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kekistocrat ago

Has anyone in D.C. or elsewhere seen any advertisements for Crisis Actors? Craigslist? Local Papers? Checking...


Edit: Craigslist, D.C. -- only found this. Event to take place 2/4/17 so not too promising but who knows. Edit: I found this Crisis Management Firm in D.C. -- I don't see Omar Mateen anywhere, though... The president of the company is Judy Smith - very interesting and seems like Alefutile would fit as one of her clients (having helped Michael Vick, Monica Lewinsky, and helped spin the L.A. riots -- she's a real winner, this one) Edit: Judy Smith - 'The Fixer' - America's #1 Crisis and Reputation Management Expert.

Vindicator ago

Hmm...I wonder if this Judy Smith is any relation to John Smith, owner of, who is lifting material wholesale from investigators here to populate his webpage, and trying to auction the domain for $12,500?

@RebelSkum? @Millennial_Falcon? Did you see this?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I doubt John Smith is "his" real name (apparently this isn't even just one person).

kekistocrat ago

...certainly would ease the strains of credulity.

Fateswebb ago

John smith sounds like a made up name to me.. it's probably the most common name in the US, so it is almost like using John Doe it could very well be made up..