NumbCuck ago

The users are the owners of VOAT, not the MODS. Let the point system work. The problem is that Millennial_Falcon is a self-righteous control freak.

** Give /v/pizzagate a week of NO CENSORSHIP, and let it work. **

@Kevdude would do best to expunge all the mods other than himself and let the /v/pizzagate self-correct itself, have a few janitors for removing spam&adverts, but no pizzagate-content.

The problem now is we have 1,000's of real passionate users who want to discuss INFINITE topics and we have 1/2 dozens MODS that want to corral and contain the USERS.

If @Millenial_Falcon doesn't like the way voat works, then he should go back to reddit.

neo50 ago

I think this is a great start on defining what we are actually doing here. I like the subdivisions and think that is an efficient method for organization. Would it be possible to create one for survivors? As the investigation continues, more survivors are being found. Their stories are important as well as informative and might provide more clues to how the puzzle fits together. Also, more victims may come forward when they realize their stories will be heard and taken seriously. If we have a compilation of survivor experiences, it might help people wake up and provide the impetus for action. The survivors deserve to be front and center, lest they get lost amongst the rest of the investigation.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Users want it so broad that people could randomly post about a suspect/associate having eyebrows? I doubt that.

Baluga ago

Like the definition. Like the idea of an extra sub, but I think your scheme is overkill. More division than we need.

Iyd10 ago

Thank you for taking the time and effort to put this together.

Dressage2 ago

How about a sub where people can post questions such as how do you find an older thread and want to use as a reference in a new thread, how to save into your post same with the pics. I archive something and then I cannot find it in the for later use in a new post. There are some of us not as IT savvy.

chickyrogue ago


thank you for your thoughtfulness and for continuing this work in the best way forward .....voat ROCKS! happy new year

Dressage2 ago

Have seen on Twitter. I have heard one of the chan groups was able to recover ths out of I believe Besta Pizza data base or something. I have heard some people say out of Comet, but people have corrected that and said Besra..

noreturn4me ago

Is mind control included in this? There have numerous accounts of this specific topic involved with the gov., originally through abuse and now new tech. That is being employed and tested on general pop. Some of which were patented back in the 50's and 60's.

SleepingCaterpillar ago

Mods deleting relevant posts. this place has gone to shit..

ThruTheHaze ago

They just started disappearing o.0

noreturn4me ago

Should it be just human trafficking of minors? I understand that this is to help the children, but as far as human trafficking couldn't that be an all inclusive, not just to minors.

aaallaboard ago

These summaries are getting better all the time. It gives me so much certainty about what is going on. My utmost admiration for all the mods and community members. I can't believe the situation we are in, I've never felt more hopeful and optimistic in my life. Still coming to terms with the fact that Donal J Trump is the saviour of Western Civilisation and perhaps humanity itself. Much love to all and a happy new year. x

Millennial_Falcon ago

I know. I was trying to reason with him. Maybe futile, but I thought it worth a shot.

zzvoat ago

I think it should be requirement that before posting people run a search. It would eliminate many duplicate posts.

zzvoat ago

Welcome! This would be a great post at v/askpizzagate because I think it's a common question but here's my reply.

For me, the most important tool on this site is the "search" function. You can get there in two ways.

  1. At the top of each page on the left-hand side you'll find three short horizontal black lines in a stack, commonly referred to as a hamburger. Click on that and the search box is right there at the top.

  2. Keep this link handy: and use it, instead. I like this better because there is a "options" button underneath that allows for a more detailed search.

Search results will either show me all sorts of related posts where I can look for information and/or add to the discussions, or show me that nothing comes up, in which case I feel free to create a "Share a Link" post or a "Discuss" post by clicking on the blue buttons at the top of the page.

Don't be a stranger!

gopluckyourself ago

Relevant areas of research may include but are not limited to:

bolus ago

Fair enough. No need to dillute things too much. I just imagine that some of the non-pizzagate stories of pedo-busts in different parts of the country might eventually tie in...but if those fit the whatever rules, carry on!

bolus ago

How about pizzagatetheories where you can move all the wild suppositions without any sources?

I feel like there could be value in just free thinking, but it wouldn't belong in a well organized fully sourced sub, nor the whatever sub (that's more about the meta, right)

Would be appropriate for some of the stuff that just gets vomited up over and over again without any proof, too.

(To be clear - i think the value exists specifically in seperating 'whatever' talk about actual documented knowledge and 'wild ass theories' that might even border on spam)

hardrock ago

I've written the first outreach to Becki and will follow up until I get through. Hopefully it works, but her videos are going viral so it may take a while to be heard through all that traffic.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I like this definition much better than the previous post. Very well worded.

Vindicator ago

Agree. Excellent work on this difficult task!

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This all looks like some solid steps forward

justiceforever ago

I shall subscribe to all the pizzagate subs!

2impendingdoom ago

thanks I'll try that!!

hardrock ago

Very good related subverses, which should work for quite a while before any further refinements become necessary. Please allow me the bad manners of introducing a very important datum that probably belongs elsewhere, but is SO important that placing it here, now, while there are only a dozen or so other comments to compete for attention. There is a new eye witness/pedo-abuse survivor who appears to be completely legitimate, in agreement with pizzagate, and highly motivated to help. Her name is Becki Percy. She has 5 or 6 videos up here : Most importantly, she inadvertently revealed a key datum about where many victims that supply pedophile traffickers are coming from, which has been previously overlooked. She was born into a PROFESSIONAL multi-generational pedophile family. It's what the generations have done for a living . Presumably this is common throughout the world , where most countries are much older than the USA. Pedo-trafficking (and practice) is all that such families have known going back god knows how many generations ( like other types of crime families such as thieves, pick-pockets, beggars, etc.) I would propose that one or more of the moderators here collaboratively reach out to her and her tiny network of supportive allies, both to enlist her help, and assist her with on-line security . . . because I believe she is very new to this side of the world. She was on the victim side for her entire life until the last year or so. Thanks for listening.

2impendingdoom ago

I love the idea of these subdivisions, the repeat duplicate threads are sometimes really aggravating despite wanting to encourage new people, but I don't think that this is going work so well in practice. Is there a way for a voater to combine subdivisions if I wanted to see pizzgate and askpizzagate at the same time but not pizzagatememes? I'm new to voat so maybe there are really basic things I haven't figured out.

TheCuckFather ago

The "Pedocracy" is a by product of the PEDO-DOLLAR, since 1972 when the USA went bankrupt under Kissinger the Saudi's have gotten white child slaves in exchange for their OIL.

Now 40 years later the demand for children among elite Arab's has exploded. The PEDOCRACY enables the US-DOLLAR and it revolves around DC, and +$10 Billion/year flow in fiat to Israel; The problem will never be resolved as the MODS here have banned the mention of SAUDI, ironic given that PODESTA Group (BROTHERS) earn 100% of their entire CASH-FLOW from one client, SAUDI-ARABIA, the biggest PR firm in DC is Podesta, and most likely THEY influence the MODS on this forum.

Millennial_Falcon ago

We have encouraged research into possible Saudi connections. What are you even talking about?

wecanhelp ago

Member for 11 hours. Seems legit.

wecanhelp ago

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

I'm very satisfied with this outcome, and the rest is reasonable, too. I suggest we battle-test this version, see if it results in issues over some period of time, and revise if and when necessary. Another lengthy brainstorming session would probably not add a lot of value at this point, I'm afraid. Thank you, @kevdude.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I mostly agree, but there's one part I think is way too broad: "The sum total of human activity relating to any person who is part of a pizzagate association."

That is waaaay to broad and needs to be amended. In its current form, it would allow any kind of useless information. (For example, "Joshua Vogelsong likes peanut butter, and also has eyebrows.")

I suggest this needs to be amended to something like "Any information about someone associated with pizzagate that may plausibly constitute or lead to new evidence or leads."

TheCuckedFather ago

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion @Phobos_Mothership @Millennial_Falcon

No mention of 8 million children worldwide disappear every year, that is the #1 lead, then find the parents talk to the parents, listen to them, learn about common vector's of disappearance, work your way back to common vertex the common denominator of disappearance.

Pizzagate has been chasing 'child ghosts', in all cases there has never been a child victim found this is what makes pizzagate look like a retard exercise to the general public.

If you all be serious about child-abduction and abuse, then you find the real parents of real missing children and learn their story, then you find the common-denominator, then you build a case. Then you show that case to the world with real witnesses with faces of real children and real names.

Quit the damn game of chasing ghosts.

Every time there is a post here showing the enormity world-wide of missing children it is deleted, its like the MODS want to minimize the enormous scale of child abduction world-wide.

The current scope off pizzagate is 100% political, the people who abduct children for sex,organs, and blood don't give a fucking hell about politics; Yet the pizzagate MODS are obsessed with a narrow venue of Pizzagate that revolves around Clinton and her common crime family.

Anybody that study history of SRA ( satanic child abuse ) knows that its +80% RNC going back to J Edgar Hoover in the 1930's, to Boys-Town in 1980's, Clinton didn't take power and run the child abduction franchise until 1990's until present.

Now the franchise will return to RNC, and given that pizzagate investigators are told to ignore Saudi, not a damn thing will change, just a study of past, with no children named, but nothing done to stop future abduction.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Every time there is a post here showing the enormity world-wide of missing children it is deleted

Nope. It only got deleted when you made a post with no sources/evidence to back your claims that pizzagate is about blood harvesting.

Yet the pizzagate MODS are obsessed with a narrow venue of Pizzagate that revolves around Clinton and her common crime family.

Nope. Global connections are relevant, so long as there is actual evidence of a connection. You have to understand this sub is based on an opportunity. That opportunity is based on a gift of evidence that we have discovered. We need to treasure the leads we have and follow them to find more evidence. It seems pretty ironic to hear you say we are "chasing ghosts," because that's what you seem to be doing (chasing speculations and theories, rather than looking for evidence). If you really care so much, why don't you channel your energy into being constructive and helping us find the evidence? Please?

heygeorge ago

Fair dues! And good point, it's more-or-less 'everyone's' call. That's the Voat way, if there is one.

NumbCuck ago

Why don't @HeyGeorge & @kevDude take over /v/pizzagate and expunge the other mod's and let /v/pizzagate work naturally?

/v/pizzagate is now +40 days old and the past month has been users fighting the mod's, doesn't anybody here see this is the definition of insanity? do the same thing over and over expecting different results.

heygeorge ago

Lol, no thank you. PG can do whatever it wants.

heygeorge ago

You didn't even have to ping me, I caught it on all/new.

heygeorge ago

It's not my call at all, but this really seems like a very reasonable way to divvy up PG posts. I feel like the criteria for PG central is a bit broad, but that's the Voat lifestyle so I'm sure you have thought the same.

Nice job overall!

PS: Pizzagate is looking for an experienced CSS person to help manage a couple requests. Message me and/or the [O] mods if you know you can help and have the upcoming available time and desired skill set.