mathemagician33 ago

this is obvious shilling at its best (worst?). look at this user's other comments. he even uses the phrase "warm, family friendly restaurant" repeatedly.

you aren't fooling anyone. If Alefantis and everyone else is in fact innocent, they have nothing to fear - the point is that the amount of circumstantial evidence is mountainous at this point, and we are not going to rest until there is a legitimate investigation into these activities and the individuals allegedly involved.

Sharipie ago

If you are young then your naïvete is charming. But if you're not young, then its not cute and you apparently are as dumb as a box of hammers.

8pinkstars ago

There's a special place in hell for the evil people you defend

Wolftrail7272 ago

You are fake and gay.

Wolftrail7272 ago


Wolftrail7272 ago

Holy shit. If this connection is coming out now, I cant wait to see what else happens before the 20th! This is incredible.


My main problem/question with this is that Laura Silsby is accused of lying about the collapsed orphanage. In that Fox interview Puello says the children came from a collapsed orphanage but other sources say that after an investigation the children were found to have been given away by their parents (they didn't come from an orphanage).

But as reported by the Statesman and elsewhere, the group was stopped at the border and arrested; many of the 33 children on their bus turned out to have been handed over to the Americans by their own family members.

Their stories contradicted Silsby's account that the children came from collapsed orphanages or were handed over by distant relatives. <- This document goes over the Silsby thing really well and also says that the children were being handed over by their family members. That was kind of the big deal with Silsby is that she seemed to be lying about where the children were coming from and she was negligent with the paperwork.

The_Kuru ago

There are more same-sex couples in DC than anywhere and I suspect that it's easy for them to adopt as the local DC jurisdiction is free from US regulations.

I suspect that the kids they adopt are the same sex as the parents and these families live in clusters. Like a villiage, and the kids are passed around.

AreWeSure ago

You provide no evidence for the following claim

Well look at the Jorge Puello interview with Fox News, in February 2010. Turns out, he knows a lot about "Friends of the Orphans".

How is knowing his knowing Silsby's story knowing a lot? Why wouldn't he know that if he spoke with Silsby?

militant ago

A picture of James Alefantis, Izette Folger and Nora Maccoby (2011):

Do you happen to know if Izette is related to Lee and Juliet Folger?

The Lee & Juliet Folger Fund is located in Mc Lean, Virginia. This organization primarily operates in the Charitable Organization business / industry within the Membership Organizations sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 7 years. The Lee & Juliet Folger Fund is estimated to generate $6.0 million in annual revenues, and employs approximately 2 people at this single location.

Sentastixc ago

Outstanding work, this is the gold standard of analysis posts.

Sheilaaliens ago

The women who got arrested for child trafficking while on a "child saving mission" in Haiti --- weren't those the asian women who are in the "pizza.jpg" in one of Podesta's emails?

Moggy1 ago

No they had been arrested in Korea.

Freemasonsrus ago

Just wanted to point out that Annie Maccoby Berglof is associated with Robert Shapiro. He would be one of the guys from George Webb's YT vids. Not sure of the entire relationship but it just seems all these people are incestuously intertwined. Shapiro was contacted by Chris Stevens from Benghazi. That's in GW's vids too. So basically you have a circle that ties Alefantis to Hillary, Maccoby, Shapiro, Stevens. How bizarre.

Robert Shapiro: Here is his company which should also be looked into:

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

This could be way off, but I remember reading that Robert Shapiro was identified specifically by one of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein's underage sex island. I just assumed it was the Robert Shapiro from the OJ case. But is it possible that it was this guy?

Freemasonsrus ago

I needed to edit that prior comment to clarify he was not the same guy as the one in GW's videos, but he could certainly be the one you mention. He obviously has all of the connections. Do you know where you read that?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Sorry, my mistake. I did a quick search and it turns out it wasn't Robert Shapiro, it was Alan Dershowitz (OJ's other lawyer).

Freemasonsrus ago

Oh yes, I remember that. I honestly thought I had missed that bc there were a bunch of people listed who had visited Lolita island. Certainly remember Dershowitz. And I could totally see that too.

jml1201 ago

This is such a big story. I can not STRESS this enough. Re post your comments.

Hooliganscat ago

Can we just get them all arrested now? Jesus if the evidence is just so deep!

bolus ago

also from the deleted thread, my comment regarding what i suspect to be the hotel silsby lined up to be the faux-orphanage: listing i suspect to be 'the 45 room hotel' - check every article you've seen about it, they all say 45 rooms. note the architecture D'reem resort page (note the bed and the picture of the cabins next to the pool) current KiteDreem hotel page (same beds, same buildings, new paint) wayback's capture from 2010. check the karaoke pic.

does it mean anything? don't think it's anything we can follow - but i'm convinced that's it, and it was sketchy before silsby had access to it.

redberries ago

This would be the owner's website:

Check the staff, it's run by two people: Rob Chenvert and Jose Hidalgo. One of them were/are partners with Silsby, if I recall correctly.

bolus ago

Wait - how'd you do that? I missed the jump from the page i found to drreba, where is it?

redberries ago

Read this blog, it's written by someone who met Silsby personally (and also spoke of how suss she was):

It mentions that Jose Hidalgo was the realtor from Dominica assisting Silsby. I recall reading somewhere else that one of these two were Silsby's partners. So I found Jose Hidalgo's social page and it had this.

bolus ago

Yep. It mentions the SOS children's village, that's in haiti, and where the kids were brought by authorities.

It also mentions a brochure carried by silsby, showing a resort with a pool...that's what i want to see a connection for...I'm of the opinion that it was dreem, but i can't find the connection from puello or hidalgo to dreem.

Still looking.

bolus ago

(reposted from my comment in the deleted thread)

Maccoby (Max F Maccoby, btw ) was in the white house on 7/29/2015, looks like with family (michael and Ida, as mentioned in op) on a tour.

a tour of the east wing.

for 14 hours.

during which time, POTUS had one appointment publicly released on his schedule. meet with house democrats in the east room.

yes, the meeting/tour was with several hundred people, and yes it displays as a generic tour, but obama's schedule puts the two in the same place on the same day, with overlapping windows.

Also, Nora had artwork for up for auction in both the 2012 and 2013 transformer auctions. (still available, d/l at your own risk - )

Millennial_Falcon ago

The deletion was the work of a sleeper-shill mod, who has now been removed from the mod team. Explanation, here:

Everyone who had a post deleted by him today has been contacted asking them to repost. Numbchuck was the only mod on the mod team who offered to be a mod. No more modding people who ask! This should never happen again.

Also, flairing as important, again.

The_Kuru ago

Sleeper shill mod? That's just great. That means the enemy agent collected all the information about those posting.

Excuse me but I gotta go make my will now.

In regards to the Silsby mission to Haiti, is it the understanding that the people she went there with were innocent missionaries being used by Silsby as a front? If so, they should be speaking out at this point.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Sleeper shill mod? That's just great. That means the enemy agent collected all the information about those posting. Excuse me but I gotta go make my will now.

Being a mod doesn't give us special powers to collect info on users. It just lets us flair posts, remove posts, and edit the sidebar, etc.

bolus ago

Ha. I hadn't considered that angle.

Come at me. Don't care, lol.

Azagthoth ago

They keep trying to put out their grease fire with water. Its probably going to take the soviet method of capping off an oil disaster