TruthSeeker710 ago

Doesn't Alefantis speak highly of Brock & Clinton all the time in the media? His friends comments about them on his social media prove otherwise!

birthdaysuit11 ago

This is a topic that people like Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Mark Dice etc wouldn't dare to touch. Such cowards. They also wouldn't dare talk about Zionism.

HillBoulder ago

I think James alefantis downvoated this submission

GeorgeT ago

Alifantis is a top high level operative - Alex Jones never apologized for anything since he's been on air in 1995! Alex apologizing to some obscure pizza owner? Kool aid is not cool! Ignorance is not strength!

AngB23 ago

He's very connected, which has been proven. I feel bad for the poor guy {said with major sarcasm} so we should donate to his GO FUND ME PAGE which is still up. WTF? Why does this creep have a page up for donations? He's rich and powerful yet needs money? FFS, it makes me ill.

GeorgeT ago

Duper's delight - the guy is a total psychpath.

GeorgeT ago

That is one hell of an expose of that Ping Pong freak.

GeorgeT ago

I would add, connectio to global satanism - being a donor to Waldorf Schools.

pbvrocks ago

Interestingly on her tweet I read that she was blaming Podesta for destroying the Rothschild family not the Clinton family...most did not read it that way...

SimonRothschild1 ago

All this focus on The Rothschilds and none on the Rockerfellers. Interesting.

ArthurEdens ago

I like how she blurred her profile picture since posting that and getting chewed out about rituals

The old guy Rothschild in this photo is said to be who the red-robed guy in eyes wide shut is based off of. Same voice

Truthseeker3000 ago

She did blur her profile pic, further proving it is her account. She is just too stupid to figure out how to verify her account. Also, that's not Jacob in the photo, might be Evelyn (yeah, woman's name!) but Jacob De Rothschild is the "spokesman" of the clan basically. They do look alike though. Jacob is the repulsive reptilian looking man tall and lanky who thinks he is god.

SimonRothschild1 ago

Don't you know you are God?

SimonRothschild1 ago

Jacob knows he is God.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Look at her ugly mug proud as punch face in that photo. Does she know how desperate and pathetic she is? She's not even a real De Rothschild for fuck sakes she's a divorcee who had an affair with the old buzzard and he married her (for strategic purposes only because she's a total sociopath and loves to stir shit up and get into what she considers royalty). So sad. I wonder what the other family members really think of some of the others. They actually killed one of their own blood Rothschild men because he didn't want to go along with their agenda fully. His kids are still fucked up over it. Sad bunch. Even the teenage kids now carrying the name are fucked up. Power and money are not all theyre cracked up to be, only evil, narcissistic, sociopathic-type personalities are drawn it. Nothing feels better than not wanting anything and being happy where you are than spending your whole existence chasing shit you were never meant to have. Fuck the De Rothschilds.

ArthurEdens ago

Alefantis is a procurer of children for higher elite, like Saville was. I'm sure he goes to Rothchild parties regularly

GeorgeT ago

Saville, Dutroux...Alifantis .... Similarities are uncanny, all three look like creeps from hell, all three mulltiple home owners (how $$$??), all three bypass security clearances and all three covered by the police. Alifantis is just an American version Saville.

Stormer-chan ago

He was Jewish.

SuperJohnWayne ago

How do we know that the Brock pic on the staircase with the woman with face in hands was taken inside a Rothschild abode?


It appears that the Rothschild family has finally officially called time on their political puppets, the Clinton Family. Agree;@HillaryClinton ran a terrible campaign;the family should leave the political arena to new blood;sad but true

Pokes ago

Facebook killer worked for Beech Brook, which is a foster care and adoption agency. Anyone investigated them? Not insinuating or suggesting anything, just curious.

nosilence1 ago

Yeps there is a thread on that somewhere in the pizzagate voat.

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TruthTrumps ago

Great post. Since good posts often get buried by shit posts or are deleted on VOAT, might be a good idea to also post it here: It's worth a try to have backup. Might even get some new followers. I also think the format is better there. Shit posts die off more easily. The search function actually works. And you can also filter by comments.

Death2Masons ago

We need to delete our scumbag mods. Hello Vindicator.

TruthTrumps ago

If only it were possible. Also, I am not Vindicator...and don't know who he/she is.

Piscina ago

I have always wondered why Lynne de Rothschild would throw Podesta under the bus but has never sought to distance herself and the Rothschilds from Aledantis. He's obviously far up the food chain and is afforded a whole lot of protection by virtue of his position.

Psalm144-1 ago

I thought the Lynne Tweet (i assume that is what you are referring to here) was never confirmed as an authentic twitter account...? @darkmath Thoughts?

DarkMath ago

"never confirmed"

That's a good question. I don't see the blue been confirmed check mark. It seems like her given the number of followers and the amount of new tweets but you never know.

Personally I think it IS her and she put out that tweet because she needs to put as much distance between her and John Podesta as possible. In other words she could care less about John Podesta, he's just a fall guy. JP is the bag man, the stooge.

Death2Masons ago

A fall guy that doesn't fall, doesn't get investigated even. Some fall guy.

DarkMath ago

"A fall guy that doesn't fall"

I think the jury's still out on that one. It took 2 years before Nixon had to resign during Watergate. I imagine we're looking at a similar time frame now.

There is no chance this thing gets swept under the rug. We have no country anymore, no constitution, no Bill of Rights, nothing. Slowly people are waking up to that fact. What we saw out in Berkeley over the weekend was the result of the past 6 months waking enough Patriots up they kicked treasonous Antifa out of town.

That same battle is going to keep growing and spreading until it's on the outskirts of DC. Just like the Antifa was kicked out of Berkeley the same process will kick the Deep State out of DC. It's just a matter of time. No one thought anyone could kick the Antifa out of their home base. No one thinks the Deep State will get kicked out either. But they will get kicked out, hard. I think we're going to see some very powerful, very grown-up looking men literally crying their eyes out. It's going to be quite a sight to see.

privatepizza ago

Excellent post Swordfish, seeing it all together paints a fuller picture

quantokitty ago

Excellent! Upvoat for you.

The evidence keeps piling up ...

cakeoflightylight ago

She was talking about him ruining the Clintons. Don't think little old Lynne is worried about herself.

fartyshorts ago

That was in response to his TV interview where he was shaking and quaking like a guilty little bitch.

evademoney2 ago

she should be. she is on the chopping block too

anonOpenPress ago

pg_worth calling these three?

Antiracist2 ago


eagleshigh ago

Now I'm listening.

SecondAmendment ago

Good job, OP. I wish we'd see some draining of the swamp. I'm just feeling a little frustrated that with all the information out there, we still haven't seen the big arrests that have been discussed since last year. . . .

2b1ask1 ago

Seeing big arrests is like a cop giving himself a speeding ticket.

Watch this for the explanation:

Ironically, Carlin was in the club.

KnightsofHubris ago

This is further proof that Alefantis himself is actually a Globalist power broker

Holy Shit, this is funny.

Wow, you have like a whole collection of deeply linked nonsense you link to as well. Art Brut is trauma art? No, it translates to raw art, in the US we call that outsider art, has nothing to do with trauma.

Where's your evidence Tony Podesta owns a cafe in Venice?

KnightsofHubris ago

There's nothing in that thread that shows Tony Podesta owns a coffee shop in's entirely speculation.

Ocelot ago

Yes. But there is a good deal of circumstantial evidence that points to it.

If this were a real investigation, FBI would have already been all over that cafe.

AngB23 ago

Whether it's been mentioned before or not, I thank the OP for taking the time to post and secondly, there is so much prior info that has been put out there that it's easy to forget. Some past info can possibly connect current info. It never hurts to revisit.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Every piece of evidence is just as important as the next.

swordfish69 ago

Reminder for those questioning the "relevance" of the Rothschild connection: Rothschild family was personally responsible for stopping arrests of ritual abuse/blood libel in Rhodes in 1841. Whether or not you believe the alleged events took place, there is a historical precedent.

Stormer-chan ago


V____Z ago

The relevance couldn't be more clear, ignore the lone naysayer here to disrupt.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Funny how there's always at least one on every thread now...

V____Z ago

It's almost as if they know someone like David Brock, who literally runs a troll army for a living. Hmmmm

undertheshills ago

Its red meat that keeps people looking and talking KEEP IT UP.

DarkMath ago

Forgive me but we already knew JA was the 49th most powerful person down in DC. In fact we already knew all the connections you listed here. What am I missing?

Yuke ago

No idea why you have been downvoted so much, what you've said is completely accurate. We already knew all of this.

swordfish69 ago

At the very least, this information undermines the entire MSM media narrative that Alefantis is just an eccentric restauranteur--It shows that his endless connections to globalists may not be the result of his work and his entourage, but rather the purpose of his work. Does that make sense?

DarkMath ago

"but rather the purpose of his work."

That's called guilt by association and is pretty much treated as hearsay in court, meaning it doesn't carry any weight. It's meaningless without hard evidence.

And given many think CPP is a honey pot or red-herring staying fixated on it sure helps maintain the distraction.

crashing_this_thread ago

It's a reason to investigate and look further.

DarkMath ago

None of the evidence is new. It was all found months ago. People need to research more before posting what they think is new evidence.

maxine3 ago

DarkMath why don't you show us some new research instead of being the comment hero

DarkMath ago

Don't shoot the messenger.

maxine3 ago

I wouldn't waste my time

swordfish69 ago

Right now, the biggest roadblock is public opinion because the MSM has fed people a false narrative. Understanding why they are lying and why this is something they don't want people to see will help explain the reasons for the pedophile/snuff ring. To me, knowing he was with one of the most powerful families in the world (in their home no less) should set off alarm bells and should force us to rethink his role beyond Democrat socialite.

Are_we_sure ago

Actually the biggest roadblock is you've never been able to come anywhere close to proving your speculation that John Podesta was speaking in code and that code related to pedophilia.

DarkMath ago

"knowing he was with one of the most powerful families"

I just explained we already knew that 6 months ago. None of what you posted is new information. In fact your post is a little deceptive: "We now have undeniable proof". There's no need for "now", your post is just a distraction. Or worse you could be a shill for reposting things that lead people back to CPP which, ding ding ding, is a honey pot/red herring designed to distract people from some real crime somewhere else. Get it?

DonKeyhote ago

You're the one shilling for cpp and the maccobys, as if their Instagram didnt start this whole thing LOL. Do you contribute to infowars when you're not being a douchebag here?

DarkMath ago

"You're the one shilling for cpp and the maccobys"

Dipshit, CPP is A RED-HERRING. It's a complete fucking distraction. I don't need Alex Jones to tell me that thank you very much.

Do you not know what a fucking red-herring is? What the hell is wrong with you?

DonKeyhote ago

So arresting a steet dealer is a red herring because he actually has a supplier who does more serious crimes. Especially if this dealer can redpill the wider community to the prpblem. Nice logic.

DarkMath ago

"So arresting a street dealer is a red herring"

Sigh....Dipshit, since James Alefantis hasn't been arrested the correct analogy would be is it a red-herring for a street dealer to put a sign in front of a blind and homeless drunk down the street that says "I sell heroin!"?

Yes, that would be a red-herring.


DonKeyhote ago

But the homeless drunk is innocent of that. The reason he hasnt been arrested is that law enforcement is corrupt. Why are you pretending normal rules of probable cause apply, DIPSHIT

DarkMath ago

"the homeless drunk is innocent of that."

Correct! You're catching on! To complete the analogy imagine the police getting calls every day about a drug dealer selling heroin on the street. They go to the street, see a blind, drunk homeless man with a sign that says "I Sell Heroin!", thoroughly question him and figure out he's only a blind, drunk homeless guy and not a drug dealer, throwing their hands up in frustration, returning to headquarters only to return the next day to interview the same blind, drunk homeless guy with the same "I Sell Heroin!" sign and repeat that charade for 6 months straight and continually get frustrated at their lack of progress in solving the case.


DonKeyhote ago

No one set alefantis up. Indeed a false flag was staged to absolve him, contra your repeated police visits fantasy. Are you smoking crack?

DarkMath ago

"contra your repeated police visits fantasy."

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you DonKeyhote. The police in my analogy ARE THE PEOPLE LIKE YOU who keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.

DonKeyhote ago

Is someone expecting arrests at CCP? Nope. If You think cpp is a sacrificial lamb say so. What I think is that you're a moron.

DarkMath ago

You have no point.

blablah ago

Thanks for hardening that evidence. Upvoat!

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

BOOM!!!!! Congratulations Sir!!