BethesdaDC ago

Peter Newsham...a dirty cop with a history of beating up women; rage issues... No fucking way

crystalclearme ago

I think when I looked into this it appeared that the Mayor Muriel Bowser and the city council had the say in who was appointed.

SturdyGal ago

Didn't Newsham already cover up pizzagate? He refused to investigate. Then the faux gunman. Then they whitewashed the walls and possibly shot the computer so the disk wasn't readable.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely he will. He needs to go.


Watching ago


dmthirdeye ago

Will *try to cover up pedogate lol not going to happen

dmthirdeye ago

This is a great post though, hes for sure corrupt as shit dirty cop would do anything to get to the top so hes in control. Typical sociopath.

Grifter42 ago

He needs to get his dick nailed to the wall.

TaosDeiopW ago

Corruption is that big in USA. You americans are fucked. So much for your right to bear arms.

zzvoat ago

Wasn't there a huge post on this a few days ago? If so, may be a good idea to link to it.

Honeybee_ ago

Added to description, thank you, I found that thread after posting this.

MysticMa ago

Anything on this Mayor? Heat needs to be applied fast... Sounds like a Comey Lynch repeat inreverse.

derram ago :

D.C. mayor close to naming permanent police chief -

This has been an automated message.

Honeybee_ ago
