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wecanhelp ago

I'm flairing this as IMPORTANT because has essentially been acting as an official page for raising awareness of Pizzagate, and has enjoyed many users' trust, especially right before the inauguration, before caught in the demonstrated profiteering effort.

I'd also like to add a few sources of interest to the story.

@pizzagateDOTcom, the owner of

  • admittedly based on @Millennial_Falcon's summary sticky;
  • claimed that they don't trust anybody for owning the domain other than Donald J. Trump, then proceeded with the auction hoping to sell to the highest bidder whomever that may be;
  • claimed that their sole purpose was to get their initial investment of $2500 back and abandon ship as fast as possible, before they specified $12,500 as the smallest bid increment on the domain auction;
  • deleted each and every comment on the auction page. is not considered trusted on this subverse anymore, and will be marked as a security risk whenever it comes up. Please ping me or another mod if you see the link posted somewhere.

Edit: @altnewshost, @AngryTurd, @boxingHelenahhh, @breakdancerbb, @communityleader, @concernedMother, @cumwithme, @deltaniner, @dominoesonpizza, @downwithcomet, @fearisnotanoption, @FREESYRIA, @GarlifieldsFriend, @getOFFmyKID, @greatperson, @hitlerdidnothing, @Im-with-him, @JesusWillSaveUs, @OnMyRag, @realjustice, @rodeoclown, @seriousDude, @SGTsteve, @stickit, @suicideWatch, @SweetBBQguy, @WhiteNigger, @wizeman, and possibly more are all accounts just a few hours old, registered exclusively to comment aggressively on this topic, and they seem to all be heavily pushing the agenda of a lawsuit against pizzagateDOTcom. This is most accounts in this comment thread. See my observations of downwithcomet. I'm suspecting that this is both to discourage sharing the results of investigation on the web in the future, and to hijack the focus and resources of the community and make us invest in a lawsuit that has nothing to do with the original investigation, potentially providing grounds for the media to smear us for it.

I've banned the users from the subverse.

Fateswebb ago

When I link people to pizzagate I sure don't link them to that dot com site, I link to the executive summary thread on here and it's my opinion that thats what we all should be doing. I don't trust that site, and even if it's good info there, this is where people should be pointed in my opinion, or maybe find a good video and show them that...

RebelSkum ago

Thank you for the support! Too much good work has been done by others to be sold off in a scam.