wellington33 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1469979 another posible connection?

quantokitty ago



quantokitty ago

No, it's not fake! The times wouldn't change if you only typed in a different name.

thicktail1730947 ago

Laura Silsby isn't even in the record.

quantokitty ago


Well, that's definitive. The other thing ... that doesn't make any sense, but this is good stuff and does debunk what is being said.

quantokitty ago

You see how shills are trying to debunk this? By stating if you type Laura Silsby name into JA's records, you'll "fake" the results, BUT the times change and typing another name in the search bar wouldn't account for the time change so I'm debunking the debunkers.

The big problem is the nunchuck that took the screengrabs didn't save WHO they visited. Did the names change also?

seanhurray ago

Well this has too many votes. I should not delete it. See you later. I didnt double check because yesterday my phone had 2% battery

Sentastixc ago

So we need to be voting to push good info up, bad info down. Problem is I dont have enough points to downvote.

Heck, why does this have so many upvotes?

quantokitty ago

That's monumental although I'm not sure why people aren't archiving this stuff. I cringe when they're asked, and they're like, "Nope!"

Definitely is riding on Silsby's heels, but why? And it can't only be information, or could it be? Maybe something so incriminating that they couldn't even send it in an encrypted format. I guess there's no log for when they leave? I would like to see the times they left.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah he comes off as extremely unnatural in the interviews. There is definitely some creepy presence about him as well. When was it proven he is an actor for CIA? I haven't seen that one yet. Crazy.

Also, I'm sure if you had people in the White House helping you, it would not be hard to get away from a group.

yellow_black ago

Mods, please mark this "debunked" (it's fake and Laura Silsby is not in the records at all; not deleted, just not there). This will GREATLY increase the reliability of this sub and show that we are vigilant to not let any shred of fake information seep in.

silvertri ago

Laura Silsby is not in the 2012 visitor log I downloaded it and checked to verify!!!

standalone ago

Was going to upvote for mentioning that the twitter hoaxer is likely an agent provocateur trying to send us on a fake tangent to discredit us and make us waste time. But the "proven ACTOR for CIA" thing made me change my mind. This is a completely baseless accusation.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Alefantis is a proven actor for the CIA and Alex Jones? Umm..have i missed something? Where is this coming from?

JoshuaJamesRyan ago

Can we please find the truth! This is killing me. I want to know. You guys are all spending so much time on this. Be good to break the case.

brokenwings1986 ago

That is very damning evidence, wow I got goosebumps :/

turkishPizza ago

Well its gone now, somebody has scrubbed the records or it never happened, read the current twitter feed, no silsby visit found on wh logs'

Most likely just another false lead posted to keep ppl chasing their tail, aka CPP

fartyshorts ago

Lots of Silsby visits, but the one from the screenshot is one LILY Silsby.

turkishPizza ago

Lies, Lies but why?

HolyMoly0 ago

There is reason to be skeptical about this tweet.

Silsby's dates are under a column labeled "LastEntryDate." If you go to the visitor records yourself, you'll see this column in Alefantis' records with the same dates.

It's possible to type Silsby's name in the search bar while Alefantis' dates still show.

quantokitty ago

Then why would the times change? This makes no sense and it's not debunked to me.

helpthem ago

The times didn't change, they're different columns in the spreadsheet. One is the date/time the appointment was set for, the other is the last time the appointment record was updated. They're expected to be different times.

quantokitty ago

So you're alleging that someone cropped the columns to make it look like Alefantis visited after Silsby?

This makes no sense because it would mean Alefantis stayed the night. Is that what you're alleging? That he arrived at one time and left the next day?

standalone ago

At that point it's not anymore skepticism. The claim is literally debunked.

PrayingThisIsFake ago

I think we shouldn't jump to conclusions here! I downloaded the excel files on the White House website and searched the logs. No sign of Laura Silsby anywhere in the 2009-2010, 2012 and 2014 logs. The White House docs could be altered, and her logs could have been wiped, but there is no proof that the screenshot in the tweet is verifiably unedited. So until we can prove that, take this info with a grain of salt!

We_The_People ago

Pizza party?

goodguy1367 ago

Does anyone know if Alefantis had a wiki page? cause if he did he doesn't now

Pizza_Hacker ago

Ditto! Thanks for posting I just was as well.. I found Him not her!

CandyPanda ago

Yeah, and they should have yanked the raw files before the screenshots and archived it online if they wanted it to be credible. The data was readily available. False lead IMO.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Obama was giving a speech at Kent State that day. Hmmm... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=139Ed47mSUI

Lockeye ago

Laura changed her lastname, I forgot what she changed it to but it was posted here on Voat somewhere.

Freemasonsrus ago

See above comment

SpikyAube ago

Why does being with a group mean anything? Surely that would be a good way to get him in without looking strange at all to anyone.

SpikyAube ago

That's crazy. Is she bringing the 'merchandise', which he then picks up later the same day or a day or two later?

HolyMoly0 ago

That's strange. I just went to the visitor records whitehouse.gov and while Alefantis shows up, Silsby does not. Are we sure this is accurate? (I urge others to try this themselves to confirm).

Freemasonsrus ago

Read further down. Person who searched and screen capped went back three days later and she was scrubbed from record.

HolyMoly0 ago

No, go there yourself, search Alefantis, and go to the column, "LastEntryDate."

There you will see the alleged Silsby dates.

I think this tweet might be BS--it's easy enough to type Silsby's name in the search bar while the dates for Alefantis are still shown.

28leinad82 ago

just another coincidence to add to the pile... haha

Kikimc22 ago

This is way too bizarre...what are the bloody chances of this? mental!


Yes, the 3 dates I looked at Silsby visited the WH first then Alefantis came afterwards, whether the next day or the day after. Good catch!

ababcb ago

This just gets more and more damning every single day.

Christophalese ago

It's only damning when it's real, do you just wait and assume everything shared here is legitimate? You gotta see it and determine for yourself.

HolyMoly0 ago

Tweet is likely BS. See my comment below.

Koched_Up404 ago

Wonder if they ordered hotdogs and pasta ^~^

Eastwood350 ago

You have to wonder why Laura would be even going to the WH several times all the way into 2014, the kidnapping event in Haiti took place back in 2010 I believe.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/andrea_godjt/status/806341936965677061 :

Andrea H on Twitter: "@zachhaller I found this 10 dys ago-Alefantis & Silsby visited WH same day -9/26/12-look at the rest of the dates! #PizzaGate t.co/DGjZWjzR17"

This has been an automated message.