amyrebeccajames ago

I don't understand this... how is it supposed to help? You can locate people on social media?

whitehand ago

You can geotag addresses, and people. You can also search names, usernames, and email addresses on all social media databases. The software allows you to look at all the data you have researched in and organized big picture.

crystalclearme ago

Ooh this is awesome!! Thank you

whitehand ago

I work in comp sec. If you need more software let me know, same goes if you need digital forensics assistance. Spread the word about my post and link! Thanks.

whitehand ago

Bump, keep upvoting this to the top!

whitehand ago

Keep upvoting and spread the word!

qwerty33 ago

thanks upvote to top!

md3inaustin ago

nice, good suggestion

whitehand ago

Help me spread word and get my post stickied to help everyone. I typically don't venture out of IRC's due to risk but I figured this was worth sharing. I have been using this awesome tool for awhile.

md3inaustin ago

Which IRC's do you frequent, at least for pizzagate research? Looking to add my skillz where I can help.

whitehand ago

There really aren't any large ones that I am aware of. Which is why I risked coming here to post the software.