PeaceFuture ago

did you guys see now the site has a note that he died? so weird.

RebelSkum ago

Definitely strangeness afoot.

aleeum ago

or we focus on the children

Somevoatguy ago

Lol a Wordpress website with copy pasted material for 12k

TheRedPi11 ago

Looks like it's no longer for sale -

RebelSkum ago

Well, that's one mission accomplished. Never got my questions answered, but this is good progress.

TheRedPi11 ago

Hope so, but it could've already been sold no?

RebelSkum ago

That's equally possible until we can prove one way or the other. The site content remained the same, however

gr8H8er ago

Maybe an atty that is a skull and bones? How about the image of the victim BELONGS TO THE VICTIM, Fuckface? Who asked you to do the work? Your soul did so bill it, if you still have one! Everytime you peer into the abyss, it peers back into you.

gr8H8er ago

What needs be done is expose them for being every bit as evil and disgusting as the pedos themselves and do everything possible to completely block them from voat. And of course go full lulz on them. What's your name? Who's your momma? What's your number? Where do you bank? Who's your landlord? Join any clubs? Back to ya momma, she got a sister? Remember when your web page would load? heh heh heh

gr8H8er ago

You want to profit off of murdered children?

AgainstTheNWO ago

He ( @pizzagateDOTcom ) stated that he had to buy the domainname for what i can remember something like $1.250,-. Like i said, if he can deliver proof of that and want to keep the domain in our comunity, things can be done i think.

For some it sounds silly that this domain was already taken and if sold that it would be sold for this amount. But to be fair, i think it is not strange. When domain trade is one of your side business the "gate" name can be profitable. For example, what if there came out a scandal from domino pizzas that was given the # #PizzaGate It can be for a business like that with that amount of advertising budget a cheap "protection" to buy that domain before it is getting a company scandal page.

Here are the current auctions of domain names that were registered but are not extended. Before they come on free market, interests have a opportunity to get it before it gets on open market. I have bought by this way a domain that i wanted/needed for years. There where already bids on it, so i had to bid because it would not get on free market. I gladly won the bid.

But look at the sometimes strangest names people have registered in the past

wecanhelp ago

This is really flattering and all, but @altnewshost, @AngryTurd, @boxingHelenahhh, @breakdancerbb, @communityleader, @concernedMother, @cumwithme, @deltaniner, @dominoesonpizza, @downwithcomet, @fearisnotanoption, @FREESYRIA, @GarlifieldsFriend, @getOFFmyKID, @greatperson, @hitlerdidnothing, @Im-with-him, @JesusWillSaveUs, @OnMyRag, @realjustice, @rodeoclown, @seriousDude, @SGTsteve, @stickit, @suicideWatch, @SweetBBQguy, @WhiteNigger, @wizeman, and possibly more are all accounts just a few hours old, registered exclusively to comment aggressively on this topic, and they seem to all be heavily pushing the agenda of a lawsuit against pizzagateDOTcom. This is most accounts in this comment thread. See my observations of downwithcomet. I'm suspecting that this is both to discourage sharing the results of investigation on the web in the future, and to hijack the focus and resources of the community and make us invest in a lawsuit that has nothing to do with the original investigation, potentially providing grounds for the media to smear us for it.

@RebelSkum, FYI. This might be worth a bold edit in the post. Don't let the community feed the fire shills are trying to start.

I've banned the users from the subverse.

VieBleu ago

no they are trolling, because its funny.

RebelSkum ago

Copy that. I guess brigades can work both ways? Very weird development

wecanhelp ago

Indeed. Thanks for the edit.

RebelSkum ago

Have we seen this kind of thing before here on Voat?

Not sure what to really think or do from here but it's disheartening to say the least.

wecanhelp ago

Brigading happens, although I have to say I haven't personally seen this level of it before. I've banned 28 users, they literally took over the narrative on this submission and another on /v/pizzagatewhatever, a lot of effort went into this.

I think this was a strong post that was not pushing for action regarding the main investigation but rather a member of the community, and it was a fertile ground for hijacking. We have to keep an eye out for this in the future.

RebelSkum ago

Had to also throw in my personal opinion on suing pizzagateDOTcom: Brigading on all sides is attempting to schism the Voat Pizzagate community. Mysterious flood of users demands and later claims I am running a class-action lawsuit against pizzagateDOTcom, which I couldn't give a flying fuck about doing because I have no grounds to sue them nor would I care to. This thread was simply meant to point out the web of lies orchestrated by pizzagateDOTcom, how it takes advantage of the community, how strange the profits really are, and how those who have legitimate claims to their copyrights being infringed upon now have more grounds to take action and important material archived.

wecanhelp ago

Appreciated. It is important not to lose focus since that's exactly what they want us to do.

RebelSkum ago

Oi, I'm disappointed to hear that, but thanks for looking out. That thread in /v/pizzagatewhatever sure puts a lot of words in my mouth and isn't right either.

You just gotta do the best you can to try and stop all the fuckery, but it's everywhere I guess.

sigh I need a smoke

wecanhelp ago

Shill much? With a 9-hour-old account

  • commenting obsessively and exclusively on this single submission to keep the focus on a thread that doesn't further the main threads of the investigation;
  • encouraging keeping the "links of alefantis abusing children" that "belong to us" to ourselves, repeatedly referring to them as "our research" to stop the spreading of our links;
  • encouraging a lawsuit against the user to set a precedent for people spreading links that are results of the research on here;
  • trying to hijack the sub with rule-violating trivia;
  • trying to disrupt the community.

You're not suspicious at all.

To everyone wanting to use research conducted here somewhere else, please, by all means, do. To further that research, and to raise awareness. Just not to cash in on it.

VieBleu ago

I 100% disagree. downvoated.

RebelSkum ago

Considering they started using Amazon ads today to generate revenue folks may already be able to take action to remove their content.

RebelSkum ago

Thank you kindly! stay tuned

gonegoogling1 ago

He has very obviously been compromised. All our stuff is fair use still so tgis is a distraction. Probably from Alefantis himself.

RebelSkum ago

Voat mods have pointed out that content from Voat is not exactly fair use without express permission (which you can imagine complicates making money from such a site in which you claim the information as your own).

Also, as I mentioned, there are graphics and certain images which are covered by the copyrights of their perspective creators (without mention, credit, or compensation). Plagiarism may also play a factor here in some cases as well.

gonegoogling1 ago

So why isnt there a page that gives this express permission to all users? Not that it matters because if I want to use any of the archived information I have from voat I would use it anyway under fair act pretty certain that any suit brought against me would be won by me. I am sure they would like the truth out right? Also I would never try to profit from vaot. Even if I lost, the time the information is out there is more important.

RebelSkum ago

I think Voat is generally quite understanding on this subject, but in this particular case we also have deliberate misleading of the community to literally profit a potentially enormous sum. For that reason Voat mods also took a stand against use of Voat information with that URL in particular.

VieBleu ago

bigotry and violence is not "just trying to help". not buying it, never will.

VieBleu ago

even our deleted stuff is probably worth something on Etsy. There is some really good work hidden away in there!

VieBleu ago

"tap dance ; )" is code, right?

VieBleu ago

RebelSkum is literally the best guy on this forum. >

figurativley too.

RebelSkum ago

It goes without saying many aspects of this undermine the greater community. Not very much is known about the owners of pizzagateDOTcom despite repeated contact for a few weeks, and yet almost all of the Pizzagate research sites have gotten to the point where the admins are coming together to collaborate, and yet pizzagate(dot)com are strangely absent themselves. Conveniently they are trying to make a buck off it all, though, and that could really damage us all.

RebelSkum ago

The gentlemanly powerlevels in this thread of comments! Fffffuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!

VieBleu ago

if we can get him arrested before 2017 is over then we should have a pizzagate voat party>

Only problem is, there won't be any popcorn left.

RebelSkum ago

stay tuned

Guess they started using Amazon ads today...

VieBleu ago

lol this is some good, old school high class trolling. Had me going wtf for awhile. hat tip.

VieBleu ago

um sarcasm, right?

RebelSkum ago

Especially if it's still up. Now that they're getting revenue from Amazon it's definitely starting to go into a not-so-gray zone.

RebelSkum ago

If anything I just speak my mind and am not afraid to start calling out BS when I see it.

I think some of my earliest comments were pretty harsh of them :P

They honestly do what they can with this pretty monumental task, so don't be afraid to speak up to one of them sometime if you think something's awry. Don't be a jerk, but don't be silent either.

RebelSkum ago

Updated OP by the way. Thanks for the info!

seriousDude ago

I LOVE IT! best idea ever

seriousDude ago

i'll try to make it to my local station tomorrow! everyone should find a good lawyer, or we should get together and use one lawyer. up to you really

seriousDude ago

wtf is wrong with you?

seriousDude ago

im with you on that! Have an upvoat!

seriousDude ago

totally. his work is nothing short of perfect.

RebelSkum ago

Oi... it hurts my head.

Sort of inconvenient pizzagateDOTcom archived this thread, eh?

Sure glad I archived the Flippa page too.

+100 for observation

This is actually something more interesting

seriousDude ago

yes we are behind you 100% man. you should go after this guy NOW. dont let us down..

RebelSkum ago

To be perfectly honest I'm not exactly concerned about any direct action until the site itself sells.

@pizzagateDOTcom could also just as easily learn from the public outrage and might even be a valuable ally to the cause if "they" could channel this energy into some meaningful contributions to the community.

I'll say it now that I personally don't care for money, so as much as I'd like to entertain the legalities with you at this moment public shame seems to be doing the job just fine.

Nothing criminal or severe has been done to warrant legal action until it is proven whether or not the domain has actually been used to generate revenue (which it claims does not), but has also not yet been disproven by pizzagateDOTcom personally either.

RebelSkum ago

I already run my own site, so I don't try to encroach. I do offer my support though, and have reached out to them whenever something major has happened (the Wiki getting DDoS'd, the removal of the post about it, etc.) and have always been able to get in touch with at least some of them in those cases.

Love 'em or hate 'em those mods do read our messages, praise, and complaints.

RebelSkum ago

Agree there! This was by all means not an invitation to threaten someone with violence, only to inform everyone as to the potential dangers and harms of this site.

VieBleu ago

But, if you do want to really get into violence and doxxing - this is the place!

OnMyRag ago

he stole my work im with you guys

RebelSkum ago

Thank you very kindly, it means a lot. I'm certainly not the only one working hard at the Wiki and the whole team appreciates the support.

OnMyRag ago

pizzagate is disgusting they stole my work too

RebelSkum ago

So far public shaming seems to be working just fine.

By all means I don't want money, but if the site is sold I might be willing to help victims and the like publish their cases.

OnMyRag ago

appreciate everything OP has done. Thank you.

RebelSkum ago

Thank you

RebelSkum ago

This little thread just blew my mind. Thanks for the support! Accolades don't mean squat to simply having a great community to reach out to.

I'll be discussing new breakthroughs on The Higherside Chats podcast in about a week, by the by. Honestly, I just want folks to start standing up for themselves and recognize abuse in all its forms so they can also help each other.

Keep it real, Pizzagators! And may the Kek be with us!

RebelSkum ago

Thanks! The support from everyone has been inspiring and I hope we can continue to kick this censored mystery's ass!

VieBleu ago

EDITED Take heart, gallows humor will save us all.

VieBleu ago

surprised that voat was chosen for this citizen issue>

not surprising when you consider there may well have been ulterior motives.

wecanhelp ago

Or, you know, maybe Gab still has a waiting list of, lemme check, 442000?

VieBleu ago

and there's that.

privatepizza ago


RebelSkum ago

We literally have a policy in our site rules about not accepting financial awards of any kind for site material.

I have my contributors hold me to the same standards I hold them to, and that way nobody profits from our already freely-available source materials.

AgainstTheNWO ago

True, but he stated self it was not for profit. And than ask 12.500 is a contradict.

RebelSkum ago

Exactly this

privatepizza ago

@pizzaGATEdotcom - It is indeed your right to sell it. However, IF you are invested in this project like the rest of us, giving all our free time freely, have you thought that opposition could purchase it all, and do what thou wilt with it? Seriously, what did you come here for? To work for the good or to profit? I do hope you will really think about this and change your mind re selling out

RebelSkum ago

Very well said, and yet still no answer to the $12,500 question from pizzagateDOTcom...

wecanhelp ago

He might need a lifeline.

Millennial_Falcon ago

we were trying to sell



Hmmm, this is the first time you've said "we." Freudian slip? Who is this "we"? The CIA, perhaps?

RebelSkum ago

I will repeat that original works are something else entirely. On top of that the claimed cost of $12,500 would make sense. Neither in this case are true, and to sell another's work as your own for gross profits is the main concern here. This was more or less an attempt to extort the Pizzagate community for cash.

jml1201 ago

What a solid post.

wecanhelp ago

By submitting user content to Voat, you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license...

Let me spell that out for you:


License is not ownership. License means they get to use the content without violating your copyright. They. As in Voat. They can decide to sublicense the content to you, but they need to do that explicitly. Unless you can prove that they had done that before your use of said content, you've been doing it without permission, and it is now clearly proven that you've been doing it for commercial purposes, which makes the violation worse.

And by the way, OP clearly mentions that some of the content you've been using is from, where Voat's policies obviously don't apply. You essentially stole that content and used it for soliciting financial gains.

Not having received a DMCA complaint does not make copyright infringement legal.

RebelSkum ago


privatepizza ago


AgainstTheNWO ago

Atleast the right information is on the website and is it not a debunk website or a empty one. And for google ranking that including the domainname is a plus for the information we try to spread atm imo.

I think it would be far more helpfull for the anti-pizzagate shills to use that domainname as a debunk website and using it to inform people (with the right) information makes no sense to me as a shill website.

I do agree that this "suspicion" @pizzagateDOTcom has brought on to himself and only he is to blame for that. If he spend money to purchase the domain and would stop working on it, he could just have done it here. Including the proof of the $ he spend to buy the domain. And if that was lets say $ 2.000,-. i think we as comunity would have raised that money within a day to release the person from the website/stress and keep it as a tool for the community.

to conclude, i do not send people to that website (do to the auction, did before that), but as long the right info is on it and keeps being updated i also do not classify it as a shill website.

I hope @pizzagateDOTcom will provide the proof of his expenses and we as community can and will take it over as a tool. I for one are for sure willing to contribute $2,- to $5,- for that. But @pizzagateDOTcom has to show solid proof of his expenses first so profit can be ruled out imo.

jml1201 ago

These aren't mods they're people that can't stand fucking dirty people like you.

militant ago

I doubt making money is the point, though.

Just like Comet Ping Pong's GoFundMe campaign. Money wasn't really the goal, if you get what I mean.

jml1201 ago

This guy is full of shit.

jml1201 ago

Man you're an absolutely irritating person. You're a lost soul.

kekistocrat ago


RebelSkum ago

"and to AUTHORIZE OTHERS to do so. You agree that you have the right to submit anything you post, and that your user content does not violate the copyright, trademark, trade secret or any other personal or proprietary right of any other party. "

Didn't really help the case.

Still not answering why your site cost you "$12,500", eh?

AmenRA ago

Im not associated with voat & i think your a wortless pos for trying to make a quick buck, sell your crap for cost or donate the proceeds.

jml1201 ago

People put a lot of time into their work and to have some jackass copy and paste all their work to make a DIME off this investigation is taking advantage the situation. It's just a scumbag type of move.

Let me answer a couple questions below you made last week...

" The goal was to spread pizzagate and now it's trending hard. isn't that what you wanted? "

The goal is to spread awareness not to be a snake and sell it for 10k more than you paid for especially since you plagiarized researchers work.

"What would you do? It is similar to trying to sell a haunted house, basically. It's uncomfortable either way. thanks for labeling me as an outright capitalist pig though.. that's a great way to work together"

I would sell it back for what you paid for it. The goal was to spread awareness. Also, you're putting the jeopardy of giving it to someone with a bad motive by auctioning it. Just like the shooter at CPP we don't control his actions so you using the death threat excuse is absolutely ridiculous. You're trying to say if the death threats from whoever is allegedly sending them (we have no proof) don't stop then I will sell the website that has been plagiarized for 10k dollars higher? What kind of logic is that? Just know people don't forget and lost respect for you.

RebelSkum ago

Anti-capitalist? Maybe. Liberal? Not in this lifetime

RebelSkum ago

Assets worth $12,500 of what, pray tell?

RebelSkum ago

thanks for archiving thread with evidence of you infringing copyright -_-

RebelSkum ago

Never answers question

RebelSkum ago

Okay, then they can be upset I asked nothing of them to look at information they can find themselves.

Speaking of corrupt way to never explain why you were selling the site for $12,500?

RebelSkum ago

Lawl, literally have only ADDED material. Backpedal?

RebelSkum ago

I'm not even a mod and did this of my own accord. It literally would not exist if it didn't actually happen.

VieBleu ago

ah...and we come to a solution. Sweet.

Maybe if the mods marked anything else important around here, we could get to some more solutions.

RebelSkum ago

Solution is don't sell what isn't yours if you want the respect of the community and to be taken credibly.

Gotta rework that platform or explain the still-inexplicable price tag.

This question has been dodged the entire time.

RebelSkum ago

Easily explained by it being true, well documented, and completely sourced.

OhBoyLookAtThat ago

Wherever there's clicks there's a jerk

RebelSkum ago

It's not exactly my job to protect you from getting sued and what YOU did, but maybe start by asking the individuals in this thread: Millenial_Falcon for one, and Sliceoflife himself if you would actually lift a finger.

Maybe you should think about these things before you sell them.

RebelSkum ago

No, those would be original works. You selling a t-shirt designed by someone else as your own, however, is wrong.

This is just how copyright law works. We all hate it, but it stops works from being misused without the author's consent.

RebelSkum ago

Maybe people agree profiting from Pizzagate sucks

RebelSkum ago

Because my mission is to help the community. Some may be hurt by this and deserve to know. I said I have no issue with use of Wiki public domain content, but when you try to make money from OTHERS' works you run into trouble (hence why I opted not to solicit donations even on our site). If you had or ARE selling the site others would be entitled to credit, compensation, or redaction of their material.

VieBleu ago

which others? do you know specifically? just wondering.

RebelSkum ago

I don't feel it exactly pertinent to list them out, and most are here in this thread already, but at least 5 individuals claim already their works were copied and displayed on this site.

This slides the main point, however, as to why they claim the need for this sum of money for freely available research.

VieBleu ago

so you want them compensated if he makes a sale, right? Or simply not use their particular work, but source other work from the pizzagate universe, of which there is of course quite a bit. Or are they fine with getting credited? Just trying to have you spell it out because it is not really clear what the kicke scum and hatred and piss coments are exactly all about. thx.

RebelSkum ago

I'll agree I have no idea where the hate came from and it's ridiculous.

I just think the secretive nature of the sale and the fact that copyrighted works were included as if they belonged to is wrong and could even get in civil court trouble, especially now that they're documented and archived. I simply go where the facts take me.

VieBleu ago

thanks for your reply.

RebelSkum ago

Honestly thank you for being skeptical. I supported the effort until I recognized something legitimately wrong that might derail the whole Pizzagate investigation by making us look irresponsible and reckless.

VieBleu ago

glad to have helped. He seemed pretty cooperative by the end, after the pitchforks were lowered a bit. So I guess the ball is in your court to serve a PM at him explaining exactly what you want removed, credited or compensation for etc.

RebelSkum ago

Mostly I hope it's a lesson learned and now they know the community is watching, considering extorted them for money more-or-less.

VieBleu ago

hear hear.
EDIT: But after all that, you are going to PM him right? with the demands/requests on specific content? It's IMPORTANT you know, it says so right on the top of the post. lol.

RebelSkum ago

I'll PM them more, but I honestly have since the site went for sale. I have every intention of helping my fellows out, but I can't let folks get taken advantage of either.

On that note it's also not my job to request other people's material be removed. Legally pizzagateDOTcom should have done that themselves before trying to sell, and I can't afford to waste my life covering their mistake.

Marthvedderette ago

The CIA has so many side projects, it probably is media matters, working for the CIA, but only one guy at media matters knows they are a sidearm of the CIA.

RebelSkum ago

Thanks again, and I appreciate your cooperation. That still doesn't explain how you arrived at your dollar figures, though. Those were pretty steep, and at the time of sale you certainly evaded any cooperation with the larger community, which I can't explain either.

AmenRA ago

Your dodging the question, you claim the proceeds of the sale are only to cover costs but cant account for $12,500 in expenses, your dealing with an educated audience here.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You are dodging the main point, which is that you have the site up for auction, with a $12,500 starting bid, no less. This completely contradicts your previous narrative that you were only trying to recover costs (the alleged $2500 you spent for the domain, a claim for which you never provided evidence, which should be available in the form of some kind of receipt). And you call US suspicious?

VieBleu ago


RebelSkum ago

I believe I have specified the images in question in the post, and in particular the posters you list.

I figured it pertinent to the community to know that their contributions as well might be part of any possible sale, as well as social media information which you do not own.

I simply object to the principle of making money off of Pizzagate, and the community seems to as well. Could you at least better justify the pricing and how your expenses influenced this?

Thanks for replying, but I believe there are several members of the community at large deserving of answers.

Marthvedderette ago

This sounds like CIA. Read the playbook

VieBleu ago

It's actually easier than the Voat playbook.

Vindicator ago

Wrong guy.

Fatsack ago

WTF is wrong with people. WHO THE FUCK would be trying to profit from this. They're almost as bad as the pedophiles themselves.

bikergang_accountant ago

A good portion of the value (if it does sell) should be attributed to the domain. In fact the fact that it is non-original content available on open sites, that are crawlable, and predate the copy means that the content is essentially useless. I doubt anyone will pay that much on flippa.

One reason alternate reason to post on flippa is essentially to pay $17 for a site valuation. Set the minimum high and let people bid. The site is a little strange in that the poster can't see the bids.. but bidders can so you just create two accounts to see what people bid.

Sellers often drop the price when buyers bid less so buyers won't be put off by the excessive reserve and they will get the information they want.

VieBleu ago


Long_Knife ago

Sounds more like someone wanting to make some quick cash.

getitkim ago

From personal experience I can tell you this site is shady AF and not to be trusted.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Not as far as I'm aware.

VieBleu ago

Yes, it's clear that you have the moral highground.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not surprised. Anytime there is money to be made, the hucksters will come. It doesn't sound like the case, but a lot of registrars run algorithms which detect search terms and rapidly escalate the price of domains for the hot ones.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Thanks for the warning

srayzie ago

It ended without a winner. That's what it says. By the way, the advertisement on this page is strange and about butt plugs 🤔

VieBleu ago

you pinged IsThisGameOfThrones? Not sure I understand what you are saying.

bopper ago

I live near him, I communicate w/ him, as do other trusted people here. He's not interested nor does he have the time nor mental fortitude to mess w/ the website, the guy was really shaken. I hope people here don't start accusing him, he's offered enough proof.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah Ryan made a video saying look man I am stepping down, and moving on... he wants to distance himself from the investigation because of the threats made against him, and honestly I don't blame him.

bopper ago

Big time.

VieBleu ago

i added more to my comment to you if you want to go back and look - tl:dr I agree.

bopper ago

Yes, thanks much.

jml1201 ago

What a POS. This is some really scummy shit.

RebelSkum ago

Community's thoughts exactly. Thanks for the support!

VieBleu ago

So, pizzagate is now being monetized?

VieBleu ago

bronwynne, you can ask him by putting an @ in front of his name - it goes to the persons PM (private messages) @isthisgameofthrones - could you please deny, or confirm, that you had anything do to with this. Heads up to keep possible false rumors from starting.

Womb_Raider ago

He was, not

VieBleu ago

and the owner of the website in question is pizzagateDOTcom, voat name joisaperv or something similar. I read his argument and he said the site got traffic (but is that confirmed?) and the information was supposed to be shared by all, so awareness is spread, why everyone mad, bro, basically. That was when he was being questioned about putting it up for sale for $2500 because he got death threats, according to him.

Womb_Raider ago

He mentioned being willing to give it away for free, but I didn't see him make any serious effort in that front

Fateswebb ago

Actually I'm pretty sure the guy who made that site posted on here about it and as I recall it wasn't Ryan..

VieBleu ago

you are correct - I looked back at this and Ryan has nothing to do with it. PizzagateDOTcom is not Ryan.

bopper ago

People still would accuse the poor guy.

VieBleu ago

ah. well it is in the interests of clearing that up that he should be PM'd, pinged I suppose. Having observed what went down with him, I wouldn't suspect him - he doesn't think in terms of making 10k plus dollars. His only monetization was less than $100 over a few T-shirts, which he caught SelfRighteousHell for. He refunded the few bucks he 'made' on the shirts. That's not the MO for turning around and trying to make over t0k on pizzagate in the next breath.

He said he was getting out of the game and I believe him. But it would be nice to have his confirmation.

bopper ago

Yeah I know. He might chime in, or maybe one of his friends.

VieBleu ago

Anyway, I wouldn't call 1 query too serious.

bopper ago

Yeah, thanks, I probably needed that :)

RebelSkum ago

Stay critical. Every bit helps.

RebelSkum ago

Seems like a genuine enough and decent guy. You can listen to an interview with him on the Higherside Chats, and if anything he is a bit alarming, but I feel he is honest and stands to lose more by supporting pizzagate than he would have gained by toeing the line.

bopper ago

No no no. Ryan where are you?

TheRedPi11 ago

I couldn't believe it when i saw it was for sale, what a snake. Copyright infringement class action suit for sure.

RebelSkum ago

Stay frosty, faekitty!

justwanttohelp ago

upvoated this lonely post because I think it smells really fishy... I noticed the site had many, many broken links about a few weeks ago, but I didnt think anything of it.

Makes sense now.

I made a post about this on the 19th, but it was deleted by mods:

wecanhelp ago

I'm flairing this as IMPORTANT because has essentially been acting as an official page for raising awareness of Pizzagate, and has enjoyed many users' trust, especially right before the inauguration, before caught in the demonstrated profiteering effort.

I'd also like to add a few sources of interest to the story.

@pizzagateDOTcom, the owner of

  • admittedly based on @Millennial_Falcon's summary sticky;
  • claimed that they don't trust anybody for owning the domain other than Donald J. Trump, then proceeded with the auction hoping to sell to the highest bidder whomever that may be;
  • claimed that their sole purpose was to get their initial investment of $2500 back and abandon ship as fast as possible, before they specified $12,500 as the smallest bid increment on the domain auction;
  • deleted each and every comment on the auction page. is not considered trusted on this subverse anymore, and will be marked as a security risk whenever it comes up. Please ping me or another mod if you see the link posted somewhere.

Edit: @altnewshost, @AngryTurd, @boxingHelenahhh, @breakdancerbb, @communityleader, @concernedMother, @cumwithme, @deltaniner, @dominoesonpizza, @downwithcomet, @fearisnotanoption, @FREESYRIA, @GarlifieldsFriend, @getOFFmyKID, @greatperson, @hitlerdidnothing, @Im-with-him, @JesusWillSaveUs, @OnMyRag, @realjustice, @rodeoclown, @seriousDude, @SGTsteve, @stickit, @suicideWatch, @SweetBBQguy, @WhiteNigger, @wizeman, and possibly more are all accounts just a few hours old, registered exclusively to comment aggressively on this topic, and they seem to all be heavily pushing the agenda of a lawsuit against pizzagateDOTcom. This is most accounts in this comment thread. See my observations of downwithcomet. I'm suspecting that this is both to discourage sharing the results of investigation on the web in the future, and to hijack the focus and resources of the community and make us invest in a lawsuit that has nothing to do with the original investigation, potentially providing grounds for the media to smear us for it.

I've banned the users from the subverse.

Fateswebb ago

When I link people to pizzagate I sure don't link them to that dot com site, I link to the executive summary thread on here and it's my opinion that thats what we all should be doing. I don't trust that site, and even if it's good info there, this is where people should be pointed in my opinion, or maybe find a good video and show them that...

RebelSkum ago

Thank you for the support! Too much good work has been done by others to be sold off in a scam.

Millennial_Falcon ago

He also took most of his material directly from my summary without attribution.

Edit: Also, whereas he previously claimed he was motivated by death threats, the fact that he's selling the site to the highest bidder, with a minimum bid of $12,500, proves that his motive is money. Who has that kind of money to dish out for a website? Well, James Alefantis, John Podesta, and Hillary Clinton, for starters.

OnMyRag ago

he stole stuff from my blog too. I had a picture of our good friend John Podesta that I surrounded with a red border. It was on within minutes. I'll join you guys in any class action lawsuit.

jml1201 ago

Everyone check the website and remove your work from this snake @pizzagateDOTcom who is trying to make money off your work. Why wouldn't you just sell it to this community if you really gave a shit?

Fateswebb ago

12,500? That's ridiculous, I can buy two servers the domain name and everything for that, but really you can host a site on a web server that you rent for very cheap. A year for under 100 dollars... so why is this guy asking for so much? What a dick.

MolochHunter ago

bastard better not be selling copies of my Bad Luck Brian pizzagate edition meme

doesnt he know the hours i spent with a marketing team devising that geniusnessness!!

VieBleu ago

That is clearly a high quality product.

Fateswebb ago

Oh man, I don't want to laugh at the meme but it's funny..

Here is one I made to be funny..

MolochHunter ago


RebelSkum ago

For damn sure. I thought nothing of the sale til I heard the price tag and just about fell on the floor. It's barely more than a single page...

throwawaa ago

He can sell it to someone who is part of the coverup (they have tons of money), who will turn into a debunking page (or just link to the wikipedia article).

RebelSkum ago


seriousDude ago
