Mad_As_Hell ago

Christopher Lee and Roger Taylor?? 💔

ASolo ago

Very interesting link, definitely bookmarked. Upvoated.

Seeing Demi Moore's name on that list as house mistress really gets the gears going especially with her close ties to Ashton Kucher and Bruce Willis. Kucher throwing kisses to McCain is already having it's own 'Butterfly Effect'.

carmencita ago

There are some really interesting names on here. Demi Moore the Mistress of Chambers of the Pugs. Cheryl Mills on Epstein List.

JrSlimss ago

Yeah on the Cheryl Mills thing, people never spent enough time going through the book itself. The butler said the book was the Holy Grail and he provides lots of useful notations.

podestakilledmyson ago

just a quick warning: i went on and got a virus. Had to clean my HD and start over. website scans also show it is unsafe

JrSlimss ago

Haha, nice try bud. If you had a few more points and a few more days under your belt, I'd have reason to believe you.

podestakilledmyson ago

you dont have to believe me. anyone else here knows better than to take the risk.

JrSlimss ago

Keep shilling, bud. Stoked that you even think the site is worth shilling though.

podestakilledmyson ago

what ever man.. i invite anybody here to run a website scan and see for yourselves. don't take my word for it, just do it