MolochHunter ago

oh lol ur satanic calendar is a lot fuller than mine, I must have gotten mine from really unhip luciferians

YingYangMom ago

That why I like David Seaman so much. He doesn't beat around the bush and he's got balls of steal.

YingYangMom ago


FriesischShipping ago

My guts tell that dudes a kiddie fucker.

i2amspartacus ago

Seaman's passion is real. He is a voice we need, no matter what you make of him. Indignant rage is the only proper and normal response to what's happening.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

We need him like we need another Alex Jones.

joeysaperv ago

Everyone needs to pick up this banner. They took out Breitbart. Not going to leave it laying in the the mud.

Fuck you John Podesta

kplusk ago

We need to make sure that #PizzaGate investigation continues even if Alefantis gets arrested! Alefantis is definitely involved (big league) but this sh*t is BIGGER than that POS! Alefantis is a producer on Megyn Kelly show (& DC is intertwined w/ all these pedos). I believe Tapper is also involved...his (correct) contact info was on the same (lhohq = laughing horse orpheus head quarters) website that we found Soros, Podesta, H&B Clintons, Cheryl Mills, Huffington, Weiner, Gore, David Brock, Doug Brand, Huma, etc. David has put his face, name & voice into this research & has every right to get a little hot under the collar. Especially when his source of income was suspended. Shills will be shills, but let's see any 1 of us spend that much time & energy researching & creating videos only to have them deleted & denounced.

charmeuse ago

Everyone should read this article! I think it lays out the most plausible explanation of this disgusting mess called Pizzagate. Brilliant work on the part of the author.

shoosh ago

Thanks Ryan-PizzagateGear-IsThisGameOfThrones. You took one for the children of the world. Bless you!

carmencita ago

Jeff Sessions has announced that he is recusing himself from any Hillary Clinton Investigations.

sunshine702 ago

Our little swarm of bees is mighty. And we take open threats seriously.

Nutark ago

I thought he was intentionally repeating the name over and over and then questioning why no libel lawsuit has been brought. This guy says ja is a sick sick fuck over and over, implicates Obama and there is no lawsuit? I figured it is an interesting approach. At this point their silence speaks volumes.

quantokitty ago

Hell, yeah!

redditsuckz ago

Answering David Seaman on 666/A-OK Hand Sign & All-Seeing Eye Symbolism and Usage

Pizzagateisreal1030 ago

shills are so obvious hahahhaahhahahahaha

SlackeryTurnBull ago

You mean Seamen?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Did all the real people leave? Is Voat manipulating downvotes? How in the hell can anyone say that Seaman is a credible witness on this? What has he done to justify taking him at his word?

Pizzagateisreal1030 ago

This is it boys this is all the FBI needs to do justice!!! If the the threats are credible they can get a search warrant and find all the kids!!! This is what they they've been waiting for!!!! Too bad FBI are all pedophiles and will blow it. :(

MolochHunter ago

you think with all this heat and attention they have a cache of kids anywhere near DC at the moment?

Saturnalia passed a few weeks ago, dude, not much on the 'sacrificial calendar' for weeks

Pizzagateisreal1030 ago

Hahahahahhaha they don't just have backup places to broker kids lol. We have at least 3 v/boaters watching all their places at all times. only place we can't get eyes on is those tunnels. If they're doing business they are doing it in some disgusting tunnel where politicians have to get fucking dirty.

Godwillwin ago

Really? Are the good citizens really watching? Cameras?? I hope so!!!!!

thestormking ago

Pretty sure it's against protocol for the FBI to release this information. Contrary to popular belief, they actually rely on what's known as an element of surprise.

Htaed ago

They're going to turn it around on Ryan and charge him for selling pizzagate gear while alibaba or whatever the fuck his name is laugh his ass off.

throwaway345678 ago


redditfuckingsucksyo ago

There was one guy who tried that. Here's what happened:

throwaway345678 ago

Yes, I saw this - but can we FOIA whether or not Alefantis is being investigated?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

From a quick google search it looks like you can FOIA request if someone else is being investigated if its "public information" whatever that means.

B3nder ago

As if they would answer any of this to a guy on the telephone...good one

Godwillwin ago

You can contact them online and tell them whatever you want. Go to their website and choose "contact us" i think or maybe it's a submit a tip. then look at the list of branches. most of them when clicked on will take you to their website where you can leave any message you want. You can give them a link to voat if you want. You can give them a link to a YouTube video even.

carmencita ago

Who is the source? At least if it is a private party or agency etc. I will wait to get excited til I hear more. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. He is a Grade A Jerk.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The article seems to use Seaman as the source.

carmencita ago

Thanks. The writer. Shep Ambellas has a Facebook pg. I noticed one pic w/Hillarys pic on tp or paper towel roll I don't do Facebook. I think his pics should be checked out since that is a little strange. Can you take a peek?

XVktm ago

Looks to me what one might call... GASP.... (hushed tones... "fake news".

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I hope this is true! Hope they do their job!

Htaed ago

Yeah , well, there is no way the FBI is going to touch the pedophile part. They'll just investigate the threats, and say it is not worth their time; charge Ryan with tax evasion or something like that. It's like you investigating your own mother.

shoosh ago

If they do that they'll have a global protest.

Htaed ago

They'll just say it's fake news.

Pizzainmyass ago

I mean wouldn't it be expected to look at the allegation of what made the person threaten them

VictorDaniels777 ago

So you're saying the FBI is just as corrupt as JamesA?

OrwellKnew ago

Hah! If you said CIA then my answer would be a definite "yes"

FBI I'm thinking there are still more 'white hats' than baddies. Time will tell

Htaed ago

Anything "federal" is corrupt. federal reserve, federal express, federal gubmint, federal bureau of investigation, federal ammunition; corrupt.

Fateswebb ago

The entire FBI isn't corrupt, and key players or decision makers surly are about to be replaced in a couple weeks.

Htaed ago

LOL trump, the real trump, is their leader. You rarely see him, maybe once--when he wore a white hat. Call me crazy but the real trump is not human.

Agora1234 ago

This is one of David Seaman's vids encoraging mass achiving of MSM puppet/shill "journalists"

I am willing to do what he says and achrive all media shill data. Please pm me or comment if any reserchers want to collaborate!!!!! IMO this would be a sword against future MSM propaganda machines!

cordoven ago

Let's do it, I made a new account so I can't PM. Archiving the MSM could be a massive start to accountability, and it grant us some predictive power in the future when dealing with obvious shill tactics. Let me know if you're interested.

Godwillwin ago

Birdseyeview is a shill

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

He's on reddit with the same name trolling all the pizzagate threads.

Fateswebb ago

Hah, that's not a shill, it's James...

quantokitty ago

Absolutely, save, archive, and preserve! When the elite go down, the propagandists will deny what they did, and they'll get away with it unless everyone saves the evidence!

seekingtruth2016 ago

The only problem I have is this guy's approach. It's bordering on the obnoxious level of Alex Jones and it makes me not want to continue following his reporting. Also, we're still missing whom these supposed "sources" are in addition to the fact that he admits in this video that he's been through more experiences related to this issue, but he's chosen not to divulge what these were. This all continues to be confusing and not particularly useful to investigating. Just my opinion, of course.

VictorDaniels777 ago

What does approach have to do with anything?

seekingtruth2016 ago

Approach has everything to do with the level of legitimacy the general public will assign to any given topic and in the case of David Seaman, his over-the-top reaction has the potential to give the perception that we're all crazy, angry, Trump-supporting lunatics. I personally give little to no credence to people who have uncontrolled anger, especially if they're attempting to influence my opinion. I understand that this is a deplorable and heinous crime, but if you're going to present people with legitimate information and expect them to take you seriously, you have to be mature enough to show some level of emotional intelligence.

witch_doctor1 ago

It's called righteous anger in his case....and he has earned it. When has being milquetoast ever been successful in the perception war against the sociopathic globalists? Romney? McCain?

eyeVoated ago

You sound like a whiny little bitch

VictorDaniels777 ago

What have you contributed?

eyeVoated ago

I contribute on an alternate account, but I still exercise my second amendment rights

Pizzagateisreal1030 ago

Are you off your catheter yet lol.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, his ranting is awesome. We are dealing with kiddie fuckers that are attempting to destroy his character and starve him financially before they decide they have to suicide him. He has every right to be furious..and so should we all. Have you seen Kill the Messenger? David Seaman is a brave MF'er. Rant on Bro'.

Pizzagateisreal1030 ago

What's not to like he's been screwed a lot with by all organizations now he's fucking pissed David seaman does a great fucking job wtf you all talking about!?

SlackeryTurnBull ago


redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I am starting to agree with this opinion more and more. Initially I was more impressed with him.

ThePoorPeople ago

I gotta agree. I understand how frustrated he is about PayPal and not being able to access your money; things like that are understandable to be flustered over. Every video where he just mentions JA or JP? A bit much. Definitely could use an editor to help script his episodes (100% disregarding all other circumstances- I understand how rediculous it is to say 'just get an editor, duh' in his position)

shoosh ago

Any of us posting here don't use our real names, faces and our jobs aren't in jeopardy. I don't think any of us could imagine how much courage it takes to use their own name, face and career to stand up against kiddie criminals. I think it would be very frightening to wonder if you're going to be accidentally suicide, framed in some way like Assange, or your family accidentally suicide. That kind of thing would make me very, very pissed off on so many levels. Oh wait - it does and I'm not the one in the actual position as him.

C'mon guys. SMH.

Agora1234 ago

Regardless, he is encouraging archaving mass MSM shill data to combat future fake news and spread awarness.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

This is a different video that was just released within the last hour although after watching both of them I am kind of disappointed in David, the only source I can find for the claims is:

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding this link, RFSY.

crazimal ago

Will someone please link the douchy youtuber's sources for us?

Mods should we consider requiring this of all youtuber threads to comply with rules?

Melitica ago

Excellent suggestion...a TL:DW (watch) would also be nice. I live quite close to the edge of the Internet and my ISP speed is impossibly slow.

Vindicator ago

Yes, we are struggling over how to handle these link-only posts right now. We've got to be consistent, but people just can't seem to post these as research posts with a bit of summary, timestamps, etc. And when we remove them, we're 'compromised'. There are MANY of these...Seaman happens to be a lame but better one. Many are worse.

witch_doctor1 ago

Pretty damn snarky for a Mod IMO...David Seaman is a well-known left leaning journalist that was fired from the HuffPo for actually reporting on HRC's health. Journalists have been suicided for whispering less than he is shouting. Have you heard of Monica Peterson? Still on the fence about Pizzagate? Unsure if you are obviously looking at a coven of kiddie fuckers? David Seaman is bravely playing his part, and if you can't acknowledge that, maybe you should hang up the Mod hat.

You do realize that Scott Peterson was sentenced to fucking LIFE in prison for way less evidence than you are requiring in your V/Pizzagate post threshold?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I was really impressed with Seaman at first but he's been disappointing me more and more with each Pizzagate video he releases.

FriesischShipping ago

I don't blame him. This shit is dark. He even said he didn't want to cover PG this much.

Wtfreddit ago

Same here, I don't feel like he's actually researched anything past Podesta's emails. With that being said, he does have a pretty large amount of subscribers and at the very least is being useful about spreading awareness.

XVktm ago

hard hitting respected new organization "vidme" FINALLY weighs in! lol!