BlowjaySimpson ago

What disgusts me more than the traffickers of humans, is that there is a demand for it, or it wouldn't exist.

throwaway345678 ago

"Inside the Clintonian Reich - Mena Arkansas, Drugs, Money and Murder."

"When a C-123K mil­i­tary cargo plane crashed in Nicaragua on Oc­to­ber 5, 1986 with weapons and CIA em­ploy­ees on board, it was dis­cov­ered that the plane and its con­tents came from the Mena air­port."

DarkMath ago

9217, dude, they were running only guns down to South America, they didn't send cocaine. The cocaine came back on the return trip to Mena. This isn't even a conspiracy, it was called Iran/Contra. It started in the late 1970s. Oliver North was running part of it. He served time in prison. He now has a show on Fox. He was the fall guy.

So please don't waste your time proving something that's already been proven. We need help investigating the current incarnation of Iran/Contra which looks like the Clinton Foundation and its on going gang rape of Haiti and Syria.


9217 ago

Apologies, 1am brain, was not expecting to find this and wrote it in abut 10 minutes. Will fix.

But I don't think this is a waste of time. I am not attempting to prove Iran/Contra, which as you said is already known. What's new is that the finders is linked through the son of the cult leader (Marion Pettie) to Air America.

This is adding a known link between the CIA drug/gun running op in Mena to smuggling children. Webb talks about this type of thing extensively. And it's relevant now because this happened in Clinton's state while he was governor. Directly relevant to pizzagate now because it's the same people.

Ang68 ago

David Brock has a relative named Susan Brock that operates a "Midwifery Program" for USAID. Perfect way to get undocumented kids.

2impendingdoom ago

David Brock has a relative named Susan Brock that operates a "Midwifery Program" for USAID.

this could be huge, can you cite relationship and sources in a new post??

Ang68 ago

Here is a USAID video on their midwifery program.

Ang68 ago

Not very knowledgeable about posting here. But here is two bits of info:



I think Cheryl Mills is also deeply involved as well as the Harris sisters.

Ang68 ago

Maya Harris & (sister Kamala)/in Wikileaks docs/involved with NCMEC/worked for Ford Foundation/CIA connections/close to Hillary & Podesta

2impendingdoom ago

wasn't ford foundation where Obama's mother worked?

Ang68 ago

Yes. Many people claim it's CIA. I believe they are right. A couple individuals exposed them as performing MKUltra Programming. Max Spiers was one.... but many others have said the same things. They are a bit out there into ufos & such. But other more realistic sources have also implicated the same thing.

Also, it's the "Gerald Ford Presidential Foundation" not the Henry Ford Foundation.

pbvrocks ago

They Clintons may very well have been Illumanti before AR, but they sure learned in AR how to smuggle drugs, launder money, and human traffick..with the help of the CIA. Sick stuff, we need it outed...

party1981 ago

OK let me tell you something that will help you deal with people who accuse you of being a crazy conspiracy theorist.

I do not believe that all conspiracy theories are true. I do not believe in many conspiracy theories. I believe in ONE conspiracy theory, and that conspiracy theory is that CIA is 1000x more corrupt that the general population realizes - but that is changing faster and faster every day. Jeremy Renner released a movie about Gary Webb (anti-CIA journalist) in 2014, which nobody saw, and Tom Cruise is releasing a movie about Barry Seal this year. Both of those movies are about the same thing: the CIA basically controlling and trafficking an avalanche of cocaine into the United States. (Do you think they stopped at cocaine? Which drug grows in Afghanistan?)

I am new to conspiracy theory research, but I have learned is that, every step of the way, you discover that the CIA is involved. Oswald, the alleged JFK assassin, had CIA connections. Bin Laden was a known, decades long CIA asset. #pizzagate has many CIA connections, including MK-ULTRA victims. The Finders cult investigation was shut down by the CIA. The Presidio scandal involving Michael Aquino - he was a CIA and military intelligence operative in Vietnam, at the time of the Phoenix Project (mass torture and murder of civilians and political prisoners).

Most of this information is publicly available, yet few have taken the time to learn about it. Operation Paperclip, the Phoenix Project, Operation MK-Ultra, Operation Monarch, Operation Mockingbird, COINTELPRO (FBI), Operation Northwoods (Joint Chiefs). Every step of the way, you find the CIA, or the military industrial complex, acting like the fucking Mafia without any criminal or legal consequences. Mossad is the same - it is basically the CIA for Israel (and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are no better).

It's a SINGLE theory. We're not fucking crazy. Criminals hijacked the government for profit. They did it through the intelligence services, such as the CIA and JTTF. And there seems to be a big occult influence too, with a strong Rothschild influence.

Remember this when people call you crazy. I don't believe every conspiracy theory. I believe in a single conspiracy theory, which explains most of the rest.

huhWHAThuh ago

People don't know because people don't want to know anything that moves them out of their comfort zone. I've been at this stuff for a long time. When i show people proof they can't deny, sometimes i get: "ok myabe you're right but i don't want to know about it." It's much easier to sit back and cram another prune danish down your gullet while you watch wrestlemania on the 70" Samsung.

And you are right about the size of the problem. There is safety in numbers. At least there has been until now. That's what they count on. Nobody can pick up one strand of the spider web. It's all connected. Pull on one strand and you pull up the whole fckin mess. And it's a mess that ties into most of the richest and most powerful people on planet Earth. That's what they count on for their safety.
Will this be the thing that finally makes people stand up and say NO....HELL NO.....YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO THAT TO CHILDREN!!!" ? Maybe. I am cautiously optimistic. But i think it's not gonna be a smooth ride. Probably gonna require the peasants taking to the streets with their clubs and pitchforks to finally make it stop. Anything short of that will make all of this just a psyop to condition everybody to the "new normal." How sickening is that thought.

2impendingdoom ago

Barry Seal, Read the whole page, excerpt:

In 1988, Jacobsen told a House Judiciary Committee that Seal had flown to an airstrip in Nicaragua in an airplane that had cameras installed by the Central Intelligence Agency.[6] Seal took pictures during the Nicaragua sting operation that purported to show Pablo Escobar, Jorge Luis Ochoa Vásquez, and other members of the Medellín Cartel loading kilos of cocaine onto a C-123 transport plane. Also Frederico Vaughan, whom Seal claimed was an associate of Tomas Borges' of the Interior Ministry of Nicaragua, was photographed with Sandinista soldiers helping load the plane. However, Wall Street Journal reporter Jonathan Kwitney threw strong doubt on Seal's claims of a Sandinista connection: "The Nicaraguan "military airfield" that [US government] officials said Mr. Seal flew from is in fact a civilian field used chiefly for crop-dusting flights, the State Department now concedes. That concession undermines the basis for linking Defense Minister Humberto Ortega, President Ortega's brother, to the operation. In fact, the man who supervised Mr. Seal's work for the government — Richard Gregorie, chief assistant U.S. attorney in Miami — says he could find no information beyond Mr. Seal's word tying any Nicaraguan official to the drug shipment. As for Federico Vaughan, the man Mr. Reagan called an aide to a Sandinista commandant, federal prosecutors and drug officials now say they aren't sure who he is."[7]

Seal was both a smuggler and a DEA informant/operative in this sting operation against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. In 1984, Seal flew from Nicaragua to Homestead Air Force Base in Florida with a shipment of cocaine that had been allegedly brokered through the Sandinista government.[8] This cocaine was seized by the DEA and was never received by the cartel's distribution handlers in Florida, which immediately caused suspicion in Medellín pointing to Seal as the person responsible for this lost shipment.[9]

A story appeared in the Washington Times in 1984 describing the infiltration of the Medellín cartel's operations in Panama and Nicaragua.[10] The alleged purpose was to prove the Nicaraguan Sandinistas' involvement in the drug trade and to build support for the Contra war effort. This leak and subsequent controversy eventually led to the Iran Contra Affair, which unraveled a year later.[11]

The Wall Street Journal also printed the story. The media coverage indirectly exposed Seal's involvement in the operation. The articles also exposed the Colombian cartel leaders and Nicaraguan Interior Minister who had been photographed moving cocaine onto Seal's aircraft. Despite these pressures, Seal went ahead and testified with the pictures taken during the trip showing Sandinista officials in Nicaragua brokering a cocaine deal with members of Colombia's Medellín Cartel. On March 16, 1986, one month after Seal's death, President Reagan sought to bolster Congressional support for the Contras, by showing on television one of the photographs Seal had taken. He suggested that a top ranking Sandinista official was involved in drug smuggling.[10]

DEA officials in Washington denied the claim a few days later, pointing out that the Nicaraguan was a local fixer.

DarkMath ago

I got all the way to the middle of the first sentence then couldn't go on. Dude "The CIA was running drugs and guns to South America", how could you get that so wrong? They were running guns TO South America and returning with Cocaine(and kids?) to Mena Arkansas..

9217 ago

Apologies, it's edited. Wrote this quickly and did not expect to find any of this.

Vindicator ago

@9217, there's a gap in the evidence chain supporting your hypothesis. Can you provide a source that demonstrates Clinton as Governor of Arkansas was involved with CIA operations in his state? Or at least, that state governors routinely work with the CIA? It was my understanding the CIA didn't run ops inside the US; I find it a bit hard to believe spooks would tell a governor they were screwing around on his turf.

9217 ago

Here is a very thorough video on Mena, including Clinton's involvement (coverup) of it. It seems he was at the very least protecting them.

Ang68 ago

A lawsuit was suppose to go to grand jury for indictment. Bill Clinton stopped it from ever happening, protecting the drug runners.

party1981 ago

This CIA whistleblower explains everything, names names. He wrote an entire book about how the CIA terrorized his family. I don't know where he is today, probably the victim of an JTTF disrupt program, joining Gary Webb:

Once you realize that the Clintons are knee deep in CIA corruption, and that the CIA uses torture and mind control, it explains a lot of the occult and twisted nature of #pizzagate.

Ang68 ago

Study up on Max Spiers & James Casbolt(aka Michael Prince) He was married to a Billionaire heiress entangled in MKUltra through the Ford Foundation. He got smeared real bad, but he spilled the beans. Be ready for "eerie AF" though.

Votescam ago

It's worthwhile in thinking about the Clinton's to wonder if their individual connections to the CIA go back to their early days -- childhood.