Windtwist ago

To all the researchers working hours on this horrid topic...Thank you! There are countless children with no voice in this nightmare. Keep posting and digging until they are all hanging from a high tree.

investigatethepizza ago

So, I found this thread following another thread about Dyncorp..there's just SO many elements to research we need a mega brain to investigate all these different aspects and have different groups, I feel Dyncorp alone is a huge monster with CIA protection?

rutkdn ago

In the last 2 months I've held the belief that Monica Petersen is the key to all this. Also the fact that her professor/boss had/has ties to DynCorp is not a coincidence.

investigatethepizza ago

We need threads that are constantly being added to, I would love just a thread dedicated to everything about Monica Petersen and everything surrounding her.

nmtd1005 ago

There's a whole ton of nefarious shit going on in Haiti. $7B USAID disappeared. Kids trafficked to oil ministers and arab royals by Dyncorp. Probably organ harvesting at brand new strategically-isolated hospital. Libya's gold is hidden there as well as kids from all over. It's a cesspool because there's no oversight.

nmtd1005 ago


HelpingChildren ago

When Washington Post put in their article a dominatrix I was angry! #WTC is happening that they can get away with that crap. Does the mother need a a Go Fund Me Account to get to the bottom of the crap and find the truth? Money to sue the Washington Post about the crap written?

hanknut42 ago

Swartz was sucided too as a hanging spez knowS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Godwillwin ago

Yes. I don't think ALL of those people were killed by their hit men. But i wouldn't be surprised if 30-40 percent were --which would be around 30 to 40 people over the past 30 years.

Blackdragon_expert ago

Looking at the screen captured write-up and FB responses including Monica's reasoned messages to colleagues\friends she's not presenting with any signs of someone depressed or wanting to kill herself. Its interesting that her employer's website based out of Denver is 'under construction.' Right...those were the old continuity or cut-over. Haiti is the poorest country in the world, or at least it makes the top 10. Your susceptible to disease, crime ect...and no reason to visit as tourists...

YouaremeandIamyou ago

according to this. John Podesta directs some of the media, directly. he reminds me a bit of the shadow gov guy, in the blacklist. maybe he is really the president! if politics is a competition to see who can become the biggest abuser, he is a serious contender. I am hoping we will see there are some real people in high positions who oppose him, and will distinguish themselves, by stopping this blatant ring or criminals, and learn from what they have shown us, to make children safe from now on... hopefully everyone will see it is up to all of us. but would be good to see some people use the positions life has given them..

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Exactly. While certain of her comments could be read as being compatible with an acceptance of the suicide explanation, other comments cannot.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"the Caraol Industrial Park" "in Caracolin Haiti" "about Caracol" "like Caracaol Industrial Park"

What are you, paid by the typo? What's the damn name already?? glares


MirrorMan ago

They're really not that great. Also, I can't tell if this is satire or not and I like it.

2impendingdoom ago

I'm not really sure I think that there are new people here who are just taking back old voats around to highlight new stuff because the voats transfer and they don't have enough yet.

2impendingdoom ago

"The State Dept. needs to investigate. " -- it was probably the State Dept that killed her.

Verite1 ago

Evil and prob true

pizzahthrowaway ago

She probably uncovered something about her higher ups and how they protected certain people and they offed her.

anolegion ago

That WaPo article is very strange indeed. First, Monica is described as a sex worker activist, and her US friends quoted in the article are a BDSM prostitute from Denver and another prostitute from RI. Yet this sex worker activist worked full time at a private pre-kindergarten-through-12 school in Haiti.

She was also a research fellow writing an article on a very famous, well researched and shocking book by Siddhart Kara, Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery (2009). The WaPo, calling this book 'controversial' (it isn't, at all, on a factual basis) says she was 'critiquing it', according to her professor, who callled her brilliant even if she worked for two years (!) on this as yet still unpublished article.

What the WaPo seems to be saying is that Petersen, far from being a sex trafficking investigator, was actually critical of people fighting sex trafficking. She was "an advocate for sex workers who disdained the rhetoric of people she considered anti-trafficking zealots".

What the fuck? How is fighting sex trafficking even a controversial subject? Why did Petersen take two years to not even finish an article critical of one of the best, well researched books on the billions of dollars industry of sex trafficking and slavery?

Why does a sex worker activist work in a kindergarten in Haiti, where (underage) sex trafficking has become endemic, and writing a pro-sex trafficking article in her spare time?

So many anomalies, this is making my head spin.

noElbittowers ago

That WaPo article is very strange indeed. First, Monica is described as a sex worker activist, and her US friends quoted in the article are a BDSM prostitute from Denver and another prostitute from RI. Yet this sex worker activist worked full time at a private pre-kindergarten-through-12 school in Haiti.

Yup. I don't believe that lady was good friends with Monica. OR if she was, she was probably paid off or only loosely acquainted. What she says completely contradicts the family and friends who were close to her. Why would this so called friend disrespect and contradict Monica Peterson's own mother?

noElbittowers ago

What the WaPo seems to be saying is that Petersen, far from being a sex trafficking investigator, was actually critical of people fighting sex trafficking. She was "an advocate for sex workers who disdained the rhetoric of people she considered anti-trafficking zealots".

What the fuck? How is fighting sex trafficking even a controversial subject? Why did Petersen take two years to not even finish an article critical of one of the best, well researched books on the billions of dollars industry of sex trafficking and slavery?

I agree with you on your observation that the WaPo article is fishy, but on this part I just want to offer some insight.

Sometimes survivors of sexual abuse are critical of academics with a savior complex. Oftentimes people claiming to "help" look down on the very people who they claim to be helping. In addition, there is a lot to be said about hypocrisy in laws and loopholes which don't serve as much protection for survivors of human trafficking in the sex trade.

It makes logical sense that Monica would be critical of those "fighting sex trafficking" if she were fully aware of the Clinton Foundation's ties to so called anti trafficking initiatives, in addition to her shady dealings in a lot of ways.

Don't get me wrong, you are completely right about the WaPo article being completely faulty.... but on that specific point they are faulty because they left out information pertinent as to why she would be critical of those supposedly fighting human trafficking.

A lot of what Monica Peterson has written herself serve as the biggest clue as to what she was onto. Back in 2014 Hillary advocated for urgent action expanding Correction Corporation of America prisons to accommodate the influx of migrant children. A critical analysis of this involvement is something the "alt-right" seems to miss, because they are stuck in the partisan paradigm and are conditioned to demonize migrant children. There are so many leads in Monica Peterson's own writing, and not enough people following these leads.

charmeuse ago

I agree, something is very wrong with the Wapo story. Doesn't make sense, especially in light of no returned body, no autopsy, and now, mother's admission that family is puzzled, as well. And her Professor being former DynCorp? Isn't this reeking of the Agency?

RedGreenAlliance ago

You've just experienced cognitive dissonance. Happens to us all. This is so awful it's hard for normal people to admit it could happen. NOT could, but is actually happening all over as numerous cases prove

dindonufin ago

I don't know exactly how Haitian laws work concerning such a matter, but going by the way other countries operate, she SHOULD be able to demand an independent investigation and the case remain open.

Cbradio ago

Think of all ways that Chelsea is an Achilles heel, and not just the wedding paid by donations, nor her wilileak emails about two so called sick kids she brought into USA on a plane that cheeky mills was involved in. She grew up reading sci Fi book, to end up the Orwel world of her parents, other dad and arranged marriage with other shady fam..Deep down inside, no matter how much money, she's insecure, has to be..

2impendingdoom ago

Right, and the guy she brought in as CEO is still missing, over a month now. Eric Braverman.

George_Carlin ago

Sad times for sane people. We shouldn't care how high up this goes! People have died trying to get the truth out and its our duty to follow through!

Cbradio ago

202-671-7233 child protective services cps in DC, call about child taped, restrained, that he posted on public and called a game is abuse, no concerned parents, that child and others needs welfare check. If false, then simple, all children found by cps and pass full welfare check. Use the standard law. MANDATEXreport not done by ones is illegal as is abusing concerned citizens that witness these photos. Needs a meme, asap, might even safe a child, ones were walked out, told to run, get in a uber today( hence prob why they did the gun psychopath and prominent immigrant lawyer to MOVE kid and etc..they were confirmed in their ways..

badgertime33 ago

This shit is breaking my soul, people.

EyeOfHorus ago

Take a break. Return when you're ready or don't. You've got to be whole before you help others.

YingYangMom ago

Can someone please take this article and see if anything can come out of it? It is in relation to the human trafficking in Haiti, CF and Laura Silsby. I believe it contains some important info. Pass along and verify the contents. I really do believe that the Clinton Foundation is the key to uncovering the real smoking gun in relation to the Monica Petersen, pedophilia ring in government and child trafficking.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

"we came, we saw, he (she) died" (laughs and shit giggles)

r3dtr1x ago

Monica Peterson's friend (Bella Robinson), who posted on Facebook and relayed the messages from Monica to the world needs to take proper precautions. I don't know if she realizes what she's up against.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

"what difference, at this point, does it make!"

KosmosErdem ago

If this has nothing to do with pizizagate why are you posting it? Don't you realise pizzagate is the end of them?

tamaman ago

So, we don't want to deny or blame as a family, but none of this seems to fit her.

that sentence feels off to me.

charmeuse ago

I was amazed that the mother could even speak without sobbing uncontrollably.

momojaja ago

The Clinton body count keeps on increasing! When will this criminal family be brought to justice?

anonentity ago

Eric Braverman the only one that knows the CF.inside out. Sounds like he will be added to the list.

AreWeSure ago

Are you posting this without the families permission?

I think she stops far short of your headline. She never says she does not believe her daughter committed suicide. She is saying she doesn't understand why her daughter committed suicide. This a big and important difference. I think the key part is we don't know what changed. If she was murdered why would her personality change?

Htaed ago

Most people on capitol hill wants to be like henry kissinger. They're not going to investigate their own crimes.

worldwide69 ago

The funeral was in Michigan?? I live in michigan...Anyone know what city?

rutkdn ago

Charlotte, MI

worldwide69 ago

Wow that's wild. Only about 45 minutes from where I live. This is hitting close to home for me which is unsettling.

Chance903 ago

Not sure anyone said this yet, but as a former LEO and as a current student getting my master in Psycology and here is where they fucked up. It is is an extreme anomoly for women to hang themselves or use guns. That is just not how it goes down. Females by far use narcotics to end their lives, you can take that to the bank.

The popularity of the methods used also varies a little between the sexes. Whist for men firearms are by far the most popular, followed by suffocation/hanging and poisoning, women have poisoning as their most popular method, followed by firearms then suffocation/hanging. Given firearms are the most reliable method, and drug poisoning one of the least successful, that may account for some of the difference in actual suicide rates between the sexes. It is also interesting to note that women have 45% more non-fatal self-harm incidences than men.

Cbradio ago

Hi, please spread word to call cps in DC. 2016717233. The child that comet owner taped to table and posted on web, has no parents coming forward; not for any of the other kids or infants he took photos and posted. They need to be found, patents if any, full well-being check. If they all call story false, then simple; cps finds those children. A taped child is restraint, mixed msgs, boundary invasion a D co fusion, dissociation, on a public web, mixed msgs can split mind to PTSD or schizo. There is evidence, all the kids in pic, esp the taped on, all he put on web and no consenting and livid parents are coming forward. I'd say these children are considered highly endangered, whereabouts needed asap, big change of no parents. This needs a me.e about call cps. It's a huge legal tool. In fact, media and others did not adhere to child safety laws and mandate report to cps. Ones took video today, boys walked out, told to run, go to bustop, get in a uber..very odd. I'd say the shoot was a psychopath to clear kids and evidence at the joint they got bold and comfy in. Huma was never cps accessed for her toddler , either, as Weiner, jacked off MRI times. Any regular parent would have been bombarded by cps for way less. Look up cases of cps bombarding food parents. Use the laws and psychology research to our advantage.

Godwillwin ago

Sexist! Just joking ;) But I wouldn't be surprised if a feminazi would say that's sexist because it's kind of hinting that women aren't as brave as men. Lol

Chance903 ago

Yep, you are right about that but here is what I think of those crazy bitches(feminazis) I have worked primarily wit men all of my life since I was 18. and ya know what , I got paid exactly the same as men. I worked in my extreme youth as a CDFer, then went on to work as,LEO. The only people in law enforcement that ever gave me shit was jealous females.Always made a fair wage, was always treated pretty good.

Godwillwin ago

LOL. I hear ya! Jealous women are way more of a problem - at least in my experience. The one boss I had that didn't pay women fairiy was a woman --abd she was the type that considered herself so generous and liberal 🙄

Chance903 ago

Yeah, I have had mostly very good experience working with men, of course in a career where they had no choice but to pay me a fair wage. in Law Enforcement, it is not about your sex or skin color. can you do the job? yeah, I was a liberal till my son showed me the light. o,f course I was not happy it was a 4chan light but hey it worked.

Godwillwin ago

Nothing like 4chan light. Lol.

Chance903 ago

yeah my son is in college now and he still reads it. That is how I came to begin work on this investigation , I was trying to disprove it. : / did not work out that way.

rutkdn ago

This also rules out the earlier suggestions that she may have died as a result of a random crime in Haiti (robbery, rape, etc.)

So it narrowed the options down from many possible scenarios to only two: either she really killed herself, or a Clinton/Trafficking operative suicided her.

Chance903 ago

as I said rare for women to hang themselves , Hanging is a long process and painful. women opt out other ,cleaner easier ways. Ask the other LEO on voat about it.

Cbradio ago

Doubt she would kill herself as travel to Haiti, determined to find answers. That is a very non suicidal role, to be a advocate and be on guard, working nonstop. She surely was rushed to eat, sleep, find needs, resources. I'm confused why if with organizations, a girl is sent herself for such dirty pedo. Did her organ set her up?? No legit organ sends even one male, to even local areas to search these things. All know that even taped high in Haiti. Anyone on here from Haiti, that can.look into that housing development, get word on street about all?? Got to be one alert aware Haitian to find that's legit...

sleepingbeautycan ago

The WaPo article was relying on two people who knew Monica: A sex-trade worker and a dominatrix. I kid you not.

Now the mom comes out with this and WaPo ...? Crickets.

Wellwerefucked ago

This is a fairly good reference to everyone possibly killed for investigating or looking into the Clintons.

VieBleu ago

welcome back!

it_was_foretold ago


Worldfailcenter ago

Cancerous pieces of taint wrote this about her investigation, such a fucking disrespect to her family just to suck farts out of Clintons ass. Sorry. just makes my blood boil.

Verite1 ago


ZalesMcMuffin ago

Fakers gonna fake.

Sushilover69 ago


rail606 ago


ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Haiti is HELL. Suicide would be the LAST way to die there.

anonentity ago

A really good friend of Bill c. bailed out the Washington post, called Carlos Slim. Nothing butr fake news can be expected from this source.

Verite1 ago

You mean to say the New York Times actually. Jeff Bezos owns Washington post Amazon

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Maybe Seth Rich's family will reach out to them.

2impendingdoom ago

Did I hear that Seth Rich's parents set up a reward? With all this talk about tunnels, I've been wondering if his killer used them to avoid street cameras.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Interesting theory!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

That Washington post article was the WORST! It was so unprofessional. The only person they could get a quote from was "Domina Elle, a Denver-based dominatrix." Why did they feel the need to include her profession and give her a link to her website? It was FREE advertising. They paid for her quotes - completely and utterly unethical!!

CosmicSponge ago

@redberries I have done the same thing a few times lol. you're not alone.

wisdomtooth ago

"Petersen’s body has not been recovered. The cause of death has not been stated. An autopsy has not been performed. Her family has also not been notified as to the cause of her death or what exactly happened or why her body has not been returned."

2impendingdoom ago

They probably trafficked her organs.

Godwillwin ago

Has her body STILL not been returned?!!!

rutkdn ago

It was returned after almost 3 weeks. Monica was buried on December 3rd.

wisdomtooth ago

Monica Petersen was DELETED from Infogalactic's pizzagate page. Let them know what you think about that:

Cantilever ago

Edit: just checked the sources and it all checks out. Sorry, it's just so goddamn confusing piecing all this shit together! I can't believe how complicated all this really is!

NotAnIdiot ago

It happened in Haiti. The people there should be asking for an investigation if it involves the Clintons. They hate the Clintons there.

Probably because they railroaded the recovery effort after the earthquake there.

Freemasonsrus ago

Written BY Monica Petersen:

The WaPo had to go out of their way to not tell the truth about this. If they had read one thing at all that Monica had written the story and headline would be much different. #fakenews

Freemasonsrus ago

You threw me off since that was from a couple months ago lol I had to see what you were referring to. Yes her death is not a suicide. No way.

YingYangMom ago

I was just fixing the broken link you'd posted :) Sorry for not explaining in a short note. Eh, sometimes I get too lazy, hehe.

sheer-con ago

What's your source for that being from Monica? If she really wrote that...damn...then her death is very suspicious.

Verite1 ago

There are multiple sources. Much evidence. Simply dig in a little bit

rutkdn ago

She shared her findings with her friend Bella, here is the screenshot I took before Bella deleted it:

Freemasonsrus ago

Read the original Reddit link. It has the links to her sharing that with friends through FB. Her death is beyond suspicious, it's part of a pattern.

popezandy ago

Yeah if you look in the side bar you'll notice I made a lead master list and discovered I couldn't find any of your very helpful posts. You wouldn't happen to have some of those?

BlueDrache ago is a thing, ya know?

Freemasonsrus ago

Here is the original thread w the links to the blogger she was following, (The Haitian Blogger), who she has planned on basing her thesis on. The Haitian Blogger was all over the links to human trafficking, slave labor, pay to play ect.

travistea ago

Did you also know that when you deleted your account it erased everything that you had posted? thanks a lot, we lost some good stuff

Freemasonsrus ago

Aaron Swartz also "hung himself" and left no note.

Chance903 ago

I read about Aaron and I also find it odd how many people are suicided. Any of you investigating have to be very clear with your families or loved ones that you would not suicide. I have written a letter and sent it to a very dear friend to hang onto, she also worked in law enforcement, should anything happen. Better to be safe than sorry and all of you should do the same.

standalone ago

red pilled blueberries

comeonpeople ago

Other people wishing it were not a suicide does not make it "suspicious circumstances".

Freemasonsrus ago

Any time anyone is investigating the clinton's and suddenly decide to kill themselves and leave no note, that is a suspicious circumstance.

comeonpeople ago

There is no source that says she was investigating the Clintons, and there are sources that say she was not.

Verite1 ago

There have been letters, private messages that she wrote and sent to her friends in her own words talking about her investigation of CF. Haiti, trafficking etc. Nice try.

Freemasonsrus ago

If there's a source saying she wasn't then they are lying.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Or when that note shows up 30 hours later in a brief case the FBI had already searched (Vince Foster.)

Freemasonsrus ago

Or when the report by the SS has him found in his car and then, oops!, changed to the wooded area. Now why would that be?? Could it be a matter of who would have jurisdiction over the "suicide"? The two bullets to the head though make it super clear it was suicide. I mean, his office wasn't cleaned out and shredded bc he actually had any inside baseball info on the Rose Law Firm or anything. Silly conspiracy theorists...

MichelleK ago

BUllets didn't match gun per FBI foai dump a month ago

Cbradio ago

A suicide as on a huge advocacy mission in another country, and by herself. No way, shed be too busy researching, finding food, office and computer and charging her electronics up, etc. No time to even think to take a dump, busy and on high alert. Question is why and who sent a young girl.on her own to research a dangerous issue in a dangerous country, known for high rapes and angry at outsiders for being scammed in two earthquakes. No way, a suicide. If the organization sent her alone, that is highly suspicious to even send a male alone. Her mom sounds like a sweetheart that prob always just was so real home American and can't wrap her head around this. Bless her soul to raise such a advocate child, to go like this.

zeroreloaded ago

blueberries? We thought they got you too

quantokitty ago

It must be very hard for her family to deal with. Her mother seems like a genuinely nice, caring, decent person, just the type not to make waves. That's not a criticism. I don't know if I would under the circumstances either. But this is the story. When you think about it, look at the importance of this young woman's young life. Then multiply that by all the other lives this group is ruining and you have some idea of the carnage they inflict. RIP, Monica.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I could only find 1 picture of Monica when I was digging a few weeks back. Does anyone have a linkedin or social media profile of her?

hedy ago

Monica must take after her brave mother. RIP Monica. JeSuisMonica

With enough backlash like this ---the MSM is going to get busy, distracted, fractured. We must be ready to strike with an onslaught of information and education.

Flaaffy ago

There are a lot of threads mentioning you. Many people were very worried and puzzled by your disappearance. I can try and locate the threads, but updating them and letting the community know you are okay would probably help relieve some of the users here.

Glad to have you back!

dookiehowzer ago

Shameless request for uovoat so i can downvoat shillz

standalone ago

Make useful contributions and you'll get all the upvotes you need.

dookiehowzer ago

daps standalone

militant ago

Will she be attacked for being a "fake mom" spreading a "fake rumor"?

pizzahthrowaway ago

Holy shit, i think you've got a better meme than you realize there

VictorDaniels777 ago

We need some lawyers to help out with law-suits. Time to strike back at MSM.

33degree ago

Can you make the vidme downloadable

AliensInParis ago

Was it ever revealed how she died? Or was it another vague death?

rutkdn ago

Until now it was a vague "suicide". Now we know how - read the quotes.

AliensInParis ago

Got it, thanks.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing this. Very interesting.

LostandFound ago

Je suis Monica

Verite1 ago


militant ago

It's actually a powerful idea, me thinks.


VIP740 ago

She's not the first person to die under suspicious circumstances relating to the Clintons.

Kiwi_Slave ago

Going up against the Clinton gang IS suicide!

NotAnIdiot ago

Aren't there at least 30 other people?

djklbd ago

They've killed so many god damned people...

Godwillwin ago

112 total in the body count. Around 20 of them seem to have been killed off because they got too close to the child trafficking.

There are more than those on that list - especially in the trafficking area

YingYangMom ago

According to FBIAnon, Clinton potentially killed 20, but 6 can be confirmed (only in the last year).

TokyoJoe ago

Fuck the God Danmed Clinton's and their scummy scandalous lives! How about truth? When do ever get truth all these lies continue surrounding them forever. Your right she isn't the first and won't be the last unless the truth is finally brought to light!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Truth can't be raped and sacrificed to Moloch Joe!

dtdroid ago

What's good about that though

TokyoJoe ago

Nothing good about her dying, could've been written better. I'll edit it it sickens me these people can so easily wipe someone out who is on the side of good.

Cbradio ago

2026717233 smoking gun is calling cps, demanding the public posted, taped restrained child are found and full med psych welfare check...also, a huge Achilles heal, is Chelsea...cps in ny needs Huma reported of endanger toddler as Weiner jacks

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Fair play to her mother, its been so depressing when these people die in obviously dodgy circumstances and the parents are silenced for whatever reason, whether they believe its suicide or they are told to shut up...poor woman.

redberries ago

Basically the smoking gun that warrants investigation.

R.I.P. Monica Petersen

We promise you that your killers will not get away with this, and your movement will go forward and the truth you were trying to expose will shed light.

EDIT: Oh and that's not the only thing WaPo lied about. She was investigating all kinds of trafficking, including human trafficking. WaPo is a fake news machine that has lost all credibility, to the point where the opposite is generally true.

micha_ ago

That's huge. Especially that her boss Estree claims everything was clear! WOW.

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

Andrew Breitbart, Monica Petersen, Katri Ikävalko and Anne Vihavainen. Kinda funny how all these people who get a little too close to the truth seem to expire so easily. How many more people are going to have to die before the wider public recognizes that the conspiracy is real?

Luxxy ago

Dont forget Max Spiers

RedGreenAlliance ago

I'd be wary of linking he Finnish deaths to this. Search this forum for SORCHA for the relevant thread

jangles ago

@kingkongwaswrong didn't like my .no link because it wasn't english, it was about the finnish deaths

NakatomiBaby ago

RIP: Monica Peterson

You will always be remembered by those of us here, at this moment. Peace be with you.

Goats, there will be/are many smoking guns...I truly believe we could find one with Laura Silsby-Gayler... it's on record she told the parents they were there to help take care of the kids...she was stopped and the story was the kids were orphans. We know she lied. What EXACTLY happened when HRC arrived? LSG is the key to unraveling this whole thing. Imo. She got orders from someone. She was going somewhere specific with those kids. Who gave her her orders and who was she meeting. Obviously this thing is shocking in scope and I would bet my 401K that she is one of many "straw-men". But, if we could figure out who she was in contact with, her movements, I feel like we could suss out a Modus Operandi. At least in regards to the CF. And move forward with a template of sorts to work with. Insofar as this refers to the rest of the world. i.e. Qatar, Dubai, Saudi Arabia.

Flaaffy ago

Are you blueberries under a different username? .-.

ThePuppetShow ago

We need someone on admin. I would love to know who the fuck down voted this thread and redberries comment.

RedPowerRanger ago

probs an admin :P

VieBleu ago

I agree.

MirrorMan ago

Chill. It could have been a drunk goat that missed their upvoat click. I came here around the same time you did pardner. I like the vigilance against shill tactics, but do we really need to make it voat meta to bitch about shills at every potential occurrence of a dissenting action?

ThePuppetShow ago

This is a very important topic, may have got a bit emotional. This woman died for the kids.

MirrorMan ago

100% Agree. I was watching Colbert take a shit on pizzagate and I had the thought that we need to start a list of all the "informed" denials of the investigation. People who, as part of their job, were tasked with investigating topics before spouting their opinion to the public as fact. Get all the denial pieces into one giant list of archived links and wait for the day of vindication.

ThePuppetShow ago

That day may be coming soon if Monica Petersens family has her report.

VieBleu ago

I'm fine with the bitching. And how many call themselves goats? I noticed that...

MirrorMan ago

I've only been here 16 days. I don't know how many do this or that and frankly I don't give a fuck what other "users" do. Now we sound like a bunch of addicts, which I guess is true... Lurking around and parsing my speech into the language of the hivemind here is not my priority. Jumping in and feeling things out is more my style. I'm sure the hivemind will do its job reinforcing a certain style of discourse over time, but I could care less. One thing that sticks with me whatever site I use is my lack of brevity. When I have compared my comment histories to others on many sites very rarely do I find another user who is as long winded.

VieBleu ago

if you don't give a f what others do, why are you complaining about the bitching?

whatever, good luck.

MirrorMan ago

I was referring to language used, not behavior. My beef is that IMO pitchforks do not need to come out over 1 goddamn downvoat. It's a boy who cried wolf slippery slope in my eyes. I specifically drew attention to how new of a user I was in case some older "esteemed practicing participants" of this site would know that I was commenting from a viewpoint with very little historical knowledge because it is a possibility that getting up in arms over one downvoat is business as usual around here.

VieBleu ago

sorry you are frustrated. U may be burned out for now. happened to me a couple of days ago.