getting rid of be specific so we know what to look for.

mergen ago

Links to their Anti-human-trafficking projects (specifically in their philippine page)

USAID had a lot of anti human trafficking projects:

  • the victims of Typhoon Haiyan -> the project was called "BALISIW" google results was scrubbed off too

  • Mindanao ( a region engulfed in constant terrorism and rebellion )

  • Visayas trafficking ( Major south east asian sea ports here )

  • Children with no records from red light districts

doubleherpes ago

JohnnyCruz, member for 38 minutes, just like Rcui. Similar statements too, trying to distract us.

I think it's time to establish a connection to planned parenthood. They were caught at one point being receptive to selling intact alive fetuses.

Rcui, also member for 38 minutes:

Has anyone considered whether there might be a Masonic link to all this? Freemasons are an international group who are into rituals

doubleherpes ago

Rcui, member for 38 minutes, just like JohnnyCruz. Similar statements too, trying to distract us.

Has anyone considered whether there might be a Masonic link to all this? Freemasons are an international group who are into rituals

JohnnyCruz, also member for 38 minutes:

I think it's time to establish a connection to planned parenthood. They were caught at one point being receptive to selling intact alive fetuses.

hunk_quark ago

can someone look up who else is donating to comet?

hunk_quark ago

great find

isboris ago

I feel like you've discredited the same allegations you make by reaching too far. Providing irrelevant stories as proof, and things that are ridiculous in the same space. If you wish to be taken seriously you might want to remove many of those. Spiritcooking? Seriously? Is this a joke?

Serious allegations mean you make your case seriously. Including every damn thing makes you look like an idiot with a cork board covered in newspaper clippings and string. Rings in other countries are irrelevant, and you actually lead with it.

SpikyAube ago

I think the rings found in other countries being first is to show that these things do actually happen, and do involve senior politicians/elites etc. It sets the stage for understanding the rest of it. But I agree that there is too much not good stuff in there, bad sources and links to awful websites. I don't think the spirit cooking is irrelevant though, because it shows how they are into weird things related to occult practices. They aren't normal people like most of the rest of us.

isboris ago

Perhaps then the thing to do is to separate the background stuff out. You need a simple cogent argument to get traction. You link someone here that massive reading list will get them to bounce.

AboutPerception ago

I've got the simple argument here - But Crensch downvoted and dismissed the video without even looking at it....

Crensch ago

Perhaps then the thing to do is to separate the background stuff out. You need a simple cogent argument to get traction. You link someone here that massive reading list will get them to bounce.

Sounds like you could volunteer to make it yourself, since I called for people to do so.

newworldahead ago

archived here and here

IAmJohnBarron ago

Anyone have any word on why previous OP of this decided to remove himself? None of my business I am only concerned for his well being, I hope he stays safe

caliginosity ago

O.P. here. I'm fine, and no I didn't get any threats or anything. I just don't want to be involved anymore for multiple reasons. I'm retiring from pizzagate because 1.I have a busy schedule and I felt the main thread was burden on me with extra responsibility and extra effort keeping up with a sticky thread. 2. It just kinda takes a hit on your heart and mind when you realize what's going on.. 3. I haven't kept up with the current findings as there's some large points people wanted me to include. I felt bad I couldn't include them because I wasn't sure what they were talking about. 4.I just simply want to get away from all of this and no longer want to think about any of it because it just makes me really uncomfortable.

DCmommaBear ago

Understood! Thank you so much for what you did, I understand the hard work that must have been! Take Care!

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

It is scary shit if proven real (as in public). I can only hope we are all horribly wrong, but I fear we have just hit the tip of the iceberg.

IAmJohnBarron ago

Understandable, I know it's been hard here too. I've been trying to share with close friends but none of them really take me serious. The girlfriend isn't even taking me serious. But I'm standing my ground I know we have found to much for this not to be going on. It would make less sense if that were the case. Best of luck and I hope you can find some peace.

GermanynamreG ago

John, I had the same situation, it took years until my friends finaly agreed about the manipulation that takes place. The more manipulation, the more cutting rights, the more people will resist...

derram ago :

Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men | The Independent :

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple 'Lolita Express' flights: Report - Washington Times :

I FOUND A SMOKING GUN - Monica Petersen found dead in Haiti 3 days ago - family is kept in the dark - SHE WAS INVESTIGATING CLINTON : The_Donald :

Elijah Wood Clarifies Comments on Hollywood Pedophilia - The New York Times

This has been an automated message.

Crensch ago


NOTE: This is a call for a volunteer to continue upkeep on this information. Please post your updated/revised posts and I'll link them just below this note for people to comment on below. The most popular/lauded will get the job. Afterwards, if there is an issue with the new stickied user, please ping me about it, and present your posts if you'd like the job. Thanks - Crensch

Also, if you have not seen this post, READ IT!

standalone ago

Thanks for doing that. Please do not accept anyone with a new or too recent account or who has shown shill behavior on the sub. Actually the person to take over this role should have made significant contributions to the investigation as this would more effectively exclude risk that she is a shill.

Also, if not confidential, has former poster received any sort of pressure or had any specific reason to feel in danger?

justanotherone ago

Age of account is meaningless. i just signed up the other day, but my account reports as being 1.4 years old!

standalone ago

Voat says "(joined on: 7/5/2015)". Must be a bug. Seems correct for most other people though.

Crensch ago

The qualifications for this include their ability to create an easy to read megathread that isn't debunked 50 times in the comments and remains unchanged from them. People that organize things are sometimes not the best at being on the forefront.

Also, if not confidential, has former poster received any sort of pressure or had any specific reason to feel in danger?

No. That was me assuming urgency - it's not overly urgent, he just made his contribution and wanted someone to pick up the baton.

standalone ago

I agree that the person doesn't need to be a good detective to be a good organiser. But it's also important to make sure that the person isn't a shill, and filtering based on account age and participation so far is a good criterion. It's not totally fair because there are many new accounts who are honest people. But it's safer because there are many more shills among new accounts than among older ones. This post being the public face of the investigation, making sure that the person who maintains it doesn't have a vested interest sabotaging it is paramount.

Crensch ago

The person who creates the best replacement post will have the sticky until those that are doing the investigating find fault with it - the person with the sticky will have ZERO power over anything at all, and will lose the sticky as soon as they start posting garbage.

caliginosity ago

I handed it over to the mods because it was too much responsibility for my busy schedule and being that I wasn't closely following the new updates it became a burden to keep revising and having to follow along. At this point I'm just not wanting to think about this uncomfortable stuff anymore, it takes a toll on the mind.

Gypsy124 ago

Understood, C. It really does. I've worked a women's jail ministry & also worked w/a recovery group. Just at that level alone, after awhile, it takes its toll emotionally, spiritually, & mentally, not to mention, @ my age, physically.

standalone ago

I understand. I have to say I went through the same process. Since realizing the truth I find it hard to focus on anything else because I can't help thinking of the poor kids locked up in some gloomy dungeon somewhere in Washington DC and being completely ignored by the complacent establishment and brainwashed crowds out there. I feel that if we don't help them nobody will, and they'll die there, and more will come.

But at the same time keeping focused on the issue when progress is slow isn't constructive. I think this investigation will take a long time to break through. Regardless of the amount of evidence we have, it will still have to pierce through a thick and incredibly dense layer of media collusion, and an even thicker layer of mass hysteria. People are so amazingly dumb, lazy and irresponsible that they prefer spending an inordinate amount of time repeating the same preprocessed drivel they heard in the media, and acting scornful to anyone who says otherwise, rather than spending the 20mn it would take to read the facts about pizzagate and form their own opinion. They just don't want to know, they are content herding and feel really afraid of being rejected by the group if they dare standing out. This is a battle we will win by convincing smart, courageous and open minded people one by one but those are rare and far in between so expect a very slow progress. The rest of the crowd will turn around instantly, herd behind us and pretend they had known we were right all along only once we have reached critical mass.

Things will likely speed up a little bit after Trump's inauguration as some newspapers are just opportunistic and will instantly switch from left leaning to right leaning to follow the power. That won't make them more likely to expose a problem that is widespread on both sides of the right/left divide and that their management is likely involved in. But at least they won't have a reason to use pizzagate bashing to further a leftist agenda and their will be less cheer leading from HRC supporters.

Personally I'll keep checking what's going on here and helping where I can. I'll probably do sprints when there is a breakthrough that opens new avenues for investigation. I'll keep doing my best to spread awareness about the case around me and out there. But I can't be entirely focused on that so I'll just make it a part of my routine going forward.

One thing is sure though: having kids myself, I feel literally sick thinking that they are not safe anywhere, and that most reputable, powerful and educated people are actually the ones I should trust the less. My perspective about the world has changed, and there is no way back, so there is no way I'll just move on until I can be confident that we have effectively erased the corruption that's perverting the highest levels of society.

kingkongwaswrong ago


Crensch ago


Crensch ago


Temporary mentions: Hawaii leads. FOIA/Rubio

0fsgivin ago

Planned parenthood was not caught by okeefe. They called the police immediately after he left.

Its why people didnt believe his DNC videos.

The ACORN vids were total horseshit.

Oh confused the PP and ACORN vids. PP was not "caught" because the only thing Okeef proved was yes fetal tissues do indeed get sold. Planned parenthood was not making a "profit" The tissue sales certainly were not even covering the costs of said abortions. But they did show the public that aborted tissues are indeed still used. Something not many people were happy about.

Then ya got ACORN was his video that I saw him dressed as a pimp talking about child prostition and running for congress. Absolute and total bullshit...They called the cops immediately after he left. Okeef was 100% full of shit in that video.

They found ACORN employees scamming taxpayers though. By faking registrations and taking the commission off of them.

nhwebgurl ago

Of course they caught PP. So what if PP called the police after he left... he had enough of their own words to show exactly what they were doing. He caught a lot of voter fraud in NH too, foreign political parties helping candidates, etc. ACORN was convicted, remember.

0fsgivin ago

Well that's a fair point. They were never caught helping people scam benefits or certainly never aided in child trafficking.

However, your right I did not mention they indeed were up to some voter fraud. And I believe also helping foreign interests funnel money to canidates?

Oh actually, the foreign national bit was never proven. Really what they busted ACORN for was several employees wrote in fake registrations. The purpose for the fake registrations is because employees were paid based on how many registrations they made.

That is a good counterpoint. All in all though a program that helps poor people know what benefits they qualify for should exist.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

What? I believe those vids are real. Can you provide link to prove his stuff was fake?

0fsgivin ago

It's not that the vids were fake..It's the people were playing along because what are you gunna do when an obvious pimp people known to be dangerous comes into your office? Fucking placate them and call the police as soon as possible.

He actually had to pay out a settlement for his bullshit on that one.

Him exposing the DNC well so far that all seems legit. And enough time has passed that yah. Those fucks were corrupt at hell. Not a suprise.

His ACORN bullshit though? completely fucked up. He actually got a very good program shut down that helped people to navigate the complicated system of how to get the help they need.

thelastaelor ago

I have a problem with

Interesting that as this is becoming more mainstream and blowing up, pedophilia is being pushed as normal as by the psychological association.

Following the link provided brings you to a bullshit fake news site. That site provides this link as a source. If you read that article, it reads:

It’s fair to say the Tromovitch view does not represent majority academic opinion. It’s likely, too, that some of the academic protests against the “stigmatisation” of paedophiles are as much a backlash against the harshness of sex offender laws as anything else. Finally, of course, academic inquiry is supposed to question conventional wisdom and to deal rigorously with the evidence, whether or not the conclusions it leads you to are popular. Even so, there really is now no shortage of evidence about the harm done by child abuse. In the latest frenzy about the crimes of the past, it’s worth watching whether we could, in the future, go back to the intellectual climate which allowed them.

voatcaesarpizza ago

Following the link provided brings you to a bullshit fake news site.

Only shills use the term "fake news" around here. Get the fuck off this subvoat.

thelastaelor ago

fake news is absolutely real. If you think half of these newsites aren't making exaggerated claims or spewing outright sensationalist lies by twisting their 'sources' (which it looks like people like you aren't checking after all), if they even have any, in order to make a large profit from going viral, think again. Or think at all. For example the website linked, as well as CNN, you cuck. Learn to evaluate a source, or is critical thinking too much to ask? Oh wait I forgot, you wanna turn voat into your own safe space.

voatcaesarpizza ago

It's like you're made of logical fallacies.

thelastaelor ago

you wanna name one? I've got one for ya: How about because fake news is being used to discredit a credible investigation, you assume fake news is a total fabrication with zero merit? I think that one's even on the 8chan img.

voatcaesarpizza ago

Double reply, because I owe you a real response instead of just going on the defensive.

Encouraging the fake news narrative is something this subvoat has been hit with in the past few days by very clear infiltrators. Calling something a "fake news site" furthers that narrative. Instead, I think we really ought to stay away from a term that is largely being to undermine us. I don't see why you have to call it a "fake news site" when you can just call it "not a credible source". Labeling things as "fake news" is a dangerous thing to do because of the context it carries.

That said, I don't want to create an echo chamber. I want critical thinking. I think too many of us get swept up in insignificant details and don't want to acknowledge when something is truly innocuous.

And thus I engaged in the same behavior by calling you a shill. I was following the crowd and was too aggressive toward you in my reaction. I apologize for that.

Unless you really are a shill. In which case fuck right off.

thelastaelor ago

You're right, I could have just called it a uncredible source. On the other hand, it was an opportunity to make the point that just because fake news is being used to discredit us, does not mean fake news is not real and dangerous to this investigation, which judging by many of the posts I've seen, especially lately, especially the ones which make it to the front page, is an an important point to make. Either way, nothing much came out of it, it got about 5 points in total, so mbleh.

voatcaesarpizza ago

Tu quoque, with a sprinkle of strawman about that "safe spaces" bullshit

fast edit: removed the second part because I misread you

thelastaelor ago

Yeah a little bit, but eh, I don't know. I see a lot in common with some of the alt-right/neo-nazi/whatever-they-are-I-don't-know and SJWs -- more than I think either group realizes.

voatcaesarpizza ago

This really needs to be investigated with a centrist eye. Go too far in either direction and you fall off the deep end, which I'd say a lot of people here have already done. Sometimes we see these theories that are super sketchy, then people respond saying "I knew it!! Hang them all!!" or "They can't get away with this forever!!", just taking everything at face value.