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Crensch ago


NOTE: This is a call for a volunteer to continue upkeep on this information. Please post your updated/revised posts and I'll link them just below this note for people to comment on below. The most popular/lauded will get the job. Afterwards, if there is an issue with the new stickied user, please ping me about it, and present your posts if you'd like the job. Thanks - Crensch

Also, if you have not seen this post, READ IT!

standalone ago

Thanks for doing that. Please do not accept anyone with a new or too recent account or who has shown shill behavior on the sub. Actually the person to take over this role should have made significant contributions to the investigation as this would more effectively exclude risk that she is a shill.

Also, if not confidential, has former poster received any sort of pressure or had any specific reason to feel in danger?

justanotherone ago

Age of account is meaningless. i just signed up the other day, but my account reports as being 1.4 years old!

standalone ago

Voat says "(joined on: 7/5/2015)". Must be a bug. Seems correct for most other people though.

Crensch ago

The qualifications for this include their ability to create an easy to read megathread that isn't debunked 50 times in the comments and remains unchanged from them. People that organize things are sometimes not the best at being on the forefront.

Also, if not confidential, has former poster received any sort of pressure or had any specific reason to feel in danger?

No. That was me assuming urgency - it's not overly urgent, he just made his contribution and wanted someone to pick up the baton.

standalone ago

I agree that the person doesn't need to be a good detective to be a good organiser. But it's also important to make sure that the person isn't a shill, and filtering based on account age and participation so far is a good criterion. It's not totally fair because there are many new accounts who are honest people. But it's safer because there are many more shills among new accounts than among older ones. This post being the public face of the investigation, making sure that the person who maintains it doesn't have a vested interest sabotaging it is paramount.

Crensch ago

The person who creates the best replacement post will have the sticky until those that are doing the investigating find fault with it - the person with the sticky will have ZERO power over anything at all, and will lose the sticky as soon as they start posting garbage.

caliginosity ago

I handed it over to the mods because it was too much responsibility for my busy schedule and being that I wasn't closely following the new updates it became a burden to keep revising and having to follow along. At this point I'm just not wanting to think about this uncomfortable stuff anymore, it takes a toll on the mind.

Gypsy124 ago

Understood, C. It really does. I've worked a women's jail ministry & also worked w/a recovery group. Just at that level alone, after awhile, it takes its toll emotionally, spiritually, & mentally, not to mention, @ my age, physically.

standalone ago

I understand. I have to say I went through the same process. Since realizing the truth I find it hard to focus on anything else because I can't help thinking of the poor kids locked up in some gloomy dungeon somewhere in Washington DC and being completely ignored by the complacent establishment and brainwashed crowds out there. I feel that if we don't help them nobody will, and they'll die there, and more will come.

But at the same time keeping focused on the issue when progress is slow isn't constructive. I think this investigation will take a long time to break through. Regardless of the amount of evidence we have, it will still have to pierce through a thick and incredibly dense layer of media collusion, and an even thicker layer of mass hysteria. People are so amazingly dumb, lazy and irresponsible that they prefer spending an inordinate amount of time repeating the same preprocessed drivel they heard in the media, and acting scornful to anyone who says otherwise, rather than spending the 20mn it would take to read the facts about pizzagate and form their own opinion. They just don't want to know, they are content herding and feel really afraid of being rejected by the group if they dare standing out. This is a battle we will win by convincing smart, courageous and open minded people one by one but those are rare and far in between so expect a very slow progress. The rest of the crowd will turn around instantly, herd behind us and pretend they had known we were right all along only once we have reached critical mass.

Things will likely speed up a little bit after Trump's inauguration as some newspapers are just opportunistic and will instantly switch from left leaning to right leaning to follow the power. That won't make them more likely to expose a problem that is widespread on both sides of the right/left divide and that their management is likely involved in. But at least they won't have a reason to use pizzagate bashing to further a leftist agenda and their will be less cheer leading from HRC supporters.

Personally I'll keep checking what's going on here and helping where I can. I'll probably do sprints when there is a breakthrough that opens new avenues for investigation. I'll keep doing my best to spread awareness about the case around me and out there. But I can't be entirely focused on that so I'll just make it a part of my routine going forward.

One thing is sure though: having kids myself, I feel literally sick thinking that they are not safe anywhere, and that most reputable, powerful and educated people are actually the ones I should trust the less. My perspective about the world has changed, and there is no way back, so there is no way I'll just move on until I can be confident that we have effectively erased the corruption that's perverting the highest levels of society.

kingkongwaswrong ago


Crensch ago