UnicornsAndSparkles ago

"Funky 24 hours cash-only donut spot"

Fo Sho looks like another peado parlour. Good find.

DonKeyhote ago

Like the cartoon ultrasound "it's a....pizza!" Lots of random shit and jokes with no punchline that may include codewords

KnightsofHubris ago

How's the pizza?

Lonesome_Pizza ago

Awesome work dude, The gays have proven time and again to love perversions like CPP, VDD, and now Roppolo Pizza with their weird kid pictures. I'll make good use of this breadcrumb and add it to my large Donutgate database.

Voodoo Donut Owners look like flaming fags Kenneth Pogson and Tres Shannon Here

StopPizza2k17 ago

This is a ring, no doubt about it. Currently up to 4 instagrams with Girl Love Logo, all connected. Many twisted pizza references and photos of dazed children. Start digging and archiving.

User2060 ago

Make more noise about it outside voat, here is just where we coordinate.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

There's literally nothing even remotely suspicious about anything...


Are you fucking joking?

DonKeyhote ago

You are obviously a moron. I said I was hovering there already i.e. there's independent links. Can't even be subtle on voat jfc.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Why are you trying to be "subtle"?

Why not just state your claim weirdo?

DonKeyhote ago

You know how when you play cards, the numbers face towards you so your fellow 9th graders don't see their values?

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Pretty sure they know what they're doing, and we know what we're discussing...

So what cards can you possibly be hiding?

Azzipdoe ago

Shizzle, really why tf are you on this forum? Every post I see from you is shilling.. if you don't see any significance in something, maybe just move on to the next post and let the big boys with common sense have a conversation? You've never made 1 single comment worth anything ffs.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Shizzle did just drop this fairly decent post -


shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

I'm here cause I can help. I make comments like this cause I'm sick of bullshit that has no bearing whatsoever on the actual investigation.

Yall don't have any common sense.. Yall are searching facebook and IG pages for hearts and triangles. It's ridiculous.

jangles ago

rapper Posie ?

Celticgirlonamission ago

So funny how these guys see that the Jewish ppl own everything, just like the white guys who are national socialists...they seem to dislike Jews more than anyone. In the eyes of a black man these Jewish billionaires that have been exploiting them are white men....I guess it was a great way to divide ppl without anyone suspecting them, except the ones that have been abused by them. I do feel bad for the white non Jewish men because all this seems to be blamed on them....ignorance is bliss

DonKeyhote ago

I'm not informed about 90s rap etc but I just saw video interview of bone thugs saying eazy e was injected with hiv by his Jay manager. December common cold, pneumonia, managers doctor, January hiv+, Feb full blown aids, March death. Their story anyway

DerivaUK ago

Thanks for this. Everyday my knowledge grows and my heart gets heavier. The dots just keep connecting.


Great work. This is definitely a ring. Don't expect much response here. I uncovered 200 pizza shops that all have the same back end cryptography company, and the mods used downvote shills to destroy the post.

DonKeyhote ago

Link? Its not my first pizzeria either.