SChalice ago

In 2008, King Carl XVI Gustaf named Mike a Commander of the Royal Order of the Polar Star.

Maybe they aren't buddies because this is just a civic merit.


Maybe nothing but look into one of Documents from the Friends of Orphans. Its called "Christmas in Haiti Needs"

I was looking at it and i noticed weird language and a very odd picture at the bottom of the document, look at the kid on the chair. Look again at the language and demands.

They also have the spiral on their cover website. Here is the DOC

I came across this document from this site here: Friends of Orphans

ps: How is that possible that every lead we investigate, not expecting anything to come out of it, it ALWAYS pops out anyway!! Thats a very strange odditity!!

flyingcuttlefish ago

This is a comment by Dr. Leuren Moret

"Maccoby has all of the attributes of a CIA operative. The MITRE corporation link is very telling: it is a private corporation that came out of MIT professors, and later was privatized to manage and fund scientists under contract to the US Govt. such as the scientists who developed HAARP, West Point grad and advisor to many US Presidents Col. Wheeler who was assassinated around New Years of 2011 just before the Fukushima disaster 3/11/2011 [Jeff Rense was interviewing me in Feb. 2011 about the death of Col. Wheeler, but when I exposed too much he started screaming on the air and the interview he told me "disappeared from his archive"], and MITRE was involved in 9/11. Maccoby was on the MITRE payroll as a scientific contractor for a number of years. This guy is no lightweight, he is deep deep deep intel, and had a well greased ride through academia, consulting, publishing, and fellowships. He is part of a very large, far reaching covert US govt. operation."

flyingcuttlefish ago

Very good research here!

George_Carlin ago

"Friends of the Orphans"... the irony of this is just incredible. It seems everywhere we look they are "helping children"... tragic.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Excellent research. Keep it up

Cannot upvoat. It's been deleted again. What the fuck guys. Who's deleting this. What violation is claimed.

Silsby is a documented child trafficker. Connections to her can prove a lot. Please keep up the fantastic work. We will beat these fucking shills with the trutb

HelpingChildren ago

I found a possible Hillary connection to Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, on this spanish language page linked below. Tried to archive it and it will not archive. I can not read a lot of spanish, so not sure why she is linked at bottom of page. I copied it and pasted it into my blog on too asking for any one to translate it if they could for me.

Scoundrel ago

I love you. You're work will save lives, I know this.

Scoundrel ago

Amazing work.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Why are threads getting deleted?

AreWeSure ago

Wanted? Who says she is wanted?

bolus ago

don't see it in this thread, (edit - and yes, i'm copy/pasting from the other maccoby thread) but Maccoby (Max F Maccoby, btw ) was in the white house on 7/29/2015, looks like with family (michael and Ida, as mentioned in op) on a tour.

a tour of the east wing.

for 14 hours.

during which time, POTUS had one appointment publicly released on his schedule. meet with house democrats in the east room.

yes, the meeting/tour was with several hundred people, and yes it displays as a generic tour, but obama's schedule puts the two in the same place on the same day, with overlapping windows.

(edit to update the archive link showing the F in max f maccoby)

Also, Nora had artwork for up for auction in both the 2012 and 2013 transformer auctions. (still available, d/l at your own risk - )


I was trying to hunt down the direct link from Izette to Abigail as her aunt. Can you provide? To me it looks as if she is married to Neil Folger, son of Lee M. Folger.

Abigail had a brother Peter Folger, Jr but no other siblings.

So Peter Folger, Jr would need to be the father of Izette in order for Izette to be her neice of Abigail, but that is not the case.

It does appear they are related, but I'm not sure Abigail is a direct aunt. Thoughts?

HunkaHunka ago

Correction,that link for Peter Folger was Abigail Folger's father Peter Folger, not her brother Peter Folger.

Abigail Folger's father Peter Folger had two daughters and one son.

Abigail, Elizabeth, and Peter

so Izette Folger would be the daughter of Abigail's sister Elizabeth , if Abigail were Izette's Aunt.

but you are right, there is no record of Abigail as Izette's Aunt but the name Lee Folger dates right back to mother of Benjamin Franklin and the name Abigail is constant through the Folger lineage.

sK_DirtMcGirt ago

Yes, Greta Van Susteren. Interesting, thanks for the update.

The_Kuru ago

If Silsby recruited legitimate missionaries from a legitimate church to use as a front, then these poor unsuspecting Christians have to realize they were used for something evil if they are keeping up with this investigation. They should be contacted to see what they know. If they are defensive, then you'll have to wonder why.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It's hard to tell a Christian male from a pedo. No offense to Christians, but it's the perfect cover for them to use to gain access to kids.

bolus ago listing i suspect to be 'the 45 room hotel' - check every article you've seen about it, they all say 45 rooms. note the architecture D'reem resort page (note the bed and the picture of the cabins next to the pool) current KiteDreem hotel page (same beds, same buildings, new paint) wayback's capture from 2010. check the karaoke pic.

does it mean anything? don't think it's anything we can follow - but i'm convinced that's it, and it was sketchy before silsby had access to it.

Don-Keyhote ago

i overheard someone mention a Folger heiress today, turns out her murderer was denied parole a 14th time along with the others.

mrjdouble ago

Outstanding work, mate! I'm also adding your links and key information from this post to my ongoing record of filth.

Reviewed that link to the wiki for the orphanage, "Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos". The logo struck me as odd for some reason. Maybe it's because I've been immersed in this investigation since I created my voat accout, but I look at that and I see a pedo standing next to his next round of victims.


On Manson and Folger:

Many have long suspected that the Tate residency was targeted in part as retaliation for a massive drug burn. Wojciech Frykowski, a friend of Roman Polanski and wife Sharon Tate, had become a major player in the LA LSD and MDA markets. Frykowski was dating Abigail Folger, heiress of the Folger coffee dynasty and financial patron of Frykowski's endeavor.

Frykowski had burned his suppliers of at least $11,000 all the while working toward setting up his own wholesale distribution ring with Folger's financial backing. Some researchers believe that Frykowski and Folger were the Family's intended targets that fateful night on August 9th, 1969, and that Tate was not even supposed to be at the residency along Cielo Drive that night.

Journalist Maury Terry writes in The Ultimate Evil:

"According to police reports, friends of Frykowski and our own sources, Fryowski became involved in LSD dealing and also was offered a wholesale distributorship of the amphetamine MDA -which was found in both his and Folger's systems the night they died.

"Fryowski, a recent immigrant to the United States, didn't have the money to make wholesale drug purchases, he was unemployed. This was a subtlety the police apparently missed. But his girlfriend had the funds. Coffee heiress Abigail Folger had the cash to support Frykowski's endeavor and our sources say she did just that." (pg.486)

"A Los Angeles source who was knowledgeable about the Manson set in 1969 said: 'Frykowski was the motive. He had stung his own suppliers for a fair amount of money and that didn't go down well at all with the people at the top of the drug scene here. And to make it worse, he was upsetting the structure of the LSD marketplace by dealing independently, outside the established chain of supply. He was a renegade." (pg. 489)

Terry goes on to breakdown the LA drug scene at the time and the players involved in the Fryowski hit:

"The Los Angeles drug scene in 1969 could be likened to a field of pyramids which roughly divided the marketplace into various specialized segments. Near the top of one pyramid, the chemical dope edifice, was a man connected to Jetz [a pseudonym Terry uses for mid-level dealer -Recluse] ; a superior, so to speak. This man was said to have been a former Israeli who had strong links to the international intelligence community. He wasn't employed by U.S. or Israeli intelligence, at least not at the time of the murders. Rather, he was regarded as a rogue who, in addition to his elevated narcotics ranking, was suspected by some of being an operative for the Soviet Union; perhaps free-lance." (pg.490)

Ronald Stark claimed at various times to be an Israeli and connected to the CIA. In Acid Dreams Lee and Shlain write: "His modus operandi was not unlike that of an intelligence operative. He often claimed to know exactly how things worked in the espionage community. He said he knew lots of spies, and to some friends he even boasted of working for the CIA." (pg. 250)

Both Manson researchers Maury Terry and Ed Sanders believed Manson was in part carrying out a contract for a hippie cult deeply involved in the LA drug scene that had been burned by Fryowski. They presumed this cult was an organization known as the Process Church of Final Judgment, which will be examined in much greater length in a later installment. However, I will note Sanders and Terry both began to suspect the Process was a front for some kind of U.S. intelligence group:

"This information, which I unearthed in 1986, apparently explained something Ed Sanders earlier told me: 'There were so many investigations going on out there after the murders that I began to wonder if the Process was a front for some intelligence operation.'" (The Ultimate Evil, pg. 490)

Votescam ago

Coincidentally, just noticed that Reelz TV was doing something on Sharon Tate murder tonight. Mae Brussel, one of our most brilliant investigators suggests that Sharon Tate's father was CIA and Youth Revolution being a problem at that time -- Hippies -- had to be attacked. Would go with that as higher purpose. Brussel says it was a military operation. Manson never killed anyone -- but the guy Tex did allegedly. Brussel suggests that Sharon Tate is still alive. Manson was recruited from prison. Well financed and certainly not a Hippie. Will look for the link.

Pizzagatevoater ago

About Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos: Otis McAllister has a direct relationship with NPH,, What is Otis McAllister? So we have a company that does global trades, moves a lot of goods all over the world, including Guatemala, In that page we see Fotokids: "Beginning in 2006, we became involved with Fotokids (Fundacion de ninos artistas Guatemala) in Guatemala. Fotokids aims to teach kids in poorer areas of Guatemala skills in manual and digital photography, giving them the chance to develop themselves artistically." When you visit the page: you see the board members: Royce Nicolaisen as Vice President who is also the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Otis MC Allister. Fotokids' Nancy McGirr gets the spotlight in washingtonpost and nytimes: and

And then we have a member of the Podesta group: Work One of the longest-serving foreign correspondents in the history of The Washington Post, serving as bureau chief in New Delhi, Mexico City, Istanbul, Jerusalem and Paris Former top editor at Politico Has amassed a rolodex of reporters around the world Shepherds foreign heads of state and top diplomatic officials through media training and elevates their reputations through high-level press placement and engagement strategy And under Play: Play Provides pro bono work for Guatemala-based organization, Fotokids, which helps educate, feed and teach practical skills to underprivileged Guatemalan kids. Married to a fellow former Washington Post reporter Served as the inspiration for a main character in “Capital News” a TV show about a major newspaper in Washington, DC, in the 1990s So, now we have a member of the Podesta group who does pro bono work for a Guatemalan foundation called Fotokids whose vice president is CEO of OtisMcallister that deals with Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos in Guatemala. And you have Mccoby dealing with NPH too.

BTW, besides NPH there is another organization called children of faith reaching India.

NotTooLate ago

I haven't been here in awhile and you all are making huge progress. I spent some time looking into Dyncorp and Lifetouch and just noticed a partnership with fotokids. This group seems to drill down much deeper than I can so I'll post what I've saved and hope it has some relevant info and not a duplicate of what you already have. My spidey sense went into full terror when looking at the connections and potential and hearing about Laura now working with amber alerts. I hope these connections can be vetted as not involved. It takes so much time when you don't have the research backround.

  1. Lifetouch partners with NNMEC
  2. NNMEC partners with Lifetouch and Palantir
  3. Palantir partners with CGI- Clinton Global Initiative. Current area of focus for Plantir is human trafficking.
  4. Fotokids partners with Lifetouch (see church directories and missions)
  5. Palantir and Dyncorp donors for ISW


This guy Bill Calpus Pres and Chief Operating Officer at Lifetouch also the Board Chair for World Servants US World Servants is a local Minneapolis based organization focused on short term mission trips for churches and businesses. See Mission locations

Lifetouch Inc. is an American employee-owned photography company headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.It was founded as National School Studios (NSS) in 1936 by Eldon Rothgeb and R. Bruce Reinecker, and incorporated in March 1948. The company provides photography for families, schools and places of worship, with operations in all 50 states, Canada and Puerto Rico. Through Lifetouch Media Productions, video support is provided to internal and external customers. Business units under the corporate umbrella include: · Lifetouch National School Studios Inc. provides student photography from preschool to high school graduation, sports, prom and dance, and yearbooks.[6][7] · Lifetouch Preschool Portraits Inc. provider of infant and toddler photography.[8] · Lifetouch Portrait Studios Inc. is represented in the retail market by some 800 photographic studios, including JCPenney Portraits, Target Portrait Studios, Cilento Photography, and Lifetouch Business Portraits.[9][10] · Lifetouch Church Directories and Portraits Inc. is an on-site family photography business for faith communities and other organizations, providing portraiture and printed directories. · Lifetouch Services Inc. produces high-quality yearbooks and memory books. Company photography labs are located throughout the United States and Canada.

Philanthropic Partnerships The Lifetouch Memory Mission® is an annual volunteer trip that provides humanitarian aid to underprivileged communities around the world. Its first venture in 2000 was to war-ravaged Kosovo. Missions have since traveled to Appalachia, Jamaica, land of the Navajo, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and have assisted with Hurricane Katrina, floods in the Dakotas, fires in California and tornadoes across the Midwest. Lifetouch and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) announced in 2004 a joint national effort to enhance child safety through the Lifetouch SmileSafe Kids® program. Photo identification cards are produced free of charge for every school student Lifetouch photographs. Lifetouch maintains a 24/7 response team to provide images of missing children to NCMEC within minutes. To date, the card has been credited with the safe return of children in 23 states. Additional Lifetouch partners include the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, American Association of School Administrators, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, and National PTA.



2013–2016: Additional funding - As of 2013 the U.S. spy agencies also employed Palantir to connect databases across departments. Before this, most of the databases used by the CIA and FBI were siloed, forcing users to search each database individually. Now everything is linked together using Palantir." TechCrunch in January 2015- A document leaked to TechCrunch revealed that Palantir's clients as of 2013 included at least twelve groups within the U.S. government, including the CIA, DHS, NSA, FBI, CDC, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point, the Joint IED-defeat organization and Allies, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. However, at the time the United States Army continued to use its own data analysis tool. Also, according to TechCrunch, the U.S. spy agencies such as the CIA and FBI were linked for the first time with Palantir software, as their databases had previously been "siloed."

ISW-Institute for th study of war

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) is a United States-based think tank founded in 2007 by Kimberly Kagan. ISW describes itself as a non-partisan think tank providing research and analysis regarding issues of defense and foreign affairs, but has been described by others as "a hawkish Washington" group favoring an "aggressive foreign policy".Though it had produced reports on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, "focusing on military operations, enemy threats, and political trends in diverse conflict zones", it first gained widespread public attention in the aftermath of the Elizabeth O'Bagy scandal in which it was involved. The non-profit organization is supported by grants and contributions from large defense contractors,including Raytheon, General Dynamics, DynCorp and others (palantir-edit) It is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

Controversies[edit] In 2013 a senior analyst at the Institute, Elizabeth O'Bagy, was fired after it was revealed she did not have the doctorate from Georgetown University as she had claimed and had obfuscated an affiliation with the Syrian Emergency Task Force, a U.S.-based group advocating the armed overthrow of the government of Syria. The dramatic termination generated national and international headlines after O'Bagy's research for the Institute was cited in a U.S. Senate hearing on possible U.S. military intervention into Syria.

Browsing the list of the organization’s major donors will likely provide a clue as to why the ISW would like to solve the problem created by its interventionist positions in the first place with yet more war and violence: Kagan’s warmongering is generously underwritten by General Dynamics, CACI, DynCorp, Palantir, and Northrup Grumman

bolus ago

Nora also had artwork for sale in the 2012 and 2013 transformer auctions.

PDFs (d/l at your own risk) still available at:

weewaawooba ago

Laura Silsby trafficked children with the agreement of their parents to have them adopted in the USA. That is key. She was not sentenced for trafficking with any implication of sexual abuse going on. She tried to undergo the system to improve the situation of both the children's families and the children. The implication with almost every Laura Silsby post here is the exact opposite.

zoltan907 ago

"The parents gave their consent to the missionaries to take their children under the impression that Silsby and her group were providing shelter and education; the parents’ understanding was not that they were permanently parting with their children. Contrary to the parents’ expectations, Silsby’s express intent—according to her online action plan—was to place the children for adoption."

Page 10

Rusdy ago

GREAT POST! Props for that.

Seriously this is some good shit. I joined the Discord.

YingYangMom ago

Problem is compartmentalisation. Ugh, that's a long word. Anyway, yeah. Example, one organisation employee which is responsible for the follow up on a particular child finds out the child and the caregivers moved without a trace, she reports it to a higher up which is responsible for the investigations of such cases. That higher up finds out that the family moved to another state and reports to the next higher up until everyone has done their job and believes the case will be resolved and the caregivers be reprimanded by the authorities not knowing that the ones at the top are working in compliance with the so called caregivers. Every employee has done their job, suspects nothing and the trafficking goes on unnoticed. That's how it's done.

Z11Mama ago

This gives the words pyramid scheme an all new meaning. But seriously, thank you for this explanation. I had not realized this obviously on point analysis before. It also seems that since social workers are guilty of lying so badly, so often, and getting children kidnapped from happy homes, yet they are unaware any children are being traffikked, even if they did suspect it, they would be helpless.

Cbradio ago

CIA investigating firms, silicon valley, google.

Peter thiel, palantir, CIA invest. Thiel started Paypal, Fb investments, and angel invested Trump. Much interest in Silicon Valley right now, Mass comes up on web searches.

Now with all the these top notch, data mining, not helping with pedagate?

As Palantir advertises as progressive to help communities and even has a hoinr to call; be interesting for a call to be done and request Palantir assistance or at least donate the Palantir software to citizens.

Aside, anyone have SPSS statistical software or something similiar? Older, data mining software, but could really help organize all these huge connections and infrastructure.

As called fake news,libeled and slandered as crazy, basement dwellers; all of us are working for free, as all we investigate are in high salaries, have secretaries, asisstants, etc. ..As, BTW, as usual using Mass tax dollars and time to take down trump, bring riots Protesr, unrest.

We need to demand that Trump.allows Citizen Boards at every level for respectable inclusion. Its our nation, tax dollars, public time as they are public servants paid, and our kids, and our time is valuable too. Ww are being treated like research advocate slaves that are constantly bashed from their "bullying pulpit." Its getting pretty dang old.

Cbradio ago

Nope, its huge and in every systemic infrastrure via govt and corps. My mass comments in last few days, connect a lot if dots, AS do Charles ortel website on Clinton foundation, Haiti survivor book I mentioned a lot, boystown all over nation and world now and more I wrote about and others I posted.

Comet is merely a local convenience ring, blade in the grass, where gegarios egos got bold and sloppy.

Cbradio ago

Yep!!!! Thumbed ya up..

YingYangMom ago

Gottfried Helnwein is a disturbed freak artist. Probably was tortured and abused as a child himself. Just reading the name 'Got Fried, Hell and Whine' says a whole lot about him.

Commonwombat ago

That blew my mind.

jml1201 ago

This is some good research

Cbradio ago

Must read and archive. Connects to my other comments on @quanrokitty Virginia and Webb subverse:

Congressional volume 150 move 18- Nov 10 , 2004. Put boystown in that google search. Around 30/pages can free.

Boystown new mexico, google search. Not far from Epstein, nm ranch. Utube videos, much more.

Already commented on boystown connection to haitee refugee, deportees on other comments, include must read free pages on Google books by Haitian survivors, let Haiti live, includes over 100 boystown , vurginia , Dc boystown and others, all all coastal areas, besides Nebraska, two research hospitals nationwide, India, abroad.

Also in the Haiti book is how va, Dc, NYC, and other group homes with boystown, and "sponsor families.!!! Regardless if immediate family in relatives, the book outlines how seperared even from contact, deplorable conditions, and cannot even contact their foia lawyers for their court cases as needed.

Krane Service Provmcrsding on Facebook has mass family protesting and advocating. Ecuadorians are having mass problems, also of not able to reach family members.

Boystown website, over 100 USA areas, they do Community Assessments in impoverished areas. In the victim book, Let Haiti live, you can see how ones are ROUTED, into different groups by ages, gender, medical, asylum seekers, etc.

A dentist is even used to route boys near non minor age to krane or Broward jail OR boystown in miami, before those minors are routed to other Boystown group homes , SPNSOR families ( esp VA and NYC). There IS a boystown in va, Dc, Texas, new mexico, Florida Miami and panama, group homes in Orlando and all over), boystown research hospitals.

As most only speak creole, at the docks they must quickly figure out how to scream Asylum. If they convince the ice/ dop officers, the asylum ones are brought to Guatima, to be interviewed again. Then routed to NICARAGUA, Australia, or Venezuela.

O cannot stress the SYSTEMIZED ROUTING SYSTEM, and how important to read this book, archive it. Congressional volume 150 Nov 18, 19, 2004 Boystown on googlecread, also.

My other comments have a lot more of these pieces that need archiving. Boystown is so huge that even gold silver IRA and coins ate being sold. Easy Google search.

Google Boystown, new mexico.

Google Boystown, India, and the two research hospitals. Read Boystown websites and wikipedia in full.

Read wikipedia of every Ireland case, and trace the nun organ with the pope to all their USA and ww locations.

Read a d archive on his four yr investigation of Clinton Foundation. So many violations and places, people listed, USA to worldwide to dig.

Haiti gal that died, the industry center is also key.

Everything is a industry profit and related to public health care Obamacare, bush care, CP's, drop, ice, and so many low to high staff of govt and Corporste and us- aid. The Haiti book, also specifies many of them, REPEATEDLY.

sK_DirtMcGirt ago

Interesting note about Greta V. She has been ((very)) involved with Haiti and the atrocities that have taken place there. She migh be a good "voice" for PG. How could we get her involved? Anyone have connections to her or her people?

Millennial_Falcon ago

@redberries, there's something you're forgetting. I'm pretty sure Izette Folger gave a statement in support of Laura Silsby!

Millennial_Falcon ago

OK, I'll look into it later today.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

There may be something here, but it's important to remember that in the rich circle that Alefantis moves in, of course there's going to be some attached to children's charities. Even connecting Laura Silsby would not be too much of a stretch. Also, remember Silsby's cover story is that she was a Christian missionary trying to help/save those children. It's not entirely unbelievable that a white American Christian would think that they were "helping" children in Haiti by taking them away from their parents because that's the way those people think. They think they're the white hand of God being extended to poor brown peoples. Actual proof of the intent to traffic those children needs to be found. Even the child-trafficking lawyer is not proof of anything, other than she hired a lawyer who was experienced in those matters in that country. And Hillary's interest in Silsby doesn't prove anything, either, as American officials are usually involved when American citizens get detained/arrested in foreign countries.

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Wow. And great idea! haha

Phobos_Mothership ago

This could be FUCKING HUGE.

Look into EVERY interaction that Friends of the Orphans has had with any children (or adults) within the past 10 years, until we find Alefantis.

RevolutionBetrayed ago

It would be great if we got an insider to leak the records, but now Wikileaks is potentially compromised so the impactful leaking options are more limited.

Orange_Circle ago

Upvote for great investigating!

anonymousj ago

Great work here! Uproot!

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Fantastic contribution to the investigation. Thank you and congrats!

pizzagate_is_fake ago

What? More fake news...six degrees of separation...everyone is connected. Circle of Life. What? Time to get with reality silly rabbit. Chelsea/Warren 2020! Hope is coming!

cosmicmind ago

Chelsea foundation will be investigated along with her parents foundation. Are you saying 2020 prison? That's a beautiful hope you're proclaiming. AMEN and amen.

AngryMimi ago

If that is our "hope" then we are done for certain. What a horrible thought.

unconceivable ago

I'm sorry you took that comment personally, but this stuff ain't no joke; people need to be cautious about what they're downloading.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Great work to you and everyone who is researching this. I'm adding this to the summary sticky asap.

carmencita ago

Then please stop deleting stuff like this. Or report those that are. Who is deleting the posts regarding Esteban Santiago and his report to the FBI that he was mind controlled by an Intelligence Agency. There were at least 3 posts taken down. Thanks.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It seems a bit too specific in scope (i.e. focusing on the Maccoby-Alefantis-Silsby connection) to add to the sidebar. I think you'll get enough exposure by posting about the connections.

RecycledUser ago

I believe Laura Silsby is also mentioned in some of George Webb's YT videos, in reference to each area in the ME that was overthrown, rebuilt, oil lines run, etc., (thus highly populated areas in the process), they also coincidentally have many supposed 'rescued' children from the war, who end up then missing, just as new brothels are opened...


I'm afraid you're correct and this isn't new. Anytime a wealthy powerful person is crusading on behalf of poor children, assume guilt.

Cbradio ago

Yep, any downvoat you has to be shill. This is huge and way multi systemic organized.

Scoundrel ago

You know damn well pedo puke Alefantis trolls these boards, as he paces above Pegasus or up and down the Comet Ding Dong alley, fidgeting, nervous, etc. James, you need not worry about us, you better worry about those above you who want your sloppiness cleaned up. The evil web you've sewn will devour you. There is ONE way out. Seek forgiveness for your sins brother.

Cbradio ago

Surely does lurk at minimum. And regardless of what his gregarious ego thinks, he is still just a fallguy piece of crap to top pyramid scheme echelons and is expendable/ disposable; so he surely has been in max anxiety distress mode. His voice on interviews, even has that shaky anxiety, added pitch tones, regardless if how much he tries to play his acting role.

Thrulkggls ago

Not sure this is the place for this info, but this article (note research resources--Harvard Human Rights Journal) contains a great deal of info about child trafficking operations and, in particular, detail of Silsby's involvement, along with info on her attorney et al. -- hope it proves helpful!

Cbradio ago

Harvard School of Public Health has much info.on public health care and law, too.

Millennial_Falcon ago

By the way, he says the exact address of the Maccoby Group (4825 Linnean Ave.)

Millennial_Falcon ago

I found it myself by listening to the mp3. It's at 31:40 (please at this info to post). Wow, the guy sounds like a complete shill.

I'm flairing this post as important. I also want to note, for anyone concerned, that I scanned the file online with Metadefender and it came up clean.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Amazing research. Just wow!

Millennial_Falcon ago

What search terms should I use to find it? Is it on /r/conspiracy?

throwitawayn0w ago

Incredible work.

unconceivable ago

A reminder to anyone who has common sense: Never download apps from strangers! Make sure you can trust them first

TheGodHead ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

Do you recall about where in the audio file that is? Thanks. (It would be good to add that info to your post.)

EDIT: I found it myself by listening to the mp3. It's at 31:40. Wow, the guy sounds like a complete shill.

I'm flairing this post as important. I also want to note, for anyone concerned, that I scanned the file online with Metadefender and it came up clean. Have a listen.

sunajAeon ago

Good work

search4truth ago

Thanks. We appreciate your efforts.

Millennial_Falcon ago


there's a man that stands up to threaten Frank Winstead to say "I will personally take anyone who opposes this down". His name is Michael Maccoby

How do you know he's Michael Maccoby?

crystalclearme ago

Congratulations- very well done! Off to read it again!

SChalice ago

Mike is apparently buddies with King Carl XVI Gustaf, along with his wife, seem to have a checkered past.

zzvoat ago

Makes sense. This is a global ring that goes all the way to the top of governments and royalty.

quantokitty ago

Okay, does JA have any friends NOT involved with orphans/disadvantaged children? Great find. The rabbit hole and scumsucking affiliations just get dirtier and scuzzier, and people can't see that something's going on?

weewaawooba ago

Let me answer your question: Yes he does.

justiceforever ago


SpikyAube ago

That was shown to be fake I believe - there wasn't a record of Silsby being there - see the comments on this post:

Evileddie13 ago

Hati, lmao, who wants to fuck nigger kids?

thestormking ago

Completely undeterred by the prospect of child rape, Evileddie13 leaps at the chance to put his own personal taste in children on display in full bravado like the proud pedo that he is. Fortunately for eddie, his cowardly attempts to be edgy and funny, haven't caused us to lose sight of the fact that his offense lies not with the the age of the victims or the crime itself but with the ethnicity of those to whom he's unnaturally attracted.

Evileddie13 ago

Lmao. I'm going to have a pizza party in your mouth.

thestormking ago

You're going to have to try harder than that dick juggler.

bolus ago

Nice. It'll be a while before i can post anything. Lots of moving parts today. Luckily i already have everything i found in, just need to write it all up. Will follow your leads too.

HillaryCuntin ago

Slightly off topic but this "art" and artists is connected with high officials such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. I have some inside knowledge about this if anybody wants to dig deeper.

Cbradio ago

I'm interested...

bolus ago

I looked into the hotel property for the silsby trip a while back, and I'm pretty sure i know which one they "bought" to convert. I never could connect it to anyone, so i didn't write it up.

I will throw my evidence in here later but it revolved around the "45 room" phrase in all the reports. I found one old listing of such a hotel, with the same wording, but the address was scrubbed. Used Google satellite to match it up, found some pictures on the new site that matched the sale site...

Anyway, i think the name of the place was D'Reem Resort. It's now a kite surfing themed resort with a similar name...kite dreem, i think. Dreem was archived in the wayback machine. ..look for it, and look for the pic on the bottom right associated with their karaoke nights.

BethesdaDC ago

Great work man.

LostandFound ago

Nice work here this is highly significant. I will throw you a piece or two on Izette which links in here, she was actually born in Mexico, which appears to tie in with the bio for Max who spent time 64-66 putting Izette at 50 odd here If you lookup izette (on mobile can't find atm but public record) listed at Bethesda you will see the full name as Izette M(accoby) Folger

BeezleyBillyBub ago

great work guys

ZalesMcMuffin ago

He pretended to be a lolyer? You can get in trouble for doing that, in America...

Commonwombat ago

So many people doing great detective work, I'm so impressed! The pieces just keep falling ever so neatly into place. Well done!

dickface8 ago

I'm sick of seeing these huge connections/breakthroughs everyday that ultimately amount to nothing. Frustrating.

postfascion ago

Come on now, that isn't the attitude to take. There are more parties at work here than we realize. A lot of people want to see humanity get out of these very old habits.

Piscina ago

Sorry, am I missing something? It says here that Jorge Puello was Silsby's lawyer? So she had a known trafficker representing her against a trafficking charge? At least he'd know all the ins and outs of trafficking.

Why was her lawyer a convicted child trafficker? Jorge Torres-Puello was accused of leading a network that recruited children for prostitution in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador. Jorge Torres-Puello also allegedly worked undercover with the DEA and Homeland Security according to him and his mother.

It seems all so incestuous.

Piscina ago

Is this the same Jorge Puello? NLCR’s legal advisor and gatekeeper was Jorge Puello Torres. The police in El Salvador said that Torres was suspected of leading a sex slave trafficking ring involving Central American and Caribbean women and girls... Torres served in the U.S. Army in a military intelligence unit. He worked undercover with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. ... Torres used the Jewish Chabad network as a cover to smuggle sex slave women and children internationally. Torres’ sex ring was exposed when three young girls, 14, 15, and 16 escaped from the house and went to police to report they had been forced to pose naked to promote the sex business..

Maccoby is also mentioned in the above piece.

isthisreality ago

"...U.S. Army in a military intelligence unit." Interesting. Reminds me of someone else relative to Pizzagate (Michael Aquino) . Remember how the articles regarding Max Spiers' death all said that he was looking into a US Army child sex ring? Food for thought.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I used information from this site about Arnold Schwarzenegger having photos of boiling babies and tortured children on his walls, and pizza gate people said it was bs. I've been following this site a long time and think it's legit.

OrwellKnew ago

Black supremacist website? Credibility = Zero

Cbradio ago

Chabadgroup homes, esp in Flatbush Bk. Already met females and males of abuse, sex harrasment, lied and Never given citizen papers. If speak up, abrupy routed to mental.institutions and dosed up on cocktails of psychotropics, without even being mentally accessed.

I actually got one girl out, by having a top psych professor, mental access her as absolutely normal.

The group homes are given huge donations by many private, rich, who also invite the minors to their shabbat meals and try to sex and orgie.

One minor teen, was from UK. He got beaten up a lot, for he had a very strong defiance. The home he was in, had a basement where brought and punished.

I cannot stress that kids, refugees, deportees and all, are systemically routed. Which, of course, their would be a system to route.

Even in the Haitian survivor book, "let Haiti live, " even a dentist is over utilized to access the teeth age of males that are close to ages 16-18 to route to either s Florida, boystown or krane/broward high security prison.

Group homes, "sponsor families are mentioned in the book, repeatedly.

Ispankdamonkey ago

You use idiotic sources like the one you just posted, and then wonder why no one takes your seriously...

Fateswebb ago

Ad hominem attack. Logical fallacy. Why not investigate if the information presented is true rather than attack the source.

wellington33 ago

Download the #PizzaGate 2.0 archive from torrent or direct download. Share all the info you find relevant, and help me make it greater.


MolochHunter ago

Wasnt there - do i remember this right - a record where alefantis made one of his visits to the WH on the same day that silsby did ? Or was it alefantis and some other trafficker?

Ingolf ago

It was wrong. There is no record showing Alefantis visiting at the same day as Laura Silsby/ Gayler. That was just a glitch in the database program on the website, that was misunderstood. There is no record of her visiting the White House at all. You might check it yourself if you do not believe me. The White House visitor files are also stored on the Wayback machine.

Verite1 ago

You are correct. That was documented and somebody posted a screenshot.

Verite1 ago

Oh. Now I'm reading WH visit by Silsby same day as Alefantis it hasn't been verified...

bolus ago

I tried to find it but couldn't find the silsby dates. Do you know which of the five days it was?

juhos ago

I think this is not confirmed because it was just screencaps and for some reason we can't find Silsby from the WH records. Only Alefantis. Yes she has changed her name but still.

bolus ago

What was her name change?

abortionburger ago

Gayler or Gaylor

juhos ago

Laura Gayler

Working now for AlertSense, system used i.e in "Arizona’s Early Warning System to Prevent Child Abductions & Injury to Missing Children Under EXIGENT Circumstances"

No joke.

Oh yeah, and Monica Petersen used to be listed in AlertSense website..

Cbradio ago

Monica was clearly set up by that top guy in the organ she worked with. Her friend keeps getting harrassed, too.

No way, even a male in a ah horoty post sition would have been sent to Haiti, and to investigate that industry park of Clinton Foundation, alone and without backup.

Even EMT are trained to be prepared for various situational contexts.

bolus ago

Thanks. I'm also tracking :

Associated Names: Laura L Mccool, Laurie Melchor, Laura L Sander

From public records for laura lavonne silsby.

Thakiddds ago


YingYangMom ago

Well done :D

cantsleepawink ago

Michael Maccoby's daughter Izette Folger is on the advisory board of 'Innocents at Risk' which claims to protect children against human trafficking. See:

MadMonkey ago

How do you know the man in the audio is Maccoby?

This could be a really good connection.

madmanpg ago

This looks good. Here's the problem:

Alefantis is GREAT friends with Michael Maccoby

You didn't prove this. I'd really like you to do so, but apart from having the audio of him at that meeting, you didn't provide any corroborating evidence like pictures or articles to show a connection between Alefantis and Maccoby.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Besides the picture with his daughter michael is the guy that says he will personally take down whoever opposes comet staying open till midnight

Criticalthinker615 ago

Nice work

nathanwblair ago

@kevdude @wecanhelp told y'all would be a good idea!™

unconceivable ago

Why are people linking to a site that can only be viewed by downloading an app? What is

nathanwblair ago

on Desktop you can access it through a browser even with Tor, but for mobile, you need the app. It's a messaging platform. Would you reccomend using facebook messenger or slack through a mobile browser? same deal here

unconceivable ago

I would recommend not leaving Voat; hence why we archive and use local images

nathanwblair ago


  • we've already got a link to a dead chat room in the sidebar
  • images aren't local - they're from

Blank902 ago OK I got the what?


nathanwblair ago

@Blank902 if you open the link, ( ) it should add you to the v/pizzagate room!

Blank902 ago

I've tried that. Hmmn

nathanwblair ago

@Blank902 ok then. if you're on mobile, follow this or if you're on desktop follow this

and enter "" as the instant invite url

LadyMinx ago

I downloaded the app, signed up, but now I don't know what to do...

nathanwblair ago

hi @LadyMinx this should help: if you're on mobile, follow this or if you're on desktop follow this

and enter "" as the instant invite url

LadyMinx ago

Thanks! I'm in and I think I've got it!

nathanwblair ago


wecanhelp ago

What are we looking at, again?

nathanwblair ago

v/pizzagate investigation discord server!