Dressage2 ago

Thx for info. I am also researching Miriam's Kitchen in DC and Miriam's Table in The Congo. Founder is Susan Keeler and was living in Congo for 9 yrs with orphan kids. Adopted one she had her eye on after parents end up dead. Her sponsors in DC operation are Boeing, Ameriprise Financial, American Beverage Assoc. (ABA) whose Pres is Susan Neely, prior asst. Sec with DHS. Her place in DC is for homeless, mothers and children. Basically, throw-awaysnlike the Congo. All these sponsors have a tie to CGI. The other non-profit I am investigating is a Share the Strength out of DC. Owners Bill and Debbie Shore. They have a program under it called No Kid Hungry. They deal with homeless, poor kids, more throw-always. They are big into CGI as well. How I stumbled onto these two groups is through a pizza chain with corp office in Atlanta GA. There are approx 126 of them and all independently owned and operated. I do believe they corp. own one outside of Austin, TX. Owners in DC have I believe two pizza places, owned buy two bros., Poohja and Amit Mehta and James Allen. Pooja is a doc and Amit is a judge. They are involved with Miriam's Kitchen. Pics on Yelp for several of these places are sketchy. Lots of symbolism of occult, possible pedo. Round Rock place really creepy art. Yelp review comment states it. The corp website houseofshrooms.com has background pic of site filled with symbols, white rabbits, owl, b/w checked floor, etc. Merchandise looks kind of bizarre. The corp. group is in involved with Share the Strength and No Kid Hungry. Check it out. Yelp has best pics of franchises. Artists have bizarre art as well. San Antonio store used aRobert Tatum and corp. has art director been with them 30 yrs. I have not put on Voat bc I don't know if there is really anything there and don't want to put something out in public if going down wrong hole. More theory. Also Miriam's Kitchen has been to White House for photo op as well. Give me your take on this if you find the time. I have more facts on this stuff.

Dressage2 ago

FBIAnon has said look at Cheryl Mills other job. I found where she worked for NYU and was central figure in building aNYU campus in Abu Dhabi UAE. They brought in cheap labor from other countries and did not pay for over a year. They ran up bills at company store they could not pay and lived in horrible conditions. They supposedly had ok their passports and would have been arrested at airports if tried to leave. NYU donated large sums of mon u to CF. NYT wrote story about labor abuses there. Mills then became central to role in doing same job building Shanghai NYU campus with same abuses of labor problems. Also, The Free Beacon wrote a story about all of this.

popezandy ago

I've added this post to the master list for leads on the sidebar.

Mooka_Molaka ago

Just want to say Thank You so much for all of the hard work & ongoing efforts towards seriously investigating all of this. I know I'm not alone in appreciating what you contribute ~

Merry Christmas ~ Happy Holidays ~ Happy & Healthy New Year to You & Yours 💕🎄🍾^_^

Sushilover69 ago

Hahahha hahha sucks to be her!!!! She sold her soul to be president and now she'll go down in history forever a loser.

VirtueIn ago

Not to comment on the rest of the post, but I want to clarify something -- Chinese water torture and waterboarding are really two completely different things.

One relies on a breaking of the psyche via time and persistence (CWT), and the other relies on the psychological and physical sensation of drowning to motivate a response.

CWT is when they tie you down and place you beneath a container of water, and then you just sit/lay there as a drop of water falls on you (usually the forehead or face) every several seconds; slowly but surely, watching the water gradually collect and finally drop on you is said to drive you mad. This is partially, allegedly, due to the sensation that a hollow is forming inside your head.

Remember, if we claim that they're re-defining words that they're actually not, our argument will look far more specious.

We need to be vigilante in our accuracy and precision. We cannot create horrors; we need to open peoples' eyes to the actual horrors.

contrarianism ago

They strive to normalize the abnormal.

jackthyme ago

Excellent work!

CJJacobs ago

I believe it. Why else are they so invested in Planned Parenthood?

CJJacobs ago

I got you.

I did actually think this very thing when I first read your op.

Some posts on voat are possibly useful, but also superficial. I generally don't discredit any info that helps the cause, because every little bit helps, but there is sometimes a trend toward lack of 'big picture' it seems - or big picture energy.

I don't know if it is partly a moderator issue?

Or maybe that people may not think as conceptually sometimes and so it is easier to focus on the sensible/tangible.

Whatever the reason...super helpful for us to have a canopy or umbrella post like this that ties many pieces together and helps point to ultimate causes. While ultimately Prepper Jack's construct makes the most sense to me, you still get the kudos for putting so many pieces together here. I'll be researching it for days. :)

CJJacobs ago

No. I don't AT ALL mean that what you posted wasn't true. It is and your research def. shows. I love your OP.

I only meant the awful 'joke'. Normal people do not want to see that and that is not why most of us are here. Many people are genuinely concerned for the welfare of both the children and the country.

I appreciate very much your attempt to 'zoom out' and look at the bigger picture -- because it shows how compromised our gov. is and what a predicament we are in. Just didn't appreciate the slur.

NakatomiBaby ago

They would cite national security. But it wouldn't hurt to try. Even if we only received a small percentage of the planes' history during HRC at State, it would still be information. Apparently, the devil IS in the deatails. Flight crew. Airport staff. Lotsa eyeballs.

CJJacobs ago

Not funny. Or true.

CJJacobs ago

John Galt, Sorry. I think you've got it exactly reversed.

CJJacobs ago

This guy's comment history (micha) is suspect imho. May need to be flagged. Please check and see what you think.

CJJacobs ago

What. the. actual. hell.

Blacksmith21 ago

Sullivan. Alvarado. INL.

Warnos44 ago

Why the hell isn't this on the front page yet.... ~

cynoclast ago

This formatting makes you look like a crazy person.

micha_ ago

"sex trafficking" and "child sex tourism" ARE DIRECT QUOTES.

These quotes are taken out of context and you turn them into a claim like "The government is organzing sex trafficing and child sex tourism". Don't you understand the difference between a fact and a conclusion based on a fact. You claim facts, although it are only conclusions. And in many cases, quite weak conclusions, I might add. Every judge would laugh at you and throw you out, for making such bold claims and then having such "facts" to support it.

You ALSO submitted this post: THE ELIXIR OF YOUTH Plasma from the blood of young people REVERSES the ageing process...

Which is a FACT. But I have not claimed, that human blood harvesting was proven! It is my THEORY, based on the fact.

I downvoted your post, because you are obviously an idiot who cannot differentiate between facts, premises, theories and conclusions.

micha_ ago

I will ignore your insult, because I believe you are honestly trying to investigate.

Yes they are quotes from senate hearings, but the problem is, they do not explicitly say, what you claim.

You are INTERPRETING. Which is fine. But do you understand the difference between an INTERPRETATION and a FACTUAL PROVE?

micha_ ago

I think that's a very interesting theory, about the brokers bringing together clients.

But sorry,

I cannot find any sources in your post, that support your claims that the government was involved. You mention Rubio but there are no quotes from official documents that support your claims (and no links to that sources).

You quote a text that mentions tourism to Cuba. Ok. But how the hell can you claim, that was prove?! Do you want to discredit pizzagate with your sensationalistic claims?

If I have overlooked something, plese feel free to correct me and post the quote plus links to the source, that support your claims.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Soros was in charge of it all! I posted this on Reddit a few weeks ago but it's clear he made the decision.


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Honestly, I think Bill Clinton is low level when it comes to these people. I think he's more of a delivery boy! Yes, our ex-president a delivery boy for the Soros' and Sandlers and such! I really believe it!

wellington33 ago

Trump is a good friend of Jeffrey Epstein and he has been acused of raping a 13 yo in '94. I know guys you are all americans, but i am from spain. You have to realize trump is in this too. Everyone is, every country, every form of power in the world.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

The only reason I think you're wrong or shall I say I hope and pray you're wrong is how upset they all got when he won. How upset they still are. I think if he was in on it, they wouldn't be so upset

Millennial_Falcon ago

OK thanks.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This seems to dodge my question. Is Coppedge referring to Clinton when she says "he"? Who is she referring to?

r3dtr1x ago

John Kerry?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yes. OP explained.

Millennial_Falcon ago


In a few cases he made the call himself, where there were competing interests.”

So Rubio is asking Coppedge whether the Secretary of State went against consensus of staff on how to rank any particular countries with regard to human trafficking? If they're referring to Clinton, why do they use "he"? Is this just conventional language?

Chance903 ago

Read my post, it will be pretty clear where I stand.

Chance903 ago

You have my admiration ,this is what I been working on along with the prject about Blood. Very fine job, There are two other people that are working on two projects that tie into this. We should connect and focus on just tow or one single investigation. Superb job.

Blacksmith21 ago

This all ties back to the Dyncorp "dancing boys" incident. Those guys were INL, an "entity" of DoS. Lots of shady characters involved in that org. INL operates its own fleet of aircraft with impunity. Put two and two together.


NakatomiBaby ago

The State Department has 100 helicopters and 30 fixed wing aircraft...

Can we "find" manifestos/flight itinerary?

QuestionEverything ago

Dupont AVOIDED MANDATORY PRISON TIME. -Raped his 5 and 7 year old daughter and son. Multiple times.

AG of the state where this happened (The one person who could have overturned such a heinous ruling): Beau Biden.

When asked why he wouldnt correct situation: (crickets).

Now that he's dead though, you can donate to his organization for missing and exploited children?

Prepper_Jack ago

Sure, but we need names. A full investigation into the Clinton Foundation should provide quite a few, as well as the investigation into Weiner's email repository. Only other option is to continue investigating on our own, and spreading the word, until people are awake enough to burn DC and Wall Street to the ground. Given that the latter involves the death of what could be many innocent people, and the complete collapse of our economy, I'd prefer the former. But, the latter is always preferable to letting these people carry on with their plan.

Freemasonsrus ago

Enjoyed reading this back and forth. My personal opinion is that the CF is a big cog in the wheel. Hillary is reckless and loves death and power. They were making whatever deals they could to position themselves as the people in control of it all. Her master plan was regaining the WH and then using that as her levitation to a position of power over all of these other thugs. But, like I said, she's reckless. Had she even become president she wouldn't have controlled them. She's just THAT diluted. The gnashing of teeth going on currently has to do with the fact she becomes useless to them, she has a lot of very angry donors, and her long game is shot to smithereens. On top of that they know if the right people are in power they will go down and be prosecuted.

Prepper_Jack ago

I was just saying the CF is a cog in the machine. A big cog at present, but just a cog. Probably a smaller cog in the coming years. These people all operate on the power paradigm, and not the creation paradigm. For them, there are only just victims and aggressors. In Biblical terms, it is the battle of Satan vs God. These people clearly favor the former, and the objective is to have a single world ruler that can control reality - or at least the perception of reality.

So yes, it does mean bringing slavery back. It also means making mind slaves out of people, hence the mind control experiments, and all the gaslighting the media is trying out on us. Satanism is all about control - through either persuasion or force. So, yes - unless people wake up to this, we're all dog food. But, in the meantime we need to find out the precise actors and what they're doing, and rattle our sabres while we still can.

SpikyAube ago

All we need to do, is to all stop believing in them, and like fairies they'll all fall down dead. They have nothing without us, without our work, without the armies, without our 'money.' If we stop believing in money and realise it's worthless and instead focus on our communities and looking out for one another and sharing stuff and trading stuff, then their system would collapse but we'd be ok. This is why I think the media is the biggest problem by far because the entire focus of the media is on making people believe - that this is just how it is, there's no changing it, that this is what's meaningful, that other people are scary and can't be trusted or relied upon etc.

I think of the tv show the Walking Dead, and its nightmarish vision of what humanity is like without government, and it's so utterly false. It's like game theory assumes everyone acts selfishly in their own interests and cannot be trusted, but when they got ordinary people to play it they found that they didn't act at all as predicted, because they helped each other out and sacrificed for each other and stuff. THAT'S what we are really like, when we're not having our minds twisted. If the media was taken down, after a week or two the rest of it - turning their backs on money and 'the system' would come a lot easier, with a dedicated group of people spreading the word.

Prepper_Jack ago

I believe you're overestimating the Clintons a bit here, and the general state of things. Remember Podesta's email in regards to Obama getting $65k of "pizza and hot dogs" from Chicago flown in, and wondering if it was the same supply chain? This indicates that they do not have a monopoly on the market even in the United States.

Now, I do believe at this point that there is trade to and from the UK, and possibly Saudi Arabia. We, of course, know about Haiti. Have they done anything elsewhere? Are the Syrian rebels (CIA) selling captured children, or is it just ISIS (the Saudis and Qatar)? I'm pretty sure they're not controlling the Eastern European sex slave market, or stuff in Asia.

So, if we're talking just the USA, around 25k children become missing and are never recovered every year. I treat this number suspiciously, as the organizations putting them out are suspect - but they can't be that far off the mark. Now, lets say that 5k are just taken by random perverts, and the rest is organized crime. That leaves 20k kids for the general market. CIA is going to have a large stake, as they do with drugs - lets say 30%. So, 6,000 kids to be put to use as MK agents, or sex blackmail operatives, or whatever they do with them. Just to give them the benefit of the doubt, lets say the Clintons take 50% of the rest of the market, so 8,000 kids to sell here and abroad, or do whatever. If they sell the kids for 50k a pop, they get $400 million.

All told across the world, there may be a $10-20 billion market. I think this was what Obama and Clinton were going to go after in their announced "War on Human Trafficking". As we all know, when the people in the government want to go to war over something, they're trying to control it. Given that it's been close to 40 years since the "War on Drugs" started, and they don't have nearly full control over the market, it wouldn't be 4 years before they captured the market on slavery.

SpikyAube ago

That wasn't Podesta's email - that was a Stratfor email about the $65k hotdogs. https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1223066_re-get-ready-for-chicago-hot-dog-friday-.html

VieBleu ago

Don't forget, the CFR is Erik Prince and family territory. His parents have been members for decades, not sure if his father isn't dead now, but his mother was formidable. So wherever Prince operates (currently Africa, hung out in Saudia Arabia for awhile after avoiding US prosecution a few years back) that's where the slave trade is being set up (would be my theory) - go in, create chaos, take the booty during and in the aftermath, children being just one form of the booty.

Prepper_Jack ago

Heh, yeah. We already have supposed pictures of him at some sort of bubble party. I doubt it would surprise many Americans today to find out he was gay, or caught having sex in public with another guy in his teens.

Rubio has a pattern of making a big show of things, and going for the prominent positions, but never actually doing anything unless it benefited someone financially. He's blackmailed and bought - typical eGOP.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I was thinking that when I seen Rubio's name here, after that pathetic charade, 'don't mention wikileaks, it could be us next.' Fucking hell!

Prepper_Jack ago

Clinton Foundation is just a criminal syndicate. They have their band of thugs, sure, but unless they're in direct control of government, they have little impact on the global scene. They're favored by the CFR because they are easily bought, which is why they pushed for them so hard in this election cycle. Clinton was pulling this stuff in the 90s throughout Africa - taking money on the side from European mining operations for giving support to certain African Warlords (or looking the other way).

CFR has far more power at their disposal. They have the entire finance structure, virtually all the mainstream media, and most of the social media that people use. You can't supply an army without money, food, or whatever. This group could turn government off overnight by clamping the money spigot, as they consist of the actual shareholders of the Federal Reserve. They have their tendrils deep within the government, and basically own the CIA. This is why you have "former" spooks running all over CNN. Is anyone going to want to turn out like JFK and try to stop them?

I mean, given the name, I think I understand where you're coming from in this. However, the monster that government created by over-regulation is now part and parcel of the State. We are no longer a Republic, but an oligarchy. Podesta was cackling about this in his emails, as he thought it was hilarious that some reporter finally figured it out. The only way out of this is by the public rattling their sabers non-stop, or total collapse of the system.

Prepper_Jack ago

It's not just the Clinton Foundation at work here. Clinton Foundation is just a pay for play operation, and their primary customer is the Council on Foreign Relations (though it wasn't their only customer). This is George Soros, Google, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and dozens of other global companies. If you read the Clinton emails in Wikileaks, you can tell she's being told what to do by certain members of the CFR. Sidney Blumenthal, a member of the CFR, was giving her detailed instructions. They have their own network of consultants that come up with their own recommendations. This is the group that the FBI called "The Shadow Goverment" in one of their reports on Clinton.

This is where I believe the "competing interests" come in. Many of those diplomats and analysts do their job in accordance to the stated policy they are working for, and that is their interest. Otherwise, corrupt diplomats are running gigs on the side with their position, and that is their interest. Then you have the globalist cabal.. and they have their own financial interests. In the Clinton and Kerry State Departments, their bread is buttered by the globalists, and therefore they cease making decisions based on policy when they are demanded to.

Now, I'm not seeing strong evidence for a broad network of human trafficking in these documents. I am seeing that the CFR told Kerry to open up Cuba - which would start the ball rolling on the Nation to be controlled by the IMF in the coming years. In come the hotels, and other big business. Do they give a damn about child sex slavery not being in tolerable means? No, of course not - a lot of them probably enjoy that thing, as you may have guessed.

She did not want to answer the question completely, as it would be proof of sedition. Our State department is no longer part of the Executive branch of the US Government. Treason can be proven as well, as the Clinton Foundation knowingly took bribes from countries known to be funding enemies of the State (ISIS). We may find human (and more specifically child) trafficking as part of one of these foreign deals, but we need to look closely at the donor list of the Clinton Foundation for that.

Brainyidiot ago

Any politician for amnesty for illegals or soft on border control is suspect imo

carmencita ago

I am a German Immigrant. System is broken. It took my parents only 5 yrs and others to become a citizen. It now takes at least 9 yrs. to just get a green card. will people realize that we are being gamed and divided? Our leaders are bought by big biz that needs these people to work at cheap wages. It has been happening since our country began. Wake up people, we need to fix our immigration system and welcome those that have been working as slaves. Unless your relatives came here as barons then they were used too.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

http://archive.is/r2Fgx "The tangled past of the hottest money-raiser in America's visa-for-sale program" Fortune magazine article. Email sent back and forth to John Podesta from Wikileaks!


US Immigration Funds website


Nick Mastroianni II, President & CEO

Where does it end people!

SavingGrace ago

Listening to Obama's speech in Laos, Asia earlier this year - it certainly sounded like he was on a recruitment drive for cheap labour.... Makes complete sense now.
Thank God Trump is able to wave his magic wand.
America has had a traitor for President > http://imgur.com/a/qupM1

carmencita ago

By Americans, which ones do you mean? He threw his own people under the bus but so has every other President.

crystalclearme ago

"cheap labor" ---- exactly. Nothing is cheaper than slave labor


We are all slaves when we must work for food...

SpikyAube ago

We've always had to work for food, since we were in woolly mammoth loincloths. Every living creature has to put forth some effort to get food.

RumDum ago

Do I have to click the dot-gov links or are there mirrors? Not that it matters...I'm sure I'm already on a list or two

Yates ago

This video goes into detail of the trafficking and it includes US embassies in Thailand and other countries. Sibel Edmunds was FBI then became a whistleblower. She knows a lot about this and also goes into the cover-up behind it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP1MtaSIePk

Chance903 ago

It is good to see some of you are Finally catching on.

VieBleu ago

I think both tracks are necessary - yes the Clinton Foundation as slave trade central must be proven, but it is important to look at and understand the "culture" side of pedo culture as well, in images, music, places, video and printed material. This will shut down their ability to communicate and normalize what they do, just like reading their emails does, and helps stop the universal "hiding in plane sight" they enjoy. Both tracks have value.

isthisreality ago

oh whoa

MeatballPizza ago

I had no idea the scale and money involved. It's MORE than drugs - human trafficking. Someone is pocketing big $$$ all the way up the line.

Sushilover69 ago

Idk how this could be related but I read an article the other day about how George soros got so rich by successfully predicting the beginning and end of multiple financial recessions. Could he be influencing those somehow in a way that is related to this?

MeatballPizza ago

There's actually a federal law that if an American travels to another country - regardless of what their laws are - for the purpose of having sex with a minor it's a felony back here in the U.S. and they can be convicted for doing so.

Only seen it enforced in rare cases.

Might be something the FBI can use soon....

vacvape ago

How does that island fair in relation to the US geographically? I'm pretty sure laws are a lottery of exemptions.

PizzaAccount ago

There's a law that pretty much says breaking a law in another country is the same as breaking it here, even if the activity isn't illegal in the U.S. For example, if you were to illegally smuggle fish out of Venezuela, but the fish aren't illegal to import to the U.S., you can still be charged in the U.S. for the smuggling.

fogdryer ago

And why can we do nothing

MeatballPizza ago

Didn't know about that one, but this law was passed because there was pedo tourism industry. Was meant to stop that.