ScientiaPotentia ago

This is an allegation which I read from another website below. See if you can corroborate it ;

The Podesta Brothers were in Portugal May 3rd, 2007 and they are friends with pedophile, sadist and rapist Sir Clement Freud. Freud had a villa in Praia da Luz, Portugal (2 miles from where Madeleine went missing), but was out of the country on May 3rd, 2007. The Podesta brothers were staying at his place. The McCanns became friends with Freud after the disappearance of their daughter.

Clement Freud is the grandson of Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud a known pedophile, pervert, sadist and expert in mind control. The Freud family were all pretty diabolical. Some of his theories on sex were deeply perverted and one could say Satanic. Many of Freud's theories are actually derived from Jewish Kabbala mind control.

gangstabee ago

You can't 'corroborate that at all. Yes, Clem Freud was outed in Independent by anonymous 'former ambassador' and 'many victims' who had come forward. Okay so that's Freud established. But What is the PROOF that the Podestas were in Portugal May 3rd 2007?

Sigmeund Freud I think was mostly alright. It's Eddie Bernays (his nephew) who got rich off inventing PR and this Clem Freud that are suspect. But someone PROVE the Podestas were friends with Clem Freud please. No right-wing conspiracy website horseshit.

DarkMath ago

Google has backups of its email server no doubt and could look up what John Podesta deleted. Not to mention the NSA no doubt captured that deletion and it's stored deep in the bowels of some dark air conditioned data center somewhere. The only problem is no one in our Government wants to look for it.

gangstabee ago

Good point. Doubt you'd have Google digging up those emails (perhaps before a Trump DOJ forcing it to?). Eric Schmidt (Google CEO is on the Council of Foreign Relations with Bill and Chelsea Clinton.

gangstabee ago

It's been re-stated and re-stated that 'Suffolk Police confirm that Clem Freud was lending his house to Podesta Bros in May 2007.' But I haven't seen a primary source on that, and have dug a little. Just weird how Freud did approach and befriend the Mccans and he was later outed as a pedo.

micha_ ago

Not strange at all:

Righton, who died in 2007, was one of Britain’s leading specialists in child care – but was also a founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange.

Westminster paedophile ring: Top Tory MP 'murdered girl at vile orgy' claims new witness

The best way to seem innocent, is by "helping" the victims/parents! Not only because of the psychological aspect, but also because in that situation the parents need a strong shoulder and probably tell everything they know about their suspicions.

Additionally it is so beyond imagination evil for normal people, that the last one, they would suspect, were friends helping them, or child protection and adoption organizations.

gangstabee ago

Thanks for the link. I've no doubt Clem Freud is big huge suspect, but pizzagate's source in putting the Podestas there is insubstantial.