freeagent37 ago

What happened to the summary post that was up on the top of the front page of Voat pizzagate?

Vindicator ago

It's right at the top of this thread, and also in the sidebar (view desktop site if on mobile).

Laskar ago

" From now, on, posts about organizing protests, poster or flyer campaigns, tweetstorms, meme warfare, letter-writing and the like, as well as new investigative activities to fuel them, will not be removed so long as they satisfy Rules 1 and 2. "

Does this now apply to petitions as well, if they satisfy Rule 1 and 2?

Vindicator ago


Laskar ago

Thanks for answering, I appreciate it.

redditsuckz ago

Dont know why you guys are getting so angry...your the ones asked for evidence.

redditsuckz ago

You mums are acting very "Disobediently".

horse-with-a-name ago

For all those who are not completely happy with this sub anymore, here is a discussion I started. Many good suggestions posted already. (I could go elsewhere, but the user base here is huge and mostly good, so we should strive to amend things)

MolochHunter ago

Finally. Thank you.

justgotfired ago

"What would make you hesitate to engage in this fight? How can the community help mitigate?"

^ This

I worked for a "company" that had some people with certain "loose" alliances. I publicly post under my real name about Pizzagate daily. I also submitted tips to the FBI about someone a couple of times (anonymously) and posted publicly using my own name about how I don't like the group that my company has certain alliances to. And I just got fired.

Laskar ago

So sorry that happened to you. I really hear you and agree.

shoosh ago

Hopefully you'll continue to be a positive role model and inspiration to all who hear your story. Do you have any leads on companies who are sympathetic to your situation and position? Since you publicly post under your real name daily maybe you could get a few job leads that way?

All the best to you.

sensitive ago

I'm very sorry to hear this. This is always tricky, and as you can see, pretty risky, too. One always has to weigh the pros and cons. Our lives and families cannot be disregarded. I'm a journalist in real-life and publish and post various critical topics, but I always, always make sure that I can't easily be "touched".

Pizzalawyer ago

Thank You Vindicator! The higher the quality of posts, the more credibility we gain. If you get deleted examine the quality of your work instead of attacking a Moderator. Try a different subject instead or search a little harder for a source. If an overworked Moderator makes a mistake, move on, don't take it so personally. Ask yourself: how can I become an instrument for change? That we can now post plans for publicity and/or action is fantastic. We will never have an opportunity like the one we have now with a Republican Congress, a Republican POTUS who is aware and an advocate like Trey Gowdy in a position of power with respect to both investigations and legislative changes. Let's seize this opportunity.

rooting4redpillers ago

I see the GOOD in what you're trying to do here, but honestly, IMHO, this was already covered in the rules, as they stand. My purpose here, is not to be a nit-picking little bitch - I just need to understand if/how this applies to how we interpret the current Rules of this subverse - and if we should expect to see changes made to those rules.

My overall question: Is this sticky MORE THAN renewed and emphatic ENCOURAGEMENT for pizzagate publicity/meme efforts, WITH ADVICE on how to do this well?

My specific concerns/questions:

The last sentence in paragraph three:

From now, on, posts about organizing protests, poster or flyer campaigns, tweetstorms, meme warfare, letter-writing and the like, as well as new investigative activities to fuel them, will not be removed so long as they satisfy Rules 1 and 2.

This single sentence brings a great deal of focus to the Rules of this subverse. Rules 1 and 2 stand as is (check). Next paragraph covers Rule 4, it stands as is (check). Rule 6 is a given (check). Rules 3 and 5 aren't specifically discussed, although Rule 5 is very relevant to this post.

Rule 3: Please explain if, and how, Rule 3 has changed, or no longer applies, whether in it's entirety or in part.

Rule 5: According to Rule 5, stand-alone memes are currently allowed - as part of sourced discussion posts. Has something changed regarding how we should interpret Rule 5?

This sentence:

So we would like to officially designate SOURCED posts about how to raise awareness of "Pedogate" as not "meta".

To me, this implies that submissions about "Pedogate" are inherently "meta". If those submissions followed the current rules, why wouldn't those subs stand. What's different now?

Final thought (for now): Please know, I'm ALL FOR encouraging posts and discussions about pizzagate publicity efforts and memes, and for advice on how to make more-effective posts.

Vindicator ago

Sorry I failed to respond to your questions, Rooting. Your submission reply got buried in the shitpile of shill comments.

The rules have not changed. This was an attempt to bring attention to how to post in accord with them, and to give some encouragement to organizaing efforts. Almost no one who posts on this topic does so as a sourced post -- they are almost all loose, off-the-cuff, unsourced discussion posts which fall under Rule 4. I could have titled this "Information Warfare posts don't have to be meta; if you source them, we will upvoat".

Mods can't just change the rule set. It's a multi-step, many-day process that requires gathering feedback, posting the proposal as a sticky, gathering up/downvoats and comments to gauge user support, announcing the changed rule in another sticky, and then getting users to understand and follow the new version of the rules via removals and explanations (a process that has taken about 4 to 6 weeks every time we've changed a rule). We wanted to encourage folks more quickly than that.

rooting4redpillers ago

No fail. I'm patient, and here you are now. Thanks for clarifying. Your last sentence in paragraph three set off my alarm. Glad to hear changing the Rules requires a process, I didn't know that. I fully understand why Rules (and Mods to enforce them) are essential to this site. Without them, I doubt I'd be here, because NO doubt this would be a shill/shit-swamp. I appreciate your time, effort, and encouragement. Keep up the good work.

Vindicator ago

Thanks. :-) It's really hard to make sure every sentence is expressing the intended idea, and only the intended idea -- you'd be amazed at what people think they hear me say in here! And that, of course, is another reason it's not simple to change the rules.

horse-with-a-name ago

It's true that some things on this sub don't work good (anymore). But to make this thread about mods is really unfair. Why do people keep complaining about deletions when the community itself was the entity that set up the rules? And if you feel they are not working anymore, why not get together and make suggestions to adapt them? I simply don't get it. The only possible explanation is that these people are shills. Divide and rule. Happens everywhere, and here, too. I won't take part in this. Unite, people!

YingYangMom ago

Thanks @Vindicator for being the barer of great news and for adding the beautiful and encouraging little extra touch at the end of your post :)

sound_of_silence ago

is u/pizzagate777 the transparent mod from r/pizzagate modding this sub..?

Vindicator ago


sound_of_silence ago

did you downvoat my question?

sound_of_silence ago

were any of our current mods, mods for r/pizzagate...?

sound_of_silence ago

why'd you use "pedogate" then...

Vindicator ago


sound_of_silence ago

you didn't answer my question

so i'm asking here, again.... why?


  • Who are the mods?
  • Why should we trust you?
  • Why do you feel this subvoat needs moderation?
  • Why do you feel that posts here must relate strictly to Pizzagate, and not Pedogate at large?

Can you please give some examples of submissions that the moderators have created, some of their own research?

Downvote me if you think mods don't need to be top research contributors.

Upvote me if you think mods need to be top research contributors.

I think that these are healthy questions to be asking.


I don't think that any of us care about reader bias. Research is research. It's pretty objective. Post your own research if you actually do any, other than just ((((((((((((((modding)))))))))))))).

redditsuckz ago

It looks like they are all connected to Disobedient Media;

Vindicator and Abortionburger feature their news articles on twitter and 2 former mods have direct ties to Disobedient the creator of r/pizzagate is shilling for wtf?

9217 ago

I love how you make accusations with no evidence. Blatant shilling as usual.

redditsuckz ago

PleadingtheYiff and lets_get_hyyerr

Both mods of Disobedient Media on Reddit;

PleadingtheYiff and lets_get_hyyerr

Both mods on Reddit pizzagate and Voat Pizzagate;

PleadingtheYiff also mod and creator of Reddit Pedogate;

Disobedient Media pwns this sub.


Hmmmmmm. Probably controlled environment.

Vindicator ago

  • There are introductions for each of us in v/pizzagatemods, per the mod rules
  • Not sure why you are making this about mods?
  • Without mods, you would be drowning in Hentai and off-topic shitposts
  • Please read this sticky, as well as the definition in the sidebar -- this sub has always been about pizzagate/pedogate

Regarding mods and research: I have personally had no time to do research since I started spending hours every day modding. I do regularly tweet out the great stuff you all contribute, however. If I were to post research, I would do so under an alt, so as to avoid triggering reader bias.

RebelSkum ago

That third bullet point though. Very true story.

sound_of_silence ago

what you guys need to understand (and if you are part of the invetigative community, you will understand this) is that this sub is not entertainment.. the mods should not be "deciding" anything... all the mods here need to do is delete spam, ban the obscene shill that posts that spam here everyday all day... and add links to historical threads when someone posts something that's been touched on previously in the investigation here.. that's it...

we all want mod transparency... this investigation isn't a game and we need purity and trust on some level, and we don't have that here.. especially not after that hoax ex-mod @abortionburger pulled..

"without mods" doing our thinking for us by deleting relevant material... we could use the power of the upvoat and downvoat to curate content, which is the purpose of the voat choice..

there needs to be a serious open-forum discussion about the mod situation here and it should behoove you to initiate it.


I'm leaving

sound_of_silence ago

where are you going...Stay here and help us fight for what's right, instead?


back to the darkweb my friend. back to safety

sound_of_silence ago


we need you here for freedom of speech help... see how the pg mods have nearly succeeded at changing the narrative and culling the userbase of pizzagate main already... we're doing an expose and we're discussing a new voat site..

you were one of the first names i saw when i joined this sub after never lurking and you see what's going on.. sometimes you don't need others but they need you..


There are only 12k people here. You should start looking elsewhere. Talk to people in real life. Show them the ancient history and then tie it to the modern day. You can wake anyone up with that technique. As soon as the matrix starts unraveling for an individual, it goes "poof" all at once. There are things even more serious than Pizzagate.

All of the nuke videos off of youtube got removed, but this should be a good starting place if you haven't already seen it:

sound_of_silence ago

i do talk to people in real life, regularly and have a couple websites dealing w/the history, which i've had for 7 years now... i agree anyone can awake, that's possible and the exponential ripple effect is real. pizzagate exposing the big three in this scandal would be the largest redpill mainstream society has ever see, that's why it's relevant now, when there's a real opportunity for once to see justice served and spur a mass awakening.. the mass awakening is going to happen regardless, and pg is the only event i've seen in my time, or read about, which has the potential to do that... we have to fight this war on all fronts, including the net, as it's where the media we know pulls talking points and floats social engineering policy... we need you!

redditsuckz ago

Well that proves that pizzathrowaway777 was workwork243832148327 and workwork was a jew...ergo pizzathrowaway777 was a jew...they then added and "AssuredlyAThrowAway" with full permissions on r/pizzagate and AssuradlyAThrowAway is an admitted Jew.

pizzathrowaway777 said he created r/pizzagate...well so does work work;

And pizzatthrowaway777 was caught upvoting himself 32 times;

pizzathrowaway looks like he has access to a bot farm...

This user doesnt exist...; - possibly shawdowbanned by reddit for spamming

yet pizzathrowaway777 was the one spamming in the thread;

pizzathrowaway77 pizzathrowaway777777 would be more of his accounts and 2 of his accounts were possibly shadowbanned by Reddit for spamming.

Edit;...well this is odd another alt of pizzathrowaway777 is willIreddittomorrow

and here he is shilling for Disobedient Media...

which is ran by pleadingtheyiff who worked for the US government and was promoted by wikileaks

So all the jew mods all came from Disobedient Media?



All Jews.

9217 ago

Fucking who cares about some random being Jewish. Also: you spelled Economist wrong. Rofl.


You responded to the wrong comment...

redditsuckz ago

Yeah...looks like another Rothschild operation...with Wikileaks promoting pleadingtheyiff and all of them obsessed with the drama surround Julian Assange.

Wikileaks Is A Rothschild Operation : Rothschilds Use Wikileaks To Wound Rival Bank

Exposed: Wikileaks Is A Zionist Cover-Up Operation

links between Wikileaks and the international Rothschild network:

–a sister-in-law and second cousin of the Rothschilds posted bail for Julian Assange (Puppetworld Post exclusive)

–The Economist (a Rothschild magazine) gave Assange its New Media Award in 2008

–Wikileaks used the law firm Fox Rothschild to overturn a judge’s ruling to order a web host to shut down the Wikileaks site

– The Guardian and The New York Times, two of Assange’s media partners, are linked to the Rothschilds (PwP exclusive)

–The owner of the mansion where Assange was eventually put under house arrest has links to Rothschilds

–Assange’s lawyer is also Rothschilds’ lawyer

–US Senator Joe Lieberman who was ultimately responsible for making Assange the largest media personality of the decade, is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations (a Rothschild organization)

[The Rothschilds are an international family of bankers at the centre of a web of wealthy families who control most the countries through a worldwide network of: privately-owned central banks (masquerading as federal banks), major news chains, trusts, councils, etcetera. An unnamed source has put their monetary worth near $100 trillion—dwarfing the net worth of the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, etc.]

The Econimist(Rothschild Magazine)

The owner of Disobediant Media also might be getting funding from Zerohedge and owner rumored to be a Bulgarian Jew.


And former second mod added of r/pizzagate "WhiteHatRasta" is apart of some digital currency op Dogecoin;

Hence why he is apart of some subs with "Doge" in the name.


That subreddit had more people than are in this subvoat.

sound_of_silence ago

ironically, that sub had a closer knit structure.... could mod transparency have been one of the main factors in that?

sound_of_silence ago

we need full mod transparency.. this is an investigative sub.. not saturday morning cartoons.

Honeybee_ ago

This is a perfect example of why mods are trying to keep a legit, structured format... this is just some guy, who knows, talking about his experience, no sources, not even one iota of effort to present powerful information or tie it into pizzagate... I can copy and paste a link on twitter. Voat is a place that challenges not only it's readers/viewers, but it challenges those who want to have a platform to present and protect data to be peer reviewed. Researching is not an easy task, but once you do some, making a legit and correct voat post is a piece of cake.


No. That's why we have a downvote button, not mods.

sensitive ago

I deleted it and explained my deletion:

@helpingabit12, have to delete per rules 1 and 3, sorry (Tangential Pedophile info/stories MUST at least speculate how they might be linked to a network of some kind; LINK posts (VIDEO, IMAGE, ARTICLE, etc.) all need to include an accurate description of the actual content. If you can't provide an accurate summary in the title of a Link post then you must submit it as a Discussion post where you provide the link with a brief description of the content.)"

The repost stayed, of course, as it was much better and more informative.


Link me to the repost?

sensitive ago

A discuss post often makes all the difference :-)

sound_of_silence ago

the real problem is.. a sub like this, to keep it pure and effective, needs to be controlled by the users and for the users..not the mods.

that is a great example.. not really because the post is so spectacular or anything.. but because it's clearly relevant... there are about 10 posts just like that on the front page whenever i check here lately and none of them are explained either... why delete one and not the other? the deleted per rule 1 and 4 doesn't make sense in light of all the other similar posts which don't get deleted.

deleted submissions... one of the best places to get a clear view of what's up... like this.. look at the comment quantity..

sensitive removed 18 hours ago on 4/28/2017 1:31:06 PM

"@allornothing: Rules 2 and 4."


"PIZZA"GATE is being drowned out by "PEDO"gate posters. If its being done on purpose ? (pizzagate)

submitted 20 hours ago by [deleted] to pizzagate


or this.. ... 94 upvoats.. 104 comments... shot in the back by deletion

moderators on this sub should not be dictating policy and opinion... they should just be deleting spam and helping folks with links (especially to previous sub posts about a new discussion that comes up - which i have never seen them do).

nnfx ago

or this.. ... 94 upvoats.. 104 comments... shot in the back by deletion

Which is exactly the reason for this change of rules and this Sticky. So, you should welcome it, no?

moderators on this sub should not be dictating policy and opinion...

We don't dictate anything. The rules and the current definition of "pizzagate" were developed with the help of the community, as seen here:

helping folks with links (especially to previous sub posts about a new discussion that comes up - which i have never seen them do).

Maybe we would have more time to do supportive work, if users would put just a little bit more effort into the creation of their posts, so they don't break the COMMUNITY ESTABLISHED rules anymore and therefore won't have to be deleted by us all the time. Then we also wouldn't have to deal/ spend time with the constant character attacks against us for deleting "muh good post".

In my opinion, the rules that we have here are making perfect sense. Users who post stuff SHOULD explain their post/ how it is relevant, cite sources for their claims and describe the content of posted links.(especially for very long articles or videos) I really don't think this is asked for too much, considering what this sub is about. It's pretty easy to satisfy those rules and it's obviously only for the good of other researchers here.

Just explain how something is relevant, post sources for your claims and deliver a description of what is to be found in the links you provided and other researchers have it a lot easier and mods won't have to delete your post. Win win win. But no, rather keep posting low quality posts as if you don't even care and then go and divide the community about nonesense.

Not saying, this is what you personally are doing, but it's what a lot of people do here and where most of the anti mod mentality comes from.

Don't you think it's funny, that the users who are against the mods the most are also the ones who put the least effort into their "research" posts? Most users who actually work out high quality posts don't seem to have as much of a problem with us... Why is this? There are exceptions of course.. liarohyouliar

Yates ago

We don't dictate anything.

That is utter bullshit and you know it. You mods are out of control and many good people have left or given up because of YOU. Who the fuck is disobedient media anyhow? They come in here and take over and suddenly the censoring begins and their reporters are constantly pushed. Nice one, getting several full-time salaries out of pizzagate, good business sense and great social media manipulation but THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR POCKETBOOK.

It's not even worth saying at this point, it's been said 100's of times and you mods blow it off like authoritarian assholes. YOU destroyed the momentum in this sub you fucking liars.


We don't dictate anything. The rules and the current definition of "pizzagate" were developed with the help of the community, as seen here:




Don't you think it's funny, that the users who are against the mods the most are also the ones who put the least effort into their "research" posts?

No? Because that's not the case.

This is where I leave v/Pizzagate and start spamming the forum to tell people to move to unmoderated places

You Jews are very crafty. You used @armyseer really well, but to be honest you really didn't even need him to make people accept censorship and voter manipulation.

I'll genuinely get satisfaction when WeiMarica goes Nazi Germany 2.0

It's only a matter of time.

sound_of_silence ago

So we would like to officially designate SOURCED posts about how to raise awareness of "Pedogate" as not "meta".

is it pedogate now...

rodeo13 ago

Excellent post, Vindicator! I will ponder your brainstorming questions & see what I can come up with.

redditsuckz ago

see what I can come up with

Hopefully this sub can come up with more info and connections on the Rothschilds as they are the closest to the head of the snake you can get...

The Rothschilds controlling Pizzagate Subs through Disobedient Media

The Rothschilds own and control the US and the leaders bow to their wishes

HILLARY TO Lynn Forester de Rothschild: ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’

Rothschilds Bradley foundation hacked - 150 million donation to Hillary Clinton

"Rothschild" word banned by Reddit

BREAKING: Secret Wikileaks invitation places John Podesta, David Brock and James Alefantis together at Rothschild home

Update: We now have undeniable proof that James Alefantis did in fact attend a private function at Rothschild home in NYC

Tucson mayor Jonathan ROTHSCHILD is trafficking children via Casa de los Ninos. Search for the old Ninos logos and see how they have been edited. Also look at the former directors of los Ninos.

Alefantis and Rothschild share address!!

Search pizzagate sub for Rothschild threads;

Our Ancient Rulers Skull;

Our Modern Day Rulers Skull;

anonOpenPress ago

Have an upvoat for being constructive. Too many other comments nagging about the past which should all be posted to /v/pizzagatemods instead of down here. When something's wrong, it should be addressed in the right place and the mod team should react to it fast. Vindicator saw something was wrong and is taking one step forward here, nice initiative, not enough but a nice beginning.

9217 ago

Agree! The shills really came out of the woodwork for this one.

rodeo13 ago

Thanks, AnonOP! You've been doing amazing work here. I always look forward to your posts.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin /v/pizzagatewhatever 4 OP Submission Removal Log 6 OP /v/pizzagate 5 OP TIMELINE OF PIZZAGATE RELATED CENSORSHIP 12/12/2016 OP Redacted material 12/8/2016 7207813 list of censorship 12/8/2016 OP Collated ---- Media channels who have suppressed, censored or shunned Pizzagate 2/3/2017 OP Just a heads-up. Reddit admins are shadowbanning any links to this subverse 12/14/2016 7236546 - Attempting to profit $12,500 from freely available and copyrighted Pizzagate material from Voat and #Pizzagate Wiki 1/25/2017 7765739 Remember when the Traffic Cam by Comet was repositioned the day before the false flag shooting? Well it was repositioned again TODAY 1/26/2017 7771190 Some Items I'm Planning to Add to the Executive Summary (please help by suggesting other additions) 4/18/2017 8822154 ATTENTION Pizzagate Deniers: There is a $25,000 reward to anybody who can successfully debunk every point on 4/9/2017 8776934 Help us out with newbie-friendly links for a "For Newcomers" section 3/8/2017 8346980 The Official v/Pizzagate meme post (all your memes go here, or will be moved here) 12/10/2016 7380306 Subscribe to 2/26/2017 OP Beep Boop Not A Russian Bot 3/24/2017 OP /v/pizzagate 5 OP This Norway pedophile story is THE CENTER of something huge. In addition to NYT, ABC, WAPO, I now see the Guardian (UK) took it down. 12/10/2016 OP David Seaman "finally lost it", according to 'a friend', who claims Seaman was poisoned and needs help 2/25/2017 OP Abuse Survivor Speaks, Implicates High Officials, Including a Prince, a Cardinal, Child Hunting Party Locations--Bilderberg connection 4/18/2017 8815879 Abuse Survivor Speaks, Implicates High Officials, Including a Prince, a Cardinal, Child Hunting Party Locations--Bilderberg connection 4/18/2017 8815879