ZalesMcMuffin ago


...which sounds like SickSickSick(s)...

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Hitler was wrong about everything, so we can safely conclude that opposing degenerate art is evil and we must never do it.

(Isn't it fun to actually spell out the logic of political correctness?)

Investigate1999 ago

In other words, giving birth to pizza? That's kind of sad.

I appreciate you bringing that up, though. I never made that connection.

slickleg64 ago

Jeopardy is the same as it was as a basic path with linear ways still showing face.

What the fk does that mean?

diamond-_sutra ago

this kind of crap is unfortunately common in art schools, look at the "Turner Prize" winners

BeezleyBillyBub ago

They see it as free expression of preferential predilection not psychosis, they can't help themselves, they want to flaunt their psychosis as superiority. When I hear the Sadistic Ape joke about child preferences, I want to do them what they do to kids. But, I'm a little old fashioned that way. The benign thing would be castration and a life sentence in solitary, but I'm not benign. It's like the guy who built kiddie coffins next to the kill room of his favorite pedo. These sick fucks have to flaunt their shit in our faces or they can't laugh at us. If anyone accidentally sneezes allah akbah on a plane, we torture the shit out of them, while a catholic priest smiles a his Alter Boy feed. The world is going to collapse, and this is exactly why I believe it unstoppable and irreversible. But, I'm a bit simple that way.

VieBleu ago

her art sux. maybe worthless commet yet needs to be said.

elgindelta ago

Note the islsmic ritual knife in the rather middle eastern looking guys hand

r3dtr1x ago

Out of all of these, the one that stands out the most to me is the black and white checkered handkerchief with police caution tape around it. It's a nod to physical evidence of a crime.

Good find.

eyeVoated ago

Nilay Lawson's Google+ account (screenshot archived here: ) features phrases such as:

"CUT, DRIVE, AND BURY" "BIG HUSH, WHERE I END" and "The greatest pleasures are often narrowly separated from disgust"

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"The greatest pleasures are often narrowly separated from disgust"

Only for sickos.

janedoe77 ago

The painter in "cultic garments" is Frida Kahlo. The only thing that is noticeable is the skull necklace. They're rather traditional garments for Mexico. The man is a native shaman likely.

pizzamate ago

When Luciferian Jews control the art world this is the fruit it bears.

francine_rose ago

That painter is Freda Caula (spelling)

Also isn't that the simpsons pink doughnut I've been seeing it everywhere on thde people's

Gorillion ago

They're all trying to create "outsider art" is my take. The more non-traditional and non-technical it is the more "authentic" it's supposed to be. Remember, this is the era where random baristas can paint you a perfect mini-Mona Lisa in the fucking foam on the top of your latte. There's no dollar value in being technically proficient any more, unless you want to be an illustrator. All these narcissistic kiddy fuckers want to be famous rock-star level "artists" though.

Throeaweigh ago

She also has 667 friends on Facebook. That last contact must have been important.

DownByTheRiver ago

Money laundering and payment for services. The "art" provides plausible deniability.

momojaja ago

We should hand out our very own pizzagate badges to people like you that have the ability to find such connections the rest of us average joes/janes arent able to. Well done detective!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I'm pretty sure these artists have been to art school. That's the problem.

micha_ ago

It's anti-art, but the depraved call it art, because it attracts them. Like flies being attracted by feces, so these people are attracted by garbage, dirt and evil. Art is not onnly a mirror of society, but also a mirror of the artist's soul. And it reflects depravity and evil.

blind_sypher ago

I found that to be common among all of them. They seem to get off on deformed, grotesque, and simplistic things. Its a huge tell when it comes to these circles.

micha_ ago

My eyes were opened, when one day I saw an interview with Joe Coleman. He was a sick "artist" who bite off the heads of lving mice. In that interview he spoke about his youth and what a revelation it was for him, when one day he went into a gallery and saw the paintings of totally sick creatures of another "artist" (whose name I forgot). Coleman said, that he immediately IDENTIFIED with these creatures.

Suddenly I understood. Just like healthy people are attracted by beauty, there obviously are people who are attracted by illness, perversity, dirt. Probably just like like a healthy man is being attracted by a beautiful woman a pedophile is attracted by young boys.

The huge problem is, that healthy people cannot imagine that such sickness could exist. And because it's outside our range of understandable feelings, the perverts can quite easily hide their sickness, by claiming it was art! So the healthy people, with all cultural norms nowadays destroyed, try to understand the sickness from the perspective of healthy minds. The healthy ones PROJECT their own healthyness into the anti-art of the degenerated and therefore fail to understand what is is.

The natural reaction of healthy minds, without the brainwashing by the media would be (with the discoveries since pizzagate broke we better begin to understand why...), to massively reject that perverse garbage and anti-art and throw the perverts into jail to prevent their sickness doing harm to society.

It's already their triumph, that they managed to make the healthy majority believe that it was art, what they are promoting and that the majority accepts it! Modern art, anti-art therefore acts like a Trojan horse that checkmates the immune system of a society and over decades of indoctrination makes it accept everything.

The next step is the adoption of kids by homosexual men and then the legalization of pedophilia. And the healthy people have no clue about the forces of evil that exist and believe the propaganda lies that covers the evil agenda.

coincidencesmyass ago

The pictures in the second link, this one remind me of those riddle pictures from school, where pictures form a sentence. I can't think of what they're called. But for example the 2nd picture could be lettuce or "let us" & the 3rd picture "go upstairs"... see what I mean? I'm not good at those but maybe someone smarter than me can figure out what a knocked over dinosaur next to another dinosaur means in a play on words sort of way.

coincidencesmyass ago

That first photo you linked to is a strange one. Hat, mask, but she's got her bra out and the collar of her t-shirt looks like it's been cut off with scissors. It's a strange combination.

redditsuckz ago

From picture discriptions when you click on them...hope someone can make sense of this very cryptic message;

Playing dominos, checking your phone, sip, stand; there you have it a new time.

Jeopardy is (people shadows + mic) - {Playing dominos}

The same as it was (lettuce head) - {checking your phone}

As a basic Path(stairs floor) - {sip}

With linear ways(2 dinasors on 4 legs 1 on its side + godzilla on 2 feet) - {stand}

Still Showing Face (baby face + baby eyes) - {There you have it a new time}

"Jeopardy is the same as it was as a basic path with linear ways still showing face"

SpikyAube ago

She's not very good at drawing/painting is she? :-\ The very first picture creeps me out the most because it looks like it's been drawn from real life, just the position of the bearded guy and the way he's standing, his belly, the position of the woman with the hair covering her face, and the contortions of the dead body, the fact the head has rolled under the table. I dunno. It's also weird that she hasn't set her profile to private, as she's obviously getting hate due to pizza gate and death threats etc, so why does she still have her profile all public? It makes it seem as though she wants people to see her reaction to the whole thing, the 'it's been a very very strange year' and the 'thank you for your support' etc - a picture of a poor innocent person who is the victim of cyber bullies and trolls. I just think that's really weird. If I was being scrutinised online by possibly thousands of strangers who all thought I may be part of a satanic pedo cult I would be putting my profile to private/deleting my profile picture, and completely hiding. I wouldn't care about trying to project an image, I'd just care about my privacy and my safety.

That said, she does say she hasn't worked there in years, and the fact she left her profile public might be because she likes attention, and the sick art might also be part of that, like she wants to project an image of herself as s strange kooky artist girl who draws decapitated heads and stuff so that people will notice her, rather than actually being involved in the whole thing.

She shared the NYT article about Comet Ping Pong and mentioned that she and others have been getting comments and death threats. It's kind of interesting the comments on that post, in that out of her 667 friends, not many have commented on it, when it's been a huge international story. One of the commenters even points out that something weird is definitely going on with Podesta though...

Whole thing is weird and difficult to interpret.

User890020 ago

They are so fucking terrible, which makes them somewhat even more creepy.

Freemasonsrus ago

FFS I was doing this level shit in 7th grade. These people need to consider a different occupation. In fact, most famous art is also shit. Like all things in life it seems, people are elevated to greatness based on who they know. Sad but true. Pollack??? The entire arts industry is a joke. All entertainment. Is there anyone who can sing live? Acting is best when the person is able to disconnect with reality. Makes so much more sense once understanding abuse, brain washing, and compartmentalization.

ejd4500 ago

For direct links, just break them, meaning, instead of


ht tps://

That way we are forced to copy and then fix, that will prevent the referrer (voat) from passing through to the destination.

angry_mob ago

as an artist, i would have to agree!

Investigate1999 ago

I'm going to comment on them for further discussion. I don't know how relevant my thoughts are.

That was life scarring. :-(

LateJoinerStillMad ago

Look at the account "community__outreach" and the 72 people it follows. So much symbolism that I saw, swirls, butterflies, one picture of a clover that Nilay Lawson liked.

LateJoinerStillMad ago

I don't know how to post my screenshots. What "community" would they be reaching out to, why do they all post so many pictures of kids. What is the hashtag #babybearcurtis about? Check it and archive I don't have the points to message anyone

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

A lot of this is what I would call Outsider Art, aside from the one with the "painter in cultic garments". That one's pretty good. Oh, and the subject with the unibrow, paint palette and elaborate garb is obviously supposed to be Frida Kahlo, by the way.

Chinada3 ago

new #PIZZAGATE song (PAYDAY MONSANTO 2017) P.U.K.E. Pedophiles Undoubtedly Kontrol Everything

please share

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It's tough to understand some of the lyrics.

unfuckitup ago

Each individual graphic or art piece in and of itself is hard to explain as proof positive, but once you put it all together with the comments...

rush22 ago

There's a couple of ones in the last link that are better. Sort of trippy

unfuckitup ago

The drawing and paintings all have a sort of Art Brut feel to them. Art Brut is like a trendy thing like outsider art and art by the mad. So it has that not so skillfully painted look to it. They are expressing some aspect of culture that they are tied into. You really get a picture of what that subculture is like if you see it all together. The paintings by Kim Noble, paintings in Tony's and John's collections. Videos by Magestic Ape, which I don't understand how that could not creep someone out. Plus the file on Wiener's laptop saying' life insurance'. Epstein's lolita island,, this is the scandal that keeps on giving

Johnny3names ago

lol I swear I was just thinking these assholes need a Ministry Against Crappy Art since they're pushing 1984.

freeagent37 ago

Pretty creepy stuff indeed, Pizza pictures everywhere! F...Crazy!

thezodiac ago

Also: these people are obsessed with severed heads. Fuckin psychos.

thezodiac ago

"Pizza/Pasta buds" Seems like this guy "gets" the Podesta code, lol

PizzaSub23K ago

WTF these people are clearly sick. And what's with the "pizza/pasta buds" pic, that doesn't even make sense in any normal context. Who are those people?

voteforfreedom ago

IMO nothing circumstantial when the richest and most powerful get into buckingham palace, get in striking distance of the corgis and Mi5-6 forgot to check up on the sick fucks

MPs, Football coaches, Rockstars, Politicians, billionaires all found guilty of pedo shit

Jimmy <the devil> Saville and his crimes, circles of friends and power = ding ding ding

B3nder ago

Pretty disturbing art

oneslyfox ago

Another connection, not sure if it's been noted but she did the album artwork for Apes (the fucked up band with all the crazy symbolism and allusion) weirdly displayed on Urban Outfitter's blog.

edit: just showing that she's connected enough with this group to probably be in on the terminology/info.

redditsuckz ago

Majestic Ape album art;

There are MULTIPLE Kill Rooms - Comet Ping Pongs Bricks are same inside Restaurant + McCullough Construction and Chevy Chase Gallery Beside it

coincidencesmyass ago

Good catch!

TheUltimateDebate ago

Wow man! AWESOME investigation! Great job mate! There's a lot to dive into here!

28leinad82 ago


quantokitty ago

Great stuff.

WTF?!!! That dominoes thing and the pics that went with it ... yeah, all fake, huh, Mr. Thompson? Jack?

FeLpZ187 ago

Jack thompson? Where did this come from?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

He would drop an epic rant against these people.

quantokitty ago

No, Mark Thompson and Jack Dorsey.

Headstart ago

Good work. Why is she covering her face? Is this what she wears when doing her 'work with children?' Email 666. She comments "there is a reason for evertyhing." Signaling an "event" they are starting?

It goes on and on... MOST of those were very disturbing. She is definitely a sick fuck, there's something going on here with her and her relation to the group.

Gorillion ago

Why is she covering her face?

Might be a tranny and the face isn't "passing" or she's trying to create a Banksy style air of mystery.

Always look for the narcissistic angle.

redditsuckz ago

All related threads;

Alefantis Kill Room Found - The Pajama Factory Same Brick Walls as Instagram Photos - Womans Body was found 2013

UPDATE : Alefantis/Smith "kill room" found!

Coffeegate - Starbucks mentioned 109 times and "Coffee" mentioned over 650 times


#TheInevitableBlack - Deth Killers Bushwick


Photos: Bill & Hillary Clinton Went To Bushwick For Pizza At Roberta's Last Night!

Another Creepy Factory Place - The Standard Baking Company

HolyMoly0 ago

For fuck sake. Well done.

oresd ago


Panda Head, Furthermore, kasumi, Havana Times, WINDIAN RECORDS, ACLU Nationwide, Paris Photo, Sophiajacob, Talking Animals, Bad at Sports, The Criterion Collection,

Comet Ping Pong,

Washington Sculptors Group, Junction Vintage, Maiden L.A.and more

billybigrigger ago

In the artwork referenced by OP above, the second item is a poster for an event (Videyo) being held at, you guessed it, Comet Ping Pong.

VIDEYO is an artistic action/reaction to the intimately lit interior of popular pizza restaurant and after school/work hangout Comet Ping Ping. A home for after art opening celebrations, a venue to see bands, and a meeting place for the fun lovers of DC, VIDEYO accents Comet's great vibe and good times...

GodHand666 ago

Trying to upvoat!! BUT IM OUT OF UPVOATSSSS!

wgvdl ago

TY, that "rinse it off when u're done"-comment was one of the most creepiest ever.

redditsuckz ago

Everyone commenting on stuff like that probably knows someone with a kill room or HAS one themselves...

There are MULTIPLE Kill Rooms - Comet Ping Pongs Bricks are same inside Restaurant + McCullough Construction and Chevy Chase Gallery Beside it

And when I say "Multiple" I don't mean 5 or 6...we are looking at possible 100's if not thousands of these "kill rooms" in America alone...

SPECIAL REPORT Human meat found at McDonalds Meat Factory

"There are other reports that suggest that upon inspecting McDonald’s factories and food restaurants throughout the country, food authorities found human meat in even 90% of the locations, while horse meat was found in 65% of the locations. Lloyd Harrison is FBI agent, and for Huzler he stated: “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible.”

When it comes to cannibalism it originated thousands of years ago. Actually there are few tribes today that still practice it as a cultural cult. Unfortunately we can conclude that cannibalism is present in the modern world. In 2013 a North Korean man was sentenced to death for killing his children for food. In America the people who supported eating human meat, Jeffrey Dahmer and Albert Fish, were proclaimed insane."

21yearsofdigging ago

So a ship comes in, containers are moved into a wherehouse. A lot of personnel swarm in, water is seen coming out the bottom of the wherehouse for at least 10 minutes as kids are washed inside. Then and only then, after the smell is dealt with, there is a sudden influx of rich men in fancy cars and limos and a bunch of usually unmarked vans without windows.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Wow. I don't know if I can get all the way through that article, but it would be really interesting to fact-check it. Very interesting stuff and, like the "Protocols", enlightening to consider, whether legit or made up.

Julian55 ago

interesting link

unfuckitup ago

What's your take on Dr. Sue Arrego? One of her sisters is a social psychologist and she says she is schizophrenic and delusional. Her story is in such elaborate detail though.

wgvdl ago

Nope, I am inclined to take the remark #killroom kinda verbatim.

derram ago :

Nilay Lawson - Playing dominos, checking your phone, sip,... | Facebook

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