Aloha808 ago

He could be the the programmer of the alternative personalities they create through torture. Check domino programming

DeckoGecko ago

pretty sure that domino's is code for BDSM...

cdglow ago

Some people have interpreted playing dominoes as "domination games".

For what it's worth, some people have been trying to explain away that quote as a boring old person joking about literally playing dominoes on cheese or pasta as you'd joke about drugs: "on meth" or "on cocaine".

I think there's something to pizzagate, but as weird as this quote sounds at first glance in light of the code words, it sounds this could hypothetically be an innocent quote. (I don't think so because true foodies wouldn't be talking about cheese or pasta, they'd be talking about specific cheeses and pastas like cheddar, mozzeralla, gouda, linguini, fettucini, etc) but there's some degree of plausible deniability.

atheist4thecause ago

The drug code is possible, but I've never heard of drugs referred to as food (then again, I'm not into drugs and know little about drug culture).

I also tried taking it literally as food. Instead of thinking of them as foodies, I read it more as maybe they would play a game of dominoes after getting filled up on cheese or pasta. The problem with that theory for me are the two foods. Cheese isn't something people fill up on as a main course, but pasta is. I still find it suspicious that it's spelled "dominos" instead of "dominoes" as well.

I still think that the pedophile code makes the most sense, whether it be domination games, some sort of male-on-child sex act in a pizza parlor parking lot, or one of the other theories.

VieBleu ago

playing dominoes could be a sort of casual throwaway way to say "playing domination games" of various types.

redditsuckz ago

I seen one definition that dominos might be ejaculate on a black skinned person...white seman/black person = playing dominos

atheist4thecause ago

Do you have a source for that? That's possible, but the classic dominoes are white with black dots as pictured here:

redditsuckz ago

From Urban Dictionary - Black Dominos

When two gay black men come together and cum on each other so they have white cum covering their black skin to make it look like a "Black Domino". "I bet they both played black dominos last night." "What makes you think that?" "Look at all the white stains on their shirts!"

It might mean something else entirely;

Nilay Lawson, 'killroom' commenter ('just rinse it off') and 'artist' producing murderous ritualistic tableaux, employs jargon of 'playing dominoes', like Podesta: circumstantial evidence (v/pizzagate)

From picture discriptions when you click on them...hope someone can make sense of this very cryptic message;

Playing dominos, checking your phone, sip, stand; there you have it a new time.

Jeopardy is (people shadows + mic) - {Playing dominos}

The same as it was (lettuce head) - {checking your phone}

As a basic Path(stairs floor) - {sip}

With linear ways(2 dinasors on 4 legs 1 on its side + godzilla on 2 feet) - {stand}

Still Showing Face (baby face + baby eyes) - {There you have it a new time}

"Jeopardy is the same as it was as a basic path with linear ways still showing face"