Ilikegood ago

Seems super relevant in our new understanding of MSM. Ty for the research :-)

DeathToMasons ago

Nice find. Thank you for your work. Anybody involved with the corporate media can be assumed to be selected because they are complicit or in on it. They could never get the job in the first place if otherwise. The entire establishment is part of this machine.

silverstar23 ago

Great find. It seems Alefantis already had many media connections pre-pizzagate. Jake Tapper's wife said Comet Ping Pong is her favorite restaurant.

mathemagician33 ago

something about "Club Caravan" didn't sit right with me... and then I found this article:

The title of said article is: "Scandal of the caravan & camping club that's a secret front for swingers & their sex games..."

WTF is going on here? how is Alefantis always connected to stuff of this nature?! Obviously this doesn't prove anything about the actual organization called "Club Caravan Host Committee" but does it seem odd to anyone else?

The reason I thought to search for a connection between caravan clubs and sex clubs was because of an episode of the UK comedy The Inbetweeners entitled "Caravan Club", in which one of the characters says, "it's well known in Europe that caravan clubs are basically sex clubs."

Solver2 ago

And works with Corcoran, believe that would be Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank's company.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah this guy isnt just a Pizza place owner....he already knows Megan Kelly. Likely he already knew the Murdoch family. They thought the people would believe FOX. Because FOX had the job of being the fake opposition. But when the real shit hit the real fan....they forced FOX to reveal itself...that they are basically apart of the Globalist Agenda also. Thank God this happened...or else I would still be watching those fake ass people. But I am NO media.....NONE.

DustyRadio ago

My spouse and I keep saying the one good that came out of all of this is that the rats & roaches are exposed and we would never have known just how awful it was and how deep it ran without Assange's leaks starting the avalanche and exposure of these shitbags. We are grateful just for that.

davemcgowanwasright ago

This is exactly right. FOX news has been exposed in this process. When FOX is used to push a fake narrative, it is a sign that they are running out of ammo in the propoganda war against the public. Once the majority of FOX news viewers begin to see through this deception, the pedo pushers will no longer have anywhere to hide.


Even to the point of hiding true pedo symbolism.....Green leaf????

Commonwombat ago

And the most curious thing is he doesn't have a Wiki page. I think he's a CIA operative.

Orange_Circle ago

Very nice find.

He sure has a lot of money and a lot of pull for being the owner of two small restaurants with high overheads....